Researcher of the Month
February 2015
Shanawaj (Roy) Khair
Biology major, University Scholars Program, Class of 2016
Research Mentor: Dr. Ellen Li, Stony Brook Medicine
When Roy Khair was awarded a Gates Millennium scholarship funding a “good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any U.S. based, accredited college or university of [his] choice”—he chose Stony Brook. Roy recounts, “I thought this place was the best fit for me and turns out it was! I found Dr. Li, I found Dr. Gergen, phenomenal classes…and I found URECA!”
Currently a junior majoring in Biology, Roy has been working with his mentor Dr. Ellen Li since 2013 to explore the role of gut bacteria in colon cancer. Roy contacted Dr. Li as a freshman, submitted a URECA proposal in his second semester at SB, and was selected to participate in the inaugural URECA Explorations in STEM research program –co-administered by URECA, the Career Center and Technology & Society. Roy recalls: “The URECA STEM Exploration program was more than just giving you funding. We had weekly meetings designed to help students be more engaged in terms of career development – how to network, how to present yourself, how to expand your interests, how to know about other careers out there. The Director, Marianna Savoca, was really helpful in terms of getting us exposed and learning how important those skills were.” Roy’s research with Dr. Li was supported for a second summer (2014) by a URECA-UG Biology alumni award; and he is currently engaged in co-authoring and preparing a manuscript (submitted). Roy plans to apply to MD/PhD programs next year.
This past fall, Roy participated in the Gates Millennium Leadership Summit and Lobby Day in Washington, D.C. – enjoying the opportunity to interact with legislators
and gain experience in cancer advocacy. [See also >>] Recently, Roy was invited to represent SB undergraduate research at a SUNY RF Board Meeting.
At SB, Roy has been involved as an EOP/AIM tutor for General Chemistry, Biology, and
Organic Chemistry. In his freshman year, Roy was an Undergraduate Fellow - Undergraduate Colleges. His hobbies also include photography, and exploring international
Roy’s fascination with gut microbiome research began when he was a high school student
at John Bowne HS in Flushing, and initiated an independent science research project
with Dr. John Dennehy and Dr. James Carpino at CUNY Queens to investigate the correlation
between body mass index and Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes Frequencies in the Gut—a project he presented at the NYC Science and Engineering
Fair & that brought him to the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF)
finals (2012). Roy was also a participant in the fabulous American Museum of Natural
History Science Research Mentoring Program where he worked with Dr. Mande Holford and Dr. Hilleary Osheroff on recombinant synthesis
of Tg77 peptide from Tererbra guttata (cone snail venom).
Roy Khair moved from Bangladesh to the NYC area at age 12; and he credits rapidly
learning English by being an avid reader of Harry Potter books. Below are excerpts
from his interview with Karen Kernan, URECA Director.
The Interview:
Karen. Tell me about your current research with Dr. Li.Roy. Our lab has multiple projects. One of the projects I am involved with is exploring the relationship between gut bacteria and colon cancer. In our GI tract
– there are roughly 10 trillion bacteria. We all have it. Research has shown that
they affect many components of our health (obesity, development of colon cancer, autism,
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, and many others). We ask how changes in the population
of that 10 trillion bacteria affects your predisposition to colon cancer. Or how predisposition
to colon cancer such as diet, race, gender—how does that affect the population of
gut bacteria — which in turn affects your development of colon cancer. Colon cancer
is the 3rd most leading cause of death in the US. It’s a very treatable disease if detected
early ( have a higher chance of survival if you get your colonoscopies at onset
age at around age 50). If caught late, it becomes life threatening.
And what first got you interested in this field of gut microbiome research?
I went to John Bowne HS in Flushing NY. We had phenomenal teachers there who were
instrumental in encouraging us to pursue careers in science. I transitioned into science
research largely because of my biology teacher, Ms. Joy, who would bring me Science and Nature magazines. I really got into reading about research, and exploring so many relevant
topics that I was fascinated by—including the work of Dr. Jeffrey Gordon at Washington
University in St. Louis who was a pioneer in gut microbiome research and had explored
the relationship between gut microbiome and obesity. Soon I designed an experiment
to explore the relationship between gut biome and body mass index of the host. To
carry out the project, I reached out to Dr. John Dennehy and Dr. James Carpino (a
graduate student at the time) at Queens College who helped me and provided lab space
and some financial support to carry out the project. I also got financial support
from biotech companies such as Eppendorf, and Roch Diagnostics, and some others. I
later submitted my project to NYC Science and Engineering Fair, and it was one of
16 projects selected for the Intel ISEF fair. Up to then, my exposure to the science
world had been limited. But going to big science fair where you got to meet Nobel
laureate scientists and interact with students who are doing fascinating projects—all
of these experiences solidified my conviction to go into science. I knew research
was where I wanted to go. The Science Mentoring program at American Museum of Natural
History, a 2 year program, was also a big influence on me. I still remember at the
end of the program when we had to give a 10-15 minute presentation on stage … It was
a fantastic time in terms of solidifying my interest to do research.
