Student-invited speakerDr. Adrienne Boire from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center / Weill Cornell Medical College gave a seminar on March 26th: “Defining and disrupting cancer cell-microenvironmental interactions in central nervous system metastasis”.
Alexandros KokkosisCongratulations to Alexandros Kokkosis for receiving an AHA Fellowship!

Luisa Escobar-HoyosFormer student Luisa Escobar co-investigator on a 2018 grant award

Michael FeiginCongratulations to alumn Dr. Michael Feigin on becoming an Assistant Professor at Roswell Park Cancer Institute!

Luisa Escobar-HoyosAssistant Professor in Pathology at SBU and Postdoctoral fellow at MSKCC, has been named the 2017 recipient of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network- AACR Pathway to Leadership Award.
Victoria FischerCongratulations to alumn Dr. Victoria Fischer on becoming a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Hunter College

Dean's Award for Excellence and Innovation in Graduate EcucationThe Molecular and Cellular Pharmacollgy Graduate Program received the Dean's Award for Excellence and Innovation in Graduate Education.

Saul SillerSaul Siller received the Dean's Alumni Association Leadership Award. Congratulations!

Luisa Ecobar-HoyosLuisa Escobar-Hoyos received the President's Award tp Distinguished Doctoral Students.

NSF Fellowship winnersCongratulations to Emilie Bouda, Anthony Stapon and Tanya Victor on receiving an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

Emily MontalCongratulations to Emily on acceptance of her first author publication in Molecular Cell