Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection
Collection Number
SC 285
Series 17: Memorabilia
Box 1
- Item 1: Honorary Membership. New York University Law Review Alumni Association. Paper award in leather case, 1981 June 3. Cf. #97.
- Item 2: Case, leather, empty. New York University. "New York University, Jacob Koppel Javits, L.L.D." Leather case, stamped, Undated.
- Item 3: Case, leather, empty. Syracuse University. "Suos Cultores Scientia Coronat." Leather case, stamped, Undated.
- Item 4: Award, paper. Record Industry Association of America. First Annual RIAA Cultural Award. Case with award and photograph of glass sculpture inside. Leather case, stamped; paper award, 1969 May 6.
- Item 4a: Program. Record Industry Association of America. First annual RIAA Cultural Award Presentation Program, 1969 May 6.
- Item 6: Award, paper. Jobs for Veterans. Commendation. Paper, Undated.
- Item 8: Honorary Degree. Bard College. Leather stamped case: "Hofstra University." Inside: Presentation, Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree and Citation by Pres. Reamer Kline. Leather case. Paper award, 1966 June 25.
- Item 12: Presentation. National Children's Home Bicentennial Group {Great Britain} "A salute to America" by John Buchanan, the "Artist without hands" (salute not included), Undated. Cf. #89.
- Item 23: Program. Congress Club of Kings County, Inc. Book with blue velvet cover and gold stamping. Congress Club of Kings County, Inc. Republican Organization, 4th Assembly District, Buffet and Dance, Union Hall, 1961 June 3.
- Item 27: Campaign booklet. Independent Voters for Javits, 33 E. 48th St., New York Irving Mitchell Felt. "Jacob K. Javits, Senior United States Senator from New York, is a candidate for re-election in 1962 ... the Javits record." Paper, 1962.
- Item 28: Campaign brochure. Independent Voters for Javits, 33 E. 48th St., New York, Irving Mitchell Felt. "Re-elect Senator Javits." Paper, 1962.
- Item 36: Program. United States Government Printing Office. Inauguration ceremonies program. January 20, 1965. Bound in cream wrappers with red, white and blue ribbon. Stamped gold seal. In white envelop labeled "Congress of the United States. No. 323. Section D." Pink paper attached: "Josh.," Undated.
- Item 36a: Invitation. Committee on Arrangements, B. Everett Jordan, Chairman. Invitation to inaugural ceremonies. Black on white paper, folded in half. Presidential seal imprinted. Paper, 1965 January 20.
- Item 36b: Portrait. Committee on Arrangements, B. Everett Jordan, Chairman. Photograph (printed signature). Black and White. Lyndon B. Johnson. Printed on off-white paper. (inaugural), 1965 January 20.
- Item 36c: Portrait. Committee on Arrangements, B. Everett Jordan, Chairman. Photograph (printed signature). Black and white. Hubert H. Humphrey. Printed on off-white paper. (inaugural), 1965 January 20.
- Item 37: Folder, Republican Convention. Enterprise Publishing Company, 1031 Kearny Street, San Francisco, California. "Republican Physical Fitness Manual. Unofficial Souvenir of the 1964 GOP National Convention, San Francisco." Paul Pease and Bill Bates. 9 cartoons (separate sheets) with captions of candidates, 2 bibliography slips, reprints of newspaper articles compiled by Al G. Hill, "The Establishment and ESTAB" by A.G. Hill, Colorado Springs, Colorado and Dallas, Texas. In white folder with red letters, 1964.
- Item 39: License plate. White letters on blue. "90th Congress, S-46" Metal, Undated.
- Item 81: Eisenhower College, Seneca Falls, New York, Pen. White House. Washington, District of Columbia. Pen used to sign H.R. 16032 (PL 93-441). Funding (from minting of Eisenhower coins) for Eisenhower College, Seneca Falls, New York. Signature of Gerald R. Ford imprinted on pen. Metal, 1974 October 11.
Box 2
- Item 5: Honorary Membership. Mestifa and Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz. Life membership. Paper, 1973 April 3.
- Item 7: Award, paper. New York State Council for Children. Certificate of Honor. Paper, 1974.
- Item 13: Cartoon. Senate Republican Policy Committee. Mounted on board showing Sen. Javits as Statue of Liberty holding light bulb. Signed by Steve Benson and then as Season's Greetings by Committee. Paper on board, 1979.
- Item 14: Presentation. Conference of Republican Senators. "An American Bicentennial Statement," signed by Senators C.T. Curtis, H. Scott, J. Tower, R.P. Griffin, and R.T. Stafford, 1976 June 29.
- Item 18: Campaign folder. Headquarters for Re-election, 45 E. 45th St., New York, New York. "Materials for use by Speakers on behalf of U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits." Blue folder including: Contents sheet; 19 fact sheets; booklet-The Javits Record; booklet-His Record and Views; Congressional Record reprint-Annual Report; Acceptance of nomination; Policy on Cuba; Model speech. Paper, 1962.
- Item 26: Campaign portfolio. Blue and white with red rubber band closure. "Re-elect Javits. Vote Row A All the Way." Eagles across bottom. Cardboard, Undated.
- Item 35: Program. Inaugural Program Committee, 6th and Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, District of Columbia. 20025. White envelop containing book in white wrappers. "Official Inaugural Program, January 20, 1965. Price one dollar." Inaugural of Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert H. Humphrey, 1965 January 20.
- Item 35a: Schedule. Carbon paper copy of Sen. Javits' schedule: "Calendar for Wednesday, January 20." (inaugural), 1965 January 20.
- Item 42a: Case, leather, empty. WCBS-TV, New York. Gold stamping. Contents in Press Releases series. "Newsmakers, Sunday, December 1, 1963, WCBS-TV, New York" Also stamped "Jacob K. Javits" Leather case, empty, 1963 December 1.
- Item 42b: Case, leather, empty. WCBS-TV, New York. Gold stamping. Contents in Press Releases series. "Newsmakers, Sunday, June 23, 1963, WCBS-TV, New York" Also stamped "Jacob K. Javits" Leather case, empty, 1963 June 23.
- Item 42c: Case, leather, empty. WCBS-TV, New York. Gold stamping. Contents in Press Releases series. "Newsmakers, Sunday, September 29, 1963, WCBS-TV, New York" Also stamped "Jacob K. Javits" Leather case, empty, 1963 September 29.
- Item 45: Campaign poster drafts. Posters to be made by B & C Advertising Co., Hewlett, LI, New York, 11557. Blue, red or black marking pen on white paper. One tissue paper with red and yellow. One with color samples-blue, yellow and white. Majority once had black and white glossy photos attached (now with photo collection). Republican campaign, 111 pieces. Posters for the following: C.C. McGrath, H.J. Silbermann, M.E. Abrams, C.L. Andrews, Balletta, A. Barbiero, Bennet, N.L.H. Bennett, A. Berman, Black, Blakeman, Brennan, J.W. Burke, Burns, J.D. Caemmerer, W. Cahn, Carlino, G.W. Carman, R.G. Caso, G. Chizner, M.H. Christ, A.B. Cohen, P.D. Collins, G.W. Cunningham, A.M. D'Amato, A.P. D'Amato, J.S. DaVanzo, R. Delin, W. Dempsey, R. Diamond, J.P. Dunne, J.R. Dunne, H.W. Dwyer, R. Edstrom, G.J. Farrell, Jr., Fehrenbach, J.T. Gallagher, M. Ginsberg, M. Goodman, Grover, R. Hausman, P.B. Healey, Heidelberger, C.G. Heine, Hogan, & Hornstein. Paper, Undated.
- Item 45a: Campaign poster drafts, 111 pieces, to be made by B&C Advertising, Hewlett, New York, continued: J.J. Infranca, M. Jonas, J.S. Kaplan, P. Kelly, J.E. Kingston, H. Kutner, E. Layne, N.F. Lent, S.R. Levine, N.J. Levy, E.J. Loewy, M. Luke, N. McBrien, H.W. McConnell, J.M. Margiotta, R.J. Marino, C.G. Martin, Jr., L. Milone, Jr., D. Minerva, H.W. Morrison, G.A. Murphy, J.F. Niehoff, R.M. Nixon, Patterson. Paper, Undated.
- Item 45b: Campaign poster drafts, 111 pieces, to be made by B&C Advertising, Hewlett, New York, continued: J.M. Reilly, Rice, A.D. Roncallo, W. Seiffert, A. Seldin, Speno, Spitzer, H.F. Strohson, C. Tese, M.J. Tully, Jr., Vaughn, S. Wachtler, P. Widlitz, Wilson (Governor), J.W. Wydler, and E. Yamin. Paper, Undated.
Box 3
- Item 9: Presentation. Leather stamped case: "Hon. Jacob K. Javits." Inside: Signatures of the "Executive Committee: "39 signatures, headed by: "Oscar W. Haussermann." Leather case. Paper enclosure, Undated.
- Item 10: Presentation. Brotherhood of Railway and Airline Clerks. C.L. Dennis, International President. Leather stamped case presented to Jacob K. Javits. Inside: Photograph of Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, State of Union Message in Congress, 1967 January 10.
- Item 11: Case, leather, empty. Pratt Institute. Empty leather case, stamped: "Pratt Institute, Jacob Koppel Javits" Leather case, stamped, Undated.
- Item 15: Presentation. Book. Village of Floral Park. Box containing book: Floral Park Golden Anniversary, 1908-1958. White paper wrappers. Cardboard box, 1958.
- Item 15a: Presentation. Village of Floral Park. Letter from William N. Lewis, Mayor, presenting copy of Fiftieth Anniversary package, 1958 October 20.
- Item 15b: Program. Village of Floral Park. Floral Park Golden Anniversary Program (1908-1958), 1958 October 12-1958 October 18.
- Item 17: Campaign button mock-up. Senator Javits Headquarters, 33 E. 48th St., New York, New York. "Re-elect Senator Javits." Letters in semi-circle. Black on white. Posterboard, Undated.
- Item 17a: Campaign button mock-up. Senator Javits Headquarters, 33 E. 48th St., New York, New York. Letters in semi-circle with picture (portrait), two-tone, Undated.
- Item 80: Certificate. United States Army. Army One. Flight certificate. "This is to certify that Sen. Jacob K. Javits has flown in Army One as a guest of Gerald Ford, President of the United States of America." Signed by Robert Shain, Presidential Helicopter Pilot. Paper, 1975 February 13.
- Item 89: Book. National Children's Home. London, England. A Salute to America. Book by John Buchanan {artist without hands}. Decorated sayings by prominent Americans that can be removed for framing. With biographical data. Colored. "Issued in commemoration of the Bicentenary of the U.S." In gold album cover with gilt stamping. Paper, 1976. Cf. #12.
- Item 97: Plaque. Honorary Membership. New York University School of Law. Law Review Alumni Association. "Names Hon. Jacob K. Javits, '26, an Honorary Member in recognition of his achievements as a distinguished graduate, outstanding legislator, and world citizen." Wood frame, black velvet base. Bronze medal: "NYU Law Center, 1835" Bronze plaque. In box, 1981 June 3. Cf. #1.
- Item 112: Honorary Membership. Hadassah. New York Chapter. "Upon Mrs. Jacob K. Javits for her service to the American people and her activities in Jewish communal life." Signed by Isabel Marks, Pres. Calligraphy on parchment. Gold seal. Purple and gold border, 1961 October 26.
- Item 146: Broadside. National Conference of Christians and Jews. Manhattan Region. Broadside of creed entitled, "We Believe." "We believe in the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God ... That the fabric of America is strong..." Black print on cream with red and blue decorative border and letters. Officers listed on back. Paper, Undated.
- Item 163: Book cover mock-up. Brown paper cover. Black and white photo of Sen. Javits with flag and family pictures in background. Eventually cut down and used for front of dust jacket for his Autobiography. Paper and cardboard, 1980?
- Item 164: Book cover mock-up. Black and white glossy profile photo of Sen. Javits. Testimonials from various Senators. Paste-up of rear dust jacket cover for his Autobiography (Javits). Mounted on blue lined grid paper. Cardboard, 1980?
- Item 190: Broadside. Black on white with no decoration. Quotes Jacob K. Javits: "...For me, New York will always have the luster and magic of a brand new town...." Paper, 1961 December.
- Item 191: Portrait. Pencil sketch of Jacob K. Javits. Left front profile. Name "C. Pape" printed at bottom. Original. Taped to mounting board, Undated.
- Item 192: Office of Economic Development, Plaque. Presentation. Community Service Administration and Office of Economic Development and Title VII CDC's Grantees. "Awarded to the Hon. Jacob B. {sic} Javits at the 1st annual national training conference and symposium..." Square brass plaque on square dark wood base., 1980 June 23.
- Item 193: Plaque, Award. United Munkacser Yeshivos. "Humanitarian Award presented to the Hon. Jacob J. {sic} Javits, in recognition of his efforts on behalf of the Jewish Community and his intervention in preserving the Jewish Cemetery in Munkacevo, USSR." iyar 11, 5736. Dark square wood base. Bronze plaque with brass inset. Shape of scroll with olive branches around it, 1976 May 11.
- Item 197: Plaque, Award. O.I.C. of America, Inc. Dr. Leon H. Sullivan, Founder and Chairman. "Legislative Government Award, 1973, presented to Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senator (New York) for his leadership in the development of legislation to include OIC in the Manpower Bill of 1972..." Dark wood base in shape of shield. Brass plaque. Brass oak leaves at top, 1973 February.
- Item 209: Plaque. Presentation. American Legion. Advertising Men's Post No. 209. "Certificate of honor awarded to Sen. Jacob K. Javits ... in recognition and appreciation of his unremitting efforts ... American ideals..." Signed John J. Alvarez, Post Adjutant;______, Post Commander. Black and blue on white on wood grain. Paper laminated onto pressboard, 1961 September 18.
Box 4, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.6
- Item 16: Campaign poster. To re-elect Senator Javits. Robert M. Kaufman, Treas. (#230). Cardboard, Undated.
- Item 19: Campaign shopping bag. White with blue letters: "Vote Javits U.S. Senator-Vote Row A for State Senator MacNeil Mitchell" Paper, Undated.
- Item 20: Campaign shopping bag. White with blue letters: "Re-elect Javits U.S. Senator" Paper, Undated.
- Item 21: Campaign shopping bag. White with red and blue letters: "We R voting for the Rockefeller Team Nov. 6." Paper, Undated.
- Item 22: Campaign shopping bag. Committee for the election of Donovan, New York White with blue letters. "Elect Jim Donovan." Paper, Undated.
- Item 24: Campaign shopping bag mock-up. Blue with white letters: "Re-elect Jacob K. Javits U.S. Senetor {sic}." Paper stapled on containing desired changes. Paper, 1962 August 7.
- Item 25: Campaign shopping bag. Independent Voters for Javits, 33 E. 48th St., New York Brown with decorative top edge. White label with blue letters pasted on both sides: "Re-elect Senator Javits." Paper, Undated.
- Item 29: Campaign poster. The Javits Re-election Committee. Robert M. Kaufman, Treas. Red, white and blue. "Re-elect The Senator {white on blue}. Power for New York {red on white}. Javits {Blue on white}." Cardboard, Undated.
- Item 30: Campaign poster. White letters on blue. Black and white portrait photo. "Re-elect Jacob K. Javits, United State Senator. {eagle}. Vote Row A-All the Way {eagle}." Cardboard, Undated.
- Item 31: Campaign poster. White letters on blue. Black and white portrait photo. "Re-elect Nelson A. Rockefeller Governor. {eagle}. Vote Row A-All the Way {eagle}." Cardboard, Undated.
- Item 32: Campaign sign, directional. Independent Voters to re-elect United States Senator Jacob K. Javits. Dark blue on white with dark blue border. "Independent Voters to re-elect U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits. Suite 1215 {arrow}." Posterboard, Undated.
- Item 1145. Campaign poster. "Re-Elect Javits to Congress." Brown writing on a cream board. "A Representative of All the People," written on bottom. Tenny Press, 250 W. 54th Street, NYC, NY. 1950.
Box 5, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.6
- Item 34: Collage, photographic. Mostly black and white but some color impositions. Background: photo of Manhattan. Portraits of Sen. Javits and family. Tree in color, eye in color, clock in color, etc. Rauschenberg, Robert. Paper, Undated.
- Item 38: Campaign poster mock-up. Lambert for Assembly Committee. Poster board with tissue overlay. Changes penned in red, black paper cover. Black letters on white. "Richard G. Lambert for State Assembly." Posterboard, Undated.
- Item 40: Drawing, charcoal. Charcoal drawing on paper, mounted on board. Apparently a tree. Signature, lower right corner: "Javits 78," 1978.
- Item 41: Campaign poster mock-up. Javits Re-election Committee. Robert M. Kaufman, Treas. "Re-elect The Senator. He's one in a hundred. Javits." Tissue overlay indicating color scheme. Brown paper cover. Paper on board, Undated.
- Item 43: Program. Lucullus Circle. "The 63rd Dinner of the Lucullus Circle {dinner in honor of St. Hubert} at the Americana, Monday" Program with white wrappers, red string tie. Includes list of members, list of guests. "The Legendary Stag," and a menu, 1962 November 26.
- Item 44: Campaign poster mock-up. Friends of the Governor Wilson Team. James G. Hellmuth, Treas. 45 E. 45th St., New York, New York 10017. Depicting campaign button reading "elect CASO lieutenant governor" with eagle. Black on clear plastic. Sheet plastic, Undated.
- Item 44a: Campaign poster mock-up. Friends of the Governor Wilson Team, James G. Hellmuth, Treas. 45 E. 45th St., New York, New York 10017. Overlay for 44 with color scheme. Orange over "CASO" and orange stripes in background. Some red shading. On clear plastic. Sheet plastic, Undated.
Box 6
- Item 83: Button. Button. "U.S. Ikenick. The Champion of Freedom. Space Satellite." Blue, red and white. Picture of satellites circling globe. Metal, 1958.
- Item 84: Plaque, Award. Zionist Organization of America. "The Louis Brandeis Award ... presented to Senator Jacob K. Javits in recognition of his historic service to the cause of an independent Israel..." Silver. Appears to have been glued on to something at one time, 1970 December 9.
- Item 85: Ribbon. United Hatters Cap and Millinery Workers International Union. Delegate's ribbon. Tenth convention. New York, New York Alex Rose, President. Blue ribbon with yellow letters, 1959 June 1.
- Item 86: Ribbon. American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, New York State. "Official guest of honor. 2nd annual convention. New York State American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations. Buffalo, N.Y." Red, white and blue ribbon. Gold letters. Hands shaking across outline of New York State. Stained, 1959 November 16-1959 November 18.
- Item 87: Book. Children's Asthma Research Institute (A.I.R.). 145 East 54th St., New York, New York A Personal Journal: Robert W. Dowling. Blue, hardcover book. Jacob K. Javits imprinted on cover. Commemorates fund-raiser for Children's Asthma Research Institute and Hospital, Denver, Colorado. Held at Metropolitan Opera House, New York. Paper, 1961 April 22.
- Item 88: Book. Children's Asthma Research Institute (A.I.R.). 145 East 54th Street, New York, New York (and Hospital at Denver) C.D. Jackson, A Personal Journal. Edited by John Mason Brown. Red-orange hardcover book. "The Hon. Jacob K. Javits" imprinted on cover. Benefit dinner for A.I.R. "The Chairman of the Third Annual Health for Peace Dinner, Henry Cabot Lodge..." Held at Astor Hotel, New York, New York. Paper, 1961 December 13.
- Item 90: Gift. Szabo, Dan. Personal gift of framed, typed poem by Robert Frost. Signed "with appreciation and thanks" by Dan Szabo. White paper framed in white mounting board, 1969 May 15.
- Item 91: Plaque, Ceramic tile. Fordham University, New York. "Universitas Fordhamensis, 1841. Sapientia et Doctrina. Arts, Science, Philosophy, Medicine, Law." University seal Multi-colored, Undated.
- Item 92: Paperweight. Sol and Amelia G. Friedman Pavilion. Commemorating ground breaking ceremonies. Lucite. Blue letters on clear base. Gold-colored medal encased: "The Jewish Home and Hospital for Aged.," 1964 September 23.
- Item 93: Case, empty. Baltimore, City of. Black. Gold plaque on top reading "Hon. Jacob K. Javits." Blue velvet lining. Contains yellow cardboard box. Once held key to City of Baltimore, MD. Signed by Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro. Cardboard, etc, 1957 February 13.
- Item 96: Plaque, Award. Association for Children with Learning Disabilities. John E. Fogarty Award. "Presented with grateful appreciation to the Hon. Jacob K. Javits for distinguished governmental service in the welfare of the child with learning disabilities." Dark wood base. Brass key: "ACLD 1970." Bronze plaque. Metal and wood, 1970.
- Item 104a: Card. A.F.L.-C.I.O. New York State. Card presented with trophy. Picture of labor statue, with explanation of significance. "Union is Strength." In cream envelope. Paper, 1963 May 28.
- Item 107: Medal. Medallic Art Company, New York. Twentieth Anniversary, V.E. Day. Two shields, one with letters U.J.A. on tree branch. Obverse side; Three profiles in parallel-Eisenhower, Alexander, Koenig. 1939-1945. These were honored in their generation and were the glory of their times. Artist: C.R. Jennewein. In black leather case. Gold stamp on top: "Senator Jacob K. Javits." 3" diameter medal. Sterling silver, 1965 December 11.
Box 7
- Item 94: Plaque. Presentation. Neighborhood Engaged Service Center, Inc. Medium wood base. Gold eagle. Bronze plaque. "In recognition of the many years of never flagging effort and untiring devotion to the needs of the older Americans of New York City. Hon. Jacob K. Javits, Senior Senator, New York State.," 1975 December 19.
- Item 95: Plaque, Award. Council of the Great City Schools. National Urban School Legislator's Award. "Senator Jacob Javits. In recognition of your 24 years of service in the United States Senate on behalf of the Nation's urban schools and the children they serve." Dark wood base. Brass plaque. Wood and metal, 1980 December 4.
- Item 116: Portrait. Pencil sketch of relatively young Jacob K. Javits. Polka dot tie. Signed by "J. Mathews." Done on off-white mounting board, Undated.
- Item 119: Award, Paper. New World Club, Inc. Aufbau. Franklin D. Roosevelt Award (certificate). Presented to the Hon. Jacob K. Javits on the occasion of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Aufbau. $1,000 awarded with certificate. Signed by Manfred George, Editor- in-Chief; Chairman of Committee, and Pres. of New World Club. 4 leaves bound in blue leatherette cover with gold stamp. Calligraphy. Multi-colored. Paper and leather, 1959 November 15.
- Item 119a: Program. New World Club, Inc. "25th Anniversary of "Aufbau." Dinner and Ball. 1959." In Waldorf-Astoria Starlight Roof. Includes menu and officers and Board of Directors of New World Club, Inc. Publisher of Aufbau. Ludwig Lowenstein, Pres. Card with 4 leaves, black print on cream. Blue tassle, 1959 November 15.
- Item 143: Presentation. Certificate. Day Care Council of New York City, Inc. "Citation presented to Sen. Jacob K. Javits in deep appreciation of outstanding services and dedication to the welfare of children {tenth anniversary}..." Presentation certificate signed by Elinor C. Guggenheimer, Pres.; and Talia Mansu, Sec. Gold seal with red ribbon affixed. Print in black and Brown on cream with decorative letter, 1957 March 4.
- Item 147: Honorary Membership. Washington International Business Council. "To Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senate, in recognition of your dedication and contributions to improving relations between international business and government." Signed William J. Barton, Exec. Dir. Gold seal with red, white and blue ribbon. Blue print on cream, 1978 May 2.
