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eMILY M. Sobel

Emily Sobel


Office: HUM 2070

Emily M. Sobel earned her MA in Screen Studies at Brooklyn College, Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema and her BA in Cinema and Cultural Studies at Stony Brook University. At Stony Brook, she currently studies ecofeminist film, speculative fiction, and theories of affect and embodiment. 

Her master’s thesis, Silk Screens, explores the use of the spider as a striking symbol for new conceptions of the feminine in contemporary media. Her essay “My Roanoke Nightmare: Transmedia Aesthetics in Contemporary Horror” was published in a special issue, “Ryan Murphy: Gender, Genre, Authorship,” for Refractory: A Journal of Media and Entertainment. 

Aside from her scholarly work, she has worked in curatorial departments at MoMA and the Long Island Museum. Additionally, she serves as Vice President for the Stony Brook Graduate English Society and as a member of the English department’s Graduate Conference committee, for which she co-wrote the 2025 CFP and theme (Webs of Wonder).