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31st Conference on

"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Earth and Space Sciences Building - Stony Brook University







9:15 am


Jaret, S. J.

CUNY Kingsborough Community College,  American Museum of Natural History

9:20 am

Characterizing Boron Isotope Variation in Wetland Plants from Setauket Pond

Iorga, A., Rasbury, E., T. Twiss, K.C., Wooton, K.M., Wright, C.C

Stony Brook University

9:40 am

Greenhouse Phase Implications To Non- Indigenous Marine Life: Migrations In The New York Bight And Hudson River

Epstein, S., Epstein, P., Sassen R.

Geoval Consultants LLC, Sassen Geocatalysts

10:00 am

Comparing the Effects of Coastal Erosion on Unprotected vs. Protected Shorelines Using GIS and 2011/2014 LiDAR Data

Appel, C., Rahman, M. M., Boddu, D., Marsellos, A.E.

Hofstra University

10:20 am

High-Frequency of Groundwater Level Fluctuations, Underground Erosion, Potential Sinkhole Occurrences Across Long Island, NY

Hope, J. H., Marsellos, A., E Tsakiri, K. G.

Hofstra University Information Systems, Analytics, and Supply Chain Management, Rider University

10:40 am




10:50 am

Exploring Climate Change Effects on Sinkhole Formation: Long-Term Temperature Analysis in Long Island, NY (1948-2024)

Gonzalez, X., Hubbs, D., Dailey, S., Marsellos, A.E., Tsakiri, K.G.2

Hofstra University Information Systems, Analytics, and Supply Chain Management, Rider University

11:10 am

BeachCam monitoring of shoreline dynamics.

Crouse, A.,  Fallon, K.,  Bokuniewicz, H.

Stony Brook University SOMAS

11:30 am

Investigating Groundwater and Landslide Relationships Using R: A Study on Long Island’s North Shore

Badger, T., Parag, A., Pelletier, A., DeRocchis, S. , Marsellos, A.E., Tsakiri, K.G.

Hofstra University Information Systems, Analytics, and Supply Chain Management, Rider University

11:50 am

Assessing Future Flood Risks: A GIS Simulation of Brooklyn's September 2023 Event with LiDAR Data

Lawlor, J., Jones, W., Tecusan, K., Marsellos, A.E.

Hofstra University

12:10 pm

Shedding light on Long Island’s glacial history: A luminescence dating approach aimed to involve undergraduate students in field- and laboratory-based research.

Grandfield, T.,  Frouin, M.,

Stony Brook University Turkana Basin Institute

12:30 pm




1:00 pm

Introducing WhatRocksOnYourBlock: a virtual tour of building stones in NYC

Melzer, L.,  Jaret, S. J., Hopkins, M. J., Taber, K.

New York City Department of Education, Manhattan International High School, American Museum of Natural History,  Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York

1:20 pm

The Provenance and Ages of Glacial Sediments from Long Island, NY

Davies, R. M., Jaret, S.J., Nicolas, J., Crowley, J, Kinney, S.

CUNY Queensborough Community College, CUNY Kingsborough Community College, Boise State Uninversity, Rutgers University

1:40 pm

U-Pb Age of 448 Ma for Shelter Rock, a Large Glacial Erratic in Western Long Island, New York, Confirms its Source from a Late Ordovician Meta- Granodiorite Pluton Beneath Western Long Island Sound

Bennington, B., Byrne, A., Bookbinder, B., Sanchez, S. G. Jaret, S. J.

Hofstra University Kingsborough Community College Freeport High School, Freeport, NY

2:00 pm

Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Ravenswood Granodiorite, Long Island City

Jaret, S. J. Tailby, N. D., Crowley, J.

Kingsborough Community College, AMNH, University of New England, Boise State Univ

2:20 pm

Stratigraphy, Structure and Tectonic Implications of the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY

Merguerian, C. Merguerian, J. M.

Duke Geological Laboratory, DukelabsDSC,