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2019 News and Events
December 2019
- Ivan Chase, Professor Emeritus, and his co-authors Raphael Duoady and Diana K. Padilla were featured in a 12/13/19 New York Times article "Even Hermit Crabs Have Wealth Inequality" which discusses their study, "A comparison of wealth inequality in humans and non-humans", being published in the journal Physica A in January 2020
October 2019
- Ivan Chase, Professor Emeritus, has received the best paper award in the 2019 Visualization in Data Science section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers conference for his paper entitled, "PeckVis: A Visual Analytics Tool to Analyze Dominance Hierarchies in Small Groups." The authors are Darius Coelho, Ivan Chase, and Klaus Mueller.
- Said Arjomand Distinguished Service Professor, Stony Brook University) Sociology Department Book Presentation, "Revolution: Structure and Meaning in World History".
June 2019
- Carrie Shandra has been elected Chair of the Disability and Society Section of the American Sociological Association for 2019-2020.
April 2019
- Catherine Marrone has received the 2019 College of Arts & Sciences Godfrey Excellence in Teaching Award.
- Jason Jones with colleagues from Ohio State, Michigan, and Cornell Universities is part of a team that was selected to receive data and funding from the Social Science Research Council to study information sharing on Facebook. For more information see: "Understanding Problematic Sharing Behavior on Facebook"
March 2019
- Sarah Cowan (New York University), Sociology Departmental Colloquim Speaker, March 6th, 1:00 - 2:30 PM, SBS N403: "Intergroup Contact and Competing Allegiances in a Complex World."
- Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Sociology Departmental Colloqium Speaker, March 27th, 1:00-12:30 PM, SBS N403: "We Hereby Neglect: The Israeli Hall of Independence and the Social Construction of Commemoration."
February 2019
- Jochem Kotthaus (University of Dortmund)), Sociology Departmental Colloqium Speaker, February 6th, 1:00-2:30 PM, SBS N403: "The
Transformation of Mundane Knowledge. Reflections on the Globalization of Sport Fans."
- Nitsan Chorev (Brown University), Sociology Department Colloquium Speaker, February 11th, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, SBS N403: "Making Medicines in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda: Toward a Sociology of Developmental Foreign Aid."
2018 News and Events
October 2018
- Yasemin Besen-Cassino (Montclair State University), Sociology Departmental Colloqium Speaker, October 1st, 1:00-12:30 PM, SBS N403: "The
Cost of Being a Girl: Working Teens and the Origins of the Gender Wage Gap."
September 2018
- Sociology Brown Bag Series, Monday, September 10th, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Discussion of two papers and the connections between them: Kevin McElrath, "College Preparation Intensity and Socioeconomic Background: A Mechanism for Equal Access?" and Kristen Shorette, "Degrees of Change: Publicly Educated Legislators' Support for Higher Education Spending in the US
April 2018
- Rachel Sherman (The New School), April 16th, 1:00 - 2:30 PM, SBS N403"A Very Expensive Ordinary Life: Consumption and Moral Legitimacy among New York Elites."
March 2018
- Stony Brook Alumni Michelle Olakkengil has been selected as Stony Brook's first ever recipient of the prestigious Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship. Michelle, who graduated with honors in 2017, received her BS in Psychology and Sociology with a minor in Biology.
- Michael Kimmel has been named one of the 2018 "Champions of Change" by the Metropolitan NY Chapter of UN Women, the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women.
- Crystal Fleming is featured on the Stony Brook University Main Page
February 2018
- Julian Go (Boston University), Sociology Departmental Colloqium Speaker, February 28th, 1-2:30 PM, SBS N403
2017 News and Events
November 2017
- Brian Powell (Indiana University Bloomington and Russell Sage Foundation), Sociology Departmental Colloqium Speaker, November 29th, 1-2:15 PM, SBS N403
- Crystal Fleming has been selected as one of the inaugural group of faculty to participate in the SBU Leadership Academy Fellows program.
- Jennifer Heerwig has been selected to be a Visiting Scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation for the 2018-2019 Academic Year.
- Carrie Shandra has been selected to be a Visiting Scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation for the 2018-2019 Academic Year.
