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The colloquium is currently held at 3:45 PM on Tuesdays in Harriman 137. Cookies, tea and coffee are served from 3:30 PM outside the lecture hall.

Colloquium committee: Rouven Essig (Chair), Jennifer Cano (Vice Chair), Abhay Deshpande, Will Farr, Harold Metcalf, Jesus Perez Rios, Giacinto Piacquadio

Archive of colloquia from 1999 to the present

Spring 2025 Colloquia
Date Speaker Title & Abstract
Jan 28

Andre De Gouvea

Northwestern University

The Brave Nu World

The discovery of nonzero neutrino masses shook the particle physics world at the turn of the 21st century and remains the only concrete evidence that there is something missing from the standard model of particle physics. I provide an overview of the current status of neutrino physics, including some of the open questions and the many avenues we are pursuing to answer them.

Feb 4

Raymond Blackwell

Stony Brook University

Visualizing Correlated Phenomena via Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Strong interactions between electrons in a material give rise to a diverse set of phenomena including superconductivity, density waves, and magnetism. One of the most powerful techniques to study these correlated phenomena is Spectroscopic Imaging Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (SI-STM), a real space probe capable of visualizing local electronic information at sub-nanometer length scale. In this talk, I will discuss the insights that SI-STM provides about the normal state in the recently discovered high Tc superconductor La3Ni2O7. Additionally I will show evidence that ytterbium dopants drastically alter the properties of graphene leading to spatial heterogeneity in the electronic structure and the appearance of a charge density wave.

Feb 11

Jainendra Jain

Penn State University

Absolutely mindboggling! Weirder than we ever thought.

The history of physics is replete with examples, referred to as paradigm shifts, where a complex and apparently disconnected set of phenomena is unified by a more fundamental principle. In this talk, I will show how the enormously rich and mysterious phenomenology of 2D electrons in a magnetic field becomes obvious when viewed from the perspective of a new kind of emergent particles called the composite fermions. In particular, the composite fermions are seen to be the fundamental building blocks of the fractional quantum Hall states, which are among the most stunning, the most consequential, and the best understood strongly correlated states discovered in nature. I will mention the latest developments, intriguing ideas for fault tolerant quantum computation, new surprises, and open issues. The talk will be accessible to first year graduate students.

Feb 18

Tom Hartman

Cornell University


Feb 25

Dominik Schneble

Stony Brook University


Mar 4

Alan Robock

Rutgers University


Mar 11

Hui Cao

Yale University


Mar 18 -- No Colloquium. Spring Break.
Mar 25

Alice Shapely

University of California, Los Angeles


Apr 1

Christoph Paus

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Apr 8

Katerina Chatziioannou

California Institute of Technology


Apr 15

Undergraduate Colloquium


Apr 22

Thomas Roser

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Sustainability of accelerator and collider facilities

In our world of increasing Global Warming and extreme weather events this talk explores the steps that can be taken to build and operate accelerators and colliders in a more sustainable and responsible way. After a general discussion of sustainability I will describe the work of the ICFA Panel on Sustainable Accelerators and Colliders and the on-going planning efforts towards more sustainable future large accelerators.

Apr 29

David Goldhaber-Gordon

Stanford University


May 6

Graduate Colloquium


Archived Colloquium Schedules