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Summer in India

  • Details and Cost

    About the Program

    *Program Not Currently Being Offered

    Stony Brook offers the opportunity for students to be hosted by our colleagues at Panjab University in Chandigarh. Chandigarh, designed by Swiss-born architect Le Corbusier, completed in 1960s, is located near the foothills of the Sivalik range of the Himalayas. Recognized as a City of Peace, students will explore local culture, enjoy multi-ethnic culinary experience while attending a series of lectures on topics related to Sustainable Future through Renewable Energy. Renewable sources could play a vital role in achieving manageable atmospheric CO 2 levels by 2035. This course, jointly taught by local faculty, explores types of renewables that can feasibly and sustainably replace fossil fuels. Students will also participate in a special experiential learning excursion to the Himalayas where renewable energy is starting to get interwoven into the society. This course will focus on fundamentals of renewable energy sources, the feasibility of renewable source development assessed through techno-economic and life cycle analysis (LCA), and their positive impact on local communities.

    Students have the opportunity to be considered for a paid internship placement with Professor Mahajan, Director of the Institute of Gas Innovation and Technology at the SBU Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center.

    Location Panjab, India
    Program Type Faculty-Led Program
    Program Term Summer
    Language of Instruction English
    Budget View Budget
    Living Arrangements Arranged by the host university
    Additional Information Faculty-Led study abroad programs may require group travel. Please reach out to your IAP Coordinator prior to making any travel arrangements.
    Program Housing Statement: Stony Brook University is required to comply with the housing policies of the host country, partner institution and/or hotel/hostel. These policies may include requirements such as sex-based housing placement.


    GPA 2.5 

    The Program Director may interview applicants to determine their qualifications for participating in the program.
    Other Requirements N/A
    Application Deadline Program Not Currently Being Offered
    Candidates may be interviewed to determine their qualifications for participating and representing Stony Brook University abroad.
  • Academic Information

    Course Information

    3 Undergraduate Credits (one course)

    CME 491 Sustainable Future through Renewable Energy

    CME 591 Sustainable Future through Renewable Energy (Advanced for Graduate Students)

    CME 499 Research in Chemical Engineering - This option is for students that have already completed CME 491


    Academic Policies

    • Credits earned on this program will calculate toward a student's GPA at Stony Brook University. Non-SBU students are advised to check their home university policy on grade and credit transfer.
    • Students following the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) may request for GLO and EXP+ in addition to requirements fulfilled by their coursework.

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