- Jason Jones and John Shandra have received Stony Brook FAHSS (Faculty in the Arts, Humanities, and lettered Social Sciences) Research and Interdisciplinary Initiatives Awards
October 2017
- Shamus Khan, Sociology Departmental Colloqium Speaker, October 16th, 1-2:15 PM, SBS N403
- Suzie Walters, Sociology Departmental Brown-Bag Series, October 18th, 1-2:15PM, SBS N405
- Kent Henderson, Sociology Departmental Brown-Bag Series, October 25th, 1-2:15PM, SBS N403
September 2017
- Richard Lachmann, Initiative for Historical Social Science, September 20th, 1-2:15, SBS N320
June 2017
- Michael Schwartz, Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus. and our alumnus Josh Murray(Vanderbilt University) have won the outstanding article award for the ASA Marxist Sociology Section for their paper, "Moral Economy, Structural Leverage, and Organizational Efficacy: Class Formation and the Great Fling Sit-Down Strike, 1936-37." Critical Historical Studies.
- Tiffany Joseph (with co-author Helen Marrow) has received the Donald W. Light Award for the Applied or Public Practice of Medical Sociology. The award was received for their paper, "Excluded and Frozen Out: Unauthorized Immigrants' (Non) Access to Care after Healthcare Reforms." Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies.
May 2017
- Carrie Shandra has been awarded a grant under the Department of Labor Scholars Program for a project on Job Characteristics and Job Retention of Young Workers With Disabilities.
- Jennifer Heerwig (with collaborator Brian McCabe) has been awarded a seed grant from Georgetown's McCourt School Massive Data Institute for their project, "The Seattle Voucher Experiment: Using Big Data to Enhance Local Democracy."
- Arnout van de Rijt with our Alumni Eran Shor (McGill University) was awarded the bests paper award from the Communication, Information Technology and Media Studies section of the ASA for their co-authored paper (Eran Shor, Arnoug van de Rijt, Alex Mitsov, Vivek Kulkarni, and Steven Skiena), "A Paper Ceiling: Explaining the Persistent Underrepresentation of Women in Printed News." American Sociological Review.
- Carrie Shandra was awarded the 2017 Outstanding Publication in the Sociology of Disability Award from the ASA Section on Disability and Society for her paper "Benefactors and Beneficiaries? Disability and Care to Others" forthcoming in the Journal of Marriage and Family.
- Rebekah Burroway has received an "Outstanding Author Contribution" from the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence for her paper "Empowering Women, Strengthening Children: A Multi-Level Analysis of Gender Inequality and Child Malnutrition in Developing Countries" published in Advances in Gender Research.
- Amy Hsin, Queens College, Department of Sociology, May 3rd, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, SBS N403,"The Effects of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on the Educational Outcomes of Undocumented Students: Evidence from a Large Public University."
April 2017
- Sociology Brown Bag Series presents Assistant Professor Tiffany Joseph, Wednesday, April 19th, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, SBS N403, "The Growing Citizen-Noncitizen Divide: Life along the Documentation Status Continuum."
March 2017
- Transforming Sociology (program), Sociology Graduate Student Conference, March 31, 2017, Center for Global Studies at Stony Brook University
- Deborah Carr, Rutgers University, Department of Sociology, March 29th, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, SBS N403, "Do Marital and Kin Support Enhance (or Undermine) Older Adults' Well-Being? New Evidence from the DUST Study."
December 2016
- Nicholas Hoover Wilson selected as a Faculty Fellow at the Humanities Institute of Stony Brook University for 2017-2018.
November 2016
- Sociology Brown Bag Series presents Ph.D. student Helena Darwin, Wednesday, November 30th, 1:00 - 2:20 PM, SBS N403, "Doing Genderqueer"
- Chandra Muller, University of Texas, Austin, Department of Sociology, November 14th, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, SBS N403, "Education and the Transition Through Adulthood to Midlife in the New Economy."
- Sociology Brown Bag Series presents Assistant Professor Jason Jones,
Wednesday, November 2, 1:00 - 2:20 PM, SBS N403, "An Audit Study of Public School Principals: Evidence for Selective Response."
October 2016
- Mindfulness and Diversity: Mind-Body Approaches for Enhancing Awareness and Well-Being, Friday, October 28th, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. For information and to register, please go to mindfulnessconference
- IHSS will present Partha Chatterjee, Columbia University, Professor of Anthropology and of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies, October 26, 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM, SBS N318, "Governmentality in the East."
- Stewart Hoover, University of Colorado-Boulder, Director of the Center for Media, Religion, and Culture, October 24th, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, SBS N403, "Does God Make the Man? Media, Religion, and the Crisis of Masculinity"
- Josh Pacewicz, Brown University, Department of Sociology, October 10th, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, SBS N403, "Partisans & Partners: The Politics of the Post-Keynesian Society."