- Item 150: Presentation. Certificate. National Press Club, Washington, District of Columbia. "Certificate of appreciation to Sen. Jacob K. Javits awarded in recognition of your appearance as guest speaker at a luncheon for Press, radio and television in the Nation's Capital. Signed Robert Ames Alden, President. Black on cream. National Press Club seal background, 1976 June 17.
- Item 151b: Poster. El Paso (Texas), City of. Facsimile of 1915 poster recruiting men to go to Mexico with Pancho Villa. Signed by Don Henderson, Mayor; and Dora Miller, Pres., El Paso Chamber of Commerce. On back: "From James R. Crowe, IUBAC Local # Texas." Cream poster. Red and black print. Photo of Mexican riders, 1977 April.
- Item 151c: Envelope. El Paso (Texas), City of. Manilla envelope. Brown imprinted letters: BM & PU. Illustrations of masonry tools. Stamped with date in red. Written in pen: "Jim Crowe, Local #3, Texas." Piece of mailing wrapper enclosed: Goodwin Shapiro, American Consul General, P.O. Box 10545, El Paso, Texas, 79995. Written in blue pen, 1977 April 15.
Box 8, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.6
- Item 82: Campaign poster. Javits in '68 Campaign Committee. 45 East 45th St., New York, New York. Irving Mitchell Felt, Treas. "Vote for the Senator. Re-elect Javits." Black on white. Black and white profile portrait photo. Done by Jonever Printing Co., New York, New York. Paper, 1968.
- Item 109: Scroll. Rabbi Jacob Joseph High School (Secular) Arista Society. Scroll with calligraphic lettering and hand ornamented. Multi-colored. For outstanding citizenship. "Whereas the Hon. Sen. Jacob K. Javits has demonstrated a profound understanding of national and international problems..." Signed by Herman Winter, Principal; Rabbi Morris Shair, Admininstrative Assistant; Harold Reichman, President of Arista; and the Dean (in Hebrew), 1961 May 3.
- Item 159: Campaign poster. "You win with JAVITS." Black on white with blue star. Paper, Undated.
- Item 160: Campaign poster. Javits in '68 Campaign Committee. 45 East 45th St., New York, New York Irving Mitchell Felt, Treas. "Vote for the Senator. Re-elect Javits." White on dark blue. Paper, 1968?
- Item 161: Campaign broadside. Citizens for Javits. 103 Park Avenue, New York, New York Honorary Chairman, Mrs. John V. Lindsay. "The Symbols or the Senator." Black on white. "This appeared in the New York Times and the New York Post, October 10, 1968." Considerable text. Paper, 1968 October.
- Item 162: Book cover mock-up. Brown paper cover with "Javits." Transparent overlay with changes penned on and color choices (red, blue and silver). Mounting board with mock-up of Autobiography dust jacket front cover and red and blue color swatches. Examples of type face. Paper and Cardboard, 1980 October 14.
- Item 176: Poster. The Javits Dinner Committee. P.O. Box 21000, Radio City Station, New York, New York 10019 {Friends of Senator Javits}. Facsimile of The New York Times front page for December 11, 1946. Soliciting tickets to fundraising dinner at New York Hilton on December 11, 1967. Salute to Javits' "21 years of public service." On back: Facsimiles of other campaign result headlines. Black and Blue on off- white. Blue photo of Javits. Barbara Streisand will be there., 1967 December. See also #173, #176a, #176b, #176c.
- Item 182: Presentation, Poster. Jewish National Fund. Fraternal and Folk Organization Department. New York, New York. "From The Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund." "The Senior U.S. Senator of the State of New York, Hon. Jacob K. Javits, in grateful appreciation ... inscribed and presented ... at its 9th annual conference." Black on off-white. Hebrew inscriptions, also. Illustrations of farm workers in a decorative border, 1959 December 20.
Box 9
- Item 111: Plaque. B'nai B'rith. Louisville Lodge No. 14. "In recognition of a lifetime devoted to humanitarianism work for world peace, the good of our nation, and the welfare of the Jewish people ... Hon. Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senator from New York. At Louisville, KY.," 1960 October 2.
- Item 113: Invitation. Javits, Senator Jacob K. and Mrs. New York, New York "Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits request the pleasure of your company at a supper dance in honor of their daughter, Joy Deborah Javits, Friday, the seventh of April, at half after eight o'clock. 1A East seventy-seventh street. Rsvp 911 Park Avenue. Black tie." Black print on white paper. This copy used as envelop. Torn and scarred, 1900 April 7. Cf. #139.
- Item 114: Award, Paper. Adventurers Motion Picture Club of Brooklyn. Distinguished Leadership Award (certificate). "The Adventurers Motion Picture Club of Brooklyn, Rev. O.D. Dempsey, Founder, 1950-1955. Presents this ... award to Attorney General Jacob K. Javits for his unselfish contributions to humanity..." Signed by Dempsey, Director; Jessie Walden, Recording Secretary.; Shirley Challenor, Corresponding Secretary. Blue border. Paper, 1955 September 25.
- Item 115: Honorary Citizenship. Minneapolis (Minnesota), City of. "In recognition of a distinguished visitor to this community, the City of Minneapolis does hereby present this certificate of honorary citizenship to-the Hon. Jacob K. Javits, United States Senator-State of New York-and offers to our fellow citizen the hospitality of the city of Mpls." Signed Kenneth Peterson, Mayor. Gold seal with blue ribbon. Blue print over muted blue graphic of city skyline. "Attest" signed Harold A. Kind. Paper, Undated.
- Item 117: Honorary Membership. Nassau County Republican Committee. "To Jacob K. Javits, United States Senator, as an expression of high esteem and fraternal regard, we designate that now and hereafter he be an honorary member." At Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, New York. Signed Edward J. Speno, Chairman. Calligraphy on parchment, 1967 May 17.
- Item 118: Presentation. Certificate. Israel, State of. "The Jabotinsky Centennial Medal is herewith conferred upon Hon. Jacob K. Javits for distinguished service to the State of Israel and the Jewish people." New York City. 3 Kislev 5741. Signed by Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel. Presentation certificate has gold seal copy of medal. In blue leatherette case with gold print: The Jabotinsky Centennial Medal, 1980 November 11.
- Item 120: Award, paper. Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association, 92nd Street, New York City. Award certificate. "On the occasion of its ninetieth anniversary, the ... presents to Senator Jacob K. Javits its award for distinguished community service...." Considerable text. Calligraphy. Multi-colored. Signed by George Frankenthalen, Pres.; and Secretary. In blue leatherette case with gold stamp: "Senator Jacob K. Javits." Paper and leather, 1964 April 9.
- Item 121: Ribbon. Republican Party. Delegate. Republican National Convention. San Francisco, CA. Brass pin with eagle: "Delegate." Brass medal with picture of elephant. Blue ribbon, 1964.
- Item 122: Ribbon. Republican Party. Republican National Convention. San Francisco, CA. Brass pin with eagle and "Honored Guest (on blue)." Pendant-Jacob K. Javits. Pendant-United States Senator. Brass medal with picture of elephant. Red, white and Blue ribbon, 1964.
- Item 123: Ribbon. Republican Party. Delegate's ribbon. Republican National Convention. Miami Beach, Florida. Brass pin with eagle and "Delegate." Brass medal with elephant and "GOP" Blue ribbon, 1968.
- Item 124: Ribbon. Republican Party. Honored guest's ribbon. Republican National Convention. Miami Beach, Florida. Brass pin with "Honored guest" on blue and red, white and blue shield. Pendant-Jacob K. Javits. Pendant-United States Senator. Pendant- Delegate. Brass medal with elephant and "GOP." Red, white and blue ribbon, 1968.
- Item 125: Ribbon. Republican Party. New York State Delegate-at-Large ribbon. Republican National Convention. San Francisco, California. Dark blue metal pin. Pendant-Jacob K. Javits. Brass medal with New York State seal. Light blue ribbon, 1964.
- Item 126: Ribbon. Republican Party. Member, Committee on Resolutions. Republication National Convention, Miami Beach, Florida. Plastic and paper pin with "Sen. Jacob K. Javits (New York.)" Purple ribbon with committee designation. Brass medal with red, white and blue design attached, 1968.
- Item 127: Pin. Republican Party. Republican National Convention. San Francisco, CA. "Jacob Javits. New York." Red, white and blue. In shape of shield. "Courtesy of Dymo Industries." on back. Plastic, 1964.
- Item 128: Ribbon. American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations Utility Workers Union of America 14th Convention, New York, New York. Pin is brass and paper. "Jacob K. Javits, New York." Skyline and Statue of Liberty. Pendant (brass)-Guest Speaker. Gold ribbon with convention information. Brass medal with geometric design, 1965 May 12-1965 May 15.
- Item 129: Ribbon. Navy blue. Gold letters: "First Award." Paper tag on back: "Class-The highest. Prize-Brilliance in acting. Awarded to-Momo the guard masker. Date- November. Sister Lady Lead-Judge, Undated.
- Item 130: Pen, ballpoint. Gold colored. Possibly from desk-top holder. Mushroom-shaped top with flower design. Hole at top that possibly once held something, Undated.
- Item 137a: Presentation. Certificate. United States Capitol. J. George Stewart, Architect of the Capitol, Washington, District of Columbia. Letter to Hon. Jacob K. Javits. "This is to certify that the enclosed flag was flown over the Capitol of the United States on July 4, 1959, the day the 49-star flag became the official flag of our country." Typed letter signed, 1959 July 6. Cf. #137.
- Item 138: Invitation. Engraving plate. Javits, Senator Jacob K. and Mrs. 911 Park Avenue, New York, New York "Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits request the pleasure of your company for _______ on _______ at _______ o'clock. R.S.V.P. 911 Park Avenue." Metal, Undated. Cf. #138a.
- Item 138a: Invitation. Javits, Senator Jacob K. and Mrs. 911 Park Avenue, New York, New York Print from plate #138. Bluish black ink on white paper. Used as envelop to hold plate. Torn and scarred, Undated.
- Item 139: Invitation. Engraving plate. Javits, Senator Jacob K. and Mrs. 911 Park Avenue. New York, New York Engraving plate for invitation. "Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits request the pleasure of your company at a supper dance in honor of their daughter, Joy Deborah Javits, Friday, the seventh of April, at half after eight o'clock. 1A east Seventy seventh street. Rsvp 911 Park Avenue. Black tie. Copper., 1900 April 7. Cf. #113.
- Item 140: Presentation. Certificate. Kiwanis Club, Watertown, New York "Certificate of Appreciation presented to Senator Jacob Javits in recognition of your address before the Kiwanis Club of Watertown, New York" Signed Sam Caswell, President; and Marvin A. Fairbanks, Program Chairman. Blue print on white. Some gold decoration. Senator's name and date typed in. In white folder with Kiwanis emblem (blue), 1974 September 3.
Box 10
- Item 99: Trophy. Award. Special Voluntary Citizens Committee, New York City. U.D. Dempsey, Chairman. 20th Century Achievement Award. "To U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits for his untiring fight in the field of Civil Rights." Black plastic base. Brass plaque insert. Gilt paint over plastic: eagles and urn with winged female holding wreath on top. Wing of eagle broken off, Undated.
- Item 105: Trophy. United Parents Associations of New York City. "To Hon. Jacob K. Javits in recognition of his staunch advocacy of vital legislation to provide expanding educational opportunity for American youth, and in warm appreciation for his inspiring leadership as Honorary Chairman of the 35th Anniversary campaign. Irene E. Thorpe, Campaign Chairman; Gladys Harburger, Pres.: on the occasion of the 35th Anniversary dinner. Waldorf-Astoria." Medium wood base. Brass plaque. Brass oil lamp figure on top, 1957 November 19.
- Item 106: Trophy. Award. Abyssinian Baptist Church. 20th Century Achievement Award. "Jacob K. Javits ... For distinguished service." Adam C. Powell, Pas.; O.D. Dempsey, Dir. Trophy. Gold plastic (marble-look) base with gilt painted plastic eagles and brass column with winged female holding wreath. Brass plaque detached, Undated.
Box 11
- Item 100: Trophy. Presentation. Synagogue Council of America. "Presented to Senator Jacob K. Javits by the Synagogue Council of America on the occasion marking his 65th birthday. In recognition of a lifetime of dedicated service to his faith, his people, and his country. Tamuz 7, 5729." Wood base, brass plaque, bronze sculpture of David and Goliath., 1969 June 24.
- Item 102: Trophy. Yeshiva University. Belfre Graduate School of Science. Yeshiva University Science Fellow conferred upon Senator Jacob K. Javits, 1966-5726. Trophy. Reverse: Science Center to nourish American science in all its power and vitality. John F. Kennedy. Image of tall building with atom rings circling around it. Obverse side: Image of flame and sun. Shape of medal on an arching pedestal. Bronze., 1966.
- Item 103: Trophy. Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. New York City. Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Dedication. "Jacob K. Javits." Medium wood base. Brass plaque with J.K.J. and date on alternate sides. Brass oval medallion on top. Picture of bridge on one side and emblem and statement on reverse side, 1964 November 21.
Box 12
- Item 141: Portrait. Moses, Robert. Profile. Signed and inscribed in pen: "To my friend, Jack Javits, with high regard. R. Moses." Black print on cream, Undated.
- Item 142: Presentation. Certificate. Woodrow Wilson Foundation. "To Jacob K. Javits in appreciation of services rendered in helping to recall the example and reaffirm the ideals of Woodrow Wilson during the centennial anniversary of his birth, 1856-1956." Signed by A. Heckscher, Pres. Black print on off-white, 1956.
- Item 144: Presentation. Certificate. Sigma Alpha Iota. "International music fraternity presents this certificate of merit as an expression of appreciation to Sen. Jacob Javits for his outstanding contribution to and leadership of the Arts in these United States." Gold seal with red and white ribbons attached. Black on off-white. Gold emblem, Undated.
- Item 145: Presentation. Certificate. Yeshiva University. Albert Einstein College of Medicine. "Presented to Sen. & Mrs. Jacob K. Javits, Patron of the Abraham Levitt Chair in the Department of Medicine ... for generously supporting medical education..." Black, gold and blue on cream. Picture of bust of A. Einstein. Charles C. Barsine, Chairman, Board of Overseers, Undated.
- Item 148: Presentation. Certificate. S.O.S.-Kinderdorf International. Vienna, Austria. "Certificate of appreciation given to Senator Jacob Javits, Honorary Committee, Austrian Children's U.S. Bicentennial Art Exhibit; 'how do i see the U.S.A.?'" Sponsored by SOS-Kinderdorf International and Friends of SOS Children's Villages, Inc., New York. Signed Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, Chairman, Honorary Committee; and Hermann Gmeiner, Pres., SOS-Kinderdorf. Black on off-white with blue emblem, 1976 October 12. Cf. #148a.
- Item 148a: Letter. S.O.S.-Kinderdorf International. Vienna, Austria. Letter of enclosure for certificate #148. To Senator Jacob Javits from Hermann Gmeiner. Typed letter signed by Hermann Gmeiner on SOS-Kinderdorf International stationery. Paper, 1976 October 12.
- Item 149: Presentation. Certificate. University of the Pacific. Stockton, California. "High School Equivalency Program. Awarded to Sen. Jacob Javits." Signed by project director, Rose Alva; and Assoc. Dir.? Orange printed seal. Black print on parchment. Name and date typed in, 1977 April 12.
- Item 151: Honorary Citizenship. El Paso (Texas), City of. "The City of El Paso, State of Texas, Certificate of appointment, Honorary Citizen. In recognition of sincere interest in this great international city. Hon. Jacob Javits, U.S. Senate." Signed by Mayor Don Henderson. Gold and black on off-white. Gold seal and border. Print on both sides, 1977 April 8.
- Item 151a: Envelope. El Paso (Texas), City of. Envelope for Honorary citizenship. White with gold and black print, stating contents, 1977 April 8.
- Item 165: Button. Button. Oval metal button. "JAVITS. T.V." "Javits" in red on white, top half. "T.V." in white on red, bottom half. Metal, Undated.
- Item 166: Button. Button. Oval metal button. "JAVITS. Radio." "Javits" in black on yellow, top half. "Radio" in yellow on black, bottom half. Metal, Undated.
- Item 167: Button. Button. Oval metal button. "JAVITS. Press." "Javits" in blue on white, top half. "Press" in white on blue, bottom half. Metal, Undated.
- Item 168: Campaign button. "I like Javits for Mayor." Small, round button, blue and white. Metal, 1953.
- Item 170: Campaign leaflet. In shape of business card. Front: "Elect Javits" superimposed on photo of Javits. "Take this with you into polling booth." Back: "Javits for Attorney General." Illustration of ballot locating Javits name. Campaign rhetoric. Blue on white. Paper, 1954.
- Item 171: Program. Four Freedoms Foundation. Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom Medals Fiftieth Anniversary Inaugural Presentation program. Luncheon to honor W. Averell Harriman, Jacob K. Javits, Coretta Scott King, Robert S. McNamara, Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. ... St. James' Church, Parish House, Hyde Park, New York Presentations made to Schlesinger. 4 leaves. Cover has photo of F.D.R. Black on white, 1983 March 4.
- Item 172: Campaign leaflet. Citizens for Senator Javits. 103 Park Avenue, New York, New York Paul Manheim, Treas. "Vote for Javits." White on blue on one side. Also: "Vote for the Senator Re-elect Javits. He Votes for You." Folded in thirds. On inside: (Blue on white) "Senator Jacob Javits' legislative record includes:..." Paper, Undated.
- Item 173: Presentation. Booklet. Friends of Senator Javits. An Impact on his Times. Black on white. 10 leaves. "Contributions to Federal Law of Senator Jacob K. Javits. 1947-. Compiled by Friends ... from the public record and presented to him on the occasion of a testimonial dinner..." Arranged by Congress. Ends with 89th Congress, 1965-66, 1967 December 11. See also #174, #176.
- Item 174: Booklet. Javits in '68 Committee. 45 E. 45th St., New York, New York 10017. An Impact on his Times. Black on white. 10 leaves. "Contributions to Federal Law of Senator Jacob K. Javits (Republican, New York), (1947- ). Includes 90th Congress, 1st session, 1967. Paper, 1968. See also #173, #175.
- Item 175: Booklet. Friends of Senator Javits. Robinson Markel, Treas. The Javits Record-An Impact on his Times. "Contributions to Federal Law of Senator Jacob K. Javits. 1947-1974." Black on white. 16 leaves. Ends with 93rd Congress, 1973- 1974. Paper, 1974 October 1. See also #173 and #174.
- Item 176a: Envelope. The Javits Dinner Committee. For ordering dinner tickets and mailing money ($125 seat; 10 seats per table). Blue on white. Obee O'Brien Sherden, Executive Secretary, 1967 December.
- Item 176b: List, committee. The Javits Dinner Committee. List of the Javits Dinner Committee {and friends of Senator Javits?} Dark blue on light blue. "Memo: A salute to Senator Jacob K. Javits..." Paper, 1967 December.
- Item 176c: Envelope. The Javits Dinner Committee. Blue on white. Held #176 folded and #176a and #176b. "The Javits Dinner Committee, Gotham Hotel, 700 5th Avenue, Suite 405, N.Y., N.Y. 10019. IMPORTANT PERSONAL. 21 Years of Public Service. Javits.," 1967 December.
- Item 177: Program. "A Salute to J(star)VITS." The New York Hilton. Blue on white with red star. 4 leaves. List of committee (Nelson A. Rockefeller, Hon. Chairman; J. Frederic Byers, Chairman; Robert M. Kaufman, Treas.). Seating arrangements, menu and speakers, 1974 March 4.
- Item 178: Honorary ticket. N.R.T. "Admit to any performance, Senator Jacob K. Javits ... in grateful appreciation of his contribution to the Arts in the United States." Engraved brass ticket. Metal, 1967 April 14.
- Item 179: Kochubievsky, Boris, Plaque. Presentation. Deutsch, Bernard; and Boris Kochubievsky. "To Members of Congress in grateful recognition for their aid to Soviet Jewry." Dark wood base. Medal with Hebrew letters and "Let my people Go" at top. Silver-colored plaque with inscription on bottom. Small (Eagle Metal Art Co., New York, New York), 1972 April 26.
- Item 180: Plaque. Presentation. Nassau County Patrolmen's Benevolent Association. Dark wood base in shape of badge. Blue and silver NC-PBA emblem on left and right (metal). Silver metal plaque in center. Photo of JKJ with name thereunder in center. Daniel Greenwald, Pres.; Edward Witzke, 1st V.P. Small, scratched, 1972.
- Item 181: Plate, copper. Griffiss Air Force Base, RADC, Rome-Utica {New York} Engraved: "Senator Jacob K. Javits ... Appreciate your efforts...," 1975 August.
Box 13
- Item 169: Campaign bumper sticker. "Re-elect Javits U.S. Senator." White on blue. Eagle on either side of "Re-elect." Paper, Undated.
- Item 201: Plaque, Award. N.A.C.D. Region II Affiliate. "Community Services Award presented to Sen. Jacob K. Javits in appreciation for your sincere and dedicated services to the poor of this nation ... survival of community action agencies." Torches to right and left of plaque. Dark wood base, 1975 February 21.
- Item 208: Plaque. Presentation. Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. "With deep gratitude the ... elects Hon. Jacob K. Javits Honorary Trustee at large of the Board of Trustees in recognition of outstanding leadership ... presented at the annual meeting..." Signed Irving Mitchell Felt, Pres. Presentation plaque. Black on white with blue and red ribbon pictured. Gold border. Framed in woodgrain. Hole in paper on lower left. Paper laminated onto pressboard, 1964 May 21.
- Item 210: Plaque. The Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry. 11 W. 42nd St., New York, New York 10036 "New York, you've really done it!" Black and white photo of crowd. "To those of the 155,000 New Yorkers ... 3 million Soviet Jews thank you. In special appreciation for participating in Solidarity Sunday for Soviet Jews ... Senator Jacob K. Javits." Signed Malcolm Hoenlein, Dir.; Rabbi Gilbert Klaperman, Chairman. Paper laminated on wood. Gold border, 1972 April 30.
- Item 217: Plaque. Presentation. Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital. Hot Springs, Arkansas. "Presented to Hon. Jacob K. Javits by friends of LNLMH ... for untiring effort on behalf of the hospital." Signed Gladys M. Harrison, Pres. Paper laminated on wood. Brown border with gold strip. Blue scroll on gold on off- white. Gold and black letters. Jewish star and menorah on seal, lower right, Undated.
Box 14
- Item 185: Box, small wood. No cover. 2 compartments lined with cork. Green felt bottom. Has 6 brass pieces inside, possibly candleholders- unrecognizable function or origin. Wood and Metal, Undated.
- Item 188a: Address slip. Los Angeles County (Calif.). Board of Supervisors. Address slip for Edmund D. Edelman, Chairman, Board of Supervisors. Photocopied black on white. Paper, Undated.
- Item 188b: Business card. Los Angeles County (Calif.) Board of Supervisors. Joseph M. Pollard, Legislative consultant, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors-Washington, District of Columbia. Office. Black on yellow. County seal printed in black in upper left corner. Paper, Undated.
- Item 189a: Program. New School for Social Research, New York, New York 41st Commencement exercises program. 1st Presbyterian Church, 5th Avenue and 12th Street, New York, New York. The Hon. Jacob K. Javits listed under Honorary degrees-Doctor of Laws. Black on white. 8 leaves, 1977 June 7.
- Item 194: Plaque. Presentation. Advocacy for Gifted and Talented Education, State of New York. "AGATE ... recognizes Sen. Jacob Javits for legislative victories for the gifted and talented." Light wood base. Square plaque, enameled black brass with gold engraving. Easily handled size, 1980 September 26.
