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Intern Schedule

Summary of Intern Training Experiences 2023-2024 

Intern Schedule (No Apprenticeship) 
Activity                                                                       Hours/week   
Direct Service                                                                        
Individual therapy and case management                  16
Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) Evaluation 1
Group therapy                                                             1
Initial Meetings / Consultations 4
Supervision of Practicum Student                               1
Supervision Given to Intern               
Primary individual supervision                                   2
Supervision of Supervision Prac Student (“Sup of Sup”) 1
Clinical Services Meeting 1
AOD Evaluation Supervision .5
Individual Supervision of Group                                    .5
Didactic Trainings and Meetings
Psychotherapy Seminar                                                       2
Clinical Services Meeting                                               1
Staff Meeting   (biweekly)                                                           1
Case Assignment Meeting 1
Social Justice Committee (optional) 1
Support Activities
Paperwork, case consultation, etc. 3.5
Lunch                                                                                                                                      2.5
TOTAL                                                                                               40


Intern Schedule (Apprenticeship)  

Activity                                                                       Hours/week
Direct Service
Individual therapy and case management                  12
Apprencticeship direct service activities                             4   
Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) Evaluation 1
Group therapy                                                             1
Initial Meetings / Consultations 4
Supervision of Practicum Student                              1
Supervision Given to Intern               
Primary individual supervision                                   2
Supervision of Supervision Prac Student (“Sup of Sup”) 1
Clinical Services Meeting 1
Individual Supervision of Group                                .5
AOD Supervision .5
Apprenticeship Supervision                                        .5
Didactic Trainings and Meetings
Psychotherapy Seminar                                              2
Staff Meeting      (biweekly)                                                        1
Case Assignment Meeting 1
Clinical Services Meeting 1
Social Justice Committee (optional) 1
Support Activities
Paperwork, case consultation, etc.  3
Lunch                                                                                         2.5