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Alumni of the Program

Our graduates hold positions in the pharmaceutical industry with Abbott Laboratories, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dow Biopharmaceutical, Eli Lilly & Company, RW Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Bayer Research Center, Cyanamid, Immunex, Pfizer, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Schering-Plough, Berlex Biosciences, Genzyme Corporation, Merck, Oncogene Science, AlphaGene, GlaxoSmithKline, Millipore, and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

Other graduates hold faculty positions at Duke University, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, NIH, FDA, Vanderbilt University, Long Island University, St. John's University, Columbia University, National Taiwan University, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Cornell Weil Medical College, New York University, Harvard University, Tufts University, Washington University, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yale University, Penn State, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, and the University of North Carolina.

Outcomes of trainees in the past 15 years

During the past 15 years, 76 trainees have graduated with a PhD degree. The average time to degree for these students was 4.9 years. Our graduates are all currently employed and for the most part involved in academic or industrial research. All of them are benefiting from the training they received as graduate students. Five of our of graduates hold positions in research-intensive institutions like UNC, NYU or Western Washington University. Six are faculty in primarily teaching institutions (two are currently Deans in their institutions). Twenty-four are undergoing postdoctoral training at different research-intensive institutions (MSKCC, MRC, Mount Sinai, Stanford, CSHL, Max Plank, Rockefeller, Brown, U. Pittsburgh, NIH, Columbia, etc.). Fifteen hold senior industry positions (GSK, Novartis, Regeneron, Merck, Genewiz, etc). Four have junior industry positions. Six are primarily engaged in clinical work after earning an MD degree. Two earned a law degree and are working on patent law. One is overseeing regulatory policy at the European Medicines Agency. One is a scientific editor at Genes and Development. One is a diversity officer at the NPA. Three are currently in medical school or undergoing further clinical training.