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School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000
Telephone: 631-632-8700
Fax: 631-632-2175
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Atmospheric Sciences Division FacultyProfessor
Atmospheric dynamics and diagnoses, climate dynamics, synoptic meteorology
Endeavour Hall 101
ATM Division Head
Extreme weather, coastal meteorology, weather forecasting, regional climate change
Endeavour Hall 125
Associate Professor
supercell and tornado dynamics; Doppler weather radar applications; mesoscale meteorology
Endeavour Hall 111
Research Professor
Atmosphere dynamics, stratosphere/mesosphere, climate
Assistant Professor
science communication, health communication, and crisis and risk communication
artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), physics-based simulations, high-performance
computing, geoinformatics
Climate change: analysis, impacts, and predictability
Endeavour Hall 205
Assistant Professor
data science, AI, remote sensing, atmospheric environment, and climate
Climate modeling, high-resolution cloud modeling, cloud microphysics and parameterization
Endeavour Hall 121
Atmospheric chemistry and aerosols, cloud microphysics, field and laboratory measurements
Dana Hall 151
SUNY Empire Innovation Professor
Cloud Microphysics and Dynamics, Environmental Remote Sensing, Radar Meteorology and
Endeavour Hall 131
Research Professor
pollutant atmospheric transport and turbulent mixing, emissions quantification, air
quality and toxic exposure
Trace gas isotopic composition for the reconstruction of atmospheric chemistry in
the paleo atmosphere; trace gas emissions from the biosphere; development of instrumentation
platforms for research aircraft.
Dana Hall 115A
Research Professor
radar polarimetry, mixed-phase clouds microphysics, radar simulators
Assistant Professor
Air quality; Climate change impacts; Climate change and health; Energy and climate
policy evaluations
Discovery Hall 125
Climate Modeling; Climate Change Attribution, Tropical Cyclones; Climate Extremes;
Atmospheric Dynamics, Science Policy
Endeavour Hall 109
Distinguished Professor
Atmospheric Chemistry and climate change; Aviation; Arctic and coastal halogen chemistry;
greenhouse gas source and sink measurements; atmospheric aerosols; climate change
Endeavour Hall 145
Empire Innovation Scholar
Cloud physics, atmospheric remote sesning, multi-sensor remote sesning, global aerosol
and cloud distributions, Airborne Raman lidars
Endeavour Hall 119
Associate Professor
Climate change impacts; Remote Sensing; Andes; Mountain Societies, and Sustainability
Discovery Hall 157
Distinguished Professor
Climate modelling, atmospheric dynamics
Endeavour Hall 195
Marine Sciences Division FacultyMarinetics Endowed Professor in Marine Sciences
Marine invertebrate physiology and health, Shellfish Genomics, Aquaculture
Dana Hall 149
Marine benthic ecology, invertebrate zoology, marine microbiology, biogeochemistry
Dana Hall 101
Distinguished Professor
Marine biogeochemistry, marine animal-sediment relations
Challenger Hall 101
Associate Professor
Marine Biogeochemistry, Chemical kinetics of natural organic matter, radiocarbon analyses
Challenger Hall 123
Associate Professor
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, deep-sea sediments, marine micropaleontology
Discovery Hall 117
Distinguished Service Professor
Near shore transport processes, coastal groundwater hydrology, coastal sedimentation,
marine geophysics
Endeavour Hall 211
Advanced Senior Lecturer
Marine and Environmental Science Education, Coastal Community Ecology
Natural Sciences 123
Benthic ecology, population and community dynamics.
Dana Hall 121
Fisheries ecology, stock assessment, population and ecosystem dynamics, monitoring
program design and optimization, climate change, fisheries management, international
Dana Hall 111
Associate Professor
Phytoplankton physiological ecology, Biocomplexity and microbial diversity, Planktonic
ecosystem processes in marine estuarine and freshwater systems
Discovery Hall 145
Elasmobranch Ecology, Field Research Methods, Environmental Education
Natural Sciences 119
Associate Professor
Nearshore hydrodynamics, sediment transport, wave-current-sediment-structure interaction,
resilient coastal protection systems, coastal flooding.
Heavy Engineering 112
Distinguished Professor
Marine phytoplankton physiology and ecology, biogeo-chemistry of metals, marine pollution
Dana Hall 129
Research Professor
Continental Shelf Dynamics, Bio-Physical Interactions in Shelf Systems, Climate Change
Effects on Coastal Systems, Shipboard ADCPs on Volunteer Observing Ships
Endeavour Hall 203
Research Professor
Marine geology, sediment dynamics, continental margin sedimentation
Endeavour Hall 157
Fish ecology, population modeling and life history theory
Endowed Chair of Coastal Ecology and Conservation
Distinguished Professor
Coastal ecosystem ecology, climate change, harmful algal blooms, phytoplankton, ocean
acidification, effects of multiple stressors on coastal marine resources, aquatic
Natural Sciences 125
Ecology and physiology of marine zooplankton; food web dynamics of estuarine plankton
and the impacts of harmful algal blooms.
