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Student Success Through Applied Research (SSTAR) Lab

The SSTAR Lab engages in scholarly inquiry to investigate critical issues in higher education, examine best practices in retention efforts, and facilitate innovative strategies to promote undergraduate student success. Our action-oriented research aims to gather evidence and share knowledge about what works in improving student persistence and graduation. We collaborate with campus partners to develop cutting-edge departmental and institutional initiatives with the student at the center of everything.



Lab Director: Rachelle Germana, Ph.D., Senior Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education
Research Director: Richard H. Tomczak, Ph.D., Director of Faculty Engagement
SSTAR Lab Coordinator: Jennifer Rodriguez, Associate Director, U-RISE

Lab Members:
Robert Drago, Associate Director,  U-RISE
Michelle Setnikar, Associate Director,  U-RISE
Danielle Dailey, Lead Academic Success Advisor and Retention Specialist, U-RISE
William (Billy) Martin III, Lead Academic Success Advisor and Retention Specialist, U-RISE
Tiana De Jesus, Lead Academic Success Advisor and Retention Specialist, U-RISE