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2. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 2: Understand the learning challenges of ELLs in the sociocultural context. Candidates should demonstrate and apply knowledge of the impact of dynamic academic, personal, familial, cultural, social, and sociopolitical contexts on the education and language acquisition of ELLs as supported by research and theories; Candidates should investigate the academic and personal characteristics of each ELL, as well as family circumstances and literacy practices, to develop individualized, effective instructional and assessment practices for their ELLs; Candidates should recognize how educator identity, role, culture, and biases impact the interpretation of ELLs’ strengths and needs.
3. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 3: Planning and Implementing Instruction. Candidates should use and adapt relevant resources, including appropriate technology, to effectively plan, develop, implement, and communicate about instruction for ELLs; Candidates should plan supportive environments for ELLs, design and implement standards-based instruction using evidence-based, ELL-centered, interactive approaches; Candidates should make instructional decisions by reflecting on individual ELL outcomes and adjusting instruction; Candidates shouldunderstand the role of collaboration with colleagues and communication with families to support their ELLs’ acquisition of English language and literacies in the content areas.
4. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 4: Implementation of Assessment and Evaluation. Candidates should apply assessment principles to analyze and interpret multiple and varied assessments for ELLs, including classroom-based, standardized, and language proficiency assessments; Candidates should understand how to analyze and interpret data to make informed decisions that promote English language and content learning; Candidates should understand the importance of communicating results to other educators, ELLs, and ELLs’ families.
5. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 5: Professionalism and Leadership. Candidates should demonstrate professionalism and leadership by collaborating with other educators; Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of policies and legislation and the rights of ELLs, advocate for ELLs and their families; Candidates should pursue continuous professional development and honing their teaching practice through supervised teaching.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages M.A.
1. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 1: Build Knowledge about Language. Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of English language structures & use, & language processes; Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of second language acquisition and development.2. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 2: Understand the learning challenges of ELLs in the sociocultural context. Candidates should demonstrate and apply knowledge of the impact of dynamic academic, personal, familial, cultural, social, and sociopolitical contexts on the education and language acquisition of ELLs as supported by research and theories; Candidates should investigate the academic and personal characteristics of each ELL, as well as family circumstances and literacy practices, to develop individualized, effective instructional and assessment practices for their ELLs; Candidates should recognize how educator identity, role, culture, and biases impact the interpretation of ELLs’ strengths and needs.
3. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 3: Planning and Implementing Instruction. Candidates should use and adapt relevant resources, including appropriate technology, to effectively plan, develop, implement, and communicate about instruction for ELLs; Candidates should plan supportive environments for ELLs, design and implement standards-based instruction using evidence-based, ELL-centered, interactive approaches; Candidates should make instructional decisions by reflecting on individual ELL outcomes and adjusting instruction; Candidates shouldunderstand the role of collaboration with colleagues and communication with families to support their ELLs’ acquisition of English language and literacies in the content areas.
4. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 4: Implementation of Assessment and Evaluation. Candidates should apply assessment principles to analyze and interpret multiple and varied assessments for ELLs, including classroom-based, standardized, and language proficiency assessments; Candidates should understand how to analyze and interpret data to make informed decisions that promote English language and content learning; Candidates should understand the importance of communicating results to other educators, ELLs, and ELLs’ families.
5. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to satisfy NYS TESOL Standard 5: Professionalism and Leadership. Candidates should demonstrate professionalism and leadership by collaborating with other educators; Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of policies and legislation and the rights of ELLs, advocate for ELLs and their families; Candidates should pursue continuous professional development and honing their teaching practice through supervised teaching.
3-year graduation rate
Avg. years to degree
10 years after graduation
5 years after graduation
1 year after graduation
PLACEMENT2 years after graduation
Working in New York
Continuing Education