Next month, Stony Brook and the nation will celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW). We hope you and your colleagues will join us for the events we have planned
to honor our postdocs' contributions to research and innovation.
Science, Wine & Cheese, Sept 20, 4-6pm: A poster session and reception for postdocs in honor of National Postdoc Appreciation
Week, with free poster presentation training from the Alda Center for Communicating
NPAW Postdoc Picnic, Sept 24, 2-4pm: A chance to celebrate our postdoctoral community. Bring your friends, partners, families
and enjoy the end of summer!
We will also hold our next New Postdoc Welcome on September 9th, from 4-6pm. We hope all new postdocs will join us for a brief orientation
session, and that all our postdocs will join us at the end, from 5-6pm, for a reception
welcoming them.
Best, Katy Flint Ehm Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
SBU Postdocs are invited to a poster session and reception in honor of National Postdoc Appreciation Week. All selected presenters will receive free, advance training from the Alda Center for Communicating Science on the poster pitch on September 14th. Then on September 20th, presenters will have
the chance to practice their skills on their peers during our poster reception. Food will be provided, with a cash bar available.
September 20, 2016 4:00pm-6:00pm Wang Center Theatre Lobby
Presenter Sign Up Deadline: September 7, 2016
Mandatory Training Session: September 14, 2016, 1:00-3:00pm
Want to join us at the reception without presenting? You can do that, too! Register below.
Join the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs for our New Postdoc Welcome on September 9th. The Welcome offers an introduction to Stony Brook to help recently
arrived postdocs maximize their postdoctoral experience. The first part of the welcome
will be particularly useful for any postdocs who have joined Stony Brook since January.
All postdocs are encouraged to join us for the reception. Come out to meet your peers
and welcome the newest additions to our postdoctoral community.
4:00pm-5:00pm: NEW POSTDOCS All postdocs who have arrived within the past six months are invited to: ++Discover the unique aspects of being a postdoc at SBU
++Learn about resources & benefits for SBU postdocs
++Meet the staff and faculty who can help you make the most of your time at Stony Brook
5:00pm-6:00pm: NEW AND CONTINUING POSTDOCS We invite all our postdocs to a reception following the main orientation. Drop by to meet your colleagues and welcome our newest postdocs. Refreshments will be served.
The ISMMS Center for Biostatistics at Mt. Sinai will offer the NIH/NIGMS-funded ASIBS
Short Course beginning January 2017. The goal of the ASIBS Short Course is to train
junior faculty and fellows from academic medical centers across the nation to become
proficient in biostatistical methodology and statistical computing. Participants will
receive seven weeks of online, basic and intermediate statistical theory instruction
as well as five days of in-person, hands-on instruction in statistical computing.
The course will run from January 9, 2017 to March 3, 2017.
Eligibility: 1) Participants must be junior faculty members or fellows at an academic medical
institution in the US 2) Participants must be US citizens or eligible non-citizens.
Tuition & Fees: Participants are responsible for an affordable tuition of $375 upon acceptance.
In an effort to enhance diversity, scholarships will be made available to underrepresented
A few seats remain in the communicating sciences courses listed below, which start
in October and November. JRN 503 is one of the core courses that prepare for the rest
of their curricula. Sign up now to reserve your spot by emailing the Office of Postdoctoral
Affairs at
JRN 503 (Improvisation for Scientists):
This innovative course uses improvisational theater techniques to help students communicate
more directly and responsively. It’s not about acting; it’s about connecting with
an audience. A video about the process can be seen at
JRN 503.02- Thursdays, Nov 3, 10, 17, Dec 1, 8; 3-5:50pm. Roth Café, Room 122.
JRN 508: Engaging Key Audiences
This is a 4-week, 1-credit course for students who have taken either JRN 501 Distilling
Your Message, or JRN 503 Improvisation for Scientists, and want to build on the skills
introduced in those courses. Through role-playing and other exercises, students will
practice communicating with key audiences, such as potential employers, students,
journalists, and public officials. Tuesdays, Oct 11, 18, 25, Nov 1; 5:30-9pm. Frey Hall, Room 316.
Stony Brook is a sustaining member of the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA), which entitles all all graduate students, postdocs, faculty and staff to a
free, affiliate membership. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to help you network with
other postdocs across the country and gain access to members only resources that can
help further your career.
Signing up is simple. Click on this link and follow the registration process. Once you click Submit the NPA Membership Manager
will review your affiliate membership within 5 working days, and you will receive
an email when it has been approved.
As an NPA Affiliate Member, you are entitled to these benefits:
Subscriptionto NPA e-alerts, a periodic news announcement, and The POSTDOCket, the NPA’s official quarterly newsletter
Reduced registration feesto the NPA Annual Meeting & eligibility for the NPA travel award program
Access to members-only NPA web content, such as career planning resources and policy information
Access toNPA member groups to connect & network with fellow NPA members
Discounts to some services and products.
Opportunities to serve and contributeyour expertise on a variety of NPA committees
Stony Brook’s partnership with the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) offers a discounted annual membership to graduate students and postdocs for $10 to the NYAS Science Alliance, which provides career resources and programming for
early-career scientists. To receive the discount, follow the instructions on the enrollment portal.
Stony Brook's Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) program is a prestigious four-year
program for talented undergraduate women in science and engineering. WISE students
take a series of courses about research and issues in STEM on top of their regular
coursework, and these specialized courses present a unique, short-term teaching opportunity for
SBU's postdocs.
WISE is looking for instructors and mentors for several programs, described below.
This is a volunteer opportunity and no compensation will be provided.
WSE 187: Introduction to Research
WSE 187 is the perfect, postdoc-sized teaching opportunity. WSE 187 instructors design
and teach a short research activity to introduce WISE students to research. It's a
chance to teach a research activity related to your own research with a limited time
WSE 242: Society and Gender in Science and Engineering
WSE 242 focuses on the social context in which modern science operates with an emphasis
on women's historic and current participation. Female postdocs can participate in
this special topics course by teaching 1-2 lectures.
WISE also works with local high school students, providing hands-on research experiences
in a short series of sessions each semester. Mentors work with small groups of 4-8
students to introduce students to the laboratory environment and science rsearch with
the ultimate aim of having students go on to college and careers in science or engineering.
Eligibility: 1. Candidate must have a PhD or MD degree 2. Candidate must be either a US citizen, a non-citizen national, or must have been
lawfully admitted for permanent residence and possess an Alien Registration Card (1-151
or 1-551) or some other verification of legal admission as a permanent resident.
Application Deadline: October 3, 2016
For more information about the SMIS Program, CLICK HERE.
You can help Stony Brook's Office of Postdoctoral Affairs maintain our database of
postdocs and "non-faculty researchers" by completing our Postdoc and Research Scientist Info Form. Your completion of the form not only helps us with our federal reporting requirements
about our postdoctoral population, but also helps us understand whether or not you
are a postdoc, enabling us to better serve our community. Keeping our email lists
current also will help us to reach you for our postdoc needs assessment survey to
be conducted this Fall.
If you haven't had a chance to fill it out, you can find it HERE.