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Laser Wakefield Accelerators
The main goals of CASE are:
- To train scientists and engineers with the aim of advancing the field of accelerator
- Courses taught by CASE Faculty
- CASE/C-AD seminars for graduate students and postdocs
- CASE Faculty hosted and taught at the June 2011 US Particle Accelerator School
- PhD and MSI theses from students at the BNL's Collider Accelerator Department
- To develop a unique program of educational outreach that will provide broad access to a research accelerator; and,
- To attract Federal and industrial funding for an expanding interdisciplinary research and education program that utilizes accelerators.
The development of CASE capitalizes on resources at both institutions:
- Brookhaven National Laboratory is the home for a large number of accelerators at Collider Accelerator Department (C-AD, BNL's CASE home, [4]): RHIC and its injection complex, Accelerator Test Facility, Coherent electron Cooling project; and NSLS II [5].
- Stony Brook University has a recently retired research accelerator – the Tandem Van de Graaff (TvDG) – whose control room has been renovated to become a modern Physics Teaching Laboratory (PTL) that serves graduate, undergraduate students as well as K-12 teachers and students.
Coherent Electron Cooling
- Dr. Vladimir Litvinenko, Director, Professor of Physics, Stony Brook University.
- Dr. Thomas K. Hemmick, Deputy Director for Education and Outreach, Distinguished Teaching Professor of Physics, Stony Brook University.
- Dr. Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi, Deputy Director for Research, Assistant Professor of Physics, Stony Brook University.
- Joseph Tuozzolo, Deputy Director for Engineering, Chief Mechanical Engineer, Collider-Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Dr. Paul Grannis, Chair of Executive Council, Distinguished Professor of Physics, Stony Brook University.
- Dr. Abhay Deshpande, Executive Council Member, Professor of Physics, Stony Brook University.
- [Dr. Laszlo Mihaly], Executive Council Member, Professor of Physics, Stony Brook University.
- Dr. Silvia Verdu Andres, CASE seminars, Scientist, Collider-Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Dr. Yichao Jing, CASE web administrator, Scientist, Collider-Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Avril Coakley, CASE Research Administrator, Stony Brook University.
RF Photoinjectors
CASE faculty are involved in many exciting projects. Please contact us for more information.
- NEW!! Post-doc position and PhD research in Beam physics of extreme bunch compression with experimental program. This research is in collaboration with FACET II team at SLAC <> and Prof. Yichao Jing at BNL. Contact Prof. Vladimir Litvinenko <[6]>
- NEW!! Two PhD topics on fundamental studies of radio frequency superconductivity for: Particle accelerator applications (e.g., developing new doping techniques, non-equilibrium superconductivity, etc.) Quantum sensors and computing applications (e.g., experiments with 3D superconducting cavities in quantum regime, developing new architectures for qubits and quantum sensors, etc.) Under supervision of Prof. Sergey Belomestnykh < >, based at Fermilab, Batavia, IL.
- NEW!! Two Ph.D topics (theoretical and one experimental) opportunity are available on Coherent Electron Cooling and Laser-Plasma Wakefield Accelerator with external injection, under supervision of Profs. Vladimir Litvinenko <[7]> and Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi <[8]>
- CASE/Collider-Accelerator Department, BNL provide exciting acceleration R&D research
opportunities towards the future accelerator science, technology and facilities. We
are looking for graduate students to do thesis research. The projects include:
- The design of electron-ion collider, EIC
- The demonstration of Coherent Electron Cooling (CeC)
- High average current polarized electron gun
- Superconductor RF cavity (accelerating cavities and deflecting cavities)
- Plasma accelerators using and new accelerator concepts at Accelerator Test Facility (ATF)
- Future Circular Collider studies
There are both MSI and Ph.D. topics. Contact: Vladimir Litvinenko <[9]>
Research Highlights