Contracts & Purchasing
A purchase requisition is used to initiate the purchase of goods or services. The preferred method to obtain goods and services is utilizing the electronic requisition system available through the eProcurement system Wolfmart 360. This system provides easy access to our preferred suppliers and contract pricing.
Procurement offers Wolfmart virtual training every 2nd and 4th Thursday from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. You can register by filling out this form.
To check on whether or not your requisition is with our office, log onto WolfMart with the requisition number and click the "PR Approvals" tab to see the status of the requisition. If you are unable to determine whether the requisition is with our office, please call the Procurement Office at (631) 632-6010 or email with the requisition number and we will do our best to provide you with an update.
- To check on whether your requisition has been processed into a purchase order, log onto WolfMart with the requisition number and click the "History" tab. This will indicate whether a PO has been created. If you are unable to determine whether a PO has been issued, please call the Procurement Office at (631) 632-6010 or email with the requisition number and we will do our best to provide you with an update.
- A purchase order is a contractual agreement between the University and the supplier providing the goods/services. No supplier should ship goods or provide services without a valid Stony Brook Purchase Order. A purchase order authorizes the supplier to provide goods and services and provides a mechanism for both billing and payment.
No, the following do not require a Purchase Order, however, they do require a Non-Encumbered Form within Wolfmart:
- Direct payment of supplier invoices up to $10,000.00 (Research Foundation Only). Do not use this for State funded orders. State funded orders for commodities and services require a purchase order.
- Federal, State or Local Government Payments (Can be used for Research and State funds).
- Memberships/Conference Fees up to $50,000.00 (Can be used for Research and State funds).
- Postage (Including UPS and FedEx) (Can be used for Research and State funds).
- Registration Fees (Can be used for Research and State funds).
- Direct Hotel Payments (Can be used for Research and State funds).
- Direct Car Service/Limo Payments (Can be used for Research and State funds).
- Subscriptions (Can be used for Research and State funds).
- SUNY Tuition/Overseas Academic Programs (Can be used for Research and State funds).
- US Homeland Security Payments (Can be used for Research and State funds).
If the goods or services you are requesting do not fall into one of the above categories, a valid purchase order will be required.
NOTE: Securing goods or services without a PO is considered a non-compliance issue and may open the University to an unnecessary risk.
Employees of Stony Brook University, Stony Brook University Hospital, the Long Island State Veterans Home and any other University affiliated offices or departments are not authorized to purchase merchandise and/or request services from a supplier without the prior approval of the Procurement Office.
Per University Policy P614, an "emergency" is defined as "an unanticipated, sudden and unexpected occurrence beyond the control of the University, which threatens: a) the life, health, safety or welfare of any person or b) the continued public use or function of property of the State of New York".
In the case of an emergency situation, the department must contact the Procurement Office for written authorization prior to purchasing goods or initiating the emergency service. Please reach out to the appropriate Category Lead to secure the required approval. This will allow us to mitigate any potential risks to the University. Additionally, this will also allow us to secure any required documentation that would avert a potential future audit finding.
To pay invoices for emergency services procured without the Procurement organization’s involvement, please submit the invoice along with a purchase requisition and justification as "payment purposes only" through Wolfmart utilizing a Service Request Form.
For further questions concerning emergency purchases please contact Frank Bowden, Director of Strategic Procurement at (631) 632-9110.
The Procurement Office staff is available weekdays from 8:30 a.m - 5:00 p.m. to assist you in placing and expediting your urgent orders. Use the contacts noted below.
- Mary LaCorte, Assistant Director of Administrative Services Category, (631) 632-9849
- Lynn Meyer, Assistant Director of Laboratory, Office Supplies, and General Supplies Category, (631) 632-6019
- Linda Santos, Assistant Director of Information Technology Category, (631) 632-6068
- Jill McCahill, Assistant Director of Facilities and MRO Category, (631) 632-6046
To help expedite orders, campus departments are encouraged to apply for the State Corporate Procurement Visa Card. P-Cards also come in handy if you need to place an urgent order outside of Procurement’s standard operating hours. For more information on the corporate card program please contact Gerardina Paduano at (631) 632-6017.
- Please have your requisition or purchase order number available and log onto WolfMart. The requisition and the PO will show the name of the Buyer.
