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Upcoming events and news from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
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UPDATE: February 10, 2016
Dear Postdocs,

Below are some upcoming professional development opportunities. Plus a some deadlines have been extended for the NYAS membership and for completing the Postdoc and Research Scientist Information Form.

Don't forget: The Monthly Postdoc Coffee is tomorrow, Thursday, at 3pm. Join us!


Katy Flint Ehm
Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Events & Classes

  1. Monthly Postdoc Coffee: Tomorrow: 3pm, Grad School Conference Room
  2. Workshop: From PhD to Science Writing, Feb 19, 4pm
  3. Workshop: Planning Your Path to a Satisfying Career, Feb 22 3:30pm

Funding & Jobs

  1. Did you know SBU has a new External Fellowships Advisor? Meet Jen Green


  1. Miss your chance for $10 NYAS Membership? Registration is now rolling


  1. Have you completed the Postdoc & Research Scientist Info Form?

Events & Classes

1. Monthly Postdoc Coffee: Tomorrow: 3pm, Grad School Conference Room

Want to meet other postdocs?
Skip out of the lab for a moment?
Come out to the monthly postdoc coffee for a short networking break (professional development!).  

When: Thursday, February 11, 3pm
Where: Grad School Conference Room, Suite 2401 (Old) Computer Science

Always the Second Thursday of each month at 3pm!

2. Workshop: From PhD to Science Writing, Feb 19, 4pm

All postdocs are invited to an upcoming a career exploration workshop: "From PhD to Science Writing" sponsored by the Stony Brook Graduate Career Association (GCA). The speaker, Dr. Pulkoski-Gross, PhD, alumna of SBU's Molecular and cellular pharmacology program is returning to SBU to talk about her profession and how she transitioned from being a graduate student to medical writer at Axon, a specialist healthcare consulting firm.  

Event logistics:
When? Friday, February 19th 2016. 4-5PM
Where? Basic sciences tower 8-180 (near hospital)

How do I sign up? 
Please RSVP at :  

3. Workshop: Planning Your Path to a Satisfying Career, Feb 22 3:30pm
Planning Your Path flyer thumbnailPlanning Your Path to a Satisfying Career is a workshop on career planning held regularly by the IREP Office. This guided workshop will help graduate students and postdocs develop strategies for professional growth by:
  • Learning strategies to explore a range of careers
  • Identifying interests and skills relevant to their career goals
  • Developing an action plan to strengthen skills and pursue their ideal career
  • Preparing or expanding their Individual Development Plan (IDP)
When: Monday, February 22, 2016, 3:30pm—5:00pm

Where: Wang Room 201


Funding & Jobs

1. Did you know SBU has a new External Fellowships Advisor? Meet Jen Green

Last September, the IREP Office hired Stony Brook's first campus-wide External Fellowships Advisor, Jennifer Green. Jen comes to the IREP Office from Study Abroad and is an expert in international education. In her new role, she is available to advise and discuss strategy for applying for fellowship and funding opportunities.

You can contact Jen for an appointment at

Read more about Jen Green and her plans for fellowship advising.



1. Miss your chance for $10 NYAS Membership? Registration is rolling

If you missed the deadline to sign up for a discounted membership with New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), there is still time. Register at the link below!

See upcoming NYAS professional development programs here.



1. Have you completed the Postdoc & Research Scientist Info Form?

Each year, Stony Brook is asked to do an accounting of all our postdocs and "non-faculty researchers" to NSF for their annual Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates. To help us with our data collection, we ask you to complete the Postdoc and Research Scientist Info Form, where you can, for example, let us know if you're not a postdoc. 

If you haven't filled it out this year, you still can. The link to the form is HERE

Thank you!