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FLY Sites

Stony Brook University prides itself in offering students a world class education. As a university with such ambitions, it is only right that we expand our offerings of world class education beyond our campus in New York. As a leader in international education initiatives, Stony Brook University has curated a portfolio of programs overseas with some of the most prestigious universities in the world as well as faculty-led programs with the brightest pedigogical minds on our campus. In this endeavour, SBU is proud to offer academic opportunties around the globe to our students year-round to study abroad and make SBU degree progress.

In expanding our charge to further globalize the campus, again we have leveraged some of the best univerities with outstanding academics and student support services to offer this curated portfolio of Freshman Launch Year Site locations.

View each program's details to see which academic courses are being offered at each site and how newly admitted SBU students can launch into their first year as a Stony Brook University student through the FLY study abroad program.