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Department/Program Review

All degree and certificate programs at Stony Brook University must prepare a self-study that includes an assessment of student learning outcomes and participate in an external review process known as Department/Program Review. This process takes place every seven years (or an external accreditation cycle of no more than ten years). 

For more information on the self-study requirements, selection of external reviewers, and University support provided to participating departments, see the policy and process documents developed by the Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a Program Review Process.

Department/Program Review Policy

Department/Program Review Process

Department/Program Review Self-Study Template

Department/Program Review - Participating Cohorts

Department/Program Review Implementation Timeline

Date Action Item
April 2024 OEE in consultation with relevant Deans, sends notice of self-study cohort participation. (view policy)
May 2024 OEE staff and IRPE staff conduct orientation meeting with programs.
June 2024 IRPE provides data to programs. OEE provides Academic Program Assessment Reports.
September - October 2024
  • Program proposes external reviewers for approval by the Office of the Provost or the Executive Vice President for Health Sciences; external reviewers shall not have conflicts of interest that bias the review. 
  • OEE will notify the Department/Program via email which potential reviewers have been approved.
  • Site Visit Planning Meeting.
January 2025
  • Site Visit Progress Check-in.
  • OEE will schedule a check-in session to address any site visit and/or self-study questions, discuss budget considerations and site visit agenda.
February 2025 Program submits self-study to OEE for distribution. 
March 2025 OEE shares self-study with external reviewers.
March - May 2025 External review visits occur.
May - June 2025 External reviewers submit reports.  Dean, Department Chair & OEE meet to debrief and develop action items/priorities.
September 2025 Department submits a short follow up document with goals and action items to work towards over the next 18 months.
March 2026 Department submits follow-up progress report on recommendations and plans.

*OEE: Office of Educational Effectiveness
*IRPE: Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness

Program Review FAQs

Department Mission Statements

Some SBU departments have mission statements that articulate how their  area supports the institutional mission, school/college mission, and programs offered. A selection of departmental mission statements is available here.