- To find out the expected delivery time frame of your order, please have either your requisition or purchase order number available. Log onto WolfMart and click the "History" tab, which may indicate delivery status, you can also click the “Attachments” tab to review the quote that was attached and the supplier should have indicated an estimated delivery date listed. However, if these do not provide you with the information you are seeking, you can contact the Buyer noted on the purchase order. The Buyer will contact the supplier for delivery status and provide it.
- The authorized signatory on the account should send a comment within Wolfmart to the appropriate Buyer as noted on the Purchase Order to request a full/partial cancellation of the purchase order.
- The authorized signatory on the account should send a comment within Wolfmart to the appropriate Buyer, requesting an increase/decrease in purchase order funding. Be sure to include the following: the purchase order number, the account number and the amount.
- The authorized signatory on the account should send a comment within Wolfmart to the Buyer, requesting a Change Order to add the item to the original Purchase Order. Be sure to include the account number that the new item will be charged to. The department, as well as the vendor, will receive a copy of the Change Order advising of the addition for the new item.
Campus departments are not authorized to enter into agreements with prospective suppliers by signing formal or informal supplier contracts. The Office of the President and the Procurement Office are the only authorized administrative offices that can enter the University into contractual agreements with prospective suppliers. If you or your department plan to enter into a contractual agreement with a prospective supplier, please have the appropriate department representative(s) review the contract for verification of technical terms and conditions and then upload the contract to a Service Request form in Wolfmart. These will be routed to the appropriate contract officer for review and final approval. Please note the Procurement Office does not review unfunded agreements.
Individuals who enter into an agreement with a supplier to start providing goods or services on behalf of the University or whom intend to bind the University to financial commitments without prior authorization from the Procurement Office are in violation of State law and University policy. Individuals may be subject to the imposition of discipline and may be held personally liable for any indebtedness that is ultimately held to be owed to the contractor/supplier.
- The Procurement Office will not issue food payments or reimbursements for staff meetings and working lunches. Please review the University’s Catering Guidelines and Procedures (State and Research) here.
- As of July 5, 2022, Campus departments that purchase from CulinArt using STATE FUNDS are no longer required to submit a Wolfmart Non-Catalog Form. This is ONLY for State funded CulinArt orders. PO’s are still required in Wolfmart for CulinArt purchases using RF Funds. Yes. You need to create a requisition in WolfMart using the Non-Catalog form in order to obtain a purchase order. Please Note: The CULINART order is only a quotation. Please review the University’s Catering Guidelines and Procedures (State and Research) here for additional information.
- W.B. Mason’s pricing, like all Showcase Catalogs, can be found on Wolfmart. Please go to the W.B. Mason punchout catalog on Wolfmart for specific pricing.
A Service Request form is used to initiate a Service Request, examples of which are repairs, maintenance agreements, printing, software agreements and anything involving labor. After submitting, the form will be routed to Procurement for processing. All Service Requests will require end users to enter a Cost Receipt to confirm that services have been rendered.
This information can also be found on the WolfMart Shopping homepage. Go to the bottom of the page under Service Requests, click on the Service Request Form and locate instructions on the left side of the page.
- All invoices should be sent directly to; a Purchase Order number must be identified on the invoice. If material is shipped to the department, or picked up by the department, please notify Central Receiving, and make a comment within Wolfmart to the appropriate PO your formal approval to pay to Accounts Payable.
- Concur is Stony Brook's web-based travel expense reimbursement platform that manages travel requests and expenses associated with both State and RF funded travel. This system will allow University and Medicine Faculty and Staff to automate and expedite the travel reimbursement process. Concur offers an easier and more transparent travel request process, has mobile on-the-go features, and systematically supports travel and expense policy compliance. Please go here for any additional travel and/or expenses clarification.
- Call the Procurement Office at (631) 632-6050 or (631) 632-2117.
Please email and include the following information:
- W9
- Vendor name
- Remit To Address
- Phone
- Email address
- Contact name
- Please advise if you are using State or Research funds
Related Links
- Important Telephone Numbers
Purchasing/ Accounts Payable-Main Phone: (631)632-6010 - Procurement/WolfMart Help: (631)632-4573
Procurement Systems
- Suppliers interested in doing business with Stony Brook University click here for more information
For assistance with WolfMart Click here for FAQs.