Endeavour Hall 207
Associate Professor
Structure and dynamics of shelf-seas and remote sensing oceanography
Endeavour Hall 169
Research Professor
evolutionary biology and entomological research
Assistant Professor
drivers of coastal change, to track transitions in structure and function of ecosystems
and societies with disturbances such as storms, floods, and climate change
Discovery Hall 121
Assistant Professor
estuarine dynamics, coastal sediment transport, shoaling internal waves, coastal connectivity
Endeavour Hall 197
IDEA Fellow
Oceanic distributions of microplastics (MPs) and black carbon (BC) particles, Raman
Discovery Hall 165
Research Associate Professor
Associate Director of Emerging Contaminants Research
Occurrence, fate, and remediation of PFAS, microplastics, and other emerging contaminants
in natural and built environments
Discovery Hall 131
Research Associate Professor
Shellfish physiology, Particle selection mechanisms in suspension-feeding bivalves,
Dana Hall 149A
Community ecology of seagrass dominated ecosystems
Natural Sciences 121
Endowed Professor of Ocean Conservation Science
Ocean conservation, fisheries management, ecosystem-based approaches, marine protected
areas (MPAs), endangered fishes, sharks, sturgeon
Discovery Hall 169
Assistant Professor
Coastal fluxes of carbon and other pollutants, Carbonate Chemistry, Hydrothermal vents,
water-rock reactions, toxic metal and metalloid cycling in coastal environments, bioenergetics,
redox disequilibria and microbial ecology, and alkaline shallow-sea vents as early
Earth analogs
Challenger Hall 151
Senior Lecturer
Maritime and Environmental History, Sustainability
Melville Library E2360
Carl Safina Endowed Research Chair for Nature and Humanity
Endeavour Hall 147
Assistant Professor
Bulk and compound specific stable isotope systems, food-webs, ecological niches, community
dynamics, ecosystem ecology, energy flow
Dana Hall 105
MAR Division Head
Microbial oceanography, microbial ecology, planktonic food webs, biogeochemistry,
ocean deoxygenation, microplastic contaminants, single cell analysis, novel bioimaging
technology - Raman Microspectrospectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy
Endeavour Hall 161
Associate Professor
Marine mammal and seabird ecology and conservation; Habitat use and energetics of
protected species under environmental and anthropogenic change
Challenger Hall 159
Associate Professor
Sediment biogeochemistry, animal-sediment interactions, benthic ecology
Dana Hall 117
Acoustical oceanography, Zooplankton behavior and ecology
Natural Sciences 101
Associate Professor
Marine Biogeochemistry, Geochemical element cycles, Deep Biosphere
Challenger Hall 145
Associate Professor
Physical oceanography, large-scale circulation: theory and modeling.
Endeavour Hall 167
Associate Professor
Chem-/Bio- Sensors, Marine Biogeochemistry, Trace Elements, Environmental Analytical
Discovery Hall 105
Sustainability Studies Division FacultyAssociate Professor
chemical education, sustainable and green chemistry
Chemistry Building 407
Urban Studies, Local and Global Environmental Histories, Environmental Justice, Human
Geography, Sustainability.
Melville Library E2360
Associate Professor
Environmental Health Inequality, Environmental Justice, Socio-Environmental Systems,
Quantitative Methods, Data Synthesis and Visualization
Melville Library E2360
Associate Professor
community-based planning, disaster recovery, resilience policy, urban design and placemaking
Melville Library E2360
Associate Professor
disaster recovery, community resilience
Endeavour Hall 167A
Geospatial Sciences, geographic information systems
Earth and Space Sciences 104
Assistant Professor
ecotoxicology, soil ecology
Melville Library E2360
Senior Lecturer
Maritime and Environmental History, Sustainability
Melville Library E2360
Associate Professor
Interim SUS Division Head
environmental humanities, history of naturalist studies, American Literature, nature
Melville Library E2360
Affiliated Faculty
Stephen Baines | | Affiliated Faculty
Aquatic ecosystem ecology, ecological stoichiometry
Gregory Henkes | | Affiliated Faculty
Stable isotope geochemistry of light elements
Heidi Hutner | | Affiliated Faculty
Environmental literature and film; ecofeminism; environmental justice; feminism; race
studies; women’s literature; Restoration and eighteenth-century literature and culture.
Christopher Johnson | | Affiliated Faculty
Multiplexing laser spectroscopy and mass spectrometry to address challenges in energy
and the environment
Reuben Kline | | Affiliated Faculty
social dilemmas, climate change mitigation behavior, behavioral ethics, public opinion,
and voting
Jeff Levinton | | Affiliated Faculty
Marine benthic ecology, macroevolution
Heather Lynch | | Affiliated Faculty
Development and application of statistics
Dianna Padilla | | Affiliated Faculty
Aquatic ecology, applied ecology, conservation biology
Andrew Singer | | Affiliated Faculty
signal processing and communication systems, audio and undersea acoustics, and financial
Elizabeth Watson | | Affiliated Faculty
Coastal wetlands, climate change, ecohydrology, translational ecology
Adjunct Lecturers
Mirza Beg |
Kimberly Durham |
James Gilmore |
Arthur Kopelman |
Maxine Montello |
Richard Murdocco |
Michael White |