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Awards and Recognitions for Faculty and Staff

Nominate your colleagues 

Learn more about the various awards open to faculty and staff, the nomination procedures, and deadlines


SUNY Chancellor's Awards

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

This award recognizes the consistently superior service contributions of teaching faculty. This service must be sustained over multiples years and may occur in a variety of venues.


To be announced by SUNY, usually in the fall

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

This award recognizes consistently superior teaching at the graduate, undergraduate, or professional level in keeping with SUNY's commitment to providing its students with instruction of the highest quality.


To be announced by SUNY, usually in the fall

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship

This award recognizes consistently superior professional achievement within and beyond the position.


To be announced by SUNY, usually in the fall

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service

This award supports the pursuits foundational to sustaining the intellectual growth of SUNY institutes by recognizing consistently outstanding scholarly and creative productivity, conducted in addition to teaching, by SUNY's instructional faculty.


To be announced by SUNY, usually in the fall

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities

This award supports the pursuits foundational to sustaining the intellectual growth of SUNY institutes by recognizing consistently outstanding scholarly and creative productivity, conducted in addition to teaching, by SUNY's instructional faculty.


To be announced by SUNY, usually in the fall

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching

This award recognizes superior teaching at the graduate, undergraduate, or professional level in keeping with SUNY's commitment to providing its students with instruction of the highest quality.


To be announced by SUNY, usually in the fall

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Chancellor's Horizon Award for faculty research and scholarship

The award honors early career faculty whose scholarly or creative activities have already achieved significant recognition and, crucially, hold strong promise for field-defining impact in the future. Scholarly activities include research focused on pedagogy.


To be announced by SUNY

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Classified Service

This award recognizes superior performance and extraordinary achievement by employees in the classified service. These awards demonstrate the University's commitment to individuals who provide superior service to its students and the community at large.


To be announced by SUNY, usually in the spring

Submit a Nomination Form and File


Looking for the The Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence? Find it here.  

Need more help?

Contact Emmy Yan



Outstanding Lecturer Award

The Provost’s Outstanding Lecturer Award recognizes significant and ongoing contributions to the university’s educational mission. It honors a full-time lecturer who has demonstrated excellence in teaching, service, and professional development in support of this mission.


Up to two awards of $2,000 each may be granted annually


March 25, 2025

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Outstanding Mentor Award

The Outstanding Mentor Award acknowledges senior faculty for their exceptional dedication to mentoring non-tenure track, pre-tenure, and mid-career faculty. It celebrates mentors who provide guidance, foster professional growth, and support a healthy work-life balance.


Up to three awards of $2,000 each may be granted annually


March 25, 2025

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Stony Brook Trustees Faculty Awards

The Stony Brook Trustees Faculty Award recognizes promising early-career faculty for their significant contributions to research, scholarship, and art-making. These awards provide funding opportunities to support and advance their work in these areas.


March 25, 2025

Award starts July 1, 2025

Award Amount

Up to five awards of $20,000 each may be granted annually

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Other University Awards

There are many opportunities to nominate yourself or your colleagues for other awards managed and given by different offices.