Click on WolfMart training website,for WolfMart training information.
You may also email us at, or call the Help Desk at (631) 632-4573.
- You can find information on training, FAQ's and more about Concur at Travel and Card Programs website.
Central Receiving
All goods ordered for Stony Brook University, Stony Brook University Hospital, the Long Island State Veterans Home, and any other University affiliated offices or departments must be shipped to the respective University receiving address. Under no circumstance are deliveries to be made to an address other than an official, University-related receiving address (i.e. Central Receiving, SBUH Receiving, LISVH Receiving, Brookhaven National Lab, VA Medical Center, Cold Spring Harbor Lab, etc).
However, during a deemed New York State emergency (e.g. COVID-19), senior leadership will provide instructions and communicate any changes to this directive to the entire University community.
- You need to speak with the appropriate Buyer. Please have your requisition or purchase order available and log onto WolfMart. The requisition and the PO will show the name of the Buyer. The Buyer will contact the supplier for delivery status.
- You need to speak with the appropriate Buyer. Please have your requisition or purchase order available and log onto WolfMart. The requisition and the PO will show the name of the Buyer.
Contact the Procurement Office to:
Stop payment of an invoice for goods that have already been received. Contact Alfred DiVenuto, Assistant Director of State Accounts Payable, (631) 632-9838, or William Lacasica, Manager of Research Accounts Payable, (631) 632-6001. Make arrangements with the Buyer for the return of merchandise and obtain a Return Authorization Number from the supplier. Complete aReturn/Shipment Request and it should be mailed (Z-6500) or faxed (2-8332) to Central Receiving. A Central Receiving staff member will schedule pick up from the requesting department and return the item to Central Receiving for outgoing shipment processing. Contact Central Receiving at (631) 632-6307 or (631) 632-6290.- You need to speak with the appropriate Buyer. Please have your requisition or purchase order available and log onto WolfMart. The requisition and the Purchase Order will show the name of the Buyer. You should also call Accounts Payable at (631) 632-6001 to stop payment on the incorrect item.
Please review the pre-established policies of the Research Foundation which can be found on the Procurement Office’s website by clicking here.
Accounts Payables
Please contact the Research AP Staff member listed in the Accounts Payable contact section on the Procurement website that handles the vendor you have a question about.
Departments should advise vendors to refrain from submitting invoices directly to their offices. If a department receives an invoice from a vendor, they must review the invoice and:
- If accurate, approve the invoice for payment by including the following on the invoice:
- Valid PO number or Contract # (if not already referenced on the invoice)
- The date item was received, or the service was completed.
- Write “OK to Pay” on the invoice with the approver’s signature.
- PO Invoice: Scan and email to:
- Contract Invoice: Scan and email it to:
- If accurate, approve the invoice for payment by including the following on the invoice:
Invoices are processed for payment once the PO, invoice, and receiver all match.
The department should immediately notify the purchasing buyer listed on the PO and the appropriate RF AP Staff member by providing a comment in Wolfmart. The RF AP staff member and/or the Purchasing Buyer will assist the department in resolving the discrepancy with the vendor. Once the issue is resolved add another comment advising the Accounts Payable representative of your payment approval and the date the issue was resolved.
**IMPORTANT** Please make sure that you add your comment to the voucher associated with the invoice that you're approving or disapproving for payment.
Contact the Procurement Office and provide both the purchase order number and invoice number so that we can research our files to see if a payment has or has not been issued.
- Service Contracts, Saj Anthony at (631) 632-6013
- Long Island State Veterans Home, Alba Beltran at (631) 632-6005
- State Payables (West Campus/HSC) Palma Garrison (631) 632-1417
- RF Payables, Jaya Patil (631) 632-9137
A vendor that is enrolled to receive ACH/electronic payments from the State can expect to receive a payment within 3 to 5 business days after the invoice is entered into the payment system and approved by the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC). A paper check can be expected to be received within 5 to 7 business days after the payment is entered into the system and approved by OSC.