So you came to SB knowing you wanted to do science?
Yes, I had a foot in the door into the research world. And then, when I first came
here, I contacted Dr. Peter Gergen, the Director of UG Biology. I told him about my
high school experiences and my interest in gut microbiome. He recommended that I contact
Dr. Ellen Li in SB Medicine who was the expert on the subject, and I did, following
Dr. Gergen’s advice. Soon after, she met with me. And I told her about my experiences
with the project and gave her a copy of my paper. Dr. Li said the best time to start
research was in the summer—and she told me about the URECA program. She gave me more
articles to read and get familiar with the project – and then we devised a research
plan and submitted it to URECA.
Yes, I remember that you participated in the new URECA Explorations in STEM program
that summer.
The URECA STEM Exploration program was more than just giving you funding. Because
we had weekly meetings designed to help students be more engaged in terms of career
development – how to network, how to present yourself, how to expand your interests,
how to know about other careers out there. The Director, Marianna Savoca was really
helpful in terms of getting us exposed and learning how important those skills were.
How has Dr. Li helped you as a mentor?
I don’t think I can describe in words how phenomenal Dr. Li is! Dr. Li is very nurturing,
very helpful. She always makes sure that you are on the right path. …. . . One day
when I was giving a mini lesson on PCR to one of the high school students, Dr. Li
chimed into the conversation and we started talking about not only how to do the procedure
but why this reaction goes the way it goes, about the fundamental gen chem details
that makes a PCR reaction go … We went over the rationale of how a trivial reaction
works – and that’s essentially Dr. Li’s core message to all the students. You have
to know how things are working . . . Sometimes you can get tunnel vision when you
are caught up with your project. But Dr. Li makes sure that you come back to the basics,
and that you know what you’re doing, what the rationale is. She wants to make sure
that you really understand the fundamentals.
How has being involved in research enhanced your education?
I can’t imagine my college education without it. The skills that you acquire in lab
–working in real life problems – are applicable to how you handle your classes as
well as your everyday lives. The critical thinking & reasoning skills you gain—thinking
in terms of process rather than just getting the answer – that is beneficial to doing
well in classes. And working in a lab, you tend to run into a lot of challenges where
you make a lot of mistakes. That’s okay, I think, because that’s how you learn. When
you make a mistake, that’s when you learn the most. Doing research, you learn that
you have to carry out the process and see where it leads you…to get to the answer.
Any favorite moments associated with research?
There are so many favorites, especially that first summer. I found that I really enjoy
presenting. When I gave my second presentation at our weekly meetings, an overview
of gut microbiome and colon cancer, it was very motivating to get positive comments
from others (including a med student), and be told that “it was one of the most understandable
Speaking of presentations – I wanted to ask about the Gates Millennium conference
in D.C. you attended this past fall.
It was amazing. We met with senators and representatives. We talked about legislation
concerning cancer – for example, removing financial barriers for colonoscopy for Medicare
patients. We talked also about how important policies are in affecting research areas
and getting funding. And I met some really interesting people – a lot of volunteers
who were either past survivors, or their families had been affected by cancer – and
are now involved in public awareness campaigns. I really got a much different, broader
exposure at this conference than from anything I’d attended previously, and I could
see that cancer prevention involves so more than lab work… It really got me to thinking
more about community involvement. We need the public, the private and universities
working together towards the common goal of finding a cure. It was really eye opening.
What made you choose SB when you first got the Gates Millennium Scholarship?
Stony Brook was a name I kept hearing – particularly from a lot of the other students
in the Science Research mentoring program, and the director of the program too. I
didn’t want to go too far away from home--I’m very close to my family, and we’re first
generation immigrants… but at the same time I wanted to get the college experience
and to work in a research community. So I thought this place was the best fit for
me and turns out it was! I found Dr. Li, I found Dr. Gergen, phenomenal classes, and
I found URECA! To be honest, if I didn’t get that scholarship support – I’m not sure
if I would have been able to come to SB …
I would agree that Stony Brook has worked out well for you!
There are so great things about research. Not only because I got to work in a lab,
but because I really kind of gained a second family in terms of working with the people
there. That first summer I was here – every Friday we went to play soccer after lab
work. Right away, you are bonding with friends, and becoming more involved with the
SB community.
Another thing that is beneficial about doing getting research experience is learning how to orient your brain. When you are doing research - or facing something new in your courses, it’s all about learning how to adapt yourself to different situations. That’s definitely one thing I will take out of my college experience: knowing how to adapt, how to think in a different way, how to put on a different hat.
What advice would you give regarding undergraduate research?
Talk to other students who are doing research – they can get you exposed to how research
works. Also – get involved early on. Research is a long process, in terms of getting
independence, getting oriented. It takes time and effort, and consistency. I urge
you to get involved in research. It is the best experience you will ever have!