Provost's Advisory Committees
Charged by the Provost's Office
These groups, composed of Stony Brook faculty and staff, are established to provide forums and advise the administration on key academic and administrative issues.
Standing Committees
General education advisory Committee
This advisory committee of 12 faculty and four administrators is jointly constituted by the University Senate and the Provost.
It is charged with providing ongoing advice about the implementation, evaluation, and assessment of Stony Brook University's general education curriculum.
The General Education Advisory Committee is jointly constituted by the Undergraduate Council of the University Senate and the Office of the Provost to provide ongoing advice about implementation, evaluation, and assessment of Stony Brook University’s general education curriculum (the SBC). The Committee examines the extent to which the general education curriculum achieves its stated purpose for students, including outcomes for student learning, degree progress, and post-graduation outcomes, as well as impact on department, school and university operations.
Certification and de-certification of individual courses fall outside the purview of the GEAC.
Ad-Hoc Committees
Climate and Sustainability Structures Scoping Committee
Charged February, 2025
The committee will be charged with engaging relevant stakeholders and conceiving of potential ways to organize and structure our academic, research, and external engagement activities related to climate, energy, and sustainability. The committee’s work will build upon the town halls hosted by the Collaborative for the Earth in the fall semester that focused on bringing together our community of climate and environment researchers. There will also be a town hall for the campus community to offer ideas and feedback in the second half of the semester.
As a NYS flagship public research university, Stony Brook is committed to educating the next-generation scholars and workforce to address our climate, environmental, and energy challenges. it is an ideal time to take a step back and consider our strategic path forward and how our organizational structures at the university may or may not be ideal in supporting relevant curriculum, research, and outreach. The Climate and Sustainability Structures Scoping Committee will be responsible for drafting an outline of proposed scenarios, presenting those scenarios for campus feedback, and crafting a final report to submit to university leadership.
Upcoming Events
The committee will host a town hall conversation, open to all faculty and staff, to discuss options and ask for feedback and ideas from the campus community in spring 2025.