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2. Critical Thinking– Graduates will be able to identify and evaluate the major elements of a business problem and summarize their findings. Ethical Reasoning– Graduates will be able to identify and evaluate ethical issues facing corporations in today’s business world by demonstrating familiarity with ethical versus unethical behaviors.
3. Leadership & Team Interaction – Graduates will recognize the different traits of highly effective leaders and collaborate productively with others as both leaders & members of a team.
4. Innovative Business Practices – Graduates will be able to define and identify innovative business practices.
5. Global Perspective– Graduates will be able to recognize global & domestic forces that impact organizations and will be conversant with major economic, social, political and technological trends that influence the global economy.
Business Management B.S.
1. Communication Skills – Graduates will demonstrate oral and written communication skills through in-class presentations and written reports that include appropriate research sources, proper citations and clear and concise evaluations of the topic.2. Critical Thinking– Graduates will be able to identify and evaluate the major elements of a business problem and summarize their findings. Ethical Reasoning– Graduates will be able to identify and evaluate ethical issues facing corporations in today’s business world by demonstrating familiarity with ethical versus unethical behaviors.
3. Leadership & Team Interaction – Graduates will recognize the different traits of highly effective leaders and collaborate productively with others as both leaders & members of a team.
4. Innovative Business Practices – Graduates will be able to define and identify innovative business practices.
5. Global Perspective– Graduates will be able to recognize global & domestic forces that impact organizations and will be conversant with major economic, social, political and technological trends that influence the global economy.
- Account Manager/Executive
- Business Analyst
- Business Manager
- Entrepreneur
- Event Planner/Program Manager
- Human Resources Associate/Manager
- Operations Director
- Project Manager/Coordinator/Supervisor
- Sales Representative/Director/Supervisor
- Supply Chain Manager
6-year graduation rate
Avg. years to degree
10 years after graduation
5 years after graduation
1 year after graduation
PLACEMENT2 years after graduation
Working in New York
Continuing Education