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Upcoming events and news from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
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UPDATE October 27, 2016 

Dear Postdocs,

Stony Brook has recently announced its plans to change the salary minimums for both State and RF postdoctoral associates, senior postdoctoral associates, and research scientists to ensure that these titles remain exempt from overtime on December 1, 2016. Read more about changes to FLSA and Stony Brook's response at

Also, note we're offering two new workshops in the next two weeks. Seats are limited!

Nov 1, 4-6pm. Practical Professional Skills: Schmooze or Lose: How to Thrive in Social Settings
Learn practical skills for navigating professional mixers and other events.

Nov 7, 3:30-5pm, Planning Your Path: Using Your Professional Network Effectively

Learn strategies for using your network for career exploration and to build your professional identity.

Katy Flint Ehm
Director, IREP Office
Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

 Events & Classes

  1. Workshop: Interviewing when English is NOT your primary language, TOMORROW, Oct 28, 1pm
  2. Workshop: Schmooze or Lose: How to Thrive in Social Settings, Nov 1, 4pm
  3. Workshop: Planning Your Path: Using Your Professional Network Effectively, Nov 7, 3:30-5:00pm
  4. Communicating Science Spring Courses Open for Postdoc Registration

Jobs & Funding

  1. New Job Listing Website for Life Science Faculty Jobs
  2. Two Faculty Jobs in Physiology at Univ of Minnesota
  3. AAUW Fellowship for International Women
  4. NIH Loan Repayment Program Open for Applications

Events & Classes

1 Workshop: Interviewing when English is NOT your primary language, Oct 28, 1pm

Will your communication skills might negatively impact you during an interview?
Participate in this workshop with Anne Marie Strauss, founder and president of iSpeakClearly, and learn how to improve public speaking skills. Strauss is speech-language pathologist and specializes in accent modification.

When: Friday, October 28, 2016, 1 to 2:30 PM

For more information and to register via Handshake:

Questions and to Register without Handshake: Contact Alfreda James, Assistant Director, Career Center at

Sponsored by the Career Center

2 Workshop: Schmooze or Lose: How to Thrive in Social Settings, Nov 1, 4pm

The IREP Office and the Center for Inclusive Education present the next installment in our Practical Professional Skills series. Seats are limited to 50 and only a few remain. RSVP and reserve yours today!

3. Workshop: Planning Your Path: Using Your Professional Network Effectively, Nov 7, 3:30-5:00pm

PLANNING YOUR PATH: Using Your Professional Network Effectively
Do PhDs need a professional network? The simple answer is, yes. But effectively using professional connections requires time, energy, and direct contact. 

When: Monday, November 7, 2016, 3:30pm—5:00pm 
Where: Wang Center Room 201

Participants at this workshop will:
  • Learning strategies for using conferences to establish a network
  • Receive tips on maintaining relationships over time and distance
  • Distinguish between visibility and popularity
  • Develop an evolving professional identity
These skills will aid participants in implementing their career exploration goals for the year.

For more information and to register, visit  or 
contact IREP Office Director Kathleen Flint Ehm at

4 Communicating Science Spring Courses Open for Postdoc Registration

Postdoc registration is now open for Spring 2017 Communicating Science courses. Postdocs may sign up through the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to take one Communicating Science course a semester without cost. There are only two postdoc spots in each section of eligible courses, first come, first served. 

The Alda Center method helps scientists distill their research and connect with any audience, from peers in other fields to policymakers to family members. Introductory courses are: JRN 501: Distilling Your Message, and JRN 503: Improv for Scientists. Alumni of these courses are encouraged to continue their training with the subsequent courses in the series on Engaging Key Audiences, Social Media, and other topics. 


1. REVIEW the Spring 2017 course schedule and select your preferred class and section.

2. EMAIL the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at with your course preference ASAP. 

Jobs & Funding

1. New Job Listing Website for Life Science Faculty Jobs

The Partnerships for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE) community has opened a new job listing webpage for faculty positions at its member institutions. 

For more information:

2. Two Faculty Jobs in Physiology at Univ of Minnesota

The College of Biological Sciences (CBS) at the University of Minnesota (UMN) is hiring one tenure-track faculty in the area of Animal Physiology and one teaching-track faculty in the area of Physiology Education. Successful candidates require:

  • PhD in Physiology or related field
  • post-doctoral experience
  • Expertise that complements current faculty
  • Demonstrated Commitment to graduate and undergraduate education
  • Evidence of commitment to equity and diversity
  • Teaching experience

Positions are 9-month appointments starting the fall of 2017. Major responsibilities include varying levels of teaching, research, and service to the University, depending on the position.
Interested in joining the CBS faculty? Visit the college’s hiring website for detailed information (

Evaluation of applications will begin November 15, 2016.

Learn more about the College of Biological Sciences theUniversity of Minnesota and the Twin Cities.

The University of Minnesota provides equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The University supports the work-life balance of its faculty and especially encourages applications from women and members of under-represented groups.

3. AAUW Fellowship for International Women

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) works to promote equity and education for women and girls, with a special emphasis on fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political. It offers a series of fellowships for postdoctoral study for women, including international women and women transitioning back into the workforce. 

Eligible Applicants: Women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Application Deadlines: Dec 1  

For more information & to apply:

For advising on your AAUW application: Contact SBU External Fellowship Advisor Jen Green at

4. NIH Loan Repayment Program Open for Applications

The NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) are a set of programs established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. The program offers PhDs, MDs and other equivalent doctorates repayment of up to $35,000 annually of a researcher's qualified educational debt in return for a two-year commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research.

Eligibility: U.S. Citizens, U.S. Nationals, or Permanent Residents with an eligible doctoral degree and eligible debt. For more information on eligibility:

For more information & to apply:

Application Deadline: November 15, 2016   


Copyright © 2016 Stony Brook University Office of Postdoctoral Affairs