A specialization consists of three courses (9 credits) at the 300-level or higher
in the chosen discipline (students who entered the CME Program prior to Fall 2012
are required to complete four 300-level courses - 12 credits).
Specializations give students the opportunity to concentrate their education in a particular area of interest. Below are the specializations offered by the CME program. The specializaton must be chosen by the end of the Sophomore semester.
Course details for each of these options can be found in the online bulletin at:
- Materials Science
ESG 333 Materials Science II: Electronic Properties 4 Credits ESM 334 Materials Engineering 4 Credits ESM 335 Strength of Materials 4 Credits ESM 336 Electronic Materials 3 Credits
- Polymer Science
CME 371 Biomedical Polymers 3 Credits CME 470 Polymer Synthesis 3 Credits CME 369 Polymer Engineering 3 Credits CME 370 Cell Biology for Chemical Engineers 3 Credits
- Tissue Engineering
BME 404 Essentials of Tissue Engineering 3 Credits And any two of the following (three for students admitted prior to Fall 2012)
BIO 310 Cell Biology 3 Credits BIO 311 Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology 3 Credits BIO 317 Principles of Cellular Signaling 3 Credits BIO 318 Bioethics and Policy 3 Credits BIO 328 Mammalian Physiology 3 Credits BIO 335 Animal Physiology Laboratory 3 Credits CHE 346 Biomolecular Structure & Reactivity 3 Credits CME 371 Biomedical Polymers 3 Credits CME 480 Cellular Biology for Chemical Engineers 3 Credits
- Business, Chemistry, Physics
9 credits of upper level courses not already required for the major (12 credits for students entering CME prior to Fall 2012).
- Custom Specialization
In addition to the five specializations listed above, students can customize a specialization of their interest. This can be done by consulting with one of the CME Program Co-Directors.
The specializations described in the preceding section are mandatory and the 3-course/4-course requirement for specialization is a part of the CME grid. However, the foundation courses required by the CME curriculum are common with those required for degrees in other related disciplines. Consequently, students can elect a specific subset of courses that are in addition to those listed under specialization which will satisfy the requirement of the following departments for conferring a minor degree. Please check with respective departments for requirements regarding their minors.
Senior Thesis
At the end of the junior year, the CME student picks an advisor and a research topic. Through work done in the lab sequence, the student develops the research proposal into a senior thesis which is defended at the end of the senior year. The students are encouraged to select original research projects which can be published in peer reviewed journals.
Senior Design
The CME student will also have first-hand experience designing a chemical engineering process from beginning to end. Although not required, many students combine their research with their design projects for an optimal, integrated final year of learning which moves them one step ahead of the competition.
The Fundamentals Exam (FE)
Students accepted into the program, beginning in the Fall 2007 semester, are encouraged to take the FE exam. The FE exam is not a requirement for graduation. The FE exam data will provide us, as well as the student, an external evaluation of his/her mastery of the ABET based Chemical Engineering curriculum relative to other chemical engineering students in the United States.