MAR 104, Oceanography, 3 Credits
Stony Brook Southampton
July 8 - 21, 2025
Students will examine the World Ocean and the chemical, geological, and physical processes that control its major features and the life that inhabits it, as well as explore human interactions with the marine environment. This intensive course is specifically designed for motivated high school students wishing to earn college credit, and current undergraduates (both SBU and visiting), graduates, or professionals can also enroll. The short-term course will run for 2 weeks and meet for 4 – 5.5 hours each weekday at the Stony Brook Southampton campus. Content will be delivered via lectures, in- class activities (including a live plankton lab!), and 2 boat trips during which students will explore nearby coastal habitats using oceanographic sampling equipment. Students must have completed high school biology and be at least 16 years old. Optional housing is availalbe for students who are at least 17 years old.
Section 01: Dr. Kurt Bretsch (class # 64642)
For the most updated course Syllabus, click here.
The textbook is required: Essentials of Oceanography, edition 8, by Tom Garrison & Robert Ellis, ISBN-13: 9781337098649. Students are encouraged to read the entire textbook prior to the first day of class.
SoMAS Total Immersion Scholarship: High school students with financial needs and from backgrounds historically underrepresented in the marine sciences are eligible to apply. Recipients will receive up to $2000 to cover the cost of course enrollment and housing. To apply, visit this site. To contribute to the Scholarship fund, visit this site.
For questions about course content/schedule contact
For enrollment questions/help, contact
Read more about the course in this Stony Brook University news article.
This course fulfills SNW Stony Brook University educational diversity categories.
Frequently asked questions