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Upcoming events and news from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
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UPDATE: August 31, 2015
A quick reminder about our monthly postdoc coffee tomorrow, Sept 1, and September's Postdoc Appreciation activities, a picnic on Sept 13 and the Spotlight and Postdoc Appreciation Luncheon on Sept 17! Register now. 

Plus, what do postdocs and astronauts have in common? PhDs and stress, among other things. New NASA-funded, postdoc-led study is seeking postdoc participants to examine stress in high-achievers. If you're interested in participating, details for are below. 

Katy Flint Ehm
Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Events & Classes

  1. Postdoc Coffee Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1st, 9am
  2. Register to attend the Spotlight talks and Postdoc Appreciation Luncheon on September 17th
  3. Kick off postdoc appreciation with Postdoc Picnic, Sept 13th, 1-3pm


  1. Postdocs recruited for NASA-funded study of stress in high achievers


  1. New postdoc mailing list: Update your preferences


1. Postdoc Coffee Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1st, 9am

Join us tomorrow for our monthly postdoc coffee and take that caffeine break before you get started for the day. It's a great way to network with your fellow postdocs. We'll be in the Grad School Conference room in Suite 2401 in the (Old) Computer Science building. Come on down!

2. Register to attend the Spotlight talks and Postdoc Appreciation Luncheon on September 17th

Register to attend the SBU Postdoc Spotlight. The Spotlight will feature short talks from Stony Brook's postdocs on their research and scholarship crafted for a general audience. Come and see a snapshot of the research and discovery performed by our postdoctoral community. 

Following the SBU Postdoc Spotlight talks, we will hold a Postdoc Appreciation Luncheon for all registered attendees featuring a panel of PhDs  working in a variety of careers who will talk about their paths after the PhD.

Nadine Dalrymple, PhD, Science Grant Writer, The College of New Jersey
Yaihara Fortis-Santiago, PhD, Director, Science Alliance, New York Academy of Sciences
Ann Hobbs, PhD, Software Engineer, Renaissance Technologies

Sign up now!

For more information: Email or visit

3. Celebrate Postdoc Appreciation with Postdoc Picnic, Sept 13th, 1-3pm

Join us for postdoc appreciation this month at the Postdoc Picnic on September 13 from 1-3pm at Holtsville Park. Food will be served as you connect with your colleagues, enjoy the park, the nearby playground, and the Holtsville Wildlife & Ecology Center (a little zoo).

Bring your friends and family!





1. Postdocs recruited for NASA-funded study of stress in high achievers

We are seeking graduate and post-graduate Science, Engineering, Education, and Training (STEM) trainees for a research study that examines the relationship between personality, brain functioning, and stress. The study involves a 2 hour in-person visit to Stony Brook University campus for a self-report,biological, and behavioral assessment. Then, you will be asked to complete monthly 30-minute web-based follow-ups over the next 5 months. The research is funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and your participation may help NASA improve selection of astronaut candidates for successful long-duration space flight (i.e., travel to Mars). You can earn up to $100 for your participation. 

If you’re interested, please contact Fran Ferayorni at or 631-632-3084.



1. New postdoc mailing list: Update your preferences

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs is updating its mailing list client allowing for easier management by us and you of your update preferences. You can now switch to your personal email address or unsubscribe yourself directly. Please take a moment to update your profile today.