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Molecular and Cell Biology of Infectious Diseases Training Program

Program Director: James B. Konopka, Ph.D.

Associate Director: David G. Thanassi, Ph.D.

The Molecular and Cell Biology of Infectious Diseases (MCBID) Training Program at Stony Brook University (SBU) provides predoctoral students with enhanced research training and career development activities. The goal of this NIH-funded Program is to increase the number of students that obtain a highly productive PhD dissertation and a successful career in infectious disease research. Trainees are selected from three participating graduate programs at SBU: Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Genetics, and Molecular and Cellular Biology. Admission to the Program is typically in the third year of graduate school for a 2- to 3-year period.

Trainees specifically benefit from participation in the Program-sponsored seminar series, travel funds to attend scientific and career development conferences, and funds for performing cutting-edge and multidisciplinary research. This includes optional field research experience in epidemiology at SBU's Centre ValBio research station in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar.

Twenty-one Full, Associate or Assistant Professors from 6 different Departments at SBU serve as Mentors.

Please contact us if you would like to know more about the MCBID Training Program. 

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NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) for the MCBID Training Program  

Participating Graduate Programs

Microbiology and Immunology
Molecular and Cellular Biology

Research Areas

Bacterial, viral and fungal pathogenesis
Viral replication and assembly
Regulation of pathogen gene expression
Innate and adaptive immune responses to pathogens
Diagnostic, drug and vaccine development
Epidemiology of infectious disease

Participating Departments

Microbiology and Immunology
Biochemistry and Cell Biology


Former trainee Cindy Thomas presenting a poster of her research Former Trainee DeAnna Bublitz carrying out epidemiology research in Madagascar