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ASL at Stony Brook University


American Sign Language (ASL) is a natural language used by Deaf Communities in the US and most of Canada.  Students will learn sign vocabulary and the grammatical system of ASL (which is not derived from English). Currently, the 2-semester introductory sequence (SLN 111, SLN 112) is offered during the academic year and in summer, and we hope to expand our offerings.

We also offer a course open to all undergraduate majors called Signed Languages and Deaf Communities (LIN 235), where students are introduced to the history of signed languages around the world and the interesting cultural and linguistic practices of signing peoples (no sign language background is required for this lecture course).


Departmental Contact

Francisco Ordóñez
Assistant to the Chair:
Brian Frank
ASL coordinator:
Jenny Singleton

Undergraduate Courses


LIN 235


Department of Linguistics
Challenge Exam