Robert Payne Collection Collection 293
Series Outline
Subgroup I: Writings
Series 1. Manuscripts Series 2: Forewords, Introductions, and Series Editing Series 3: Magazine Articles Series 4: Research Materials Series 5: Reviews Series 6: Manuscript Fragments Series 7: Published Poems
Subgroup II: Correspondence
Series 1: Literary Correspondence by Title Series 2: Literary Correspondence by Publisher
Series 3: Other Correspondence Subseries A. Literary and Personal Correspondence by Name Subseries B. Miscellaneous Correspondence Subseries C. Apartment Correspondence Subseries D. Miscellaneous letters to others
Series 4: Family Correspondence Subseries A. Robert Payne's letters to his parents, 1934-1972 Subseries B. Stephen Payne's letters to Robert Payne, 1947-1972 Subseries C. Mireille Dorey Payne's letters to Robert Payne Subseries D. Correspondence with other relatives
Subgroup III. PEN American Center and Columbia University Translation Center
Series 1: Correspondence Series 2: Organizational Materials Series 3: Translation Committee Materials and Translated Material
Subgroup IV: Biography
Subgroup V: Family
Subgroup VI. Audio-Visual Materials
Series 1. Photographs Subseries A. Illustrations for books Subseries B. Personal and Family Series 2: Audio-tapes and moving-picture film
Subgroup VII: Artifacts and Memorabilia
Subgroup VIII: Manuscripts by Other Authors
Series 1: Novels, plays, poems, and other creative works of art intended for publication
Series 2. Diaries, notes, and other creative materials not intended for publication