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Guidelines To Keep Our Campus Safe During Demonstrations and Other Campus Events

August 14, 2024

Dear Stony Brook Campus Community,

Last year, Stony Brook experienced passionate debate and demonstrations like many campuses across the nation. While I was not here, I am aware this debate was carried on through frequent demonstrations, University Senate meeting discussions, and other campus forums. These events were predominantly peaceful and largely free of the violence that disrupted many other universities. For that, I want to express my appreciation for the many members of our community whose leadership made a positive difference.

Still, Stony Brook faced challenges. As we prepare for this academic year, one in which debates over continuing international conflicts are likely to be amplified by a closely contested U.S. presidential election, we must ensure that the university remains unwaveringly committed to free speech and equally committed to providing everyone in our community with an environment free of discrimination.

I write to share the Stony Brook University Guide for Campus Events/Activities and Demonstrations that clarifies what is or is not permitted under the rules applicable to demonstrations and other campus events and the consequences for breaking rules. This Guide reflects various existing policies. By assembling these policies into a single comprehensive document, we want to make it easier for everyone to become familiar with them – especially student and faculty leaders.

Below is a key excerpt from our Guide:

“Open expression is an essential part of how the University fulfills its role in society, but it does not extend to events and activities that impede University functions and operations. Stony Brook has an unwavering commitment to the safety and security of our students, faculty, staff, patients and guests/visitors, and the University will continue to prioritize this commitment and will consistently enforce our rules in all matters.”

We will enforce the rules consistently and will do so in a way that is viewpoint neutral. We will resist efforts of various sides in these debates to win the university’s endorsement of its point of view.

Some of today’s debates, like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, touch on core issues of identity and of life and death. Many members of our community have friends or family in harm’s way – in the Middle East, at home, or elsewhere in the world. As a result, sharp disagreements – even if Constitutionally protected – can feel deeply hurtful and even frightening. The mental health challenges this poses are real, and no one should feel they must face them alone. I encourage anyone who feels they or others might benefit from Stony Brook’s many support services to reach out for help, and I encourage everyone to be mindful of friends or colleagues who may need support.

For students: Counseling and Psychological Services, CAPS Crisis Line (24/7), The Center for Prevention and Outreach, The Student Support Team, TimelyCare, and the Office of Student Life.

For employees: The Employee Assistance Program, and Healthier U. Stony Brook Medicine employees can access a list of services available to them on the homepage of ThePulse. In addition to EAP and Healthier U, resources for those employees include spiritual and health care teams, support hotlines, daily mindfulness meditation sessions, and Resilience at The Brook offerings.

Finally, anyone who experiences threatening behavior or other emergencies should contact the University Police Department by calling (631) 632-3333 or by dialing 333 from any campus phone. To report discrimination or discriminatory harassment, contact the Office of Equity and Access at (631) 632-6280.

A step we can all take today in sustaining a campus climate of decency, civility and respect is to familiarize ourselves with the Guide and to commit to implementing these policies with collegiality that is consistent with our values. If we do so, Stony Brook will provide the welcoming community everyone on our campus deserves. Thank you for your partnership and for all you do for Stony Brook.



Richard L. McCormick
Interim President, Stony Brook University