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The Office of Proposal Development (OPD) promotes the advancement of university initiatives by supporting the development and preparation of highly competitive grant proposals. OPD is committed to providing Stony Brook's research community with a comprehensive suite of services to foster the development and growth of research activities. In addition to proposal management, our support services include identifying extramural funding opportunities, coordinating limited submission competitions, nurturing research collaborations, and connecting researchers to institutional resources. We also organize workshops and trainings in grantsmanship, coordinate external copy editing and graphic design services, serve as project managers for the proposal development process, handle the administrative requirements and manage a repository of sample grant proposal materials. Our team’s forward-thinking approach to research development provides faculty with tactical support for large-scale proposals, ensuring that they are aligned with sponsor funding priorities.

How do I request services and/or receive information from OPD?

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Research News:

Lab-to-fab Innovation Fast Track (LIFT)

Description: Through the LIFT program, NORDTECH is excited to make their hub’s capability available to their members so they can test a good idea. This is not a grant opportunity; NORDTECH will facilitate access by running wafers, covering the cost of tool time or staff time, or subsidizing test/measurement services. Any headcount, supplies, or consumables would not be covered. NORDTECH is looking for small experiments which would require less than one year’s time, or potentially a series of such experiments, that: Utilize their facilities, especially ideas that require the use of multiple facilities; Align with the overall Commons mission of accelerating lab-to-fab technology transitions; Obtain proof-of-concept data that could help land larger grant funding; or can be executed and completed fast.
Deadline: The first round of idea submission will open March 3, 2025 and close March 28, 2025
NORDTECH will be discussing the LIFT program at their Lunch & Learn series on March 4,  2025 at 12 pm. 
Register for the information session
Learn more and submit to the LIFT program

Spring 2025 OVPR Seed Grant Program
The Spring 2025 OVPR  Seed Grant Program is now accepting applications.
What Does it Fund: The seed grant program aims to give Stony Brook University faculty a competitive edge in securing external research funds by supporting and fostering innovative scientific and scholarly activities that will lead to the development of proposals with a greater likelihood of success.

Applicant Requirements: We are following the Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility Policy. Please review it carefully to determine whether you need a letter from your Department Chair. Additional eligibility requirements can be found in the request for applications
Award: Itemized budgets should not exceed $70,000 and typical project lengths should be 12-18 months. Proposals should provide a clear timeline to the submission of a proposal to an external sponsor within 18 months.
Deadline: Full proposals due April 1, 2025 via the InfoReady Spring 2025 OVPR Seed Grant Program Application Portal

New Requirement: All applications must be submitted via InfoReady. You can sign in using your Net-ID and your email address. Please allow sufficient time to familiarize yourself with the portal prior to submitting your proposal. 
Review the application details, including timeline and FAQs.

NYSERDA: Comments due on proposal for funding and administration of funding NYSERDA’s innovation and research portfolio for the years 2026-2030
Learn more and submit comments by April 7, 2025