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Upcoming events and news from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
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UPDATE November 30, 2016 

Dear Postdocs,

We hope you'll join us for our next New Postdoc Welcome on Dec 12th, which includes an orientation for new postdocs followed by a reception for all postdocs. Come out and welcome the newest members of our community! 

Also, note that deadlines are coming up for NYAS Blavatnik & Renergon Creative Innovation awards for postdocs. Stony Brook may nominate only a limited number. You're welcome to nominate yourself! 

Katy Flint Ehm
Director, IREP Office
Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

 Events & Classes

  1. You're Invited: New Postdoc Welcome, Dec 12, Orientation (4pm) and Reception (5pm)
  2. What is Energy? Practice Your Science Communication in this Year's Flame Challenge
  3. Communicating Science Spring Courses: Only a few postdoc seats left
  4. Expand your Network and Mentor Young Scientists by Judging the Long Island Science Fair
  5. Grant Writing Workshop on NIH K-Awards, Registration Deadline: Tomorrow, Dec 1

Jobs & Funding

  1. $30k Blavatnik Award for Postdocs, SBU Nominations Due: December 30 
  2. Long Island Bioscience Hub Technology Development Grants, Deadline:  tomorrow, DEC 1ST
  3. Protein Scientist Position with Enzo Life Sciences, Farmingdale
  4. Considering Positions Abroad? Check out the Global Academic Careers Guide
  5. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Spatial Modeling at NIMBioS@UTenn, Due Dec 18
  6. Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation, SBU Nominations Due: Jan 6

Your Help with Data Collection

  1. It's that time of year again. Have you completed the Postdoc and Research Scientist Info Form??

Events & Classes

1 You're Invited: New Postdoc Welcome, Dec 12, Orientation (4pm) and Reception (5pm)

Join the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs for our New Postdoc Welcome on December 12th. The Welcome offers an introduction to Stony Brook to help recently arrived postdocs maximize their postdoctoral experience. The first part of the welcome will be particularly useful for any postdocs who have joined Stony Brook since January.

All postdocs are encouraged to join us for the reception. Come out to meet your peers and welcome the newest additions to our postdoctoral community.

4:00pm-5:00pm: NEW POSTDOCS
All postdocs who have arrived within the past six months are invited to:
++Discover the unique aspects of being a postdoc at SBU
++Learn about resources & benefits for SBU postdocs
++Meet the staff and faculty who can help you make the most of your time at Stony Brook
We invite all our postdocs to a reception following the main orientation.
Drop by to meet your colleagues and welcome our newest postdocs.
Refreshments will be served. 

WHERE: Wang Center Room 201

2 What is Energy? Practice Your Science Communication in this Year's Flame Challenge

The annual Flame Challenge challenges scientists to explain  a complex scientific topic in an accurate and yet interesting way to 11 year olds. Entries can be written or visual (videos or graphics), and will be judged by 11 year olds. 

This year's challenge: 
What is Energy?   

The winning scientists can win a $1,000 cash prize and a trip to New York City* to meet acclaimed actor, writer and Flame Challenge founder Alan Alda and to be honored at a special presentation during the World Science Festival. 

Entry Deadline: February 3, 2017

DOWNLOAD the Scientist Guide for 2017 

For more information:

3. Communicating Science Spring Courses: Only a few postdoc seats left

Only TWO POSTDOC SPOTS remain in JRN 501: Distilling Your Message Section 1 for Spring semester. 

JRN 501 section 01 – Mondays, Jan 23, 30, Feb 6, 13, 20; 5:30-8:20 pm, 1 credit.

All other sections of JRN 501 and 503 are full.

Postdoc spots still remain in the advanced Communicating Science courses on Engaging Key Audiences, Social Media, and other topics. 


1. REVIEW the Spring 2017 course schedule and select your preferred class and section.

2. EMAIL the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at with your course preference ASAP. 


4. Expand your Network and Mentor Young Scientists by Judging the Long Island Science Fair

Judging a science fair is a great professional development opportunity. You meet other Long Island area scientists and broaden your network. You practice your communicating science and mentoring skills by talking with a range of young scientists of different ages. Plus, you have an outreach opportunity to list on your CV. 

Long Island Science and Engineering Fair (LISEF) invites SBU postdocs to help evaluate student projects in 21 disciplines. Judges are typically asked to evaluate and score between 8-12 projects, depending on the category, on either or both days of the fair. Judges are asked to register by 8 AM both days and can expect to leave by 3 PM on February 8and 1:30 PM on March 23rd.  All judges are provided a complimentary buffet lunch. 

WHEN: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 (greatest need on Feb8) and Thursday, March 23, 2017

WHERE:  Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, NY

For more information: Visit or


5. Grant Writing Workshop on NIH K-Awards, Registration Deadline: Tomorrow, Dec 1

The Office of Proposal Development and the School of Medicine are sponsoring a two-part workshop:


Space is extremely limited, but postdocs who plan to apply for a K career development award are eligible to register.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Tomorrow, December 1, 2016

Register here:

Description: Are you aiming to prepare an NIH Career Development (K-type) application? Do you want to make sure that you submit a compelling, competitive proposal? This hands-on workshop will help you do just that! In this two-session workshop, Beth Schacter will engage participants by having them scribble down (for their eyes only) ideas and plans for their proposals. Just as importantly, she will pose questions to help them identify in writing those parts of their plans that are missing or unclear. She will also scrutinize successful K-type proposals and hear from former awardees. Consequently, participants come away with a sense of understanding and accomplishment as well as a plan of action for completing their proposal.

The takeaway: As a workshop participant, you will gain a solid understanding of the creative (scientific) and the organizational/administrative aspects of preparing a competitive career development application. To help you develop this understanding, along with discussing key elements of the proposal, you will draft a preliminary outline of these sections. Based on the outline, you will draft an action plan for completing the application.

