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Expanded Training & Clinical Rotation Opportunities Working Group

Stony Brook Medicine Task Force


The Expand Training and Clinical Rotation Opportunities will inventory the current (pre-COVID) levels and sub-specialties of clinical rotations that are offered by SBUH and affiliates. The working group will assess what students are occupying these rotations, i.e. Stony Brook University vs. Non-Stony Brook University. In particular, the working group will review the procedure involved in securing clinical rotations that are offered by SBUH and affiliates with an eye on allowing Stony Brook University's HS programs the right of first refusal over outside programs. The working group will also provide recommendations for any infrastructure required to accomplish proposed maximization of training and clinical opportunities within SBUH and affiliates among the HS schools.


Maximize training and clinical rotation within Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH) and affiliates for our professional students in the Health Sciences (HS) Schools.

Recommended Timeline

The Working Group should be able to accomplish these tasks by the end of February. The Working Group should plan to present its findings and recommendations to the Stony Brook Medicine Task Force in March.


Working Group Co-Chairs: John Riley **,  Carolyn Santora **

 **denotes member of SBI Task Force