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The New York State Quantum Internet Testbed (NYSQIT)


Testbed Infrastructure:

  • Six nodes connected by ~300 km (185 mi) of dedicated dark fibers
  • Equipped with quantum memories and entanglement sources
  • Rack-mounted quantum equipment in several data centers
  • Cross-network sub-nanosecond time synchronization
  • Cross-network polarization compensation
  • Open to external users as part of the BNL Quantum Network Facility


Entanglement Distribution Across 140 km


Currently, our NYSQIT team is performing entanglement distribution experiments using our purpose-built three-node quantum network connecting quantum nodes at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Stony Brook University, and the RICOH Data Facility in Commack. This experiment is using state-of-the-art entanglement polarization sources, deployed superconducting nanowire detectors (SNSPD), and a quantum aware classical control network.



Matter-Matter Entanglement Creation

Matter-Matter Entanglement

Additionally, our NYSQIT team is performing matter-matter entanglement creation experiments across a 158 km quantum network.This quantum network connects two telecom-compatible rubidium quantum memories located in two Stony Brook nodes and a Hong-Ou-Mandel interference station at Brookhaven National Laboratory. This network has pioneered the use of long-distance time-synchronization mechanisms, and long-distance polarization compensation systems that have allowed us to demonstrate indistinguishability measurements.