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Requirements & Major Checklists

The Department of Psychology provides undergraduate programs leading to either a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) or a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. Both programs aim to offer a comprehensive understanding of psychology and require exposure to diverse subject areas outside of psychology. The B.S. program emphasizes natural sciences and mathematics, while the B.A. program offers a broader interdisciplinary perspective. Both the B.S. and B.A. programs effectively prepare students for graduate school or careers in various fields, including medicine, education, law, management, business, marketing, and data science.

Psychology B.A. Major Checklist Psychology B.S. Major Checklist

If you are uncertain about which degree pathway to pursue, please review our welcome page and make an appointment with one of our Psychology academic advisors. They can discuss whether the B.A. or B.S. degree aligns best with your long-term goals.

Please note that as a psychology major you are expected to understand and meet the official requirements outlined in the Undergraduate Bulletin. For specific questions related to progress in the major, please schedule an appointment with an advisor:

The Undergraduate Psychology Office checks and clears degree candidates for Psychology major requirements. Students must obtain clearance for the major before the "add/drop" deadline of their final semester.

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