September 2024
Edelmy Marin Bernardez (graduate student, Takeuchi/Marschilok group) was selected as an awardee of the 2024 Joanna Fowler Award by the Chemistry Division at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory. Read more about the award here. In addition, Edelmy was listed in Newsday's LI Life section as a nominated winner to their winner's circle, for having received this award. See piece below.
July 2024
m2M#s annual all hands meeting took place over two days in July, bringing together senior investigators, students, postdocs and members of the Scientific Advisory Board.
June 2024
Esther Takeuchi was recently honored by the Journal of Physical Chemistry C in a special Festschrift issue. Here is the link: Esther Sans Takeuchi Festschrift (
March 2023
Marie Millares, a first year PhD student in the Materials Science Engineering program, has been selected to receive a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Marie's graduate research mentors are Prof. Amy Marschilok, Distinguished Teaching Professor Kenneth Takeuchi and Distinguished Professor Esther Takeuchi. We all congratulate Marie on being selected for this highly competitive national recognition.
October 2022
The Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2M#S), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science funded Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC), was recently awarded $13.6 million in renewed funding over the next four years, which will enable research focused on electrochemical energy storage. See the DOE announcement here and Stony Brook University's news release here.
Dr. Esther Takeuchi, who received the 2020 ECS Edward G. Acheson Award, was presented the award in person at the 242nd ECS meeting held in Atlanta, GA, this year. The 238th ECS meeting ( PRiME), held in 2020, was a digital/virtual meeting due to the pandemic. Dr. Takeuchi's award address abstract can be found here and you can read more about the award here.
This fall, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences inducted Dr. Esther S. Takeuchi. An honorary society and policy organization founded in 1780, the Academy elects exceptionally accomplished individuals and engages them in advancing the public good. Dr. Takeuchi signed the Book of Members at an Induction Ceremony that celebrated recently elected artists, scholars, scientists, and leaders in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors.
September 2022
Senior Investigator, Dr. David Bock (BNL) was named as an honoree in Stony Brook University's 2021 40 Under Forty award. The semi-annual award recognizes outstanding achievement by graduates of the University in various fields including Science & Engineering, Healthcare, Education, and Civil Service & Activism. Dr. Bock and the other awardees were recognized at a reception dinner in New York City in September. You can read more about the 40 Under Forty award here.
June 2022
m2M/t PI, Dr. Guihua Yu (UT Austin) was selected as a 2022 Blavatnik National Awards finalist in Physical Sciences and Engineering.
May 2022
Congratulations to Calvin Quilty (Ph.D. 2021, postdoc with Takeuchi-Marschilok group) for being selected by the Graduate Council Fellowships and Award Committee to receive the 2022 President's Award to Distinguished Doctoral Students.
Congratulations to Prof. Esther Takeuchi, who was awarded the 2022 National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences for her breakthrough contributions to the materials and mechanistic understanding relevant to electrochemical energy storage, using chemical insight to address issues of critical importance. You can watch her award acceptance in the video below.
April 2022
Dr. Guihua Yu (University of Texas, Austin) has been selected to the class of 2022 MRS Fellows. He is honored "for seminal contributions to the synthesis and fundamental understanding of new multifunctional polymer nanomaterials with novel physical properties, and their significant applications in advancing energy, sustainability and environmental technologies."
March 2022
More press for Dr. Esther Takeuchi's National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Science. See the Innovate Long Island piece here.
January 2022
The National Academy of Sciences selects Dr. Esther Takeuchi to receive the 2022 NAS Award in Chemical Sciences. See announcement here.
Dr. Guihua Yu (m2M/t Senior Investigator, University of Texas, Austin) is the 2022 recipient of the Welch Foundation Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Research. See announcement here.
November 2021
Students excel at the MRS Fall 2021 meeting. Xiao Zhang (UT Austin) received the MRS Graduate Student Gold Award and Ali McCarthy (SBU) was selected for the Best Poster Award.
July 2021
WSHU: We Need Better Batteries to Slow Climate Change. Long Island Researchers May Have Found Them.
Dr. Yimei Zhu, BNL Physicist and m2M/t PI, is the recipient of the Microanlysis Society's (MAS) 2021 Peter Duncumb Award for Excellence in Microanalysis, the organization's highest honor. Read more here.
