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Responsive Data Table

This snippet creates a data table with any number of rows and columns under a header.


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How to Use : Responsive Data Table

1. Click on the snippet button in the toolbar.

Snippet Icon

2. Click on category drop down and find "Tables", or simply type in "Responsive Data Table" to filter.

Responsive Table

3. Select the snippet and click on 'Insert'.  By defalut the table class is 'tablesaw tablesaw-stack light-grey-table' . If you want  table background color as gray then use class 'responsive-table-grey-bg', for white use class 'responsive-table-white-bg'.

4. To change background color of table :

         Right click on table -> Table properties -> custom class 

Right Click Option

Table Properties

5. Add your content, and then save your changes.




Title 1 Title 2 Title 3
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You can add more rows Or insert another column Or remove a row or column