- Checks
- Key Bank ACH payments: Employees who want direct deposit of their employee reimbursements and domestically located suppliers that want to receive electronic payments. Payees will receive an electronic remittance advice. To register for Key Bank ACH/electronic payments click on the following link ACH Payment Enrollment
- Bank of America (BOA) ACH payments: Payments to vendors via Paymode-X replaces paper checks by electronically depositing payments directly into a designated bank account via ACH (Automated Clearing House). A remittance detail is provided via email advising amount, date of payment, and invoice numbers. Vendors can sign up at this link:
- Wires Transfers: Payments by wire transfer may be completed to foreign and domestic banking institutions. Wires may be requested in USD and foreign currency. The minimum payment amount for a wire transfer is $100.00. (It is recommended that domestic suppliers sign up for ACH rather than requesting a wire transfer as there is a $25 fee associated with each wire.)
- Foreign Draft: This payment option is a bank check drawn on a bank outside the USA in a foreign currency. Operating locations will be charged a foreign currency draft fee by RF SUNY Central Finance Office.
For RF checks, contact an RF Payables AP Staff member and provide your department's UPS or Federal Express account number. We will have the check mailed directly to your office address on campus. If your department does not have a UPS or FedEx account, RF SUNY Central Office can charge your Project-Task-Award.
For State checks, The NYS Treasury issues and mails checks directly to the payees, checks cannot be special handled.
All RF invoices in foreign currency must be paid by wire transfer. Departments should
attach the invoice to a WolfMart Non-Encumbered payment form indicating payment
must be made in foreign currency.
All State invoices are only issued in US Dollars. AP will perform a foreign currency
conversion to US dollars based on the invoice date.Immediately add a WolfMart comment to the Buyer noted on the purchase order and to the assigned AP Staff member, alerting them that there is an issue with your order. You should also make arrangements with the vendor to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number and coordinate the merchandise return with Central Receiving.
The campus department or vendor can contact a RF AP Staff member to request a copy of the reconciled cleared check. If the check was not cashed, a stop payment will be applied to the lost check. A new check will be issued once the vendor confirms the correct mailing address.
When a purchase order is completed (i.e., all items have been received, services have been rendered or blanket purchase order is no longer utilized) and has been disencumbered, all remaining funds on that purchase order will fall back into the department's respective state account for that current fiscal year.
Sponsored Awards: Research Accounts Payable works with the Office of Grants Management to ensure the timely close out of open purchase orders on sponsored awards. We ask that departments respond promptly to requests for approvals to pay outstanding invoices so that we may close out any open encumbrances that will no longer be needed.
IDC Awards: We ask that departments review their account balances and respond promptly to our requests to pay any open invoices. Departments should contact Purchasing to close out any open purchase orders that are not needed.
All vendors doing business with New York State (NYS) must be registered in the NYS vendor file and are required to update and add any new information to their vendor record via the NYS Vendor Portal link. If a vendor has any questions or needs
Vendors should log into the NYS Vendor Self-Service Portal where they can view payment remittance information and also view past and pending payments from the State. If the vendor has any further questions please have them contact the Procurement Office-State Payables at (631) 632-1417.
The New York State fiscal year begins on April 1 and ends on March 31 of each year. The SUNY fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 of each year.
For voucher payments and Procurement/Travel Card transactions, contact the Procurement Office.
- State Voucher Payments: Contact Palma Garrison, Accounts Payable Specialist at (631) 632-1417.
- State Procurement Card Transactions: Contact, Payable Analyst, at (631) 632-9027.
- State Travel/NET Card Transactions: Contact Joanne DeSantis Credit Card Administrator at (631) 632-4031.
- RF Voucher Payments: Contact Jaya Patil, Accounts Payable Specialist at (631)632-9137.
- RF Procurement/Travel Card Transactions: Contact Daniel Ospina, Payable Analyst at (631)632-6008
For journal transfers contact the Accounting Office at (631) 632-6040
Carefully review your order and the invoice to ensure all items/services were properly received and billed.
If the order is correct, add a comment directed to an AP staff member. Please refer to the Accounts Payable contact section on the Procurement website to determine the appropriate AP staff member. In the comment note the date the merchandise was received or the date the service was completed.
If there is a discrepancy with the order or the invoice, add a comment noting the issue, making sure the appropriate Accounts Payable representative is included as a recipient. Once the issue is resolved add another comment advising the Accounts Payable representative of your payment approval and the date the issue was resolved.
**IMPORTANT** Please make sure that you add your comment to the voucher associated with the invoice that you're approving or disapproving for payment.
