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Upcoming events and news from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
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UPDATE: January 14, 2016
Dear Postdocs,

Happy New Year! Some quick reminders of upcoming dates:Take care and keep warm!

Katy Flint Ehm
Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Events & Classes

  1. Monthly Postdoc Coffee: TODAY: 3pm, Grad School Conference Room
  2. Upcoming Events at New York Academy of Sciences
  3. Become a Science Fair Judge and Broaden Your Own Network

Funding & Jobs

  1. Blavatnik Regional Awards: On-Campus Deadline: Jan 20
  2. Science PhD wanted for Asst Project Director on education project at SUNY Farmingdale
  3. OPA Offers Postdoc Travel Grants up to $1500


  1. Sign up for your $10 NYAS Membership: Offer ends Jan 22

Events & Classes

1. Monthly Postdoc Coffee: Today: 3pm, Grad School Conference Room

Stop by for a mid-afternoon break in our nicely, almost over-heated conference room! 

Second Thursday of each month at 3pm in the Grad School Conference Room, in Suite 2401 (Old) Computer Science.

2. Upcoming Events at New York Academy of Sciences

The Science Alliance at The New York Academy of Sciences continues to offer premier programming on career advancement for young scientists. Listed below my signature you will find upcoming events that are geared to provide learning and networking opportunities across disciplines, and promote professional development and career advancement for early-career scientists.

Science Alliance Upcoming events:

Risky Business: The future of Biopharmaceutical Innovation
January 30th, 2016 | 11:00 AM- 4:00 PM *Networking reception to follow
Promo code for students only: RB25%
Learn Basic Computing Skills to be more effective in Lab
February 5-6, 2016 | 9:00 PM- 5:00 PM
Developing Scientists through Outreach: Defining quality for the Scientist
February 18th, 2016 | 3:00 PM- 7:30 PM *Networking reception to follow
“Speaking” Science: how to communicate, connect with Audiences
with the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science
March 7-8, 2016  | Two workshops: Science Communication and Public Speaking
Scientists Teaching Science (Online Class)
March 7 - May 9, 2016

For more information:

3. Become a Science Fair Judge and Broaden Your Own Network

Several upcoming science fairs in the New York area are in need of qualified judges. The fairs involve students doing high level high school research and attract many university professors and postdoctoral candidates judges. It is a wonderful opportunity to network with other scientists, to help and inspire aspiring research students.

WAC Invitational Science Fair, Great Neck High School North, Sunday, April 17, 2016
To register: If you can join us, please click on the link below and register as a judge, by clicking on the JUDGE button on the top left of our website:

See Invitation Letter

New York Science and Engineering Fair, Queens Hall of Science, Monday, March 21, 2016
To find out more information about the NYSSEF Fair, please go to the NYSSEF website: and if you would like to register as a judge, please fill out the NYSSEF Judges Registration form:

See Invitation Letter

Long Island Science and Engineering Fair (LISEF), Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016 and Thursday, March 10th, 2016
To register: Follow instructions here.


Funding & Jobs

1. Blavatnik Regional Awards: On-Campus Deadline: Jan 20

The New York Academy of Science's Blavatnik Regional Awards for Young Scientists recognizes outstanding postdocs from the NY metro area institutions working in the life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, and engineeringThree winners will each receive $30,000 in unrestricted funds and six finalists will each receive $10,000 in unrestricted funds.

Stony Brook University is invited to nominate up to 15 of its outstanding postdocs for this award each year. Note that it recognizes research conducted DURING your postdoc years, not graduate work. Feel free to nominate yourself or ask your advisor or department chair to nominate you. Details on how to apply are on the OPA Website.




2. Science PhD wanted for Asst Project Director on education project at SUNY Farmingdale

SUNY Farmingdale has received a Dept of Education grant for a project that will work on improving four-year graduation rates for undergraduates. This new project is seeking an Assistant Project Director with a STEM PhD, preferably in Biology, and 2 or more years postdoc experience. The incumbent could potentially teach as an adjunct on the side. Annual Salary: $62,000
Application Deadline: February 1 

To Apply:
For more information:


3. OPA Offers Postdoc Travel Grants up to $1500

Traveling to a meeting this Spring to present your work? Apply for an OPA travel grant of up to $1500. You can apply anytime, but it must be at least a month before you travel.

For More Information:



1. Sign up for your $10 NYAS Membership

To support your professional and career development, Stony Brook is offering interested students and postdocs the opportunity to sign up for a heavily discounted membership to one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific organizations in the United States, the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS).

Sign up now through January 22, 2016 for an annual student membership with NYAS for only $10. Current NYAS members may also renew under this arrangement.

As a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, you receive:
  • Free or discounted admission to cutting-edge scientific conferences, webinars and discussion groups.  For a list of upcoming events, visit the Academy at (or see above).
  • Free or discounted registration for Science Alliance career development workshops and networking events. 
  • Unlimited access to the full archive of eBriefings, multimedia presentations featuring the latest research presented at the Academy.
  • Unlimited access to Annals Online, a database of thousands of downloadable scientific articles and reviews from the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
To learn more about Science Alliance and all of the wonderful opportunities afforded to you through Academy Membership, please visit 
