View deadline dates on the Academic Calendar.
A (superior)
A-, B+, B (good)
B-, C+, C (satisfactory)
C-, D+, D (minimum passing, undergraduate courses only)
F (Failure)
I (Incomplete, a temporary grade indicating that the work of the course has not been
completed because of circumstances beyond your control).
NC (no credit)
NR (no record)
P (pass)
Q (academic dishonesty)
S (satisfactory)
U (unsatisfactory)
W (withdraw)
Graded/Pass/No Credit Option (GPNC)
The GPNC grading options are alternatives to the standard grading format (A,B,C,D, F). Special restrictions apply. The options can be accessed in your SOLAR account. Under "Class Schedule" select "Edit" and then select the course you wish to change. REMEMBER, these classes cannot be changed back after the G/P/NC deadline. For more information can be found on the GPNC Page.
Some institutions have restrictions on the grading of GPNC courses. Stony Brook students should refer to the policy on GPNC in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
If an instructor agrees to assign an Incomplete in a course, the instructor will determine the date by which you must complete the work. However, the date may not be later than November 1, otherwise the grade of I will automatically be changed to I/F and calculated as a failing grade.
No Record
Grades of No Record (NR) which have not been replaced by a final grade or by a W by the end of the ninth week of the fall semester (for spring and summer NR grades) will be converted to one of the following grades:
- N/F for letter-graded courses
- N/U for courses graded A-C/U or S/U
- N/C for courses taken under the Graded Pass No Credit option
The grade of N/F will be treated as a failure for the purpose of academic standing and will be averaged as an F when the student's grade point average is computed.
Grade Reports
You may access your grades on the SOLAR System. If you need to have a transcript mailed to your school you may also order this on the SOLAR System.
To have an official academic transcript sent to another institution please use your SOLAR System Account or visit our Transcript webpage for more information.
Transferring Credits
Stony Brook Students
Before enrolling in summer courses at other institutions, be sure to obtain prior approval from Stony Brook to ensure that the credits will be transferable to Stony Brook. Permission forms are available from Academic and Transfer Advising Services located in the Stony Brook Student Union.
Check with your department about transferring credits in your major.
Check with the Academic and Transfer Advising Services Office concerning transferring courses to meet D.E.C. and Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) requirements. Certain limitations apply.
Visiting Summer Students
If you attend another institution during the academic year have your Stony Brook course selections approved for transfer credit by that institution, even if it is another SUNY school.
Academic Advising
Stony Brook University offers a full complement of academic advising resources for undergraduates. Support includes advising about general education, major, and minor degree requirements, as well as comprehensive communication aimed at promoting student success.
Academic Success & Tutoring Center
The Academic Success and Tutoring Center (ASTC) supports Stony Brook's mission of ensuring a comprehensive, high quality undergraduate education by providing services that complement classroom instruction and encourage student success.
Student Responsibility
Students themselves - whether new, visiting, returning, or continuing - are responsible for reviewing, understanding, and abiding by the University's regulations, procedures, requirements, and deadlines as described in all official publications. It is the student's responsibility to maintain a current address on record with the Registrar's Office at all times.
Although this Web site was prepared on the basis of the best information available at the time, all information (including the calendar, course offerings, and statements on tuition and fees) is subject to change without notice or obligation. All information in this publication supersedes information previously published in Summer Sessions information.
All communications with students will be done via student's SOLAR System Accounts. Therefore, student's MUST regularly sign into their SOLAR Accounts to view current Messages, To Do Items, Students Holds (i.e. course cancellations, day/time changes, location changes, financial information, etc.)
Other Academic Information
Stony Brook academic regulations and student responsibilities apply to visiting Summer Sessions students as well as to those who attend Stony Brook during the academic year.
The University reserves the right to change academic regulations or to cancel any course for whatever reason it may deem appropriate. Detailed information on courses of study, academic regulations, and student responsibilities is available in the current Undergraduate Bulletin or Graduate Bulletin.
The University bulletins also contain complete information regarding student educational records, financial aid, university attendance policy, academic honesty, and other topics.