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Directory of PhD Students
- Anna Zarra AldrichPhD StudentAreas of Interest: Environmental humanities, ecofeminist criticism, modern drama, Shakespeare studies, and performance
- Robert BalunPhD CandidateAreas of Interest: anthropocene aesthetics, ecopoetics & ecotheory, ontology, phenomenology, media studies, film & television studies, 20th and 21st century poetry
- Lizzie BelnapPhD StudentAreas of Interest: Irish Studies, Modernism, Girlhood Studies, Disability Studies
- Lea BorentsteinPhD CandidateAreas of Interest: African American literature and culture, nineteenth-century cultural production in black America, postcolonial literature in Africa and the African diaspora
- Julia BrownPhD CandidateAreas of Interest: Post-1945 American literature, medical humanities, narrative medicine, gender and sexuality studies, critical theory, digital humanities
- Camille Coy PhD Student
- Sarah Fisher DavisPhD CandidateAreas of Interest: Environmental humanities & justice, contemporary American literature, gender & sexuality studies, textual form, film studies, graphic narratives & comics
- Lingjie DingPhD Student
- Brian EberlePhD CandidateAreas of Interest: 20th century British andAmerican fiction, Modernism, literature of World War I and the interwar period, spatial studies, ecocriticism, philosophy and literature
- Anne HartPhD StudentAreas of Interest: 20th century American literature and media, Medical Humanities, Film, Critical Theory, Archive, Memory, Comedy, Slavic Studies, French Studies
- Antoine JonesPhD StudentArea of Interest: Early Modern Drama
- Hayden KindratPhD CandidateAreas of Interest: post-1945 American literature, queer literature, mass market literature
- Lisa LeBlondPhD CandidateAreas of Interest: Ethnic literatures of the Americas, Irish literature, film, oppression, decolonial theory, satire
- Wooil LeePhD CandidateAreas of Interest: Critical Theory, Anthropocene Studies, New Materialism, Posthumanism, Gender Studies, 20th Century Literature
- Margaret LehmannPhD StudentAreas of Interest: Early Modern literature, rhetoric, history of science, history of emotions, affect theory
- Ya LuPhD CandidateAreas of Interest: transnational modernism, feminist media studies, critical disability studies, aging studies
- Isaac MikulskiPhD StudentAreas of Interest: James Joyce, Modernism, Experimental Literature, Spanish-language literature
- Gina MingoiaPhD StudentAreas of Interest: Twentieth century American literature, depictions of grief in literature, psychoanalytic literary criticism, feminist theory, narrative theory, rhetoric and composition
- Felicia NadelPhD Student Areas of Interest: Feminist and queer literature, fiction, and poetry; feminist theory; queer theory; Jewish feminism; diaspora studies; critical race theory; post-colonial theory; feminist artistic expression; environmental feminism
- Brandyn ParkerPhD StudentAreas of Interest: Psychology and Literature, Cognitive Literary Studies, Disability Studies, AI, The Intersection of the Sciences and Humanities, Contemporary Fiction, Experimental and Avant-Garde Literature, Romantic-era Literature
- Dylan ParryPhD StudentAreas of Interest: War Literature and Culture, 20th-Century British Literature, Modernism/Modernity, Testimony, Rhetoric
- Cobi PowellPhD StudentAreas of Interest: post-45 American fiction and film, narrative theory, experimental fiction, life writing, critical theory, energy humanities
- Lauren RandallPhD StudentAreas of Interest: Post-45 American literature, film, and drama; queer studies; gender & sexuality studies; stardom & celebrity
- Courtney RosenthalPhD StudentAreas of Interest: Digital Humanities, Artificial Intelligence, Digitality, critical data studies, rhetoric
- Rachel ShomerPhD StudentAreas of Interest: 20th and 21st century literature, posthumanism, gender & sexuality studies, popular culture studies, and digital humanities
- Nathan SingletonPhD StudentAreas of Interest:Critical theory, psychoanalysis, gender and sexuality, modernism, surrealism, 20th century literature, genre, transgressive/experimental literature
- Emily M. SobelPhD StudentAreas of Interest: Ecofeminism, feminist film theory, speculative fiction, media studies, and theories of affect & embodiment
- Nayoung YangPhD CandidateAreas of Interest: Asian American literature, performance studies, cultural studies, literary criticism, food and consumption, memory, diaspora
- Christina WheelerPhD StudentAreas of Interest: 20th and 21st century literature, disability studies, rhetoric and composition, fantasy literature, game studies
Directory of Master's Students
- Haka Asslani-AvdiuMA StudentAreas of Interest
- Emelda BonillaMA Student
- Kimberly BurgerMA Student
- Caleigh CapekMA Student
- Anthony CareyMA Student
- Dominic Anthony D'EliaMA StudentAreas of Interest: Gothic, Medieval, and Postcolonial literature
- Samantha DesmondMA Student
- Rachel EmmersonMA StudentAreas of Interest: Areas of Interest:American and British Literature, power dynamics, trauma, psychology in literature, English education
- Sean FarnhamMA Student
- Anthony GuzzoneMA StudentAreas of Interest: Areas of Interest:English, Literature, Poetry, Education
- Emiy ImbergamoMA Student
- Natalie KuntzschMA StudentAreas of Interest: English, Education, Middle School/High School English, Teaching
- Anya MarquardtMA StudentAreas of Interest: Areas of Interest:Methods of Teaching English, Science Fiction, Ecofeminism, Queer Studies, Disability Studies
- Cassandra ProvenzanoMA StudentAreas of Interest: Areas of Interest:Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; British Literature, Art History, and Film
- Erika PugliesiMA Student
- Sarah RaverMA StudentAreas of Interest: Literature during the Victorian era, fiction classics from the 19th and 20th centuries, depictions of women's sexuality and expression in Gothic texts, "New Woman" in Gothic literature
- Lily ReisMA Student
- Harrison RichardsonMA Student
- Natalie RosalesMA Student