- Item 195: The American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Plaque. Presentation. National Council for Resource Development and the American Association of Community and Junior College, "The NCRD and ... award to Hon. Jacob K. Javits this recognition for meritorious service to the nation, education, and to the community and junior colleges." Stainless steel plaque on square medium wood base. Typed paper glued to back with considerable text. Mentions Sen. Javits' role in S-2657-Education Amendments., 1976 December.
- Item 196: Plaque. Presentation. Marcellus Optimist Club. "Presented to Hon. Jacob Javits by the Marcellus Optimist Club in recognition of 24 years of service to the people of New York State. Dark wood base. Pentagonal brass plaque with decorative border and Optimist International symbol, Undated.
Box 15
- Item 198: Plaque, Award. National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. "Distinguished Service Award presented to Jacob Javits ... for his outstanding contributions to American Higher Education." Dark wood base. Pentagonal brass plaque, 1980 January 31.
- Item 199: Plaque, Award. National School Boards Association. "National School Boards Association Award presented to..." In wood. "...Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senator from N.Y., for distinguished service in support of public education...," on square brass plaque. "NSBA" in brass. "Serving America..." in wood. Medium wood. Plaque, 1980 February.
- Item 200: Plaque. Presentation. Foster Grandparents Program. "In celebration of its 15th anniversary, the Foster Grandparents Program wishes to recognize the Hon. Jacob K. Javits for outstanding support..." Presentation plaque, metal on wood base. Signed Sam Brown, Director, ACTION; Helen? Kelley, Director, Older American Volunteer Programs. Insignia of stick man and boy together, Undated.
- Item 203: The American Committee for the Israel College of Fashion and Textiles, Plaque. Presentation. Israel College of Fashion and Textiles. "In warm appreciation for devotion and dedicated service this scroll of honor is presented to Hon. Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senator, by the American Committee for the Israel College of Fashion and Textiles." Signed by Nathan Brown, Pres. Black on blue and gold. Paper laminated onto pressboard., Undated.
- Item 204: Plaque. Presentation. R.C.A. "This is to certify that..." "Sen. Jacob Javits (brass)" "...was an honored guest during the historic inauguration of the first regular commercial domestic communications satellite service for the U.S...." At top: "U.S. Domestic Communications Satellite Inauguration." Plaque signed Howard R. Hawkins, Chairman. Black on white and blue with image of continent of United States on a blue globe. Paper laminated onto pressboard, 1974 January 8.
- Item 205: Greater New York Trade Unionists for Labor Israel, Plaque, Award. American Trade Union Council for Histadrut. "Brotherhood of genuine appreciation for the generous support and continued interest given by you at a testimonial dinner, honoring deputy industrial Commissioner Louis L. Levine, in behalf of a cultural center in Yad Mordecai, Israel..." Signed Mo falikman, Chairman; Gregory Bardacke, Exec. Dir.; William Arnold, Assoc. Dir. Greater New York, Frank Brown, Chair.; Charles Feinstein, Sec-Treas Award Plaque. Black on white scroll in green sky. Paper laminated on pressboard., 1968 September 28.
- Item 206: Plaque?, laminated card (9 x 12?). Presentation. National Columbus Day Committee. "Special Citation to Jacob K. Javits in recognition of his outstanding cooperation in support of all efforts to establish Columbus Day, Oct. 12th, as a National Legal Holiday." Black on off-white and portrait of Columbus laminated onto thin sheet of white plastic, Undated.
- Item 207: Plaque. Grand Street Boys' Association and Grand Street Boys' Foundation. "Declaration of Guilt." "Signed by pastor Martin Niemller at the council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, October 18, 1945...' In Germany, the Nazis first came for the Communists...'" Black and red on white on wood grain. Pressboard, Undated.
- Item 211: National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, Plaque. Honorary membership. Jewish Chautauqua Society. "This certifies that Edwin S. Lowe, in honor of Senator Jacob K. Javits, through long-range vision and generous support has on this day been enrolled as a life member." Signed Robert Katz, Chancellor; Sylvan Lebow, Exec. Dir. Paper laminated on wood. Red and gold torch. #1991., 1975 March 5.
Box 16, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.6
- Item 183: Art. Carter, Jimmy, President and Mrs. Washington, District of Columbia. Water color poster depicting the White House with Carter-Mondale campaigners in front of gate. Signed by Jimmy Carter and Rosalyn Carter. Howard Watson, Artist? Printed calligraphy at bottom: "With thanks and appreciation for your dedication and contributions to our country-We are proud to have served with you." Paper, 1980?
- Item 184: Campaign banner. White with blue letters. Grommet holes in 4 corners. "Re-elect Jacob K. Javits U.S. Senator." Eagles in upper 2 corners. Sized linen? Blue border. Cloth?, Undated.
Box 17
- Item 218: Plaque, Award. American Legion. New York County. "Award for Distinguished Service to the nation." "For long and illustrious service to the Congress of the United States ... Honorable Jacob K. Javits..." Signed Bernard McGovern, Jr., County Adjutant; James S. Conway, County Commander. Paper laminated on wood. Dark brown border with gold strip. Black on cream. Hand-penned calligraphy. Black on cream. Gold and blue seal and ribbon (silk) at bottom (laminated). Wood, 1960 June 22.
- Item 222: Plaque. Seaford (New York) 325th Anniversary Committee, Inc. "This certifies that Jacob K. Javits is the owner of a souvenir stock ... honoring the 325th Anniversary of Seaford, L.I." Certificate no. 3. Signed Raymond W. Schulz, President. Mock blue stock certificate. Paper laminated on wood. Brown border, gold strip, 1968 May 25.
- Item 317: Bookends. 4-H Club. 4-H symbol (4 leaf clover with an "H" in each leaf) on face. Engraved underneath with: "Senator Jacob Javits 1966." Metal, 1966.
Box 18
- Item 214: Plaque. The Heritage Fellowship. "The Heritage Fellowship, a charitable association of communal leaders dedicated to the finest values of Jewish tradition... and general scholarship, as exemplified by the Heritage Academy ... Senator Jacob K. Javits as a patron member..." Signed Joseph Shuchalowitz?, Dir., Acad.; Morris Borenstein?, Chair, Fellowship. Paper laminated onto wood. Dark blue border, thin gold strip. Calligraphic style, black on cream with blue menorahs and picture of two children reading under tree with torah between them, 1964 October 23.
- Item 215: Plaque. Honorary membership. Jewish Memorial Hospital. Board of Trustees. New York. "The Board of Trustees, N.Y., has elected Jacob K. Javits to Life Membership, 1946, in recognition of his faithful support of its philanthropic efforts." Signed Murray Baron, Sec.;_____ Goldsmith?, President. Paper laminated on wood. Dark brown border with gold strip. Black and red calligraphic lettering on cream. No decoration, 1946.
- Item 216: Plaque. Honorary Degree. Union College. Schenectady, New York. "By authority of the Board of Trustees ... Jacob Koppel Javits has been admitted to the degree of Doctor of Laws..." Signed LeRoy J. Weed, Sec., Board of Trustees; Carter Davidson, Pres. of College. Paper laminated on wood. Brown border with thin gold strip. Black on cream, 1956 June 5.
- Item 221: Postage stamp, First day cover envelope with stamp.. Cyprus, Republic of. Pasted to envelop canceled with Bicentennial ink stamp: "Cyprus-KIBRIS-5.7.1976." Brown engraved picture on left of envelop (signing of Declaration of Independence?). "Official First Day Cover." Stamp depicts Bicentennial picture of George Washington, 1976 May 7.
- Item 224: Card, birthday. Roses on front with plastic dew drop. 23 signatures, a few including: Charlie Roden, Allan Masur, Harold Held, Bob Zuckerman, Margerie Soper, Thomas Field, Mac Korn, Sybil Gorden, Lillian Bieber, Etta (Pat) Andrews, Robert Sheppard, etc. Paper, Undated.
- Item 226: Sculpture. Relief plaque.. Flat ivory sculpture in image of M. Gandhi. Rim of glasses on right broken. Possibly once attached to something? Ivory., Undated.
- Item 227: Honorary Membership. Dexter Fellows Tent. Rectangle. Business-card size. "This is to certify that Jacob K. Javits is a life member." Engraved signatures: Harry Hershfield, Pres; Mark Auton (?), Treas. Engraved elephant holding disk with initials "CSSCA." On back: "Lambert Bros. 14K" Gold, Undated.
- Item 228: Mexico. 20 centavos coins. Side one: Bird with snake. "Estados Unidos Mexicanos." Side two: Desert scene with pyramid and cacti. Coin 1: 1952, coin 2: 1964. Copper?, 1952-1964.
- Item 229: Medal. Vatican. Rome, Italy. Copper medal. Obverse: "Pius.XII. Pont. Max. Anno.VIII." Right profile of Pope. Mistruzzi, Artist. Reverse: "E.Quinove. Terrarus. Orbis. Partibus. XXXII. Cardinalibus. Creatis." Image of College of Cardinals. 1 3/4" diameter, Undated.
- Item 230: Paperweight. Fordham University, New York In shape of letter "F." Gold-colored metal. Red, blue and gold (metal) seal set in center. Brass., Undated.
Box 19
- Item 225: Ball, Tennis. White. Green label: "Slazengers. Made in England." Used. No other identification. Fuzzy, Undated.
- Item 231: Key. New Orleans, City of. (Louisiana). Small circle with loop at top and prongs at bottom. Approximately 1/2" diameter. Cased in clear plastic box on blue styrofoam. Box has gold letters: "City of New Orleans. Moon Landrieu, Mayor." Metal and plastic, Undated.
- Item 232: Key. Buffalo (New York), City of. Key to the city of Buffalo, New York. Frank A. Sedita, Mayor. Gilt-painted metal. Top loop in shape of a 'B.' Metal, Undated.
- Item 233: Key. Baltimore (Maryland), City of. Key to the city of Baltimore, Maryland. Gold-colored metal. May Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. Heart-shaped loop at top, Undated.
- Item 234: Key. Olean (New York), City of. Key to the city of Olean, New York. Tri-lobed loop at top. Metal, Undated. Same form as for #235.
- Item 235: Key. Mount Vernon (New York), City of. Key to the city of Mount Vernon, New York. Tri-lobed loop at top. Metal, Undated. Same form as for #234..
- Item 236: Key. Louisville (Kentucky), City of. Key to the city of Louisville, KY. "Sen. Jacob J. {sic} Javits ... visit. October 19, 1966. Mayor Kenneth A. Schmeid." Gilt-painted metal with 4-lobed loop and disk in center. Disk side 1: "City of Louisville." Disk side 2: engraving to Sen. Javits. Metal (brass?), 1966 October 19.
- Item 237: Key. San Francisco (California), City of. Key to the city of San Francisco, CA. Large and heavy. Oval loop with disk within. Disk side 1: Seal of City and County of San Francisco. Disk side 2: "Presented to Hon. Jacob K. Javits ... Joseph L. Alioto, Mayor." "Mfd. by Schlage." Metal (Pewter?), 1971 February 28.
- Item 238: Paperweight. United Nations. Sterling silver medal encased in lucite square. Obverse: "United Nations" in several languages. Image of globe. Reverse: "Youth for Peace." Two partially clothed figures parallel in a dance, 1970.
- Item 239: Paperweight. {Paris, France}. Nickel? medal encased within lucite square. Obverse: Star with words, "Le Havre, Paris, Noumea. Ste Le. Nicke." Reverse: Image of French and Greek coins. Large letters: "S L N." Artist G. Simon. Lucite chipped on upper right of reverse side, 1961.
- Item 240: Paperweight. Sterling silver medal encased within lucite square. Obverse: Image of lion and lamb sitting together under sun. Reverse: "Blessed are the Peace-makers." Plastic, Undated.
Box 20
- Item 241: Paperweight. Dirksen, Sen. Everett McKinley. Business card encased within rectangular lucite. Obverse: Dirksen business card, United States Senate, Washington, D.C. Gold eagle seal embossed in upper left. Penned holograph: "Thank you Jack. Everett." Reverse: "Senator Javits," in calligraphy. "Everett McKinley Dirksen Dinner, Sheraton Park Hotel." Plastic, 1965 April 28.
- Item 242: Paperweight. Rensselear Polytechnic Institute. Gold-colored shovel and pinch of dirt encased in rectangular lucite. Red letters also encased: "Ground-breaking ceremony ... Materials Research Center.," 1963 October 19.
- Item 243: Paperweight. K.D.K.A.-Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) "KDKA-Pittsburgh. 50 years of Broadcasting. Sterling silver proof. Struck by the Franklin mint," engraved on rectangular plaque below medal. Medal obverse: "First scheduled radio broadcast, election returns, Harding vs. Cox, Nov. 2, 1920." (artist initials RB) Image of two men between an eagle. Medal reverse: "50 years of Broadcasting, KDKA-Pittsburgh." Image of three men working in radio station. Thin rectangular plastic case not airtight. Plastic, 1970.
- Item 244: Paperweight. National Town Meeting. Rectangular paper encased in rectangular lucite block. "National Town Meeting. Made possible by Mobil Corporation." "Senator Jacob Javits" affixed to surface. Red, white and blue paper with black ink image of town crier, both sides, Undated.
- Item 245: Medal. United Nations. "United Nations 1976 Peace Medal. Sterling silver proof." On plastic. Medal encased in plastic rectangle fitting into plastic stand. Obverse of medal: "Peace" in 5 languages and hand holding olive branch. Reverse: Hand holding U.N. symbol of world globe surrounded by olive branches, with "United Nations" in 5 languages, 1976.
- Item 246: Paperweight. United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Bronze medal encased in square lucite. Heavy. Obverse: "Fifty years of vocational rehabilitation in the U.S.A." Decorative #50 in center. Reverse: "Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, United States of America." Insignia in center. Medallic Art Co., New York Plastic, 1970.
- Item 247: Paperweight. United States General Accounting Office. Bronze? medal encased in slanting square lucite. Obverse: "50th Anniversary, 1921-1971." Image of large office building in front of Capitol dome. Reverse: "United States General Accounting Office." Insignia in center. Plastic, 1971.
- Item 248: Paperweight. Exchange National Bank. Chicago, Illinois. 5 coins encased in slanting square lucite. "The Exchange National Bank of Chicago, Founded 1926," engraved on bottom. All coins dated 1960. Do not appear to be proof. Upper left: penny. Upper right: dime. Center: 50 cent piece. Lower left: nickel. Lower right: quarter. Plastic, 1960.
- Item 249: Paperweight. Communications Satellite Corporation. Lucite square block. Image of globe in blue and green on back with metal model of satellite in front and visual representation of radio waves between. "Early Bird. The World's first commercial communications satellite," on back, surrounding globe. Plastic, Undated.
Box 21
- Item 250: Paperweight. Jules Stein Eye Institute-University of California, Los Angeles. Picture of the Jules Stein Eye Institute, covered with lucite. Written on picture: "Jules Stein Eye Institute-University of California, Los Angeles August 18, 1964." On base: "Senator and Mrs. Javits." Plastic and marble, 1964 August 18.
- Item 251: Award. Governor's Committee Great Lakes Commission Award. Tenth Anniversary St. Lawrence Seaway. "Special Recognition Award-Governor's Committee Great Lakes Commission." Clear plastic with red and blue writing. Wood and plastic, 1969.
- Item 253: Plaque. Certificate. American Guild of Variety Artists. Honorary Life Member of the American Guild of Variety Artists, Undated.
- Item 254: Plaque, Award. American Jewish Congress. "For his leadership in the struggle for civil rights." Brass., Undated.
- Item 255: Ribbon. Wood, Wire, and Metal Lathers International Union. Pin: scene of Manhattan shoreline, underneath is written; "New York, New York" Attached to yellow ribbon. On ribbon is written: "Guest-25th Convention of Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers International Union, 1964 September 13-1964 September 18.
- Item 256: Ribbon. White, green, and red ribbon attached to medallion, Undated.
- Item 257: Ribbon. New York State American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations. Pin: "Guest" written on paper. Ribbon: "7th Constitutional Convention New York State American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations August 31 - September 1-2, 1964 New York, N.Y.," 1964 August 31-1964 September 2.
- Item 258: Ribbon. New York State American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations. "Sen. Javits" is written on pin attached to yellow ribbon: "Guest 10th Constitutional Convention New York State American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations Oct 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 1967 New York, N.Y." Medallion attached, 1967 October 2-1967 October 4.
- Item 259: Paperweight. Dirksen, Sen. Everett M. Hexagonal blue stone base. Sen. Dirksen's name sculpted on bottom. White ceramic right profile of Abraham Lincoln on top (like cameo). China, Undated.
Box 22
- Item 300: Paperweight. Tupper, Stan, Ambassador. With medallion. United States Pavilion Expo '67. Metal, wood, 1967.
- Item 301: Paperweight. Republican National Convention. San Francisco. Metal. Elephant on round base., 1964.
- Item 302: Trophy. Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. John Stang Commander in Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Undated.
- Item 303: Paperweight. Pan Am Building Replica on 6" ruler. Metal, Undated.
- Item 304: Paperweight. Future Farmers Association Vocational Agriculture. With medallion. On medallion: "FFA Vocational Agriculture." On base: "Senator Jacob Javits.," Undated.
- Item 305: Paperweight. New York World's Fair. With medallion. Silver and wood. Presented by U.S. Steel., 1964.
Box 23
- Item 306: Trophy. New York State Association of Letter Carriers 1960. White marble base, 1960.
- Item 307: Plaque. From the Western Wall Plaza. Signed on back. Wood, rock, Undated.
- Item 308: Pen. Campaign. Bullet shaped. "Vote for Congressman Jack Javits" stamped on. Metal, Undated.
- Item 309: Bullet. Bullet. Metal, Undated.
- Item 310: Trowel. "Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York" written on. Metal with wooden handle, Undated.
- Item 311: Trowel. Zoa House. Engraved with "Zoa House-Tel Aviv.," Undated.
- Item 312: Wooden nickel. "Draft Rocky in '68," 1968.
Box 24
- Item 313: Plaque. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Certification of Life Membership of the NAACP. Wood, 1959 May 5.
- Item 314: Plaque. City Athletic Club. "Presented with the affectionate regard of his fellow members...," 1983 May 9.
- Item 315: Plaque, Award. The Republican Law Students of New York. Nelson A. Rockefeller Memorial Award Most Outstanding New York Republican Leader of the Year '79-'80. Wooden plaque with brass plate, 1979-1980.
- Item 316: Plate. Long Island University. Charter Day Dinner. Ceramic, 1955 March 5.
Box 25
- Item 318: Medal. First National City Bank. Obverse: "First National City Bank." Reverse: "Family, Culture, Commerce, Transportation, Industry, Agriculture, 150 years of service 1812-1962" Metal, 1962.
- Item 319: Medal. South Carolina. "South Carolina Tricentennial.," Undated.
- Item 320: Medal, presentation. Williamsburg Settlement Brooklyn Philanthropic League, Inc. Obverse: "Williamsburg Settlement League, Inc. United Order of True Sisters" Reverse: "In recognition of his lifelong dedication...," 1963 June 9.
- Item 321: Medal. Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith Fiftieth Anniversary." Reverse: "Dedicated to translating democratic ideas into a way of life for all Americans in our time." with hand holding torch. Metal, 1969.
- Item 322: Medal. Hall, Len: Finch, Bob: Folger, Cliff. Obverse: "Richard M. Nixon November 1960" with picture of Nixon in center and lettering around the edges. Reverse: "With appreciation to our fellow campaigners. Len Hall, Bob Finch, Cliff Folger." Metal, 1960.
- Item 323: Medal. Obverse: "USS Bainbridge Mobility, Endurance, Versatility" with picture of a ship. Reverse: "World's first nuclear powered frigate USS Bainbridge.," 1962.
- Item 324: Medal. Junior Achievement. Obverse: "Junior Achievement." Reverse: "In appreciation Hon. Jacob K. Javits May 25, 1960.," 1960 June 25.
- Item 325: Medal. Japan National Students Association. Obverse: "H.J.H. Takamaisu Trophy-All Japan Inter-Middle School English Oratorical Contest." Reverse: "Japan National Student Association: The Yomiuri Shimbun: The Education Boards: N.H.K.," 1960.
- Item 326: Medal. The Frankenhaus Collection. "The Frankenhaus Collection 1914-1918 1939- 1945 "Despite the forces of destruction Maurice Frankenhaus painstakingly recorded the history of two world wars in his collection." Metal, Undated.
- Item 327: Drawing. 3 tennis balls with caption. In white Frame. Wood, paper, cloth, Undated.
- Item 328: Certificate. American Bar Association. 50 years of membership. Brown leather case with "American Bar Association Fifty year Award Jacob K. Javits" embossed in gold. Paper, leather, 1983.
Box 26
- Item 329: Campaign buttons. (10). "Keep N.Y. in front Rockefeller Javits Citizens Committee." Blue and white. Metal, 1962.
- Item 330: Campaign buttons. "Keep New York in front Rockefeller Javits citizens committee." Blue and white. Clip on. Metal, 1962.
- Item 331: Campaign Bumper Sticker. "Don't blame me I voted G.O.P." Dark blue background with fluorescent red and white writing. Paper, 1948.
- Item 332: Campaign bumper sticker. "What can we do for America? Vote Republican!" Blue background with fluorescent red and white writing. Paper, 1948.
- Item 333: Campaign bumper sticker. "Citizens for Javits." Blue background with fluorescent orange and white writing. Paper, 1948.
- Item 334: Campaign leaflet. "In the good hands of the Rockefeller team" 8 pages long-looks like a comic book. Paper, 1962.
- Item 335: Campaign buttons. "Re-elect Javits U.S. Senator;" a) black and fluorescent orange; b) black and fluorescent yellow, Undated.
- Item 336: Case. Williams College. Leather, empty. Blue leather with "Williams College" embossed in gold on the front. Leather, Undated.
- Item 337: Campaign leaflet. "What I've done. What I'm doing and most important, What I'm going to do. Jacob Javits U.S. Senator" Black with white writing. Paper, 1968.
- Item 338: Program.. Program. "A salute to Javits." New York Hilton. Red, white and blue booklet., 1974 March 4.
- Item 339: Campaign leaflet. "Senator Richard Russell, leader of the Southern Segregationists, accused Senator Javits of forcing the Kennedy administration to introduce Civil Rights legislation." is written at the top, "Senator Russell is right." is written at the bottom. Blue with white writing. Paper, 1962 October.
- Item 340: Campaign leaflet. "Elect Jacob K. Javits a fighting attorney general." Black writing with white paper. Black and white photo of Javits on front. Paper, 1954.
- Item 341: Campaign leaflet. "Pretenses vs. Promises Javits on civil rights." Photo of Javits Receiving the "Citation of Merit for distinguished service" of the A.M.E. Church from Bishop D. Ward Nichols. Attorney General Campaign, Black and white. Paper, 1954.
- Item 342: Campaign post card. Obverse: "Re-elect Senator Javits Vote Republican/Row A." Photo of Javits. Black and white. Paper, 1962.
- Item 343: Campaign button. "Re-elect Javits U.S. Senator" written in blue on white. Blue stripes above and below writing. Metal, Undated.
- Item 344: Certificate. Lion's Club of Newburgh, New York Certificate of appreciation. "May it be Known that Sen. Jacob K. Javits was the guest speaker at the Lion's Club of Newburgh, N.Y. on June 24, 1968." With Lion's Club insignia (purple and gold). Paper, 1968 June 24.
- Item 345: Certificate. Association of New York State Educators of the Emotionally Disturbed. Certificate of appreciation. "...presented to Jacob K. Javits for his outstanding contributions to the education of emotionally disturbed children and youth and this association." White with black writing. Paper, 1968 May 25.
