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Hall Council

Every building or area on campus has either a hall council or community council.  All the residents of the building are automatic members of the hall council, and it is a great way of students to get involved and meet other student in their buildings. 

Hall Council Meetings  vary by area but generally meet on Tuesday night in their building's classroom or lounges.  Residents can ask their Resident Hall Director (RHD) or Hall Council Executive Board where the meetings are held in their residence hall.

Hall Council Photo

Benefits and Rewards

Student who actively participate in their hall councils have the opportunity to: 

  • Meet people who are a part of their community
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Find out what is happening on campus, such as events and the latest news
  • Be apart of planning building or area wide programs
  • Get involved in other clubs and organizations on campus
  • Voicing your ideas and plans to create a better community 

More Information

If you would like more information on how to get involved in your Hall Council, feel free to speak to the executive board members of your hall council, or ask your RA or RHD of your building. The best way to get more information is to attend the weekly meetings!

National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)

The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is a leadership-based honor society comprised of exemplary student leaders who value recognition and service.  Stony Brook is home to the Wolfpack chapter, which is comprised of the top 1% of leaders at this University and was recently awarded the title of Outstanding Chapter of the Year on a worldwide scale.

NRHH chapters are overseen globally by the National Association of Colleges and University Residence Halls (NACURH), which is made up of various regions. The Wolfpack chapter falls into the North East Affiliation (NEACURH).


While chapters across the world have strict membership requirements, we our proud that our members are held to a particularly high standard. Undergraduate members of this chapter are required to:

  • Be in Good Judicial Standing at Stony Brook University
  • Maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.0
  • Attend biweekly general body meetings
  • Participate in at least half of our programs
  • Submit at least three Of the Month (OTM) awards per semester

NRHH coordinates the Of the Month (OTM) award system, recognizing individuals, organizations, and programs on campus, regional, and international levels. 

Submit an OTM

Contact Us

For more information, please visit SB EngagedNRHH Website or email to contact any of the active Executive Board Members.

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

RHA Logo

RHA is a student run organization which represents and protects the views, concerns, and rights of the residential community at Stony Brook University, and strives to improve the quality of life on campus.  RHA has been recognized as a legitimate student organization since the fall of 1983.

The organization is made up of Hall Council Senators, as well as general members, who together all have a goal of advocating for students living on campus

Contact Us

For more information, please visit SB Engaged, Residential Hall Association Website or email to contact any of active Executive Board Members.