Part 1: 11AM-1PM on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 in the HSC Level 3 Classroom 171 (lunch provided, please arrive 15 minutes in advance)
• Overview of award categories, NIH Institutes, application review criteria 
• Using NIH’s RePORTER Database and Matchmaker • Developing your Specific Aims page (the 1-page roadmap of the proposal) 
• Introduction to the Research Plan
• Introduction to the Training/Mentoring Plan
Part 2: 11AM-1PM on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 (location TBD)
• Your Mentoring Team and Training Plan – building them around your Research Plan 
• Writing your Biographical Sketch 
• Drafting recommendation outlines (and letters) for team members 
• How to handle re-submissions 
• Formatting and graphics 
• Visit from past awardees 
IMPORTANT PREPARATION:  Before the workshop, please watch the NIH video "Meet the Experts in Peer Review for Fellowship Grant Applications."

Postdocs may also be eligible for a limited number of one-on-one consultations with the speakers, space permitting. 

For more information, contact the SBU Office of Proposal Development. 

Jobs & Funding

1. $30k Blavatnik Award for Postdocs, SBU Nominations Due: December 30

The New York Academy of Science's Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists recognize outstanding NY-area postdoctoral-rank researchers who work in disciplines in the life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering with unrestricted financial prizes for both finalists and awardees.

Stony Brook University is invited to nominate only a limited number of its outstanding postdocs for this award each year. Three winners will each receive $30,000 in unrestricted funds and six finalists will each receive $10,000 in unrestricted funds. 

On-Campus Nomination Deadline: Dec 30

Eligibility:  Current postdoctoral researchers working at Stony Brook in these disciplines. There is no seniority requirement, but note that the only publications that can be submitted are those published DURING your postdoc years (no grad student pubs). 

For more information on how to apply:

2. Long Island Bioscience Hub Technology Development Grants, Deadline: DEC 1ST

The Long Island Bioscience Hub (LIBH) technology development grants are a multi-tiered funding initiative aimed at collectively contributing to a pipeline of commercially promising biomedical technology in the region. Faculty members, physicians, medical fellows and post-doctoral associates from Stony Brook University, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, and Brookhaven National Laboratory are eligible to apply, and funding opportunities range from $50K to $100K per year.

Additional information about these programs, and the mission of the Long Island Bioscience Hub, can be found on the Center for Biotechnology website.  Deadline for submission is 11:59PM, December 1st, 2016.  Applications should be submitted in the required format by the deadline. Incomplete submissions and submissions after the deadline will not be considered.

Submission Deadline:
Dec 1

For more information on how to apply:

3. Protein Scientist Position with Enzo Life Sciences, Farmingdale

Enzo Life Sciences in Farmingdale, NY, is looking for a PhD scientist with expertise in protein purification. Interested individuals should contact the company directly. 

Requires a Ph.D. in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry or related life sciences discipline. 

• Broad experience with purification of proteins that bind nucleic acids.
• A strong background in immunology is desired.
• Preference given to candidates with industry and/or product development experience but this is not required.

For more information: 
Download here

4. Considering Positions Abroad? Check out the Global Academic Careers Guide

‘The Global Academic Careers Guide’ brought to you by is a free ebook providing advice and tips for researchers and academics looking to expand their horizons overseas. You will discover more about the scale of new global markets, help with the pros and cons of seeking employment outside your nation of origin and give you important information that will improve your success rate if you do decide to give working abroad a try.



5. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Spatial Modeling at NIMBioS@UTenn, Due Dec 18

The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), located at the Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, is currently accepting applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in spatial modeling with an interest in GIS, remote sensing, large spatial datasets and spatial analysis.

An applicant may propose to make advances on conceptual or methodological problems related to spatial modeling or to the application of spatial analyses to advance management of the environment and natural resources or of human or environmental health and diseases. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

 * Developing new tools for handling and analyzing Big Data (e.g., NEON)
 * Spatial, landscape explicit transmission of diseases
 * Linking fine scale and large scale ecological processes
 * Physiology trait mapping and links with climatic changes or extreme
   weather events
 * Spatial modeling of biodiversity and ecosystem services

Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of this position, candidates with a PhD or equivalent in biology, mathematics, statistics, computer science, geography, environmental science, epidemiology, civil or environmental engineering, or any other relevant field will be considered.

What It Provides: Annual stipend of $51,000, full University of Tennessee employee fringe benefits, and an annual travel allowance of $3,000.

Application Deadline: December 18, 2016  

For more information & to apply:


6. Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation, SBU Nominations Due: Jan 6

The Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation recognizes and honors excellence in biomedical science conducted by graduate students and postdocs with a top prize of $50,000. Applicants must submit a two-page proposal on their "dream" research idea, with CV and 2-3 representative publications. Applicants are strongly encouraged to think big and outside the box as reviewers want to see "dream" thinking if resources and technology were no limitation. 

Stony Brook may nominate up to two postdocs for this prize. If you think you might apply, contact External Fellowships Advisor Jennifer Green at

On-Campus Nomination Deadline: January 6, 2017

For more information on how to apply:


Your Help with Data Collection

1. It's that time of year again. Have you completed the Postdoc and Research Scientist Info Form??

Each year, Stony Brook is asked to do an accounting of all our postdocs and "non-faculty researchers" to NSF for their annual Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates. To help us with our data collection, we ask you to complete the Postdoc and Research Scientist Info Form, where you can, for example, let us know if you're not a postdoc.

If you have never filled it out, the link to the form isHERE.

Thank you!

Copyright © 2016 Stony Brook University Office of Postdoctoral Affairs