Send the check, referencing the PO number to the Procurement Office (Z=6000). The funds will be credited to the original State or RF account from which they were expended.
If the invoice is for an item that was originally ordered on the lapsed year purchase order you can email the invoice to for payment along with your payment authorization. The payment will be expended from the current fiscal year referencing the lapsed-year purchase order.
New York State Prompt Payment Legislation requires that State agencies issue payments to vendors within 30 days of receipt of either a valid vendor invoice or receipt of goods/services, whichever date is later. This is why it is vital that campus departments respond within 3 business days to Accounts Payable requests for invoice payment approval. A department’s delayed response to a request for invoice payment approval may result in late payment interest charges assessed to their State account. For more information please refer to the New York State Finance Law.
Please see the SBU Catering and Food policy
For assistance please contact Marissa Culver at (631) 444-9960.
State Visa Card
- Ideally, P-Cards are issued to individuals that are responsible for making routine purchases for their department. Department supervisors will identify employees who are to apply for a P-Card.
- Please complete and interoffice a VISA Procurement Card Application to the Procurement Office at zip 6000.
- Cardholders are assigned a single transaction limit of up to $2500.
- No, P-Cards are funded by State accounts only. Please stay tuned for information regarding the new RF Credit Card program scheduled to launch at the end of August 2022.
- State VISA Procurement Cards may NOT be used for any travel related expenses. Please refer to our Travel & Card Program website for travel related inquiries.
- No, the State VISA Procurement Card cannot be used for any travel related expenses. Using the P-Card to "hold" a reservation will put the traveler's reservation in jeopardy. Please stay tuned for information regarding the new Travel Card program scheduled to launch in September 2022.
- No, cardholders cannot use their P-Cards for restaurant dining or catering. Please visit the Procurement website for the Catering and Food policy.
- No, the P-Card cannot be used. When making purchases related to academic programs please requistion your order through your e-procurement system (WolfMart or Lawson).
- VISA Procurement Cards may NOT be used to purchase gift certificates or any "gift" of any nature.
- Immediately contact the Citibank Help Desk by calling 1-800-248-4553
- After reporting your issue to the banking institution, please report the issue to the Procurement, Travel & Card Program department as well by via e-mail at
VISA Procurement Cards are issued to individual employees; the individual named on the face of the card is the only one authorized to use it. Sharing your P-Card and/or related passwords is strictly prohibited.
If you will be out of the office for an extended period of time, please e-mail to request a temporary suspension.
Cardholders are strongly encouraged to monitor their transactions (on the CitiManager site or on the SUNY web certification system). If you do not recognize the transaction:
- Contact the vendor using the phone number listed on the credit card statement
- If you cannot identify the transaction or reach the supplier, please file a dispute with the bank provider.
- Contact Citibank by calling 1-800-248-4553 or by logging on to your Citibank profile viaCitiManager and selecting the 'submit dispute' button on the statement next to the transaction
- After reporting your issue to Citibank, please advise the Procurement Travel & Card Program department via email,
- All transactions must be reconciled/certified by the designated deadlines. Once the bank provider has reviewed your dispute and investigated the charge, a credit will be posted to your statement. Both credits and debits must be certified.
- When in doubt, please contact the Procurement, Travel & Card Program team via email at
- Complete your certification the SUNY portal
- Complete your e-Certification packet in Concur
- You can request changes to your P-Card profile by emailing the Procurement Travel & Card Programs team at
- All RF and State Employees traveling internationally on any RF or State funded account or domestically on an RF Non-Sponsored or State funded account will need to submit a travel pre-approval Request in Concur.
The only time an RF or State Employee does not need to submit a travel pre-approval Request in Concur is if the employee is traveling domestically on an RF Sponsored Award. - NYS Department of Taxation and Finance checks, call (631) 632-9838 or (631) 632-1417.
- Research Foundation checks, call (631) 632-6001 or (631) 632-2118.
- Stony Brook Foundation checks, call (631) 632-3549 or (631) 632-9838.
- State, Research Foundation, and Stony Brook Foundation Requisitions are now all on the same form which can be downloaded from theProcurement Forms and Publications website. Please indicate the correct funding source on the form.
Please see the Electronic Record of Authorized Signatures (E-RAS) FAQ's, via their webpage (click HERE)