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Training Activities  


Individual supervision (3): Interns meet individually two hours per week with a primary supervisor (a licensed psychologist) and one hour per week with a secondary supervisor (licensed psychologist) for ongoing management of their individual caseloads.  

Group Supervision (.5): Interns co-lead groups with a senior staff member or a psychology fellow (post-doc). Supervision of groups that interns are co-leading occurs between co-leaders before and/or after groups. Additionally, issues pertaining to group are discussed in the group seminar.  

Supervision of Supervision (“Sup of Sup”) (1): Interns receive weekly supervision of their supervision of externs in a group format. This weekly meeting provides a didactic experience as well as a structure within which to review extern progress as well as extern clinical care of CAPS clients.  Interns will have an opportunity to outline their general supervisory stance and identify the aspects of their own clinical belief system.

Supervision of Apprenticeship (.5): Interns receive weekly supervision of their apprenticeship experience (if they elect to complete an apprenticeship experience). This supervisor may be a psychologist, social worker, or licensed mental health counselor.

Interns receive consultative supervision as needed regarding management of urgent/crisis situations. 



Psychotherapy Seminar (weekly, 1 hour) The purpose of this seminar is to assist interns in developing diagnostic and assessment skills, clinical intervention skills, and cultural awareness/humility in providing psychological services to a diverse population of university students. We will consider theoretical issues including critical perspectives that interrogate the cultural and philosophical context of clinical psychology; practical and treatment issues including empirically-supported approaches to psychological phenomena; and, general phases of treatment from specific interventions to termination. We will integrate issues related to cultural competence and ethical issues as they arise. These perspectives will be the building blocks for you to develop a case formulation which you will share semesterly.

Special Topics Seminar/ Intern Time(weekly, 1 hour): The purpose of this seminar is to provide exposure to a variety of topics that influence college mental health in theory and practice, presented on a rotating basis by the multidisciplinary staff of CAPS as well as campus partners (e.g. Athletics, the Center for Prevention and Outreach). Weeks where there are no topics listed will serve as Intern Time, a space for you as a cohort to come together.

Other Training Experiences and Professional Development Activities

Clinical Services Team: Interns participate in weekly meetings to discuss clinical cases, in a multidisciplinary environment akin to peer supervision. 

Staff meeting: Interns participate in bi-weekly staff meetings in which myriad clinical and administrative issues are discussed. 

Case Assignment Meeting: A weekly space for all staff to bring cases that may (due to a variety of reasons) require the assignment of a clinician different than the clinician conducting the Initial Meeting.

A major component of intern growth over the course of the year is development of a professional identity, which occurs by working day in and day out as a staff member on a multidisciplinary unit.