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Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • Details and Cost

    About the Program

    NOTICE: At this time, only F-1 students with Chinese citizenship or Chinese citizens newly admitted to SBU that will eventually obtain F-1 status are eligible to apply. If interested, click  here and email the program advisor.

    Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) is one of China’s premier learning and research institutions which now develops into a comprehensive university especially featured with Aerospace Engineering. Ever since it was established in 1952, we have strived to conduct world-level research and education system. Nearly 60 years’ history witnesses its unremitting efforts and remarkable achievements.

    Academia and education at NUAA represent strong capacity among all the universities in China. It has acquired national status through the quality of its excellence research work, especially in the areas of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics, Electromechanics, Economy and Management, etc. 

    Location Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
    Program Type Partner University Program
    Program Term Summer
    Program Dates Summer 2024 - June 17th - July 19th 

    NOTICE: At this time, only F-1 students with Chinese citizenship or Chinese citizens newly admitted to SBU that will eventually obtain F-1 status are eligible to apply. If interested, click  here and email the program advisor.
    Language of Instruction English, Chinese
    Budget View Budget
    Living Arrangements Housing is coordinated directly with the host univrsity or 3rd party provider.
    Additional Information A Partner University program is a study abroad experience where students are nominated/accepted by Stony Brook University, and enroll at a partner institution. In most cases SBU faculty or staff are NOT traveling with participants.
    Program Housing Statement: Stony Brook University is required to comply with the housing policies of the host country, partner institution and/or hotel/hostel. These policies may include requirements such as sex-based housing placement.


    GPA 2.0
    Other Requirements N/A
    Application Deadline March 1st
    Candidates may be interviewed to determine their qualifications for participating and representing Stony Brook University abroad
  • Academic Information

    Course Information

    Students must enroll in two of the following courses from the list below

    Students will take 6 credits. Accepted students will be given permission for the SBU study abroad place holder course sometime between April and May depending on when the individual's application is completed, reviewed and accepted. 

    There are a few courses that are 4 credits, students that take one 3 credit course and one 4 credit course will register for 7 credits. There are very few 4 credit courses. Students that register for two 4 credit courses will register for 8 credits. 

    Academic Policies

    • This is a partner university program. Applications must be submitted to Stony Brook University first. Information regarding the next steps in the process will be distributed to students who have received formal nominations by their International Programs Coordinator.
    • Grades earned in a Partner University program WILL NOT calculate towards the cumulative GPA for SBU students.
    • Non-SBU students must contact their home university regarding their grade and credit transfer policy.
    • All participants following the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) will receive GLO and EXP+ in addition to requirements fulfilled by their coursework.

  • Apply