Quantum Network Testbed Research Directives
Using our state-of-the-art network testbed, we take our experiments into the real world utilizing commercially rented dark fibers, classical data centers, and world-class laboratories across Long Island, Connecticut, and New York City. This unique environment accelerates the development of both experimental techniques and quantum enabling infrastructure that are indispensable for the development of a Quantum Internet.
Quantum Repeaters
Current entanglement distribution distances are dominated by loss, with no way to copy quantum information an alternative approach must be taken. We utilize much of the QIST research objectives to implement an entanglement swapping protocol to reliably and efficiently distribute entanglement over vast distances.
Matter-Matter Entanglement
By utilizing much of the research that we have done on optical quantum transduction, we are using our testbed to entangle two atomic ensembles separated by over 100 km.
Quantum Cryptography
One of the many promises of quantum communication is an entirely unhackable internet. In our testbed, we are developing a memory-assisted measurement device-independent quantum key distribution (MA-MDI-QKD) system to work within our quantum repeater architecture to provide 100% secure communication.
Free Space Quantum Links
We are developing techniques and equipment that facilitate the transmission of qubits through free space. Our current development aims to link the campuses of Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Lab with one such link with an additional one across the Long Island Sound from Stony Brook University to Yale University.
Physics Frontiers
Our research leverages quantum simulation and information techniques to advance the understanding of QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics) phenomena, including the Chiral Magnetic Effect, by using analog quantum simulators like photons in atomic gases. We aim to develop prototypes that simulate relativistic Dirac fermions and explore QCD’s non-equilibrium behavior through engineered interactions of photons and atomic ensembles, offering new insights into complex quantum systems.