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Important Notice to SBU Suppliers Concerning Suspected Fraudulent Activities
Please click here to view the article.
July 2024
WolfMart Updates for Start of Fiscal Year
Please click here to view the article.
July 2024
New Supplier Request Form
Please click here to fill out the form.
May 2024

Important Fiscal Year Deadlines '23-'24
Please click here to view the calendar.
April 2024

Clarification on new IT Review Process
Please click hereto view the article.
April 2024
New Workflow Step for Technology Purposes
Please click hereto view the article.
WolfMart Training
Please click here to fill out the form.

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Don't have access yet or can't log in?
Contact us.

If you need assistance for or access to WolfMart, call the Help Desk at (631) 632-4573 or email You can also view our online training materials to view additional instructional documentation, WolfMart 360 tutorial videos, and read other helpful tips!

WolfMart TEST Site | Archived WolfMart: Click HERE

What is WolfMart 360?

WolfMart 360 is Stony Brook's online requisitioning tool that allows purchasers to quickly locate and buy products and services from University contracts and preferred suppliers. This easy-to-use interface allows purchasers to compare product details and pricing across suppliers and make educated buying decisions.

In July 2020, Stony Brook joined the SUNY-shared system that has been enhanced to provide a better user experience.