- Item 346: Certificate. National Medical Association. Scroll of honor to Honorable Jacob Koppel Javits in grateful recognition of his outstanding contributions to the advancement of equality of opportunity in medicine and health areas for all Americans." Black with white writing. Has seal of the National Medical Association. Paper, 1964 August 4.
- Item 347: Certificate. Association for the Gifted. Certificate of merit. "For distinguished contributions to the advancement of gifted children and youth." Paper, Undated.
- Item 348: Award. Rome Area Chamber of Commerce. Award. Militia award. "Sen. Jacob K. Javits has been duly appointed honorary colonel of the 3rd Continentals, defenders of Fort Stanwick, Rome, New York." Paper, Undated.
- Item 349: Campaign button. "Re-elect Javits to Congress." "Re-elect" in a red semi-circle at top. "to Congress in red semi-circle at bottom. Blue circle in middle with a blue horizontal stripe in middle. "Javits" in white on stripe. Metal, 1950.
- Item 350: Campaign ribbon. "Re-elect Javits Congressman and Roman Assemblyman" in blue on white background. Cloth, 1950.
- Item 351: Campaign button. Two images. 1st image: vertical red and white stripes. Blue horizontal band across stripes. "Vote Republican" in white on band. 2nd image: white circle inside red circle. In white on red circle: "Organize and win." Blue elephant in middle. Plastic, 1956.
- Item 352: Campaign button. Button. 2 images. 1st image: white writing on black background: "Look like Louie for Mayor." 2nd image: photo of Louis Lefkowitz. Plastic, Undated.
- Item 353: Campaign button. Campaign button. Two images. First image: White writing on black background, "I'm for Nixon." Second image: Photo of Nixon. Metal and plastic, Undated.
- Item 354: Campaign tie clip. 2 images. 1st: "I like Ike" in black on white. 2nd image: photo of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Metal, Undated.
- Item 355: Campaign button. Button. Blue on White "New York's own! Keep Keating." Round With pin. Metal, 1964.
- Item 356: Campaign button. Button. Clip-on. Rectangular. "I want a New York Senator-Keating." Metal, Undated.
- Item 357: Certificate, Award. Liberty Magazine. "Liberty Magazine award of honor ... in recognition of his outstanding record for honesty, independence and leadership in this 82nd Congress of the Unites States of America." Paper, 1951 May.
- Item 358: Certificate. National Press Club. Certificate of appreciation ... in recognition of Meritorious service to correspondents of press, radio and television in the nation's Capitol." Paper, 1962 May 23.
- Item 359: Certificate, Award. Watertown, New York, City of. Jacob K. Javits "...declared an Honorary first citizen of the City of Watertown, New York." Paper, 1962 August 24.
- Item 360: Presentation. Survivors of the Auschwitz-buna Concentration Camp. "This Star of David was worn with pride by millions of Jews under Nazi tyranny. It is presented to U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits as a memento by the survivors of the Auschwitz-Buna Concentration Camp at the Auschwitz Memorial Dinner." Black background, white writing with blue highlights. Yellow cloth Star of David with "Jude" written in black. Glued onto board, 1966 May 22.
- Item 361: Certificate. New York Urban League. "The New York Urban League commends Jacob K. Javits for his efforts toward Civil Rights Legislation..." Paper, 1966 May 2.
- Item 362: Certificate. Republican Party. "In recognition of his fulfillment and eminent career in public service and in tribute to his personal integrity ... which have brought to him and earned the Republican Party the highest praise and honor." Paper, 1958 February 26.
- Item 363: Certificate. National Press Club. Certificate of Appreciation. " recognition of meritorious service to correspondents of press, radio and television in the nation's Capitol." Paper, 1973 March 6.
- Item 364: Federation of Jewish Women Organizations, Inc. "For his contribution to "History in the Making." White with black writing and red, gold and blue highlights. Paper, 1955 January 12.
- Item 365: Program. "Salute to Senator Jacob K. Javits" Cover: White with silver writing. First page has photo of Javits, signed with: "With much appreciation Javits April 7, 1962.," 1962 April 7.
- Item 366: Certificate. Assembly of Captive European Nations. "In recognition of outstanding services for the cause of freedom in East-Central Europe." Paper, 1964 September 20.
- Item 367: Program. "Javits 21 Years of Public Service." Cover: Off-white with blue writing. "Javits" is written in the base of the "2" in off-white. Underneath is written "21 Years of Public Service." All writing is in the lower right corner. Has guest list and seating arrangements, 1967 December 11.
- Item 368: Certificate. Mestifa and Yeshiva Toras Emes. "Mestifa and Yeshiva Toras Emes" "The school in Yeshiva of the Torah of Truth-Life Membership." Writing superimposed on burgundy design. Paper, 1964 May 11.
- Item 369a: Envelope. Javits Re-election Committee. "Javits Re-election Committee" and address is in upper left corner. "A" in "Javits" is a red star. The rest is blue. Paper is white, Undated.
- Item 369b: Stationery. "Javits Re-election Committee" and address in upper left hand corner of. "A" in Javits is red star. Writing is blue, paper is white, Undated.
- Item 371: Plaque, Award. American Society for Medical Technology. "The 1975 Clinical Laboratory Public Service Award." Emblem of the American Society for Medical Technology is at the top, 1975.
Box 27
- Item 260: Paperweight. President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. Silver medal and plaque set on square piece of black marble. Plaque: "With appreciation to Sen. Jacob K. Javits." Medal has committee's name and image of eagle, Undated.
- Item 261: Paperweight. National Air Force. "For distinguished service. National Air Force Salute." written on a blue, white and gold insignia set on rectangular piece of white marble. Hole for pen. Pen missing. Paperweights, Inc., Great Neck, New York written on cork back, 1976.
- Item 262: Paperweight. Whitehead Brothers. Blue and silver, some red. Insignia on square, white marble. "U.S. Bicentennial, 1776-1976." "WB Co., 1841-1976," on image of eagle. Paperweight, Inc., Garden City, New York written on cork back. Metal, marble, 1976.
- Item 372: Stationery. Javits Campaign Committee. White paper with "Javits" in upper left hand corner. The "A" in "Javits" is a blue star the rest is black. "Javits Campaign Committee" with address and officers is in the lower left in black, Undated.
- Item 373: Stationery. Javits Campaign Headquarters. Picture of Campaign pin is at the top; small, round with "Senator Javits" in blue. At the bottom in blue is the address of Campaign Headquarters, Undated.
- Item 374: Stationery. '68 Committee for Republican Progress. Picture of Campaign Button at top; small round with "Senator Javits" underneath. To the left of the pin is "'68 Committee for Republican Progress with staff, all blue, Undated.
- Item 375: Stationery. Javits Finance Committee. Thin line 1/4" from the edges and one underneath "Javits" at the top. "A" is a red star. Left and back are the staff. At bottom is "Javits Finance Committee" and address. All blue, Undated.
- Item 376: Stationery. "Republican Pre-Campaign Headquarters" at top. Staff names are at the left, Undated.
- Item 377: Campaign bumper sticker. Blue with white writing. "Vote for the Senator. Re-elect Javits," Paper, 1968.
- Item 378: Campaign leaflet. Blue ink. White paper. Printed on both sides. Paper. Ralph Nader report., 1974.
- Item 379: Campaign leaflet. Black and white photo of Javits. "Vote for the Senator" in black at the top. On back is Javits campaign rhetoric. Paper, Undated.
- Item 380: Campaign leaflet. "The Jack Javits Story." Photo of Javits. Underneath is eagle and bell. "Re-elect Javits to Congress." Everything is black and white. Paper, 1952.
- Item 381: Campaign leaflet. "Re-elect Lehman and Javits and elect Lynch and Pecora vote Liberal Party Row D" Photos of Javits and Lehman. Back shows where levers are in voting machine. Paper, 1950.
- Item 382: Campaign leaflet. "Register to vote for Adlai E. Stevenson for President Dr George S. Counts for U.S. Senate Jacob K. Javits for Congress." Bells on either side of Adlai E. Printed on one side only. Paper, 1952.
- Item 383: Campaign leaflet. "Elect Stevenson . Counts . Javits" Photos of each under names. Back shows which levers in voting machine to pull. Paper, 1952.
- Item 384: Campaign leaflet. Left side: "Re-elect the best Congressman we ever had." Photo of Javits. Below photo: "Jacob K. Javits" Back has campaign rhetoric. Has "Dear friend" note next to photo. Paper, 1952.
- Item 385: Campaign leaflet. "All organized labor supports Javits and Roman." Back has letters from labor groups. Paper, 1950.
- Item 386: Campaign leaflet. Front: Photos of Javits and Roman. "Memo to Voters." Back: shows where names are in voting machine. Javits and Romans names are in white the rest is green. Eagle and bell at bottom. Paper, Undated.
- Item 387: Campaign leaflet. "Re-elect the best Congressman we ever had." Photo below. Jacob K. Javits written below. All on left side. Next to photo says what he is for. Back shows his name in voting machine. Paper, 1952.
- Item 388: Campaign leaflet. "100% of organized labor supports Javits 100%." in black on gray. "Re-elect Javits" in white on black. Back has letters from labor groups. Paper, 1952.
- Item 389: Campaign leaflet. (in Spanish) "Elija a Stevenson Presidente Counts senador, Jacob Javits congresista, Miguel Riviera asambelista." Photo below each name. Paper, 1952.
- Item 390: Campaign leaflet. "Vote for the Stevenson-Counts ticket and a good local team." Photos of Javits, Joseph Zaretski and Samuel Roman underneath. Names below photos, offices above. 2 bells on either side of photo. On back: names and row and columns of candidates on front. Paper, 1952.
- Item 391: Campaign Bumper Sticker. "Javits" in fluorescent red. "For U.S. Senate underneath in white. On blue background. Paper, 1956.
- Item 392: Campaign bumper sticker. Blue ellipse with "Re-elect Javits" in white. At the ends of the ellipse are 2 orange half circles with purple and green petals. Paper, 1968.
- Item 393: Campaign bumper sticker. Campaign bumper sticker. Left half: light blue background with "Re-elect the Senator" in white. Right half: white background with "Javits" in light blue. Red star dots the "i." Paper, Undated.
- Item 394: Campaign leaflet. Front: blue with white writing: "The reason labor is behind Javits is simple-Javits is behind labor." Inside lists people in the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations that support him and why. Paper, 1968.
- Item 395: Campaign leaflet. Yellow paper, printed on one side only. In black: "I'm voting for Senator Javits the public library's champion in Washington." Paper, Undated.
- Item 396: Campaign leaflet. Top: Orange with black writing: "Don't gamble with machine government." Middle: slot machine, black with white background. Orange "Elect" with orange line. Bottom: "Newbold Morris Mayor" in black on white, orange line. "Harry Uviller Comptroller Matthew J. Diserio, Pres, of City Council." Cardboard, Undated.
- Item 397: Business Card. Javits, Jacob K. Gold eagle in top left corner. "Jacob K. Javits" in Middle. Lower left: "United States Senator." Lower right: "New York." Paper, Undated.
- Item 398: Business card. Javits, Jacob K. Top left: shield with scene of setting sun over mountain with boats in the foreground. 2 women on either side. Woman on left is blindfolded with the scales of Justice. Eagle atop the shield. Middle: "Jacob K. Javits." Lower left: "Attorney General State of New York." Back is signed: "With much appreciation Marion and Sen. Jack Javits." Paper, Undated.
- Item 399: Plaque. Italian Civic Association, Inc. of Mount Vernon, New York "In highest appreciation of his inspiring address ... commemorating our 50th anniversary..." Wooden plaque with brass plate. Ends of plate are cut diagonally and buckled, 1967 March 5.
Box 28
- Item 400: Plaque. Presentation. Legions of Voters, Inc.: Irma Vidal Santella, Chairman. Rectangular piece of metal: man's head with a wreath of olive branches superimposed on an angel. The symbol of Justice is in a disk underneath. Torches are on either side of the two figures. Bottom: has metal plate with: "...we salute you ... for your true sense of justice and ... for advancing the voting rights of the Puerto Rican community.," 1965 August 2.
- Item 401: Plaque. Golden Slipper Square Club: Richard J. Rukin, President. Statuette of the Statue of Liberty is on the left. Metal plate is on the right. The top and bottom of the plate are curled inward. Written on the plate is: "...American Citizenship Award..." Wood, metal, 1957 March 7.
- Item 402: Plaque, Award. New York Republican Club. "Nelson A. Rockefeller Award ... for outstanding contributions to the Republican Party and for his dedicated public service." Black rectangular plate on slightly larger gold rectangular plate attached to wooden plaque. Writing is etched on black plate to show gold, 1981 March 31.
- Item 403: Plaque. Youth Council Civic Affairs. Copper plate on wooden plaque. "Presented to Jacob K. Javits for outstanding contributions to the youth of this nation.," 1965.
- Item 404: Plaque. New York State Society of Washington, District of Columbia. In the shape of New York State. Metal plate same shape. Both without Long Island. Small New York State where Albany is-blue, shows major cities. Wood, metal, Undated.
Box 29
- Item 405: Certificate. American Legion, Samuel M. Bresseler. "Citation for meritorious Service" American Legion Seal in lower left. Certificate is mounted on cardboard. Paper, 1955 June 29.
- Item 406: Plaque. Vassals Evening of Elegance. "For his contributions as a statesman, senator, legislator, eminent attorney and author ... battles on behalf of the good and the welfare of the citizens..." White paper, red writing. Seal in lower left. Wooden plaque with gold painted edges, 1971 May 18.
- Item 407: Plaque. Republican Party. "Robert A. Taft Memorial Award ... for outstanding service ... to the Republican Party..." Metal plate is raised and shaped like a scroll. Plaque is rectangular. Wood, metal, 1969.
- Item 408: Plaque, Award. Brooklyn B'nai B'rith lodges. "Man of the Year Award..." wood with metal plate. Above plate is menorah edged with design, surrounded by wreath, 1962 March 18.
- Item 409: Plaque. American Society for Medical Technology. Honorary Membership of the American Society for Medical Technology. Insignia underneath. Wood plaque with metal plate. Engraving is black, 1978 June 16.
- Item 410: Plaque. National Congress for Community Economic Development. Quote at top by Maimonides. Top and bottom edges of the metal plate are curled in. Wood plaque shaped like a shield. Wood, metal, Undated.
Box 30
- Item 413: Paperweight. Ahmed, Robert E.; Mayor of Poughkeepsie. White square. Gold medal laying flat on top. Blue painted writing: "Office of the Mayor Robert E. Ahmed 1976" Seal of Poughkeepsie in middle. Signed on cork back. Marble, metal, 1977 September 20.
- Item 414: Paperweight. El Paso Bicentennial Commission, Mayor Henderson. White marble square. Small round disk in middle. Gold ring on outside of disk. Inside; gold writing: "El Paso Bicentennial Commission, El Paso Texas" on black background. Cork back. Plastic cover. On edge of marble is a small gold plate engraved with: "Mayor Henderson" Marble, plastic, Undated.
- Item 415: Ribbon. United Steelworkers of America. Pin: "Distinguished Guest" Mint green ribbon: "United Steelworkers of America 1974" in gold. Medallion attached: man superimposed over USA. Underneath: "17th constitutional Convention Atlantic City September 23-27, 1974.," 1974 September 23-27.
- Item 416: Ribbon. Republican National Convention. Pin, gold: "Delegate." Blue Ribbon. Medallion attached: "Republican National Convention Kansas City Missouri August 1976." "76" inside ring of 13 stars, 1976 August.
- Item 417: Plaque, Award. American Whig Society. "James Madison Award for distinguished public service." Black plate on gold plate. Engraved to show gold. Wood, metal, 1982 November 29.
- Item 418: Plaque. Jamaica Progressive League, Inc. "...for his outstanding work on the passage of the 1965 Immigration bill..." Plate has decorative border. Metal, wood, 1966 April 17.
- Item 419: Plaque. Mother Yvonne Chapter Friends of Maryhaven. Top: disk with woman with raised hands. Plate: "In grateful appreciation for his outstanding devotion to the cause of humanity as demonstrated by his constant effort on behalf of all the handicapped." Wood, metal, 1973 November 23.
- Item 420: Brochure. Reiss, T.J., R.D.1 Hudson, New York On loan. Brochure of art exhibit. American Indian Portraits. By Winold Reiss. Contains prints of portraits, a biography of Winold Reiss and assorted other papers pertaining to the artist or the exhibition. Some in German. Paper, Undated.
Box 31
- Item 421: Certificate. Grand Street Boys Association. 25 years of membership. Seal at top. White with black writing. Paper, 1964 December 8.
- Item 422: Certificate. United States Army. Certifies that Javits was transferred to Retired Reserve. Eagle under "Army of the United States." Black writing on cream paper. Mounted on cardboard. Paper, 1964 May 3.
- Item 423: Program. Official Program of the Inaugural Ceremonies of Eisenhower and Nixon. In original envelop, 1957 January 21.
- Item 424: Certificate. Allen Hunts Point Post No 5 American Legion Bronx County Department of New York. "In recognition of outstanding service in the field of hospitalized veterans welfare. With gold seal. Paper, Undated.
- Item 425: Certificate. Christ Memorial Baptist Church Brooklyn, New York Certificate of Appreciation. "...for his devoted service to this church and community" Seal in lower left. Paper, 1971 September 26.
- Item 426: Certificate. International Association of Rehabilitation Facilities. Certificate of Appreciation. Black writing, some red Seal in lower left. Paper, 1974 April 4.
- Item 427: Certificate. Trans World Airlines Ambassadors Club. Membership. Paper, 1956 July 25.
- Item 428: Certificate. Yale Republican Club. Lifetime membership. Paper, Undated.
- Item 429: Certificate. Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America; Sullivan, Rev. Leon H. Certificate of appreciation for development of Manpower Legislation. Paper, Undated.
- Item 430: Chocolate bar. United States Army. "Lifeboat Chocolate Emergency Ration." 7 2-ounce bars in a wax sealed box. Writing in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Chocolate, 1945?
- Item 431: Certificate. American Legion. Certificate of Initiation, states that Javits was initiated into the American Legion. Has seal of the American Legion at top. Paper, Undated.
Box 32
- Item 432: Key. Cleveland, City of: Perk, Mayor Ralph J. Key to the City of Cleveland. One side has name of presenter. Reverse has seal of city. Gold, in black case with business card of Mayor Perk. Case has gold plate with Javits name on it, Undated.
- Item 433: Plaque, Award. New York Philanthropic League. Seal of New York Philanthropic League is at the top. Bottom has gold plate: "Presented to Senator Jacob J.(sic) Javits..." Set on blue velvet background with black and gold frame. Metal, cloth, wood, Undated.
- Item 434: Medals, in case. Nixon, Richard M. Case is wood with black leather on back and front. Front has plaque: "With deep appreciation Richard Nixon 1968." Medal on right of case has Nixon's head with name around edges. Medal on left has eagle in middle with "37th President of the United States of America Inaugurated Jan. 20, 1969." Medals are not glued in, 1969 January 20.
- Item 435: Medal. State Agricultural Experiment Stations. "State Agricultural Experiment Stations Centennial" Outline of the United States with microscope, vegetables, fruits, and livestock superimposed. In red case, 1975.
Box 33
- Item 436: Plaque, Award. Puerto Rican Merchants Association, Inc. "Business of the Year." Disk at top has man holding torch. Metal plate underneath. Mounted on blue velvet. Frame is black and gold, Undated.
- Item 437: Medal. Brandeis University. "Louis Dembitz Medal for distinguished legal service." Medal and engraved writing are set between sheets of smokey plastic. In gold frame. Plastic, metal, 1981 May 11.
- Item 440: Plaque. Myasthenia Gravis Foundation. "Scroll of honor" for accepting to be the honorary director of Myasthenia Gravis Foundation. Wood, Undated.
Box 34
- Item 444: Program. Society for the Family of Man. Family of Man Awards Dinner 1967. Cover has insignia in gold. Text of speakers and program inside, 1967 November 29.
- Item 445: Program. American Defense Preparedness. Leslie R. Groves gold medal presentation, 1981 March 9.
- Item 446: Picture. Weisz, Ernest. Eagle holding banner: "1776-1976." Made of straw on black cloth background. In gold frame. Letter from artist in envelop attached to back. Straw, cloth, 1981 March 9.
- Item 447: Plaque, Award. New York Republican County Committee. "The Vincent F. Albano Award" Metal Plate on wood plaque, 1982 February 17.
Box 35
- Item 449: Plaque. Optimists International Club-Rome Optimists Club. "The Optimist Creed" Insignia of Optimists International Club. Creed is underneath. Copper plate with Javits name underneath. Copper, wood, 1966.
- Item 450: Plaque. Public School 20 Manhattan Alumni Association. Paper certificate mounted on wood, covered with lacquer. Black writing with gold, red and blue highlights. Blue seal of Alumni Association in lower left. Paper, 1958 June 11.
- Item 452: Certificate, Presentation. National Conference of Christians and Jews. "The Charles Evans Hughes gold medal." Black writing with blue and gold highlights. Paper, Undated.
- Item 504: Plaque. Retail Druggists Association. Metal plate in upper left. Half of a mortar and pestle are mounted in center at bottom, 1960 March 27.
- Item 505: Plaque, Award. National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc. "Human Rights Award" gold metal plate on wooden plaque. Both are shield-shaped, 1964.
- Item 506: Plaque. American Jewish Committee. Wooden plaque painted black. Metal plate, silver, raised, like a scroll, 1965 November 7.
Box 36, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.6
- Item 438: Certificate. Johnson, Lyndon. Flight Certificate. Certifies that Javits flew in the Presidential jet. White paper with blue writing. Gold seal (eagle encircled by 50 stars) at top. Paper, Undated.
- Item 441: Certificate. United States Army. Certifies that Javits was made Colonel as Reserve Commissioned Officer Officers' Reserve Corps. Paper, Undated.
- Item 453: Campaign poster. Blue: "On his record of integrity." Red: "Re-elect." Blue: eagle "Jacob K" bell "Javits to the." Red: "Congress." Blue: "of the United States..." Mounted on cardboard. Paper, Undated.
- Item 470: Global Map. "Log of the flight of Lieut. Col. Jacob K. Javits." Eagle carrying flag, flying above a global map. Shows Pacific ocean areas. Cards showing itinerary are on either side, 1944 September 24-1944 November 21.
- Item 514: Certificate. African Methodist Episcopal Church 1st Episcopal District New York. Citation of Merit. Black writing with gold and red highlights. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1950 October 6.
- Item 515: Certificate. Massachusetts Committee Catholics, Protestants and Jews. Citation. Black writing. White paper, Undated.
- Item 516: Charcoal drawing. Charcoal drawing of Javits. Signatures Surrounding Javits. Paper, 1956 April 27.
Box 37
- Item 442: Certificate. United States Army. Certifies Javits was made Colonel, Chemical Corps. Paper, Undated.
- Item 443: Certificate. New York, City of: Koch, Edward, Mayor. Tribute to Javits. Writing is black. Seal of New York City is in lower left. Paper, 1979 May 14.
- Item 451: Citation. New York University Law Alumni Association, Inc. "Citation accompanying ... the Judge Edward Winfield Award to Jacob K. Javits '26." Paper, 1982 October 23.
- Item 454: Campaign button. Button. "Victory for Javits Nov. 6th" in blue along edges. "V-J Day" in center. Large, round. Metal, 1956?
- Item 455: Campaign button. Small, round. Blue photo Javits "Javits" written in white across the bottom. White background. Metal, Undated.
