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Upcoming events and news from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
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UPDATE: December 9, 2015
Dear Postdocs,

Stony Brook University has arranged for discounted memberships with the New York Academy of Sciences and its Science Alliance professional development programs for early-career scientists. The membership window will end on January 22, so sign up now.

Also, our next Monthly Postdoc Coffee will take place tomorrow, Thursday, December 10, at 3pm in the Grad School Conference room in Computer Science Suite 2401. Take a break from your work for some caffeine, snacks and conversation with your fellow postdocs!

Finally, don't forget to sign up for the upcoming Financial Fitness workshop this Monday.

Happy Wednesday!

Katy Flint Ehm
Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Events & Classes

  1. Monthly Postdoc Coffee, Thursday, 3pm
  2. Practical Professional Skills: Financial Fitness for Graduate Students and Postdocs, Dec 14, 12:30pm


  1. Sign up for your $10 NYAS Membership

Events & Classes

1. Monthly Postdoc Coffee, Thursday, 3pm

Take a mid-afternoon break from your research and join us for coffee and snacks! Bring along another postdoc from your department for extra points!**

The Office of Postdoc Affairs and the Postdoc Association invite you to our monthly postdoc coffee. We've moved them to the second Thursdays of each month in the afternoon in response to your requests. We hope to see you there!

When: Thursday, Dec 9, 3pm

Where: Grad School Conference Room, Suite 2401 (Old) Computer Science

**No actual points will be assigned for attending. Just good will and good cheer.

2. Practical Professional Skills: Financial Fitness for Graduate Students and Postdocs, Dec 14, 12:30pm


Join us for this Monday's workshop on financial fitness. Panelists will be able to discuss an array of financial issues facing graduate students and postdocs. Space is still available, so RSVP now!



1. Sign up for your $10 NYAS Membership

To support your professional and career development, Stony Brook is offering interested students and postdocs the opportunity to sign up for a heavily discounted membership to one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific organizations in the United States, the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS).

Sign up now through January 22, 2016 for an annual student membership with NYAS for only $10. 

Current NYAS members may also renew under this arrangement. To avoid a lapse in your membership term, renewing NYAS members need to enroll by DECEMBER 16th
