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Tuition Revenue Sharing Program Working Group

Academic Portfolio Task Force 


Through a review of existing tuition revenue sharing policies at the school/college level and an understanding as to what extent these financial policies and practices have hindered initiatives to grow revenue, develop a new and simple way to understand revenue sharing incentive program to support graduate enrollment goals and objectives (whether single department or interdisciplinary collaboration between departments and schools/colleges). Evaluate whether this approach is sufficient to attract faculty to teach interdisciplinary programs.


Develop a new and easy to understand revenue sharing incentive program to support graduate enrollment goals and objectives across the University (East/West); explore developing an undergraduate summer tuition revenue sharing program.

Recommended Timeline

The working group should identify short term solutions by late January. It's anticipated that longer term solutions would be identified by February.


Working Group Co-Chairs:  Saeedah Hickman**, Samir Das**


 **denotes member of SBI Task Force