- Item 456: Campaign button. "Re-elect" in blue on white. "Javits" in blue on white stripe. "U.S. Senator" in blue on white. Medium size, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 457: Campaign button. "Re-elect" in white on blue. "Javits" in blue on white stripe. "U.S. Senator" in white on blue. Medium size, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 458: Campaign button. "Re-elect" in blue on silver. "Javits" in silver on blue stripe. "U.S. Senator" in blue on silver. Sample. Medium size, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 459: Campaign button. Button. "Re-elect" in blue on silver. "Javits" in silver on blue stripe. "U.S. Senator" in blue on silver. Sample. Medium size, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 460: Campaign button. "Re-elect" in blue on white. "Javits" in white on blue stripe. "U.S. Senator" in blue on white. Sample, not used. Small, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 461: Campaign button. "You can rely on Javits" in white on blue. Medium size, round. Sample, not used. Metal, Undated.
- Item 462: Campaign button. "Re-elect Senator Javits" in white along the edges. Black and white photo of Javits on black background, Undated.
- Item 463: Campaign button. "Re-elect" in blue on white. "Javits" in white on blue stripe. "U.S. Senator" in blue on white. Small, round, clip-on. Metal, Undated.
- Item 464: Campaign button. "Re-elect Javits U.S. Senator" in white on blue. Small, round, clip-on. Metal, Undated.
- Item 465: Campaign button. "Re-elect" in red. "Javits" in blue. "U.S. Senator" in red. White background. Medium size, round, clip-on. Metal, Undated.
- Item 466: Campaign bow. Bow of decorative ribbon. "Javits" written in white. Ribbon is blue. Ribbon, Undated.
- Item 467: Button. Button. "Committeeman for Javits for Congress" in blue on yellow. Medium size, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 468: Button. Button. "Committeewoman Javits for Congress" in blue on white. Medium size, round. Metal, 1952.
- Item 469: Campaign button. "Re-elect Javits to Congress" in white on blue. Small, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 471: Campaign button. "Eisenhower" in blue. "and" in red. "Herter" in blue. background white. Large, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 472: Campaign button. "Rocky" in green. "Puts it together" in purple. Purple flower over "o" in "Rocky." Black background. Medium size, round. Metal, 1970.
- Item 473: Campaign button. "Vote Republican Reagan in '68" in black on orange. Medium, round. Metal, 1968.
- Item 474: Campaign button. "Dump Javits in '68" in blue on white. Medium, round. Metal, 1968.
- Item 475: Pin. Gold. "Javits" with bar underneath and elephant on top. Metal, Undated.
- Item 476: Campaign button. "Taxpayers for" in blue on white. "Rockefeller" in white on blue. "Endorse Fiscal Integrity" in blue on white. Metal, Undated.
- Item 477: Campaign button. "We" in red. "R for Rockefeller" in blue. White background. Metal, Undated.
- Item 478: Campaign button. Bottom half red with white writing "Lomenzo for Comptroller." Top half white with black and white photo of Lomenzo. Metal, Undated.
- Item 479: Stationery. "Independent Voters for Javits" in blue on white. Address underneath. Writing in top, centered, Undated.
- Item 480: Envelope. Independent Voters for Javits. "Independent Voters for Javits" in blue on white. Address underneath. Writing in upper left, Undated.
- Item 481: Stationery. "Trade Union Committee for the Re-election to Congress of Jacob K. Javits" in middle at top in black. Black and white photo of Javits on left. Back has Committee names, Undated.
- Item 482: Envelope. Veterans Non-Partisan Committee for Jacob K. Javits. "Veterans Non- Partisan Committee for Jacob K. Javits" in blue in upper left. Address Underneath, Undated.
- Item 483: Envelope. "A message from your Congressman J.D. Javits" in clue. "Personal" underneath. All in upper left hand corner, Undated.
- Item 484: Monetary note. Japanese Government. A one gulden note. Writing in Dutch. Paper, 1944?
- Item 485: Monetary note. Japanese government. 1/2 shilling note. Writing in English. Paper, 1944?
- Item 486: Picture. "Good Enough Island," written along side-drawing of a native. Black and white. Paper, 1944 March-1944 April.
- Item 487: Picture. "BUNA" written in upper right. Head of wounded man over arrows pointing to Tokyo and Australia. Black and white. Paper, 1942 November. 1943 January.
- Item 488: Picture. "Lake Setani(2)" Soldier being kicked. Shows boot and two islands. Black and white. Paper, 1944 July-1944 August.
- Item 489: Picture. Drawing of man. Profile. Black and white. Paper. R, Hq. I Corps, APO 301., 1944.
- Item 490: Certificate. Boy Scouts of America Greater New York Councils. Certificate of Appreciation. Blue and red writing on white paper. Paper, Undated.
- Item 491: Driver's License. Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Yellow paper, 1955.
- Item 492: Certificate. National Conference of Christians and Jews. Light orange with white oval in middle. Eagle at top of oval. Paper, 1950.
- Item 493: Certificate. Jewish National Fund. Certifies that a tree was planted in Javits name for the reforestation of Israel. Green, white and brown. Paper, Undated.
- Item 494: Certificate. Saying from Eisenhower. Black writing with red highlights. White parchment. Paper, 1956.
- Item 495: Certificate. American Bar Association. Certificate of membership. Certifies that Javits is a member of the American Bar Association. Black writing. Insignia at top under name. Paper, 1956 January 1.
- Item 496: Certificate, Award. Hebrew Union College. Awards Javits "Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa." Gray and white with black writing. Paper, 1956 June 5.
- Item 497: Certificate. American Numismatic Association. Certificate of Award. Insignia in lower left. Writing is blue. ON parchment. Javits name is in red. Paper, 1966.
- Item 498: Card. Second Panel Sheriff's jury. R.S.V.P. card for invitation to annual dinner of the Second Panel Sheriff's Jury. Paper, 1955 January 26.
- Item 499: Invitation. Second Panel Sheriff's Jury. Insignia in middle at top, 1955 January 26.
- Item 500: Certificate. Green border with seal of Notary Public. "Deed of Conveyance" written at top. White paper card with it. Paper, 1955 August 19.
- Item 501: Certificate. Foundation for the Jewish National Fund. Membership in the National Lawyers Committee of the Jewish National Fund. Blue writing. Orange insignia at top. Paper, 1952 June.
- Item 502: Plaque. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Life Membership in Veterans of Foreign Wars, Raised writing. Insignia in upper left. Business card sized. Metal, 1957 January 1.
- Item 503: Membership card. Miami Beach, City of. Folded. Outside: "Office of the Mayor Miami Beach" Inside: seal of the city in upper left. All writing is gold except signature. Javits spelled Javitz., Undated.
- Item 513: Certificate. New York Army National Guard. Black writing. Gold seal in lower left. Certifies that Javits has rank of Colonel; Chemical Corps in National Guard. Paper, 1960 June 24.
Box 37, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.6
- Item 439: Certificate. Foreign Trade Association of Southern California. Certificate of Merit for the promotion of world trade. Insignia is on paper in gray. Black writing is superimposed on it. Paper, 1971 June 2.
Box 38
- Item 528: Tie clip. Gold. State of Maryland coat of arms in center. Two men on either side. Crown at top. "Fati maschti parole femine" on banner underneath. All mounted on thin gold bar, Undated.
- Item 529: Certificate. American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico. Certificate of Appreciation. Seal in background. Writing superimposed on top. Black writing. Paper, 1971 April 14.
- Item 530: Passport. American. Canceled. Maroon cover with gold writing. Corner cut off, 1934 August 6.
- Item 531: Campaign letter. Letter urging people to convince their friends to vote for Eisenhower and buy an Eisenhower button. Button pinned in upper right: "Right with Ike." Small, round, red white and blue with photo of Eisenhower in middle. Letter is red, white and blue. White paper. Paper, 1950.
- Item 532: Certificate. Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. Certificate of appreciation. Insignia at top. Writing black, Hebrew writing at top. Paper, 1957-1958.
- Item 533: Certificate. Americans for Democratic Action; Washington Chapter. Black writing. Onion skin paper. Paper, Undated.
- Item 534: Annual Journal. Washington Heights Lodge B'nai B'rith. Annual Journal. Cover: silver and white. Blue menorah. Blue writing. One page with advertisement from Javits. paper, Undated.
- Item 535: Journal. Italian-American Grocers Association. 2 pages from journal. One has picture of Javits. Other has letter from him. Paper, 1955.
- Item 536: Booklet. Javits Dinner Committee. "An Impact on his Times." Cover: blue and red writing. White paper. Inside tells what Javits has done. Paper, Undated.
- Item 537: Membership card. Republican party. Plastic. "1972 Sustaining Member," 1972.
- Item 538: Membership card. Javits Republican Club. Eagles in upper corners. Blue writing, 1972.
- Item 539: Membership card. New York Republican County Committee. Blue and red writing, 1972.
- Item 540: Booklet. "Ralph Nader Congress Project Citizens Look At Congress Jacob K. Javits Republican Senator from New York." Blue writing on white paper. Written by Craig MacKown and Arnold Bortz. Paper, 1972.
- Item 541: Song book. "Song Hits for Today! by Lord Helpus!" in gold stick-on letters. On blue paper, Undated.
- Item 542: Envelope. Envelope with "Decade of Space Achievements. Two 8 cent stamps canceled on the first day of issue, 1971 August 2.
- Item 543: Certificate. National Committee Jobs for Veterans. Cream colored paper. "Jobs for Veterans" in blue and red at top. Paper, 1972 December.
- Item 544: Membership card. Franklin Memorial Mint Collectors Society. Cardboard card with blue and black writing. Coin in upper right set in hole in card, held in with plastic. Silver, 1974.
- Item 545: Program. Javits Republican Club. "A Salute to Senator Jacob K. Javits 21 Javits" Has menu. Tells what Javits has done, 1967 December 11.
- Item 546: Booklet. Rabbi William Berkowitz and Dr. Henry Kissinger A Dialogue. Writing is blue. White paper. Paper, 1981.
- Item 547: Booklet. New York Financial Writers' Association. Red cover with black writing. Roster of members and by-laws. Paper, 1956-1957.
- Item 548: Booklet. "The Case for Integration." Orange paper with black writing. Paper, 1961.
- Item 549: Envelope. Has two 5 cent stamps of man walking in space. Left side has collage of space scenes, 1968 December 21.
- Item 551: Letter. S.M.A. Fathers. Picture of Fulton J. Sheen in left. Asks for donation to the Society by taking out an advertisement. Paper, Undated.
- Item 552: Booklet. Edelsberg, Herman and David Brody. Civil Rights in the 85th Congress 1957- 1958. Gold paper cover. Paper, 1958 December 15.
- Item 553: Booklet. Special Report-Southern Regional Council. Hole cut in cover; seen through hole: The Student Protest movement: A Recapitulation September, 1961. Gray cover with brown ink. Paper, 1961 September.
- Item 554: Program. Americas Foundation. Anniversary dinner. Black ink, tan paper. Folder contains text of speech. Reprint from Readers' Digest, 1982.
- Item 555: Certificate, Program. World Academy in Jerusalem. Cover is certificate of appreciation. Inside is program. Has gold ribbon tied on folded edge. Paper, 1956 April 15.
- Item 557: Certificate. Farmers Union. Yellow paper. Black writing. Ornate black border. Paper, 1980.
- Item 559: Journal Advertisement. Lincoln Club. Picture of Javits. "Our Attorney General" on top. "Hon. Jacob K. Javits" underneath. Paper, 1956.
- Item 560: Memorial Plaque. Beth Jacob School. Lists dates to light memorial candles for Javits mother. Blue velvet backing, 1951.
- Item 562: Certificate. National Association for Gifted Children. "Citation of Merit. Green ornate border. Name and information typed in. Paper, 1975 February 14.
- Item 563: Membership card. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Lifetime membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Gold metal plate inside plastic, Undated.
Box 39
- Item 507: Plaque, Award. United States Department of Labor Summer Youth Employment Program. 2 round metal plates with insignia and symbol on left. Rectangular metal plate on right, 1979.
- Item 508: Plaque, Award. National Child Labor Committee. "Gertrude F. Zimand Memorial Award." Black metal plate with raised border at top. Black metal plate underneath. Both mounted on brown wood on slightly larger black wooden plate, 1979 June.
- Item 509: Plaque, Award. Elks Department of Civil Liberties League, 195 IBPOE of W. "Civil Rights Award." Symbol of Justice in disk. Eagle at top of disk. Torches on either side. Plate with writing underneath. Wood, metal, 1965 September 6.
- Item 510: Plaque, Award. District 1199, National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees. "distinguished Service Award." Paper certificate mounted between lucite and wood plaque. Wood, plastic, 1979 November 2.
- Item 511: Plaque. American Heart Association. Metal disk with insignia in upper left. Edges are painted black, 1978 February 8.
- Item 512: Plaque. National Federation of Independent Business, Inc. Black plastic plate with insignia at top. Black plastic plate underneath. Mounted on wood, 1975-76.
- Item 558: Name plate. "Attorney General Jacob K. Javits New York" on metal plate mounted on triangular piece of wood, 1954-1958.
Box 40
- Item 188: Presentation. Certificate. Los Angeles, County of. Board of Supervisors. "Senator Jacob Javits, Republican, New York. In recognition of his distinguished public service ... is hereby highly commended..." Black on cream, mounted on red (top and bottom). Some ornate, colored calligraphy. Red, white, blue and gold county seal at top. Gold seal with red, white and blue ribbon at bottom left. Signed Edmund D. Edelman, Chairman, Board of Supervisors., Undated. See also #188a, #188b.
Box 40, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.7
- Item 263: Certificate. American Heart Association. Heart with torch at top. Black writing. White paper, 1949.
- Item 517: Testimonial Poster. Black writing with red and gold highlights. Black and white photo in upper right. Testimonial in tribute to William Zeckendorf on his fiftieth birthday. Printed signatures., 1955 June 20.
- Item 518: Poster. Fraternal Order of Eagles. "Jobs After 40" enlarged petition with black and white photo of Richard L. Neuberger and Javits where lines for names are. Paper, Undated.
- Item 519: Petition. Fraternal Order of Eagles. For 'Jobs after 40' All writing in blue. Paper, Undated.
- Item 520: Campaign Poster. United States flag and Cuban flag at top. Eagle in between. "General Pedraza buen amigo de U.S.A. y lider anti-communista de Cuba" (Gen. Pedraza good friend of the United States of America and anti-communist leader of Cuba) Red and blue writing. Paper, Undated.
- Item 522: Certificate. Jewish National Fund of America. Three pictures of farmers in middle. Writing above and below. Everything surrounded by ornate black background. Paper, Undated.
- Item 523: Campaign poster. Top: blue with white: "See Hear Congressman Javits tonight at _o'clock" in blue on white. Large white space underneath. Paper, Undated.
- Item 524: Certificate, Award. Odd Fellows Welfare Guild. "Mr. Fraternalist of 1963" Hand painted border: blue, gold and green. Paper, 1963 February 24.
- Item 525: Legislative Resolution. New York, State of; Legislature. 2 pages mounted on green paper. Seal of New York State on Second Sheet. Paper, 1979 May 9.
- Item 526: Certificate, Award. United Steel Workers of America. Black writing with gold and red highlights. White paper, 1974 September.
- Item 527: Prints. Ron, Menachem. "Peace" written in Hebrew on front of envelop. Inside are fifteen prints from the Holocaust. White paper with black ink, Undated.
- Item 550: Certificate. Perlman, Patricia and Richard. "Trees for Israel" through the Jewish National Fund for Javits Twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Shows one tree standing in front of a forest. Paper, 1972 November 30.
- Item 561: Certificate. Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Certificate is a photocopy. Javits name is written in ink. Black and white. Paper, 1975 February 19.
- Item 566: Congressional Act. United States Congress. Thin red line around outside. Black writing, 1980 September 26.
- Item 568: Poster. State University of New York at Stony Brook. "University's Scrapbook of Memories." Has highlights of State University of New York at Stony Brook's first 25 years. Black and white, 1982.
- Item 647: Award, certificate. Catholic Interracial Council. Certificate, Award. "The John La Farge Interracial Award." Black writing. Gold and red highlights. Paper, 1966 June 20.
- Item 648: Award, certificate. Citizens Civic League of Sheepshead Bay. Certificate, Award. "Outstanding Citizens Award for 1984." Black writing. Gold seal with red ribbons in lower left. Paper, 1984.
- Item 649: Award, Certificate. National Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. Certificate, Award. Black writing. Yellow, purple, red and blue highlights. Ornate border. Menorah at bottom. Insignia at top. Paper, 1961 May 15.
- Item 650: Award, Certificate. Jewish Veterans of the United States of America Department of New York. Certificate, Award. "Public Service Award." Black writing. Red, gold and blue highlights. Paper, 1959 November 28.
- Item 651: Certificate. Federation Employment and Guidance Service. Black writing. Red underlining. Paper, 1978 February.
- Item 652: Certificate. New York University School of Medicine Alumni Association. Black writing. White paper. Gold seal in lower left. Paper, 1969 February 22.
- Item 653: Certificate. Fellowship Commission. Black, gold, blue and pink writing. Paper, 1967 May 22.
- Item 654: Certificate. American Society of Travel Agents. Black writing. Blue highlights. Seal in lower left. Insignia at top. Paper, 1962 February 14. 1962 February 15.
- Item 654a: Certificate. American Society of Travel Agents. Black writing. Blue highlights. Seal in lower left. Paper., 1958 November.
- Item 655: Certificate. Captive European Nations, Assembly of. Black writing. White Paper, 1959 July 22.
- Item 656: Certificate. Federation of Jewish Philanthropies: Wall Street Division. Black writing. Blue, red and gold highlights. White paper, 1962 December 3.
- Item 657: Certificate. Brooklyn Society of Artists. Black writing. Silver, and brown highlights. Gold seal with yellow ribbons on lower left. Paper, 1956 November 29.
- Item 658: Certificate. Humanities and Arts Consortium. Black writing. Purple and gold highlights. Purple around edges. Paper, 1974 April 4.
- Item 659: Certificates. Joint Legislative Committee for the American Jewish Tercentary. Certifies Javits is a member of the Joint Legislative Committee. Black ink. Gold seal in lower left. Paper, 1954 July 27.
- Item 660: Certificate. Adas Israel Congregation, Men's Club of. Liberty Bell at top on blue background. Black ink. Red and gold highlights. White paper. Paper, 1953 January 28.
- Item 661: Certificate. Decalogue Society of Lawyers, The. Black writing. Red, gold and blue highlights. Blue, purple, green and gold border. White paper, 1963 May 19.
- Item 662: Certificate. Eisenhower, Dwight D. Black writing. White paper. Seal in lower left, 1953 December 15.
- Item 663: Certificate. New York Young Republicans Club. Black writing. Red highlights. Ornate border. Paper, 1952 April 16.
Box 41, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.7
- Item 521: Campaign poster. "Sorry, Mr Willkie..." Has contradictory statements made by Wendell Willkie. All writing in black. White paper. Paper, 1940.
- Item 556: Woodblock. Ink pressed on paper. Print shows two Chinese on horses. Ink is brown, grey, blue green and orange, Undated.
- Item 626: Certificate. Bar-Ilan University. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Philosophy. Red seal at bottom. Black writing. Yellow paper. Paper, 1981 June 3.
- Item 640: Birthday card. Lewis, Kathy. Birthday card, oversized. Painted view of New York City by Kathy Travis. "Happy Birthday Jack from Marcia and Lewis. Paint in sky. Paper., 1979.
- Item 779: Certificate. Carter, Jimmy. Awarded to Marion Javits. Black ink. Presidential seal in lower left. Paper, 1980 September 24.
- Item 780: Certificate. Globe showing Atlantic Ocean. Eagle at top. Paper, 1943 August 31-1943 October 27.
- Item 789: Flag. Flag from Connecticut. Blue background, Undated.
- Item 860: Campaign banner. "To represent all the people elect Jacob K. Javits U.S. Senator Republican Candidate" in blue on white. Eagles on either side. Cloth, 1956.
Box 42
- Item 564: Pencil case. Leather. White on one side. Brown on the other. 2 airplanes on either side, 1942.
- Item 565: Identification card. United States Congress, House of Representatives. Black leather case. Gold embossed eagle on front. Inside is identification with black and white photo of Javits. Leather, paper, Undated.
- Item 573: Paperweight. Upper Park Ave. Baptist Church. Black marble. Rectangular base. Square with medal attached. Sits on base at right angles. Metal plate in front of base. In two pieces, 1962.
- Item 575: Torah. Miniature Torah Scroll inside of silver colored plastic canister. Red and blue paint on outside. Red and blue beads, Undated.
Box 43
- Item 576: Certificate. Dartmouth. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Insignia at top in green. Writing is black. Paper is white. Paper, 1968 June 16.
- Item 577: Certificate. Hamilton College. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Insignia at top. All writing is black, paper is white. Paper, 1967.
- Item 578: Certificate. Hofstra University. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Gold seal in lower left. Writing is black and blue with gold highlights. Paper, 1966 June 12.
- Item 579: Certificate. Bard College. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. In Latin. Black writing. White paper. Paper, 1966 July 7.
- Item 580: Certificate. Louisville, University of. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing. White paper. Gold seal in lower left, 1966 October 19.
- Item 581: Certificate. Syracuse University. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing on white paper. In Latin. Insignia at bottom. Paper, 1966 April 21.
- Item 582: Certificate. Williams College. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing. White paper. Insignia at bottom. Letter included. Paper, 1969 September 15.
- Item 583: Certificate. Lincoln University. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing. White paper. Insignia in lower left. Paper, 1952 June 2.
- Item 584: Plaque. Hartwick College. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Paper certificate mounted on wood covered with lacquer. Seal at bottom of certificate, 1956 December 3.
- Item 585: Certificate. Alfred University. Awards Javits Honorary Doctorate of Laws. Black writing. Gold seal at bottom. Cream paper. Letter Included. Paper, 1956 December 3.
- Item 598: Certificate. National Association of Travel Organizations. Award of Merit. Black writing, red highlights. Gold seal in lower left. Insignia at top. White paper. Paper, 1958 October 25.
- Item 599: Certificate. Grand Street Boys Association. Black writing, white paper. Insignia at top. "...membership...for...256 years." Paper, 1978 December 12.
- Item 600: Certificate. United States Army. Black and gold writing. Insignia at top. Certificate of Appreciation. White paper, 1964 June 25.
- Item 601: Certificate. New York University Law Alumni Association. Black and gold writing. "Achievement Award." White Paper, 1963 April 17.
- Item 602: Certificate. Adult Education Association of the USA, Washington, District of Columbia. Insignia in background in blue. Black writing. White paper. "Certificate of Meritorious Service." Paper, 1980 May 6.
- Item 603: Certificate. Middletown Kiwanis Club. Black and blue writing. Gold and blue highlights. White paper, 1962 October 20.
- Item 604: Certificate. New York Republican State Committee Heritage Groups Council. Blue and red writing. White paper. Elephant at top, 1979 April 28.
- Item 605: Certificate. Hispanic Society of the New York City Transit Authority, Inc. Black writing. Blue and red highlights. White paper. Honorary membership. Paper, 1969 June 31.
- Item 606: Certificate. American Legion. Black and gold writing. Gold seal at bottom. Insignia at top. Paper, Undated.
- Item 607: Certificate. World Peace Through Law Center. Blue globe and scale in background. Black writing. White paper, Undated.
- Item 608: Certificate. Boy Scouts of America Rockland County Council. Black writing. Gold highlights. Insignia at top. Paper, 1977 December 5.
- Item 609: Certificate. New York, State of; Department of State. Certifies Javits was elected as Representative in congress. Black writing. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1952 December 8.
- Item 610: Certificate. New York, State of; Department of State. Certifies that Javits was elected as Representative in Congress. Black writing. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1948 December.