Feature story: Exploring the Electrochemistry of Water-Based Batteries
June 2021
Our m2M center PI Dr. Guihua Yu, has just been selected for the 2021 Class of the prestigious Blavatnik National Awards Honorees for Young Scientists, please see link for announcement. Showcasing America’s most promising young scientists and engineers in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Chemistry, the Blavatnik Family Foundation and the New York Academy of Sciences today named 31 finalists for the world’s largest unrestricted prize honoring the most outstanding early-career scientists and engineers. Yu was cited for his significant contributions to the development on designing sustainable polymer technologies to address vital energy and environmental problems facing society. He has created an exciting new line of polymeric materials, called energy hydrogels. Yu has pioneered an unprecedented level of multi-functionality in these materials.
May 2021
Dr. Esther Takeuchi spoke about medical batteries during WHYY's recent The Pulse podcast "The Magic of Energy." Learn more about this episode here and tune-in at 36:30 for her segment.
April 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Esther Takeuchi for being elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences! The 2021 election celebrated "an opportunity to recognize extraordinary people who help solve the world's most urgent challenges...and contribute to the common good from every field, discipline, and profession." To learn more about this honor, click here and see the SBU announcement here.
March 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Amy Marschilok (joint appointment SBU/BNL) and Dr. Marca Doeff (LBNL) who were highlighted in the DOE's Energy Storage Grand Challenge as key women at national laboratories making an impact on energy storage. You can read more about their contributions here.
m2M/t director, Esther Takeuch,i was highlighted in the Buffalo Museum of Science's "Women in History" exhibition, as part of their Celebrate monthly exhibition series. Check out the exhibition here.
May 2020
The Department of Energy's Office of Science, In the First Person Science series features m2M/t Director, Esther Takeuchi, in a story where she describes how
she and her team have made significant discoveries over years of research on battery
chemistry. You can find the story here.
January 2020
m2M/t's annual all-hands meeting took place January 15-16, 2020 with all partner institutions and scienfic advisory board members present.
December 2019
m2M/t PI Guihua Yu (University of Texas, Austin), was announced as the winner of the 7th Polymer International-IUPAC Award, which will be presented in July 2020. For more information about this award click here.
Congratulations to Stony Brook graduate student, Genesis Renderos, who received the Turner Dissertation Fellowship Award.
November 2019
Esther Takeuchi is the recipient of the 2019 Sigma Xi Walston Chubb Award for Innovation.
New analytical methods help researchers peek inside energy devices -- c&en, 11/18/2019
Recent exciting research was published in Science and highlight in the Cornell Chronicle.
June 2019
The latest issue (Summer 2019) of Frontiers in Energy Research features work by m2M/t investigators. The m2M/t team's research appears in the piece, Hybrid Materials: Bringing Together the Best Features.
May 2019
m2M/t director and Stony Brook University distinguished professor, Esther Takeuchi, was invited to give the main address at the Notre Dame University Graduate School Commencement ceremony on May 18, 2019. You can view her address here. Dr. Takeuchi was also an honorary degree recipient at the 2019 Notre Dame Commencement.
April 2019
Graduate students Diana Lutz and Christopher Tang (both Stony Brook University) each were named recipients of the prestigious 2019 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. See more from Stony Brook news.
December 2018
Serving on the editorial board of the Frontiers in Energy Research Newsletter, Stony Brook graduate student and m2M/t young investigator, Andrea Bruck, had an opportunity to highlight some of the latest scientific research coming out of the CME EFRC in a piece that can be found in the Fall 2018 newsletter.
September 2018
Graduate student Bingjie Zhang (Stony Brook University) wins 14th Annual Mow Shiah Lin Scholarship. See the BNL newspiece and SBU newspiece.
August 2018
Prof. Guihua Yu, University of Texas, Austin, was recipient of the Emerging Researcher Award at the Fall 2018 ACS National Meeting in Boston. This award is in recognition of his outstanding research record and contributions to the Energy & Fuels Division(ENFL) of the ACS.
July 2018
The Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2M), was selected to receive a four-year, $12 million renewal grant from the Department of Energy's Office of Science, to continue its work as a DOE Energy Frontier Research Center. See announcement from the DOE here and the Stony Brook University announcement here.
Center Director Esther Takeuchi met with Hari Sreenivasan, the host of Sci Tech Now, carried on WNET TV, Channel 13 in New York. They discussed the importance of energy storage in the clean energy economy as well as future prospects for energy storage technology. The episode will air in the Fall of 2018.
Batteries Through the Looking Glass - m2M graduate student, Andrea Bruck (Stony Brook), provides research highlight featured in the Frontiers in Energy Research summer 2018 newsletter.
