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Universidad de los Andes

  • Details and Cost

    About the Program


    The Universidad de lost Andes is a young and dynamic research university. It aims to be a center of academic excellence, characterized by an openness to the cultural and moral challenges of society and a desire to offer innovative solutions. Located in Santioago de Chile at the foot of the Cordillera de los Andes, the university offers large green areas. The campus is designed to promote a serene natural study environment favoring intellectual creativity. The university offers programs of study in the areas of Health, Business and Administration, Engineering, and the Humanities.

    Location Santiago, Chile
    Program Type Partner University Program
    Program Term Fall, Spring, Academic Year
    Language of Instruction English, Spanish
    Budget View Budget
    Living Arrangements Independent Arrangement
    Additional Information A Partner University program is a study abroad experience where students are nominated/accepted by Stony Brook University, and enroll at a partner institution. In most cases SBU faculty or staff are NOT traveling with participants.
    Program Housing Statement: Stony Brook University is required to comply with the housing policies of the host country, partner institution and/or hotel/hostel. These policies may include requirements such as sex-based housing placement.


    GPA 3.0
    Application Deadline Fall/academic year admission: March 1 

    Spring admission: October 1
  • Academic Information

    Course Information

    Academic Policies

    • Students must maintain full-time status while abroad
    • This is a partner university program. Applications must be submitted to Stony Brook University first. Information regarding the next steps in the process will be distributed to students who have received formal nominations by their International Programs Coordinator.
    • Grades earned in a Partner University program WILL NOT calculate towards the cumulative GPA for SBU students.
    • Non-SBU students must contact their home university regarding their grade and credit transfer policy.
    • All participants following the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) will receive GLO and EXP+ in addition to requirements fulfilled by their coursework.

  • Apply