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Physics and Astronomy | (631)-632-7981, Physics D-147
Research Group Website | Curriculum Vitae. (Last updated: 2024 Aug 29)

Korepin completed his undergraduate study at Saint Petersburg State University, graduating with a diploma in theoretical physics in 1974. In that same year he was employed by the Mathematical Institute of Academy of Sciences. He worked there until 1989, obtaining his PhD in 1977 under the supervision of Ludwig Faddeev. At the same institution he completed his postdoctoral studies. In 1985, he received a doctor of sciences degree in mathematical physics.

Research Statement
Korepin has made contributions to several fields of theoretical physics. Although he is best known for his involvement in condensed matter physics and mathematical physics, he significantly contributed to quantum gravity as well. In recent years, his work has focused on aspects of condensed matter physics relevant for quantum information.

Among his contributions to condensed matter physics, we mention his studies on low-dimensional quantum gases. In particular, the 1D Hubbard model of strongly correlated fermions, and the 1D Bose gas with delta potential interactions.

While researching quantum gravity, Korepin has worked on the cancellation of ultra-violet infinities in one loop on mass shell gravity.