June 2018
m2M Director and SUNY Distinguished Professor, Esther Takeuchi receives European Inventor Award (non-EPO countries category) at a ceremony in Paris on June 7th. Read more about the prestigious award here.
May 2018
m2M research featured on May 2, 2018 cover of JACS.
m2M senior investigator Guihua Yu, University of Texas at Austin, is to receive the
2018 Nano Letters Young Investigator Lectureship Award, honoring the contributions of a young investigator who has made major impacts on the
field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Dr. Guihua will be giving the lectureship talk at the Fall 2018 American Chemical
Society national meeting, which will be held August 2018 in Boston, MA.
Graduate Student, Jianping Huang (Stony Brook University), (pictured below, center, with Dean of the Graduate School, Charles Taber, and Distinguished Professor and advisor, Esther Takeuchi) received the President's Award to Distinguished Doctoral Student, at the recent Stony Brook University 2018 Graduate Student Awards ceremony. In conjunction with the awards ceremony, Jianping, who received his Ph.D. in Chemistry, presented a synopsis of his research, entitled "Electronic/Ionic Transport and Structural Evolution in Energy Materials," at the Distinguished Doctoral Awards Symposium.
April 2018
m2M Director, Esther Sans Takeuchi, was named a finalist for the European Inventor Award, by the European Patent Office (EPO). Click here for more information from the Stony Brook University news release.
March 2018
Congratulations to Wei Zhang, m2M postdoc, who was chosen to receive the M&M Postdoctoral Scholar Award by the Microscopy Society of America (MSA). The award will be conferred at the Microscopy & Microanalysis meeting on August 6, 2018.
November 2017
At a ceremony held November 14, Esther Takeuchi, Distinguished Professor, was installed as the inaugural William and Jane Knapp Chair of Energy and the Environment. For information about the ceremony, see the SBU Happenings piece.
October 2017
m2M's graduate student, Krysten Minnici's (GA Tech), poster on “Effect of Surface Chemistry & Crystallite Size on the Performance of Fe3O4 Li-ion Battery Anodes,” was submitted to the 2017 C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium poster session and competition, and was selected as a finalist. She has been invited to the symposium to be held on November 15-16, 2017 at MIT.
September 2017
m2M's graduate student, Jiefu Yin (Stony Brook University) was chosen as the recipient
of the Dr. Mow Shiah Lin Scholarship, an award created by the Asian Pacific American Association at Brookhaven National Laboratory, in honor of
Dr. Lin's achievements and remarkable research and inventions. The one-time award of $1,000 is granted each year to a student of Asian heritage with
a U.S. student visa matriculating toward a doctorate at an accredited institution
of higher education on Long Island (including Queens and Brooklyn) in Environmental
& Energy Technology, Biology, or Chemistry. The award ceremony was held on September
29th at BNL. Follow this link to the BNL new release.

m2M graduate student (Stony Brook University), Alyson Abraham, is the recipient of a GAANN fellowship. The Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) is a discretionary and competitive grant program providing fellowships through academic departments of institutes of higher education and is designed to assist graduate students with excellent records who demonstrate financial need and plan to pursue the highest available degree in a field designated as an area of national need. Alyson's GAANN fellowship will run from September 2017 through August 2018.
August 2017
m2M graduate student, Jiefu Yin (Stony Brook University) was notified he is a recipient of the K. M. Abraham Travel Award, given by the The Electrochemical Society - Battery Division, to attend the 232nd ECS Meeting in National Harbor, MD, in October 2017. In 2016,K.M. Abraham, a long-time ECS member and leader of the Battery Division, established an endowment for the division to give travel grants to two outstanding students from the fall meeting travel grant applicant pool.
June 2017
m2M's graduate student (Stony Brook University), Andrea Bruck, received second place in the Spring 2017 Battery Student Slam for the Battery Division of the Electrochemical Society (ECS). The Student Battery Slam provided an opportunity for students to present their research at the 231st ECS meeting in a session tailored to battery-related research in an engaging and lively manner. The top three presentations were honored as recognized by the symposium organizers. Andrea received an ECS Travel Grant from the Battery Division to attend this meeting.
May 2017
m2M's graduate student, Andrea Bruck (Stony Brook University), received the Etter Student Lecturer Award in Materials Science of the American Crystallographic
Association (ACA). Each year, one student is invited to present a lecture in the
technical session of the Materials Science Specific Interest Group of the ACA at their
Annual meeting based on their submitted abstract. Andrea presented her work on in
situ energy dispersive X-ray diffraction of the Li/Ag2VO2PO4 battery system. She
was supported by an ACA Student Travel Grant to present her work at this meeting.