- Item 611: Certificate. New York, State of; Department of State. Certifies that Javits was elected as Representative in Congress. Black writing. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1946 December 13.
- Item 612: Certificate. New York, State of; Department of State. Certifies that Javits was elected as Representative in Congress. Black writing. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1950 December 14.
- Item 613: Certificate. Association of Colleges and Universities of New York. In blue leather case. Black writing. Red, blue and gold highlights. 2 pieces of paper. Paper, 1983 October 4.
- Item 614: Print. Print of building. Black ink. White paper. Signed in lower left, Undated.
- Item 615: Certificate. United States Army. Certifies that Javits was made Lieutenant Colonel, Chemical Warfare Service. Black ink. Eagle at top. Paper, 1946 January 2.
- Item 616: Certificate. Syracuse University College of Law. Black writing. White paper. "Distinguished Public Service Award." Paper, 1975 May 11.
- Item 617: Medal. Time Magazine. Front has 2 heads. Back has "Time 50 1923-1973" written on it. Set in cloth covered maroon cardboard with cardboard covers, 1973.
- Item 618: Medal. Oregon. State of Oregon and beaver on front. Back has emblem of Oregon and the United States. United States Senator Mark O. Hatfield's signature is engraved on back, Undated.
Box 44
- Item 629: Certificate. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. "Certificate of Honour" Brown ink. White paper, in mat. Paper, Undated.
- Item 637: Manifesto. Javits, Benjamin A. Blue cardboard cover. "To the friends of Benjamin A. Javits" in gold. Black writing. Blue, red and gold highlights, Undated.
- Item 644: Certificate. Kiwanis Club of Ithaca, New York. Kiwanis International. Certificate of Appreciation. Blue writing. Gold highlights, 1968 July 22.
- Item 645: Plaque. Lockport, New York. Robert T. Richards, Mayor. Plaque with Key to the City at the top. Metal plate underneath. Plaque is shield-shaped. Wood and metal., 1962 January 16.
- Item 646: Medal. Medal. Four ships on one side. 1979 calendar on the back. Gold stand. Metal., 1979.
Box 45
- Item 567: Plaque. New York Association for the Learning Disabled. Flat wood base. Hoop of plastic set at 45 degree angled to base. Diamond plaque inside hoop. Wood, plastic, 1984 October 1.
- Item 570: Trophy. Washington Magazine Cup. Wood base. Metal tennis player on top of cup. Player broken off at ankles, 1967.
- Item 572: Award, paperweight. New York University Law Alumni Association. Paperweight, Award. Judge Edward Weinfeld award. Triangular wooden base. Plastic globe with medal inside. Metal, plastic, wood, 1982 October 23.
Box 46, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.7
- Item 586: Certificate. Pace College. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Civil Law. Gold seal at bottom. Writing is black with blue highlights. Paper, 1958 June 15.
- Item 587: Certificate. Bar-Ilan University. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing. In blue leather case. Paper, leather, 1981 June 3.
- Item 588: Certificate. Dickinson College, Pennsylvania. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing on white paper, 1972 June 12.
- Item 589: Certificate. New York, University of the State of. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Writing is black. Gold seal in lower left. In Latin. Paper, 1984 May 24.
- Item 590: Certificate. Pratt Institute. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing. Gold seal in lower left. Paper, 1965 October 13.
- Item 591: Certificate. Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Red seal in lower left. Paper, 1963 February 25.
- Item 592: Certificate. Yeshiva University. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing. Insignia at bottom. In Latin. Paper, 1945 June 21.
- Item 593: Certificate. New School for Social Research. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing. Gold seal, green ribbon in lower left. Paper, 1977 June 7.
- Item 594: Certificate. Long Island University. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Black writing. White paper. In Latin. Paper, 1955 March 8.
- Item 596: Certificate. Canisius College of Buffalo, New York. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Seal in lower left. Black writing. Paper, 1972 May 20.
- Item 597: Certificate. New York Medical College. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters. Black writing. White Paper, 1960 June 7.
Box 47
- Item 277: Plaque. L.I. Region of Hadassah. Metal plate on wooden plaque. Rectangular. Wood, metal, 1955 June 7.
- Item 283: Plaque. National Community Action Agency, Executive Directors Association. 2 black plates engraved to show gold, mounted on wood plaque. Gold leaves in middle. Wood, metal, 1980 October 29.
- Item 284: Plaque. South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation. Rectangular. Metal plate mounted on wood. Edges painted black, Undated.
- Item 574: Presentation. Rockland Lodge B'nai B'rith. Menorah on black stone. Rectangular wooden base. In two pieces, 1980 May 4.
- Item 595: Certificate. Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Laws. Gold seal at bottom. Black writing. In blue leather case. Paper, 1980 June 6.
- Item 890: Plaque. Opportunities Industrialization Center. Engraved gold metal plate on dark wood plaque. Gold leaves in upper left. Top and bottom of plate are curled. Edges painted black. Wood, metal, 1980 February 28.
Box 48, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.7
- Item 619: Certificate. Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization. Black writing. Gold highlights. Seal in lower left. Emblem at top. Paper, 1975 May 13.
- Item 620: Certificate. Fashion Institute of Technology. Certifies that Marion Javits is a member of the Board of Trustees. Gold seal of New York State in lower left. Black writing. Paper, 1959 December 11.
- Item 621: Congressional Resolution. United States Congress. Black writing. White paper. 2 sheets of paper. Signed by Harry Truman, 1948 August 6.
- Item 622: Photographic print. Newspaper clipping. Black and White. Paper, Undated.
- Item 623: Certificate. New York, State Of; Department of State. Certifies Javits was elected United States Senator. Black writing. Gold seal in lower left. White paper, 1962 December 12.
- Item 624: Certificate. Hebrew Union College. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters. Black writing. White paper. Gold seal in lower right. Paper, 1956 December 5.
- Item 625: Certificate. New York Medical College. Awards Javits Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters. Black writing. White paper, 1960 June 7.
- Item 627: Certificate. Yeshiva University. "Distinguished Service Award." Black writing. Blue, red and gold highlights. White paper, 1980 December 14.
- Item 628: Certificate. Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity. Black ink. White paper. Gold seal with purple and gold ribbon in lower left. Paper, 1967 June 31.
- Item 630: Certificate. Kentucky, Commonwealth of. Certifies Javits was made Kentucky Colonel. Black writing. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1969 September 29.
- Item 631: Certificate. Dallas, Texas. Makes Javits Honorary citizen of Dallas, Texas. View of Dallas at top. Seal with red ribbon in lower left. Paper, 1967 January 23.
- Item 632: Certificate. Fordham University. Black writing. Red and blue highlights. Insignia in lower left. Paper, 1962 October 9.
- Item 633: Certificate. New York Coalition to Save Housing. Black writing. Blue and red highlights. White paper, 1976 March 1.
- Item 634: Certificate. San Francisco, City and County of. Light blue building in background. Blue and red writing. Gold seal in lower left. Paper, 1975 April 20.
- Item 635: Certificate. Temple Beth Sholom. Black writing. White paper. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1931.
- Item 636: Certificate. Freemasonry, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of. Black writing. Blue, red and gold highlights. Gold seal in lower left. Paper, 1961 February 26.
- Item 638: Certificate. Temple of the Covenant. Certificate. Black writing. Gold, blue and red highlights, 1951 January 26.
- Item 643: Metal print. Newsday dedication edition. Front page. Metal print. Metal., 1979 November.
- Item 664: Certificate. Zionist Organizations of America. Black writing. Red and yellow highlights. Ornate border. Paper, 1954 December 20.
Box 48, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.8 49, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.8
- Item 269: Award. United Federation of Teachers. Award, paper. The John Dewey Award for 1979." Black writing. Blue, red and gold highlights. Paper, 1979 May 5.
Box 49, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.8
- Item 264: Certificate. New York, State of. Seal of New York in lower left. Pen used in signing should be attached but is missing. Paper, 1981 October 14.
- Item 266: Resolution. United States Senate. Black writing. Red line along outside. Seal with purple ribbon in lower left, 1979 May 3.
- Item 267: Resolution. United States Senate. Black writing. Red line along outside. Seal with purple ribbon in lower left, 1980 December 4.
- Item 268: Certificate. Kentucky, Commonwealth of. Certifies Javits is a Kentucky Colonel. Gold seal in lower left. Black writing. White paper, Undated.
- Item 665: Pennant. Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados del Ministerio de Educacion. Blue with white writing. From Argentina, 1966.
- Item 666: Certificate. National Industries for the Severely Handicapped. Black writing. White paper. Insignia at top. Paper, 1977 June 3.
- Item 667: Certificate. American Library Association. Black writing. Red, blue and gold highlights. Paper, 1981 June 26.
- Item 670: Citation. Trubin, John. Black writing. Red, white and blue ribbon in lower right. White paper, 1966 May 18.
- Item 671: Reprint. Friday, September 16, 1983 Statesman, 1983 September 16.
- Item 672: Certificate. New York, City of. Gold and brown ink. Cream paper. Seal in lower left. Seal has white, blue and orange ribbons. Paper, 1984 May.
- Item 673: Certificate. American Defense Preparedness Association. Insignia at top. Black writing. Red highlights. Paper, 1981 March 9.
- Item 674: Poster. Bill of Rights. Ornate border has heads of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. Liberty Bell at top, Undated.
- Item 675: Poster. Black writing. White paper. Quotation from Javits, 1961.
- Item 676: Congressional Act. United States Congress. 2 sheets. Thin red line around outside. Black writing, 1980 December 23.
- Item 677: Certificate. New York, State of; Department of State. Certifies Javits was elected Senator. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1962 December 12.
- Item 678: Certificate. United States Army. Black writing. Diploma from the Command and General staff school. Paper, 1943 April 10.
- Item 679: Print. Front page of Harper's Weekly April 12, 1873. April 12, 1873, Undated.
- Item 680: Certificate. Charter of the United Nations. Black writing. Gold and red highlights. Paper, Undated.
- Item 736: Record jacket. National Conference of Christians and Jews. "A Tribute to Jacob K. Javits." Blue with white writing, 1983 March 7.
- Item 747: Resolution. Georgia, State of. Gold seal with purple ribbons in upper right. Black ink. Red highlights, 1958 February 3.
Box 50
- Item 265: Program. From Fiftieth Anniversary Inaugural Presentation of Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom Medals. Cover has picture of Roosevelt, 1983 May 4.
- Item 279: Certificate. War Department. Black, typed writing. Appointed Javits legal consultant. 2 sheets. Paper, 1941 January 23.
- Item 280: Plaque. Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Pack 89. Shield shaped. Insignia at top. Metal plate attached to wood plaque, 1967 March 31.
- Item 281: Plaque. Council of Higher Educational Institutions in New York City, Inc. Shield shaped. Metal plate attached to wood plaque, 1968.
- Item 282: Plaque. Temple Emmanuel, Men's Club. Shield shaped. Metal plate. Wooden plaque. Wood, metal, 1955 December 5.
- Item 668: Certificate. Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America. Black writing. White paper. 2 sheets. One is Public Law 95-524. Paper, 1978.
- Item 669: Certificate. Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America. Black writing. White paper. 2 sheets. One is Public Law 93-203, 1973.
Box 51, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.8
- Item 270: Congressional Act. United States Congress. Black writing. White paper. 2 sheets, 1948 June 16.
- Item 271: Certificate. Jewish War Veterans. Black writing. Red, blue and gold highlights. Mark at top where something was glued on. Paper, 1955 May 18.
- Item 272: Award. National Society of Joint Handicapped Council. Award, paper. "Humanitarian Award." Black ink. White paper. Gold seal with red, white and blue ribbons in lower left. Paper, Undated.
- Item 273: Award. Williamsburg Settlement Inc. Award. "1963 Gold Medal Award." Black writing. Gray highlights. Gold seal with gold and purple ribbons in lower left. Paper, 1963.
- Item 274: Certificate. Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America On right is charcoal drawing of Javits. To the left of Javits are US flag and organization's flag. Black, blue and red highlights. Paper, Undated.
- Item 275: Certificate. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Women's Division. Black ink, gold and red highlights. Paper, 1954 May 24.
- Item 276: Certificate. Cinema Lodge. Black writing. Red highlights. Gold leaf border. Menorah at top. Paper, 1948 May 2.
- Item 278: Print. Baruch, Bernard M. Signed. Letter on separate sheet, 1955 August 29.
- Item 746: Certificate. Widow of the Month Club. Black writing. Brown highlights. Blue figure in background. Gold seal with orange and black ribbons in lower left. Paper, 1959 June 15.
- Item 748: Certificate. West Germany. In German. Black ink. Red highlights. Seal in lower left. Paper, 1976 June 23.
- Item 749: Certificate. Men's Club of Hebrew Tabernacle. Black writing, gold highlights. Paper, 1948 June 12.
- Item 750: Certificate. National Conference of Christians and Jews. Black writing. Red and gray highlights. Paper, Undated.
- Item 751: Certificate. New York State County Executives Association. Black writing. Blue and gold highlights. Paper, 1980 December 8.
- Item 752: Certificate. National Newspaper Publishers Association. Scroll drawn on paper. Black writing. Paper, 1965 March 13.
- Item 769: Certificate. Community Hospital of Brooklyn. Black writing. White paper in blue folder. Paper, Undated.
Box 52
- Item 285: Plaque. National Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. Rectangular. Gold plate mounted on black metal plate mounted on wooden plaque. Torches on either side. Wood, metal, 1980 August.
- Item 286: Plaque. ESAMT. Shield shaped. Metal plate attached to wooden plaque, 1978 May 5.
- Item 287: Plaque. Yeshiva University. Rectangular. Metal plate attached to wooden plaque, 1964.
Box 53
- Item 288: Plaque. Republican Polish American League of Erie County, New York Rectangular metal plate attached to wooden plaque. Wood, metal, 1956.
- Item 289: Plaque. Laymen's Brotherhood Christ Memorial Baptist Church. Rectangular. Metal scroll-like plate on wooden plaque. Wood, metal, 1968 March 30.
- Item 290: Certificate, plaque. American Society of Law and Medicine, Inc. Glued on wood plaque. Edges painted gold. Wood, metal, 1948 September 21.
- Item 291: Plaque. New York State Society of Washington, District of Columbia. Shield shaped. Metal plate on wood plaque. Wood, metal, 1972.
Box 54
- Item 292: Plaque. Knights of Pythias Domain of New York. Metal plate on wooden plaque. Insignia at top. Wood, metal, 1960 June 26.
- Item 293: Plaque. Fordham University of Washington, District of Columbia. Shield shaped. Raised metal scroll- like plate. Insignia at top, 1969.
- Item 294: Plaque. George Washington High School Varsity Alumni Association. Shield shaped. Edges of metal plate are curled in. Stars at top. Chain attached to top of plate, 1964 December 9.
- Item 295: Plaque. Goodwill Industries of America. Blue metal plate with silver writing. Attached to silver plate. Insignia at top. Wood, metal, 1971 September.
Box 55
- Item 296: Plaque. National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation. Gold engraved metal plate attached to wooden plaque. Wood, metal, 1973 March 15.
- Item 298: Plaque. Hispanic Society of New York City Transit Police. Top and bottom edges of metal plate are curled in. United States flag and another flag are crossed at top, 1974 September 20.
- Item 681: Plaque. New York Times front page mounted on wood under plastic, 1947 September 30.
- Item 682: Plaque. Black with gold letters. In appreciation for service to community economic development, Undated.
- Item 683: Plaque. American Friends of Lubavitch. Blue with gold letters and Javits name in large silver lettering. Hebrew lettering and year. Metal, wood, 1977 March 30.
- Item 684: Plaque. WGMS 570 am, 103.5 fm Radio Station. Black with gold picture of a conductor. Appreciation for support of good music, 1976 September 19.
- Item 685: Plaque. New York Adult Education Council. Silver with blue lettering. Raised from brown back. Metal, 1974 October 16.
Box 56
- Item 687: Award, plaque. Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America; Department of New York. 2 disks at top. One shows two hands shaking. The other has insignia. Torches on either side. Blue metal with gold writing. Metal, wood, Undated.
- Item 688: Plaque. New York University Graduate Students Organization. School of Education. Engraved gold metal plate attached to wood plaque. Metal, wood, 1960 October 10.
- Item 689: Plaque. New York College Republicans. Engraved silver plate attached to wood plaque, edges painted black. On either side of plaque are leaves. Wood, metal, 1979 June 29.
- Item 690: Plaque. Manpower Policy Advisors and planners of the Nation's Governors. Elongated wood hexagon. Eagle at top. Engraved gold metal plate. Wood, metal, 1974 February 14.
- Item 693: Plaque. Fraternal Division. Disk with map of Israel at top. Engraved metal plate at bottom, 1974 June 24.
- Item 694: Plaque. American Apparel Manufacturers Association. Disk at top. Engraved metal plate at bottom. Rectangular, 1974 June 4.
- Item 695: Plaque. B'nai B'rith Oakland Lodge and Chapter. 3 stars at top. Metal plate in middle. Gold leaves on sides, 1955.
- Item 696: Plaque. Alpha Phi Alpha; Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter. Engraved gold metal plate attached to wood plate, 1962 October 14.
Box 57
- Item 697: Plaque. National Republican Club. Figure of Justice is on the left. Engraved metal plate with black writing is on the right. Wood, metal, 1955 February 12.
- Item 698: Plaque. International Association of Rehabilitation Facilities. Engraved silver metal plate with black and red paint, 1972 May 9.
- Item 699: Plaque. Independent Student Coalition. Rectangular. Engraved gold metal plate attached to wood plaque. Edges of plaque painted black, 1980 October.
- Item 700: Plaque. Campaign for U.N. Reform. Rectangular. Engraved metal plate with black writing. Attached to wood plaque, 1977 January 14.
- Item 701: Certificate, plaque. Council for Exceptional Children. Rectangular. Certificate mounted on wood, covered with lucite. Seal in lower left with blue ribbon. Plastic, paper, wood, 1968 April.
- Item 702: Plaque. Political Organizations for Youths, Inc. Rectangular. Leaves in upper left. Buckled, engraved metal plate. Wood, metal, Undated.
- Item 703: Plaque. United States Marines; III Marine Amphibious Force, Air ground Team. Shield shaped. Painted black with decals. Wood, Undated.
- Item 704: Plaque. United States Military Academy. Emblem at top. 2 cannons on either side. 2 metal plates underneath. Wood, metal, Undated.
Box 58
- Item 705: Certificate, plaque. B'nai B'rith, New Israel Lodge. Rectangular. Certificate mounted on wood plaque lucite sheet. Certificate has menorah at top. Black, red and gold writing. Wood, plastic, paper, 1956 October 21.
- Item 706: Plaque. Pension World Magazine. Rectangular. Engraved gold metal plate attached to wood plaque. Wood, metal, 1975 May 19.
- Item 707: Plaque. Federation of Section 213 Cooperatives. Shield shaped. Metal plate with raised writing. Painted brown, 1951 November.
- Item 708: Plaque. New York University Law Alumni Association. Rectangular. Metal disk at top. Engrave metal plate at bottom. Wood, metal, 1963 April 17.
- Item 709: Plaque. Shield shaped. Engraved metal plate attached to wood plaque, 1966.
Box 59
- Item 714: Paperweight. Iona College Alumni Association, Inc. Rectangular marble block. Copper disk on top. Gold metal plate on side, 1966 June 9.
- Item 715: Plaque. B'nai B'rith Lodge#2677 Miami Beach, Fla. Shield shaped. Engraved metal plate attached to wood plaque, 1968 August.
- Item 716: Plaque. New York City Personnel and Guidance Association. Rectangular. Black writing on silver plate. Dark wood plaque. Wood, metal, 1978 March 4.
- Item 717: Plaque. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Ornate border. Abraham Lincoln at top. Black writing. Edges painted gold. Wood, 1963 December.
Box 60
- Item 718: Plaque. Consumers for World Trade. Black writing on gold plate mounted on black plate. On dark wood plaque, 1982 June.
- Item 719: Plaque. Wilding Cartwheelers Club. Rectangular. Metal disk at top. Engraved gold plate attached to wood plaque, Undated.
- Item 720: Plaque. St. Francis College International Relations Club. Elongated hexagon. Eagle at top. Engraved, gold metal plate. Wood, metal, 1968 October 9.
- Item 721: Plaque. St. James Presbyterian Church, Men's Club. Shield shaped. Engraved gold metal plate. Wood, metal, 1964 October 25.
Box 61
- Item 722: Plaque. Men and Boys Apparel Club of New York State. Rectangular. Black metal plate engraved to show gold. Dark wood plaque. Wood, metal, 1978.
- Item 723: Paperweight. Harbor Festival. Square marble block, disk on top. Silver ring around blue and white disk. Picture of the World Trade Center, The Statue of Liberty and 2 boats. Marble, plastic, 1980.
- Item 724: Paperweight. West Germany. 2 stamps from West Germany inside plastic, 1972.
Box 62
- Item 725: Paperweight. Economist, The. Miniature cover of The Economist. Invitation to luncheon on back. In plastic, 1981 February 9.
- Item 726: Paperweight. William Morris Agency. Gold medallion in plastic, 1973.
- Item 727: Plaque. Lower East Side Service Center. Rectangular. Engraved gold metal plate on black metal plate. Dark wood plaque. Writing black. Metal, wood, 1980 October 16.
- Item 728: Plaque. Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, United Jewish Appeal, Lawyers Division. Metal disk at top. Engraved metal plate at bottom, 1975 February 26.
Box 63
- Item 729: Paperweight. F.W. Woolworth Co. Gold medallion set in plastic. Black plastic layer on bottom, 1979.
- Item 730: Paperweight. Governors Club. Paper in plastic. Eagle at top. Rose, bluebird and tree in corners. Plastic, Undated.
- Item 731: Plaque. East Harlem Council for Human Services. Rectangular. Engraved gold metal plate attached to wood plaque, 1978 December 15.
Box 64
- Item 732: Plaque. Transit Police, New York City. Shield-shaped. Engraved gold metal plate. Police badge at top. Wood, metal, Undated.
- Item 733: Plaque. National Education Association. Silver metal plate with black writing on dark wood plaque. Wood, metal, 1981.
- Item 734: Plaque. Boy Scouts of America, Explorer Post 1, Lockport, New York. Shield shaped. Engraved metal plate. Disk at top, 1965 April 20.
- Item 735: Paperweight. 100 Club of Buffalo. Oval with handle. Buffalo on oval. Gold metal, Undated.
Box 65
- Item 710: Plaque. Bread for the World. Rectangular. Engraved gold plate with black paint attached to wood plaque, 1976.
- Item 711: Plaque. Matthews, Capt. H.S., Jr. Disk with Liberty Bell in middle, painted. Engraved metal plate below. Red, white, blue and gold. Wood, metal, Undated.
- Item 712: Carving. Wood elephant with ivory tusks. Wood, Undated.
- Item 713: Bookends. Stone elephant heads. Elephants are white. Base is black. Marble, Undated.
Box 66
- Item 737: Certificate. American Aging Association, The. Black writing on white paper. In black leather case. Paper. Leather, 1984.
- Item 738: License plate. "U.S. Senate 12 New York 70" written in yellow on blue. Metal, 1970.
- Item 739: Certificate. Murray Hill News. Black writing. White paper. Red design in background. Ornate border. Gold seal with red, white and blue ribbon in lower left. Paper, 1960 October 20.
- Item 740: Certificate. Lieutenants Benevolent Association. Blue and green writing. White paper, 1957 August 30.
- Item 741: Certificate. Walden School. Black writing. White paper. Seal in middle at bottom. Paper, 1971 May 10.
- Item 742: License Plate. "U.S. Senate 1-2 12 New York 73" in gold on blue. 2 plates. Metal, 1973 October.