March 2017
m2M senior investigator, Guihua Yu (University of Texas, Austin) was selected by The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) to receive its 2017 Early Career Faculty Fellow Award. For more information, click here.
m2M's annual meeting took place in early March at Stony Brook University. The meeting brought together all partner members of the m2M EFRC, including the Scientific Advisory Board, giving an opportunity for updating the progress of the Center through talks and poster presentations, and sharing ideas for moving forward. The Scientific Advisory offered valuable positive feedback on progress to date and plans for the future.
Photo courtesy Brookhaven National Laboratory
January 2017
m2M Director and Renowned Energy Storage Researcher Esther Takeuchi named Knapp Chair in Energy and the Environment. See announcement.
December 2016
The fall issue of the Frontiers in Energy Research, the EFRC newsletter, features recent work of the m2M Center in the article "Illuminating Batteries with Brilliant X-rays.”
October 2016
Congratulations to SBU graduate student, Jianping Huang, who won the 2016 Mow Shiah Lin Scholarship. Please see BNL announcement.
Summer 2016
The current issue of the Frontiers in Energy Research, the newsletter of the Energy Frontier Research Centers, highlights the work of m2M research in a piece title "Advancing Batteries: Recharge, Regenerate, Recycle." Connect to the highlight here: EFRC newsletter.
December 2015
m2M's Principal Investigator, Joseph DeSimone (UNC, Chapel Hill) has been selected to receive the U.S. National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the highest honor for technological achievement bestowed by the United States Government. Read the White House press release.
November 2015
m2M held a Cross-Cutting Microscopy mini-workshop recently at Stony Brook University's Advanced Energy Center. In attendance were (from l to r) Feng Wang (BNL), Lijun Wu (BNL), m2M COO Amy Marschilok (Stony Brook), m2M Director Esther Takeuchi (Stony Brook), Robert Hull (RPI), Yimei Zhu (BNL), and Eric Stach (BNL).
July 2015
m2M's annual meeting was held in mid-July, bringing together Senior Personnel, postdocs,
and graduate students from all partner institutions, along with the Center's Scientific
Advisory Board members and Institutional Representative Board. With student and postdoc
poster sessions and senior personnel research talks, it was an occasion for members
to collaborate in person and discuss their research progress.
Energy Storage EFRC's were invited to attend a one day Energy Storage NeedsWorkshop held at Brookhaven National Laboratory and co-hosted by m2M. The workshop's purpose was bring together the energy storage centers, provide opportunities for future synergistic collaborations, and to highlight and develop new opportunities for advanced characterization relevant to energy storage. Pictured here are the over 60 attendees representing the energy storage Hub, JCESR, and EFRCs m2M, CEES, NECCES, scientists from BNL's NSLS-II and CFN, and members of NY-BEST.
The current issue of Frontiers in Energy Research, the EFRC Newsletter developed by early career scientists who are tackling the grand challenges in their EFRCs, is now available.
April 2015
Stanislaus S. Wong (m2M Senior Personnel, Stony Brook University), is the 2015 recipient of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Inorganic Nanoscience Award. Announcements of the award can be found at C&EN News, BNL site, Stony Brook News.
March 2015
Graduate students, Matthew Huie and Andrea Bruck (both Stony Brook University) received 2015 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. See more from NSF and Stony Brook news.
January 2015
Using all energy in a battery - Science Perspectives in Materials Science - January 9, 2015
November 2014
Scientific American: How Do We Make Batteries More Powerful, Cheaper and Safer? - November 18, 2014
October 2014
Battery Life - m2M EFRC - The Atlantic - October 29, 2014
Alan West (m2M Senior Personnel, Columbia University) received the ECS 2014 Electrodeposition Division Research Award. This award was established in 1979 to recognize outstanding research contributions to the field of electrodeposition.
Joseph DeSimone (m2M Senior Personnel, UNC Chapel Hill) was elected to the Institute of Medicine, a distinction also marked by making him one of less than twenty individuals who have been elected to all three branches of the National Academies: Institute of Medicine (2014), National Academy of Sciences (2012) and the National Academy of Engineering (2005). For more info visit the National Academies press release.
June 2014
Stony Brook Receives $10 Million DOE Grant for New Energy Frontier Research Center - June 20, 2014