- Item 743: Certificate. New York City Artists' Day Council at Westbeth. Black writing. Gold and red highlights. Paper, 1980 October.
- Item 744: Booklet. Has stamps from the first day of issue inside. Presidential seal on front. Paper, 1976 July 4.
- Item 745: Record jacket. Words for 1961 campaign song for Louis Lefkowitz, John Gilhooey, and Paul Fino on back. Blue writing. White paper, 1961.
- Item 753: Certificate. Timrud, Tim. Shows silhouette of 3 men with flag and guns. Blue background. Javits name at top with Vietnamese writing. Paper, 1970 January 23.
- Item 754: Program. Stern, Jane. Journal and invitation for presentation of Javits' honorary degree, 1981 June 3.
Box 67, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.8
- Item 773: Certificate. Brandeis University. Blue and black ink. Seal in lower left. Program inside. In blue leather case. Paper, leather, 1984 May 20.
- Item 774: Certificate. Italy. Black ink. White paper. Seal in lower left. In Italian. Paper, 1966 October.
- Item 775: Birthday card. Five sheets of gray paper. On front is written "Happy Birthday Senator Javits" in black ink. Holes on left for loose leaf binder. Paper, Undated.
- Item 776: Certificate. Americas Foundation. Black writing with blue highlights glued to onion skin with swirls of blue, gold and green. In cream folder. Invitation enclosed. Paper, 1985 October 21.
- Item 777: Congressional Act. United States Congress. Black writing. White paper. 2 sheets, 1957 August 21.
- Item 778: Certificate. Nixon, Richard. Black writing. White paper. Presidential seal in lower left. Paper, 1970 September 15.
- Item 787: Poster. Red background. Front shows book-Javits' autobiography, Undated.
- Item 798: Campaign Bumper sticker. "Re-elect Senator Javits" in blue on white. Paper, Undated.
- Item 800: Campaign bumper sticker. "Senator Javits." In white on blue. Paper, Undated.
Box 68
- Item 785: Certificate. New York Army National Guard, Headquarters and Headquarter Detachment. Certifies that Javits received an honorable discharge. Paper, 1964 May 18.
- Item 790: Ribbon. Black cloth with gold writing. 3 metal stars in middle, 1954.
- Item 791: Invitation. Borris, Clara. Invitation to Jacob Javits' and Marion Ann Borris' wedding. Black ink. Cream paper, 1947 November 13.
- Item 792: Date book. National Lead Company. Date book. Front black with gold writing, "Col. J.K.Javits," 1943.
- Item 793: Membership card. Savage Club. Temporary. Green with black writing. Dinner card included, 1943.
- Item 794: Campaign Pen. Black cap. Red pen, "Re-elect Jack Javits to Congress 21st Dist. New York" in white. Tip is missing. Plastic, Undated.
- Item 795: Campaign pencil. "Re-elect J.K.Javits to Congress Republican and Liberal Party Candidate in the 21st Congressional District, New York City" Eagle and bell on either side. In blue. Slogan underneath in red. Wood, Undated.
- Item 796: Campaign button. "Javits" in blue on white. Small, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 797: Campaign Bumper sticker. Campaign Bumper sticker. "Re-elect" in red. "Javits" in yellow. "To Congress" in red. On blue background. Paper, Undated.
- Item 799: Campaign pennant. Pennant. "Re-elect Javits. U S Senator: in white on blue. Paper, Undated.
- Item 801: Campaign bumper sticker. "Re-elect Senator Javits" in blue on white. Paper, Undated.
- Item 804: Campaign leaflet. "Hop on the bandwagon Democrats for Javits MacNeil Roman" in brown. Paper, Undated.
- Item 805: Membership card. Veterans for Javits. "Veterans for Javits." Has campaign rhetoric on one side. Red and blue ink, Undated.
- Item 806: Campaign button, Anonymous. "Veterans Committee" in red on white. "Javits" in white on blue. Metal, 1946.
- Item 807: Campaign leaflet mock up. 10 pages. Mockup of #808. Paper, 1946.
- Item 808: Campaign leaflet. "Does it matter who goes to Congress?" in white on blue. 12 pages. Paper, 1946.
- Item 809: Campaign leaflet. "Does it matter who goes to Congress?" in white on blue. 1 page. Rhetoric on back. Paper, 1946.
- Item 810: Campaign leaflet. "Citizen First-Candidate Second" written at top. Photo of Javits on left. Back has rhetoric. Blue ink on white paper. Paper, 1946.
- Item 811: Campaign leaflet. "Do YOU live here?" on front with map of the 21st District Inside and on back is rhetoric. Black writing. Paper, 1946.
- Item 812: Campaign button. "Javits for Congress Roman for Assembly" in blue on white. Small, round. Metal, 1948.
- Item 813: Campaign button. "Re-elect" in white on red. "Javits" in blue on white. "To Congress" in white on blue. Capitol building above "Javits." Small, round. Metal, 1948.
- Item 814: Campaign button. "Re-elect" and "Congress" in white on blue circle. In center is "Javits" in red on white and "To" in blue on white. Metal, 1948.
- Item 815: Campaign leaflet. "Two Fighting Years." 4 pages of Javits record in Congress. Back urges his reelection. Paper, 1948.
- Item 816: Campaign comb. Red comb with "Re-elect Javits Senator" in white. Plastic, Undated.
- Item 817: Campaign Rain Cap. Clear plastic rain bonnet. Written on case is "Rain or Shine you can count on Javits." Plastic, Undated.
Box 69, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.8
- Item 802: Campaign shopping bag. "Re-elect Javits U.S. Senator ... Vote Row A..." in blue on white. Writing on both sides. Paper, Undated.
- Item 803: Banner "J" in white on blue. Gold bars at top and bottom. Plastic, Undated.
- Item 849: Campaign leaflet. "Labor Chronicle." Lists the endorsed candidates in New York City. Paper, 1952 October.
- Item 870: Campaign Song. Sheet music. Black ink. White paper. 2 pages. Paper, 1962.
- Item 871: Campaign Song. Sheet music. Black ink. White paper. 2 pages. Paper, 1962.
- Item 880: Campaign shopping bag. "Javits is my bag" in white on blue. Yellow, red and blue stripes in between letters in "Javits." Paper, 1968.
- Item 887: Campaign poster. "Re-elect Javits to Congress." Photo in middle. Brown ink. Paper, 1950.
- Item 888: Campaign poster. "Re-elect Javits to Congress." Photo in middle. Blue ink. Paper, 1952.
- Item 889: Campaign poster. "Marble Hill Meeting. Blue ink. White paper. Paper, 1952.
- Item 912: Campaign poster. "For Attorney General Jacob K. Javits" in white on gray. Photo in middle. Paper, 1954.
Box 70
- Item 818: Membership card. Citizens Committee for the Re-election of Congressman Jacob K. Javits. No name filled in. Writing dark blue. Paper is light blue, 1948 September 24.
- Item 819: Campaign leaflet. Attacks Javits as a Communist. Urges voting for Bennet I. Schlessel. Printed on one side. Black ink. Paper, 1950.
- Item 820: Campaign leaflet. "Lehman wants Schlessel in Congress." Dark blue ink. Light blue printed on one side. Paper, 1950.
- Item 821: Campaign leaflet. Photo of Javits receiving award and standard campaign picture. Rhetoric underneath.d Black ink. Printed on one side only. Paper, 1950.
- Item 822: Campaign leaflet. Photo of Javits and Samuel Roman in middle. Letters on either side. Black ink. Printed on one side. Paper, 1950.
- Item 823: Campaign leaflet. "100% of organized labor supports Javits 100% at top. White on black. Letters underneath in black on white. Paper, 1950.
- Item 824: Campaign leaflet. "Mr. Yes and No Javits." Anti-Javits. Pro Bennet I Schlessel Blue ink white paper. 2 pages. Paper, 1950.
- Item 825: Campaign leaflet. "Talk is Cheap!" written at top: Anti-Javits, Pro-Bennet I Schlessel. Black ink. White paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1950.
- Item 826: Campaign leaflet. Photo of Javits and Roman in center. Letters on either side. Paper, 1950.
- Item 827: Campaign leaflet. "Vote por el amigo del Puertorriqueos...." Photo in middle at bottom. Eagle and bell on either side. Most of writing in Spanish. Black ink. Printed on one side. Paper, 1950.
- Item 828: Campaign leaflet. Photo of Javits and Arthur Arunda in middle at bottom. Writing in Spanish. Printed on both sides. Paper, 1950.
- Item 829: Campaign leaflet. Javits name on front. Encourages voting for the Liberal Party. Orange and black ink. Printed on two sides. Paper, 1950.
- Item 830: Campaign leaflet. Advertises meeting the candidates of the 21st Cong. Dist, 23rd Senatorial District and the 15th Assembly District Black ink. Printed on one side. Paper, 1950 October 18.
- Item 831: Anonymous. Campaign leaflet. Advertises meeting the candidates. Black ink. Printed on one side. Paper, 1950 October 18.
- Item 832: Campaign leaflet. "The Congressional Record of Jacob K. Javits." 2 pages. Printed on both sides. Paper, 1950.
- Item 833: Campaign leaflet. "The Gentleman from New York A Profile from New Yorker Magazine of Hon. Jacob K. Javits of New York," 8 pages. Printed on both sides. Black ink. Paper, 1950.
- Item 834: Campaign leaflet. "The Gentleman from New York ... and the Giant." 2 pages. Printed on both sides. Like a Comic strip. Paper, 1950.
- Item 835: Campaign leaflet. "Historia politica y Congresional del Congresista" 4 pages. In Spanish. Black ink. White paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1950.
- Item 836: Campaign leaflet. "Dear Friend" letter. Printed on one side. Black ink. White paper. Paper, 1950.
- Item 837: Campaign leaflet. "100% of organized labor supports Javits 100%" in white on black. 3 letters underneath. Paper, 1950.
- Item 838: Campaign leaflet. "Summons." Urges voting for Samuel Roman. Has string to hang on door knob. Printed on one side. Paper, 1952.
- Item 839: Campaign leaflet. Advertises speeches by Javits, Joseph Zaretski and Samuel Roman. Blue ink. White paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1952.
- Item 840: Campaign leaflet. "Meet your Candidates." Black ink. Yellow paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1952.
- Item 841: Campaign leaflet. Advertising speeches by Helen Gahagan Douglas, George Counts and Javits. Black ink. Green paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1952.
- Item 842: Campaign leaflet. "Your Congressman looks at the news." Photo of Javits on left. Advertises radio program by Javits. Black ink. White paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1952.
- Item 843: Campaign leaflet. "Quiz your Congressman." Photo of Javits on left. Advertises Javits' radio program. Black ink. White paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1952.
- Item 844: Campaign leaflet. "You elected Samuel Roman before...." 2 pages. Printed on both sides. Black ink. White paper. Paper, 1952.
- Item 845: Campaign leaflet. Black ink. White paper. Printed on one side. Photo of Javits in right and left corners at top. Paper, 1952.
- Item 846: Campaign leaflet. Advertises rally for candidates. Top half has drawing of an audience. Underneath is all the information. Printed on one side. Paper, 1952.
- Item 847: Campaign leaflet. In Spanish. Photo of Javits at top. Black ink. White paper. Paper, 1952.
- Item 848: Campaign button. "Re-elect Javits to Congress" in white on black. Small, round. Metal, 1952.
- Item 850: Campaign leaflet. "Re-elija e Congresista Jacob K. Javits" at top. In Spanish. Black ink. White paper. Paper, 1950.
- Item 851: Campaign leaflet. "Memo to Voters." Photo of Javits in left. Back shows Javits name in voting both. Paper, 1950.
- Item 852: Campaign leaflet. "Re-elect the Best Congressman we ever had." Back shows Javits name in the voting booth. Paper, 1950.
- Item 853: Campaign leaflet. "Memo to Voters." Photos of Javits and Samuel Roman. Back shows Javits' name in the voting booth. Paper, 1950.
- Item 854: Logo. "As I See It... by Senator Javits." Photo of Javits on right. Paper, Undated.
- Item 855: Campaign leaflet Mockup. "This is a thoughtful Voter." Hand written. Drawing in upper left. Paper, Undated.
- Item 856: Campaign leaflet. For Javits re-election to Congress. 2 pages. Printed on both sides. Black and white. Paper, 1954.
- Item 857: Campaign leaflet. "Be Honest with yourself." Black ink. Printed on both sides. Paper, 1954.
- Item 858: Campaign leaflet. "Elect a Fighting Attorney General." Photo of Javits in upper left. Paper, 1954.
- Item 859: Campaign leaflet. "U.S. Senator Irving M. Ives for Governor" Javits' photo on back. Paper, 1954.
- Item 861: Campaign leaflet. "Elect Jacob K. Javits United States Senator." Black writing. White paper. Paper, 1956.
- Item 862: Journal Advertisement. American Legion Auxiliary Unit of Inwood Post 581. Blue ink. White paper. Printed on 2 sides. 1 page, 1956.
- Item 863: Campaign banner. "Re-elect Rockefeller Governor" in blue on white. Paper, 1962.
- Item 864: Campaign banner. "Re-elect Javits U.S. Senator" in blue on white. Cloth, 1962.
- Item 865: Booklet. A Guide to Federal Programs and Services Available to New Yorkers. 22 pages. Printed on both sides. Paper, 1962.
- Item 866: Campaign leaflet. "Re-elect Senator Javits" in blue. Photo of Javits above. Blue and black. White paper. Printed on two sides. Paper, 1962.
- Item 867: Campaign leaflet. "Vote y Re-elija al Senador Jacob K. Javits." In Spanish. Printed on both sides. Black ink. Paper, 1962.
- Item 868: Campaign leaflet. "Keep New York in the good hands of the Rockefeller Team." Blue and black ink. White paper. Printed on both sides. Paper, 1962.
- Item 869: Campaign sticker. "Re-elect Senator Javits" in blue on white. Paper, 1962.
- Item 872: Ticket. Black ink. Yellow paper. Printed on one side, 1962 November 6.
- Item 873: Campaign leaflet. "Re-elect Jacob K. Javits for Senator Elect Gilbert A Robinson for Representative in white on gray. Printed on one side. Paper, 1962.
- Item 874: Campaign leaflet. "Usted Necesita Rockefeller y Javits" in Spanish. Like comic book. 8 pages. Printed on two sides. Paper, 1962.
- Item 875: Campaign leaflet. Blue ink. White paper. Half is post card. Printed on two sides. Paper, 1962.
- Item 876: Campaign leaflet. Post card. Blue ink. White paper. Printed on two sides. Paper, 1962.
- Item 877: Campaign leaflet. Post card. Blue ink. White paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1962.
- Item 878: Campaign leaflet. "Vote elect Javits Keating ... to the Constitutional Convention." Blue ink. White paper. Printed on two sides. Paper, 1966.
- Item 879: Campaign leaflet. "Get them together again to work for you at the 1967 Constitutional Convention." Blue and black ink. White paper. Paper, 1966.
- Item 881: Campaign leaflet. Urges Republicans to campaign for Javits. 2 pages. Printed on one side. Paper, 1968.
- Item 882: Campaign leaflet. "Javits in '68" in blue on black. 18 pages. Printed on both sides. Paper, 1968.
- Item 883: Campaign leaflet. "Three questions from ... Gerald Held." Photo of Javits and Held on front. Blue ink. Printed on both sides. Paper, 1968.
- Item 884: Campaign leaflet. "Voten por Javits." In Spanish. Black ink. White paper. Printed on one side. Paper, 1974.
- Item 885: Campaign leaflet mock up. 2 pages. Blue ink. 2 pages glued together. Paper, 1980.
- Item 886: Invitation. Invitation to dinner honoring Javits. Silver with black writing. "Monday Oct. 28 at Wednesday's." Paper, 1974.
- Item 899: Campaign booklet. "President Dwight D. Eisenhower the great humanitarian." Blue ink. 32 pages. Printed on both sides. Photo of Javits on page 24. Paper, 1956.
- Item 900: Campaign Button. "Elect" in yellow on black. "Morris" in black on yellow stripe. Black underneath. Paper, 1949.
- Item 901: Invitation. Invitation to the Republican National Convention. Black, red, and yellow ink. Printed on both sides, 1956.
- Item 902: Booklet. Political biography for Javits 21 dinner. Cover has class picture from 1917. Paper, 1967 December 11.
- Item 903: Ribbon. Puerto Rico. "Inauguracion del Gobernador de Puerto Rico." American and Puerto Rican flags underneath. Blue ribbon with gold writing attached to plastic clip, 1977 January 2.
- Item 904: Medal. Ford, Gerald R. "Gerald R. Ford Vice President of the United States." Portrait in middle. Back has Capitol building, vice presidential seal and "first Vice President under the 25th Amendment." Metal, 1973.
- Item 913: Campaign leaflet. "Vote for the Senator" in black on white. Photo at bottom. Rhetoric on back. Black ink. Paper, 1968?
- Item 914: Campaign letter. Name of Committee in upper left. On left side is list of officers. Paper, 1954.
Box 71
- Item 783: Plaque. International Rescue Committee. Map of Europe at the top. On the bottom is an engraved silver metal plate. Wood, metal, 1970.
- Item 784: Plaque. Association for Children with Learning Disabilities. Key at top. Engraved metal plate at bottom. In gold frame, 1978.
- Item 905: Cup. Pewter. "The American Club of Brussels" on side, Undated.
- Item 906: Scrapbook. Rogers, Kenn. Brown leather bound scrapbook. Contains clippings about the first laundromat in Vienna, 1950.
- Item 907: Pen Holder. Rectangular block of wood with cylinder hollowed out in the middle. Strip of light colored wood going through the middle, Undated.
Box 72
- Item 891: Campaign poster. "Re-elect Congressman Javits Assemblyman Roman" in white on blue. "Men who do what they say!" in white on red. Not used. Paper, Undated.
- Item 892: Campaign button. "Re-elect Javits U.S. Senator" in white on blue. Round, medium size. Metal, Undated.
- Item 893: Button. Button. "Javits" in blue. Yellow and orange stripes above and below. Round, medium size. Metal, Undated.
- Item 894: Campaign button. "Javits for Attorney General." Photo above. Blue writing. Large, round. Metal, 1954.
- Item 895: Button. Button. Orange sun with purple and green rays above. "Javits" written in black. Below in sun and rays again. Round, small. Metal, 1968?
- Item 896: Button. Button. "Javits" written in blue on white. Medium, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 898: Button. Button. "Senator Javits" in blue on white. Small, Round. Paper, Undated.
- Item 908: Button. Button. "Javits" in white on purple. Orange, red and green lightning bolts coming out of Javits. Small, round. Metal, 1968?
- Item 909: Campaign button. "Elect Javits U.S. Senator" in green on white. Small, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 911: Button. Button. "Senator Javits" in white on blue. Clip-on. Round, small. Metal, Undated.
- Item 915: Button. Button. Red with white stripe in middle. "Javits" in blue on white stripe. Small, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 916: Button. Button. "I Told You So" in black on yellow. Large, round. Metal, Undated.
- Item 917: Campaign button. "Elect" in white on blue. "Javits" in blue on white. "Attorney General" in white on blue. Metal, 1954.
- Item 918: Campaign leaflet. "The Giant Returns." 4 pages. Like a Comic book. Paper, 1948.
- Item 919: Campaign leaflet. Photo of Javits at top. "Elect Jacob K. Javits" in blue. "A Fighting United States" in blue. "Senator" in black. White paper. Paper, 1956.
- Item 920: Campaign leaflet. Brown ink. Letter on front. 4 pages. Paper, 1956.
- Item 921: Campaign letter. Black ink. Written at top in "Joseph S. Kulkin" with his address. Paper, 1954 October 20.
- Item 922: Campaign letter. "Eric M. Javits" in blue at top. Black writing underneath. Paper, 1954 October.
- Item 923: Campaign letter. "Alexander E. Davidson" with his address at top. Black Ink. White Paper. Paper, 1954.
- Item 924: Campaign letter. "Dr. Jack Applebaum" with his address at top. Black ink. White paper. Paper, 1954.
- Item 925: Campaign letter. "Independent Citizens' Committee for Javits" at top with his address. "Vote for Javits Row A-Lever 3" at bottom. Black ink. Paper, 1954 October 25.
- Item 926: Campaign letter. "Dr Jesse Zigmer" at top with his address. Black ink. Paper, 1954 October 25.
- Item 927: Campaign leaflet. Reprint from the Brooklyn Eagle. Text on left. Cartoon on right. Paper, 1954.
- Item 928: Campaign Advertisement. Campaign advertisement. 2 pages inside front covers of Jewish World News. Paper, 1954.
- Item 929: Campaign letter. "Lawyers' Committee for Javits" at top with address. List of officers on left. Paper, Undated.
- Item 930: Campaign leaflet. "Keep Tammany out of Albany!" Excerpt from World-Telegram and Sun. Paper, 1954.
- Item 931: Campaign leaflet. "This time vote for Me" at top. Photo of infant on left. Rhetoric on back. Paper, 1956.
- Item 932: Campaign leaflet. "Read his Meter! Wagner draws a blank" at top. Black ink. Yellow paper. Paper, Undated.
- Item 933: Campaign bumper sticker. "Javits" in fluorescent orange. "For Attorney General" in white. Blue background. Paper, 1954.
- Item 934: Campaign bumper sticker. "Javits" in fluorescent orange. "For U.S. Senate" in white. Black background. Paper, Undated.
- Item 939: Certificate. Koch, Edward I. Gold seal in lower left. Black ink. White paper, 1982 September 14.
- Item 940: Certificate. Parents Without Partners. Black, green, pink and yellow and gold ink. Gold seal in lower left. Cream paper, Undated.
- Item 942: Program. State University of New York at Stony Brook. Black ink. Tan Paper. Dedication of Jacob K. Javits Collection, 1983.
- Item 943: Program. Brown ink. Cream paper. Photo of Javits at top. Dedication of Jacob Javits Federal Building, 1981 April 29.
- Item 944: Certificate. New York State University. Blue and gold ink. Cream paper. 2 pages. In blue leather case embossed with gold. Paper. leather, 1983 April 2. One original page on display in Javits Room.
- Item 945: Program. National Conference of Christians and Jews. 11 pages. First page is tan, rest are white. Black ink, 1983 May 7.
- Item 947: Medallion. French-American Business Conference. Front has scenes from New York City and Washington District of Columbia. and a map of the United States, 1977 May.
- Item 953: Certificate. United States Army. Black, red, blue and green ink. White paper. Seal in lower left. Paper, Undated.
- Item 954: Certificate. American Whig Cliosophic Society. 3 pages. Black writing. Includes Honorary membership and award. Paper, 1982 November 29.
Box 73
- Item 938, Map drawer 3: Campaign leaflet. 2 pages. Blue and Pink ink. "The New Republican woman." Paper, 1956 October.
Box 73, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.8
- Item 935: Campaign shopping bag. "Our Family Needs Jacob K. Javits for Senator Republican Citizens for Javits Row A." Paper, Undated.
- Item 936: Campaign poster. Excerpts from newspaper articles. Black ink and white paper. Paper, 1956.
- Item 937: Campaign poster. "To All the people of New York State elect J.K. Javits U.S. Senator." Black and blue ink. Photo in lower right. Paper, 1956.
- Item 941: Legislative Resolution. New York State of; Legislature. Black ink. Cream paper. Gold seal at bottom. Blue ribbons attached to seal. Paper, Undated.
- Item 948: Campaign poster. "Vote for the Senator" in black on white Photo of Javits. "Re-elect Javits" in black on white underneath. Paper, 1968.
- Item 949: Legislative Resolution. New York State Legislature. Black and Gold ink. White paper. Gold seal with blue ribbons in lower left, 1984 June 26.
- Item 950: Committee Resolution. Senate, United States Committee of Foreign Relations. Black and gold ink. Cream paper. Paper, Undated.
- Item 951: Certificate. Council for civil rights Leadership. Black and gold ink. Cream paper. Gold seal with blue ribbons at bottom. Paper, Undated.
- Item 952: Certificate. United States War Offices. Black writing. Gold seal at bottom. White paper. Stars in corners. Paper, 1953 March 6.
- Item 955: Certificate. Edelman, Albert. Black ink on white paper. Poem "To Jack.," Undated.
- Item 959: Certificate. Selective Service System. Black ink. Red seal in lower left. White paper, Undated.
Box 74
- Item 946: Plaque. Cuomo, Mario M. Gold engraved mounted on brown wood mounted on black wood plaque, 1984 August 20.
- Item 957: Plaque. Hebrew Home for the Aged. Black writing with red highlights. Gold edged certificate with flowered border. Mounted on wood plaque with gold painted edges, 1962 October 31.
- Item 958: Plaque. Cattaraugus and Allegheny Counties Labor Council, American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations. Black writing with gold highlights. Gold edged certificate mounted on black wood plaque with gold painted edges, 1961 October 31.
Box 75
- Item 52: Gown, Academic, Hood. Deep purple velvet collar. Medium purple with black satin lining. Tag: Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth. Undated., Undated.
- Item 53: Gown, Academic, Hood. The Dropsie University. Deep purple velvet collar. Yellow and blue with black silk lining. Silk monogrammed label: "Jacob K. Javits, L.L.D., The Dropsie University, 1972." Tag: Bentley & Simon, Inc., New York, New York. Silk cloth, 1972.
- Item 55: Gown, Academic, Hood. Blue velvet collar. Blue and orange satin with black satin lining. Collegiate Cap & Gown Co., Champaign, Illinois. Silk Cloth, Undated.
- Item 56: Gown, Academic, Hood. Black cotton lining. Purple velvet collar. Red and black satin. E.R. Moore Co., #350. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 57: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet collar. Plum with black satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 58: Gown, academic, Hood. Purple velvet collar. White and purple satin with black satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 59: Gown, academic, Hood. Purple velvet collar. Blue and yellow satin with black satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 60: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet collar. Purple and yellow satin with black cotton lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Professional dry clean only. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 61: Gown, Academic, Hood. New York University, New York, New York. Deep purple collar with purple satin and black satin lining. Tag: "Jacob K. Javits, L.L.D., New York University, 1961." Silk cloth, 1961.
- Item 62: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet collar. Orange satin with black satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 64: Gown, Academic, Hood. Yeshiva University. Purple velvet collar. Pale blue silk with black cotton lining. Collegiate Cap & Gown Co., Champaign, Illinois; Chicago; New York City; Los Angeles. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 65: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with red and white satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 66: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with green and white silk lining. Cap and Gown Co., 48-25 36th St., Long Island City, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
Box 76
- Item 47: Uniform, United States Army, Jacket. Chemical Warfare Service. Olive drab. No eagle pins. Patch on arm: circle with blue star on white on red. One green braid on lower sleeve. Belted. No lapel pins. Two ribbons sewn above left breast pocket: short magenta and striped, mostly green and yellow. Wool cloth?, 1942-1945.
- Item 54: Gown, Academic. Columbia University, New York, New York. Columbia University's Doctor's gown. Grey satin, purple velvet stripes on sleeves. Black velvet collar with embroidered crowns on lapel. Initials "J.K.J." sewn in. Size 53. Cap and Gown Co., Long Island City, New York. Satin cloth?, Undated.
- Item 54a: Gown, Academic, Hood. Columbia University, New York, New York. Doctor's hood. Purple velvet collar. Blue and white satin. Purple satin lining. Initials "J.K.J." sewn in. Cap & Gown Co., Long Island City, New York. Silk cloth, Undated. Tam and tassle are #63.
- Item 134: Uniform. United States Army. Jacket and pants. Button missing on fly. Green, Undated.
- Item 135: Uniform. United States Army. Jacket and pants. Olive. On back of pocket lining: "JAVIT 45399.," Undated.
Box 77
- Item 764: Gown, Academic, Hood. State University of New York at Albany. White velvet binding. Right side is yellow and green. Lining is black. Cloth, 1982 April 2.
- Item 765: Gown, Academic, Hood. State University of New York at Albany. White velvet binding. Right side is yellow and blue. Lining is black. Polyester. Ceward, Inc. New London, Ohio. Cloth, 1982 April 2.
- Item 766: Gown, academic, hood. Purple velvet binding. Right side is yellow and purple. Lining is black. Cloth, Undated.
- Item 767: Gown, academic, hood. Purple velvet binding. Right side is light blue. Lining is black. University Cap and Gown Co., Inc. Lawrence, Mass. 01845. Cloth, Undated.
Box 78
- Item 67: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black silk with yellow silk lining. No identification tags. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 68: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with black and red silk lining. Collegiate Cap & Gown Co., Champaign, Illinois. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 69: Gown, Academic, Hood. White velvet binding. Black satin with yellow and orange satin lining. "100% silk." Cox Sons & Vining, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 70: Gown, Academic, Hood. White velvet binding. Blue silk with blue and white silk lining. Cap & Gown Co., Long Island City, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 71: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with Light blue and white satin lining. Bentley & Simon, Inc., New York, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 72: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black cotton with blue and white satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 73: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with blue and yellow satin lining. Cox Sons & Vining, Inc., New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 74: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with dark green satin lining. Hand- printed name tag: "Dr. Javits." Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 75: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with Dark blue and yellow satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 76: Gown, Academic, Hood. White velvet binding. Black silk with yellow and black silk lining. Bentley & Simon, Inc., Religious robes and academic costumes, New York, 18, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 77: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with plum satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 78: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with blue and yellow satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
- Item 79: Gown, Academic, Hood. Purple velvet binding. Black satin with red and white satin lining. Cotrell and Leonard, Albany, New York. Silk cloth, Undated.
Box 79
- Item 46: Uniform, United States Army, Jacket. Chemical Warfare Service. Khaki. Eagle pins on shoulder. Patch on arm: circle with blue star on white on red. One green braid on lower sleeve. Lapel pins with blue hexagon, 1942-1945.
- Item 110: Uniform, United States Army, Jacket. Green field jacket. Label: Coat, Man's, Combat, Tropical. DSA-1-2961-64-C. Size Regular-Large. Chest 41-45". Over right breast pocket: "JAVITS." Over left breast pocket: "SENATOR.," Undated.
- Item 131: Uniform. United States Army. Tie. Green-brown. "Beau Brummell 4-fold uniform tie. Fast color. Washable. Cons. United States Pat. Re. 20942.," Undated.
- Item 132: Uniform. United States Army, Tie. Tan. "Botany tie. Reg. United States Pat. Off. 100 percent wool." Pat. No. 19,653.," Undated.
- Item 133: Uniform. United States Army. Jacket. Green dress. Kassan-stein, Inc., Washington, District of Columbia. Single green braid on sleeve. Single fabric star raised on shoulder. One brass button in front replaced with green plastic button. Two bars sewn over left breast pocket; multi-colored. Detachable belt, Undated.
Box 80
- Item 48: Uniform, United States Army, Cap. Non-dress. Khaki. No identification, 1942-1945.
- Item 49: Uniform, cap. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Fort Tryon, New York. Size 7 1/4". Veterans of Foreign Wars 3037 Life Member. Fort Tryon Post, New York. Gold top, cream band. Yellow gold letters, blue trim. Red, gold, blue and white insignia, Undated.
- Item 50: Uniform, cap. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Fort Tryon, New York. Size 7 1/4". Veterans of Foreign Wars 3037 Honorary Commander. Fort Tryon, New York. Brown with gold letters and trim. Red, white, blue and gold insignia, Undated.
- Item 51: Uniform, cap. Jewish War Veterans of the United States. Henry Sander Post, New York. Size 7 1/4". Jewish War Veterans of the United States. Navy cap with gold letters and trim. Gold, blue and brown insignia. Henry Sander Post, #357, New York, Undated.
- Item 63: Gown, Academic, Tam. Columbia University, New York, New York. Black velvet with gold tassle sewn on. Tassle has "crown" effect. Size 7 1/4". Initials "J.K.J." sewn on. Cap & Gown Co., Long Island City, New York. Velvet cloth, Undated. Gown and hood are #54 and #54a.
- Item 136: Flag. United States. Valley Forge Flag Company, Inc. Spring City, Pennsylvania. Stars and Stripes. 49 stars. 2 ft. x 3 ft. Sent by flag company, Undated.
- Item 137: Flag. United States. United States Capitol. J. George Stewart, Architect of the Capitol, Washington, District of Columbia. United States flag. Stars and stripes. 49 stars. 3 ft. x 5 ft. Annin Defiance. Cotton bunting. 2-ply moth-proof. Letter of presentation was enclosed, 1959 July 6. See #137a.
- Item 186: Cushion. Black velvet. Square with black braid on outer rim. Square impression in center as if it once held something. Hard, possibly cardboard, core, Undated.
- Item 187: Bag. Maroon felt. Drawstring closure. Felt cloth, Undated.
Box 81
- Item 960: Small plaque or medal, silver. B'nai B'rith. Anti-Defamation League. "America's Democratic Legacy," Statue of Liberty surrounded by heads of people on front. Presented to Jacob K. Javits "for distinguished contributions to the enrichment of America's Democratic Legacy..." Encased in black leatherette box with blue velvet lining., 1973 November 17.
- Item 963: Medal, bronze. Republic of France. Commemorates the Bicentennial of United States independence, 1776-1976. Inscribed in French. 13 original colonies and ship on front. Back: Visit to the United States of America by Mr. Valry Giscard D'Estaing, President of the Republic of France [French]." Encased in green leatherette box with green velvet lining. Box has words "Monnaie de Paris.," 1976 May 17-1976 May 22.
- Item 964: Medal, solid bronze. Inaugural Committee. Presidential inauguration. Profiles of President Richard Nixon and Vice President Spiro T. Agnew on front. Presidential seal on back. Commemorates second term of office. Edge: "Solid Bronze." "The Franklin Mint. 25195." Contained in plastic holder., 1973 January 20.
- Item 965: Medal, 14 karat gold. B'nai Zion. The B'nai Zion Bill of Rights Award. " tribute to his inspiring leadership in the furtherance of the letter and spirit of the Bill of Rights." In black leatherette case with purple silk and navy velvet lining. Case inscribed "Medallic Art Co., New York.," 1967.
- Item 966: Medal, bronze. Presidential inauguration. Silver jubilee of the inauguration. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1978." Profile of Eisenhower by Felis deWelden, Sc. 1978. Quote from his Geneva Conference Address, 1955, on back, with olive branches., 1978.
- Item 967: Medal, bronze. Printing Industries of Metropolitan New York, Inc. Franklin Award for Distinguished Service. Profile of Franklin with quote on front., 1976.
Box 82
- Item 968: Medal, silver-colored. Mexico. Secretary of Tourism. "Sectur" "Tercera Jornada Mexicana de Turismo." Front: Eagle with snake in its mouth. Back: Outline of Mexico. Black box with red velvet lining and words: "Arte Numismatico de Mexico, S.A.," 1980.
- Item 969: Medal, bronze. City College of New York. Bernard M. Baruch School of Business and Public Administration. Profile of Bernard M. Baruch. On back: City College of New York [Latin], 1847. Also, profiles of 3 women: Respice, Adspice and Prospice. Encased in blue leather box with blue velvet lining., 1954.
- Item 970: Medal, silver. Uncle Sam Sesquicentennial, 1812-1962. Troy, New York. Uncle Sam on front: "Thank God for America, Guardian of Freedom." Minuteman on back: "Keep Alive the American Way of Life. Fight Communism. One Nation Under God." Inscription on side (edge): "Thanks, Sen. Jacob K. Javits, T.I.G." ".999 Fine Silver. Metal Arts Co., Roch[ester], N.Y." "5" In cardboard box with red velvet lining., 1962.
- Item 971: Medal, silver. Vice Presidential Inauguration. Front: "Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller." Profile. Back: Eagle on rocks. "Vice President of the United States of America. Inaugurated December 19, 1974." Edge: "Maco- Fine Silver- .999+" "003," 1975.
- Item 972: Medal, bronze. Vice Presidential Inauguration. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller. Profile on front. Back: Eagle on rocks. December 19, 1974. Edge: Medallic Art Co., Danbury, CT. 0022., 1975.
- Item 973: Medal, bronze. Assembly of Captive European Nations. 1954-1964. Large "V" on front with globe, olive branch and chain. "For the freedom of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania.," 1964.
Box 83
- Item 975: Certificate. United States. Supreme Court. Admits and qualifies Javits as "an attorney and counselor of the Supreme Court of the USA." Signed by Charles Elmore Bropley, Supreme Court Clerk., 1936 October 23.
- Item 976: Plaque, metal on wood. New York University. School of Law. Honors Javits as a distinguished public servant: "In recognition of and appreciation for his dedication and service to the people of the State of New York and to the nation as a U.S. Senator.," 1974 October 26.
- Item 977: Plaque, metal on wood. New York Association for the Learning Disabled and The Daily News. Front page mock-up with headline: "NYALD HONORS JACOB K. JAVITS." Caricature of Javits signed by Bill Gallo. Subheading: "Senator Javits receives First Annual Appreciation Award from the New York Association for the Learning Disabled.," 1984 October 1.
Box 84
- Item 978: Paperweight, triangular lucite with terrazzo top.. Gerald R. Ford Museum. Presentation from Museum dedication., 1981 September 18.
- Item 979: Trophy Award. National ALS {Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis} Foundation. 1985 Lou Gehrig Race for Life. Gold baseball cap, bat and ball resting on black base with metal plaque. Made by Cartier., 1985.
- Item 980: Baseball. Commissioner of Baseball. Official ball, 75th World Series. Signed, "Christmas Greetings, Bowie H. Kuhn.," 1978.
- Item 981: Trophy, bronze. New School for Social Research. Center for New York City Affairs. Fiorello H. La Guardia Award. Bronze statue of La Guardia resting on black base with gold plaque, artist Estern, 1973., 1981 March 24.
- Item 982: Award. Histradrut, Israel. Public Service Counsel. To Javits for "his interest and support towards the establishment of the IDA JAVITS Medical Center in Safed, Israel." Watercolor of building framed in lucite and mounted on wood base with gold plaque., 1969 October 26.
- Item 983: American Legion Cap. American Legion. Belonged to Javits. Dark blue with yellow trim. American Legion insignia on side with "New York" printed underneath. Opposite side has no. 263 printed in yellow., Undated.
- Item 984: Certificate, framed. United States District Court. Eastern District of New York. Admits and qualifies Javits "as an attorney, and counselor, solicitor, advocate, and proctor," of the Eastern District of New York. Gold seal., 1927 July 8.
- Item 985: Plaque. United Nations. For the National ALS Foundation. Presented to Javits as the Honorary Chairman, United States/United Nations Celebrity Tennis Tournament., 1984.
- Item 986: Program. Gerald R. Ford Museum. Commemorative dedication program. Grey cover with gold seal. Pictorial of Ford's career and the Museum., 1981 September 18.
- Item 987: Photo album, blue binder with program inside. Educational and Cultural Fund of the Electrical Industry, Bayberry, Southampton, New York. From educational seminar of the Electrical Welfare Club, Inc., Local Union No. 3, IBEW {International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers}. Includes photos of Javits and Abraham Beame., 1984 August 25-1984 August 26.
Box 85
- Item 990: Certificate, framed in gold-colored frame. Educational and Cultural Fund of the Electrical Industry. In Memory of Jacob K. Javits, 1904-1986. Blue, black and gold writing on beige background., 1986 March.
- Item 994: Letter. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. W. Wilson Goode, City of Philadelphia. Honoring Javits at Friends of ALSA luncheon. Enclosed in blue paper jacket., 1985 November 14.
- Item 1001: Poster, black print on white paper, unframed.. Javits, Jacob K. "For me, New York will always have the luster and magic of a brand new town...," 1961 December.
- Item 1006: Honorary Degree, in tan wood frame. State University of New York. Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa, Regents of the University of the State of New York., 1984 May 24.
- Item 1007: Photograph, poster, unframed. United States Capitol Historical Society. Official portrait of the United States Senate., 1971 December 10.
- Item 1011: Certificate. Supreme Court of the State of New York. Admits and licenses to practice as an attorney and counselor in all courts of New York State. Gold seal., 1927 June.
Box 86
- Item 992: Paperweight, Baccarat crystal. Solid crystal containing white profile of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953.
- Item 993: Certificate. New York (State). Legislature. Legislative resolution inviting Javits to donate his public papers to State University of New York at Stony Brook. Enclosed in green velvet jacket., 1981 March 24. 1981 March 25.
- Item 995: Plaque, lucite. Birchwood Elementary School. Statue of Liberty and "Big Apple" painted on front. "Senator Jacob Javits" printed on apple. Red and black paint on white background., 1984.
- Item 996: License Plate. New York (State). New York State license plate, orange and blue. "U.S. Senate 1, 12 New York 80," 1980.
- Item 997: License Plate. New York (State). New York State license plate, orange and blue. "U.S. Senate 1, 12 New York 80," 1980.
- Item 998: Certificate, unframed. Phi Delta Phi. Certifies Javits as member of the International Legal Fraternity., 1984 December 12.
- Item 999: Booklet, maroon paper covers stamped in gold. Rockefeller, Nelson A. Memorial service for Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, Riverside Church, New York, New York. Privately printed., 1979 February 2.
- Item 1000: Book jacket, red, blue and grey. Houghton Mifflin Company. Jacket to Javits, Jacob K., Javits: The Autobiography of a Public Man. Photo of Javits on front., 1981.
- Item 1002: Paper records. United States Army. Separation qualification record. Summary of military occupation and civilian conversions., 1945 June 13.
- Item 1003: Paperweight, marble. Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry. "In appreciation for your service," solidarity Sunday. Metal plaques on marble., 1973.
- Item 1004: 2-inch square metal engraved plate (from trophy?). Women's League of Israel. Award to Javits. "The Law of the Wise is a Fountain of Life. Proverbs XIII:14," 1964 April 14.
- Item 1005: Paperweight, gold plate on marble (something missing at top). Rochester Engineering Society. "With sincere appreciation.," Undated.
Box 87
- Item 1008: Certificate, framed. United States District Court. Southern District of New York. Admits and qualifies Javits as attorney and counselor. Gold seal., 1927 June 10.
- Item 1009: Letters, framed. Eisenhower, Dwight D. The White House. November 4 letter congratulating Javits on his election as Attorney General of New York State. November 13 letter thanking Javits for a telegram., 1954 November 4. 1955 November 13.
- Item 1010: Wood engraving, original, framed. National Information Bureau for Jewish Life. Brussel-Smith, Bernard, artist. Engraving of Touro Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island. "The oldest synagogue building in the United States. National Historic Shrine." Signed by the artist., Undated.
Box 88
- Item 1013: Medal, gold-colored. Vice Presidential Inauguration. Front: "Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller." Profile. Back: Eagle on rocks. "Vice President of the United States of America. Inaugurated December 19, 1974." Edge: "Medallic Art Co., Danbury, Conn." "Sample," 1975.
- Item 1014: Medal, bronze. Republic of France. Front: Outline of United States eagle with shield, olive branch and arrows. Helmet and battle axe with olive and oak branches. "Visit to the United States of America by Valry Giscard d'Estaing, President of the Republic of France [French]." Back: Outline of 13 original colonies. Three-masted ship. "Bicentennial of the independence of the United States of America, 1776-1976 [French]." Edge: 1976 Bronze, 1976 May 17-1976 May 22.
- Item 1015: Medal, Bronze. Reagan, Ronald and George Bush. Front: Profiles of Reagan and Bush. "Prelude to Victory." Back: "In Appreciation." Signatures of Reagan and Bush. Edge: c1980 Maco-Bronze. In navy leatherette case with blue velvet lining. Engraved on case in gold letters: "Prelude to Victory. A United Tribute to Ronald Reagan and George Bush. September 30, 1980.," 1980 September 30.
- Item 1016: Medal, bronze-colored. Citizens Budget Commission. Front: Woman and man with torch. "For High Services to the City of New York." Back: Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Skyline. "Jacob K. Javits, 1971." Edge: "Medallic Art Co., N.Y." Black leatherette case with black velvet lining., 1971.
- Item 1017: Medal, silver-colored. Rome. Front: "Nihil Maius, Urbe Roma." Image of female wolf. Back: Flat and featureless. Blue-green case with navy velvet lining. No identification, Undated.
- Item 1018: Medal, bronze-colored. The Jewish Theological Seminary of America. The Herbert H. Lehman Institute of Ethics. Front: "Herbert H. Lehman Ethics Award." Image of burning twigs and Hebrew letters. Back: "Thou Crownest the Year with Thy Goodness." "20 Heshvan 5734 {Hebrew Year}." Edge: Medallic Art Co., New York In black leatherette case with Javits' name imprinted in gold. Navy velvet lining., 1973 November 15.
- Item 1019: Medal, bronze-colored. The American Foundation for the Blind. Front: Blind (?) angel carrying torch. Back: Olive or laurel branches. "For outstanding service to the Blind." In black leatherette case with Javits' name in gold. Black velvet lining, 1974.
- Item 1020: Medal, gold-colored. New York University. School of Law. Front: Portrait of man and initials "E.P." Back: "The Arthur T. Vanderbilt Medal. Hon. Jacob K. Javits '26, for distinguished Public Service." Edge: Medallic Art Co., New York In black leatherette case with purple velvet lining., 1974.
Box 89
- Item 1021: Medal, silver-colored. Israel Labor Party. Front: Schematic design. Back: Same schematic design and Hebrew letters. In wood case with green velvet lining., Undated.
- Item 1022: Medal, copper-colored. State of Israel. Front: "Second concours Biblique International, Jerusalem." Images of Scroll, jar and menorah. Hebrew letters. Back: Greek and Hebrew letters. Image of oil lamp. In wood box with blue velvet lining., 1961.
- Item 1023: Medal, acrylic on tin?. Russia. In Russian. Front: Statue of woman holding garland. Back: Statue pictured at back of large monument/park area. "B 1941-1944rr." In brown leather case with dome of building etched on it, and Russian word., Undated.
- Item 1024: Medal, silver. Rome. Front: "Rome. New York. 1870-1970." Plane and horse- drawn barge pictured. Back: "Civis Romanus Sum Centennium Annus." Cupola pictured. Edge: "The Metal Arts Co., Inc., Rochester, N.Y. .999 Silver." In plastic container., 1970.
- Item 1025: Medal, bronze-colored. University of Minnesota. Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. Front: "In appreciation of your support." Humphrey's signature. Back: "Hubert H. Humphrey" and bust of Humphrey. Inserted in white cardboard sleeve with blue print: "Sculptor, Robert A. Weinman. Minted by Medallic Art Company, Danbury, Connecticut." Cardboard sleeve encased in plastic., Undated.
- Item 1026: Medal on ribbon. GOP National Convention, Kansas City, Missouri. Honored Guest., 1976 August.
- Item 1027: Medal on ribbon. International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, Thirty-third Annual Convention. Front: Gold and blue medal with Verrazano Bridge relief, on white ribbon., 1968 October.
- Item 1028: Ribbon. New York State Republican National Convention, Miami Beach, Florida. Honorary Delegate. Purple ribbon., 1972 August.
- Item 1029: Medal on ribbon. Republican National Convention, San Francisco, California. New York Delegate at Large. Blue and yellow ribbon., 1956.
- Item 1030: Medal on ribbon. International Ladies' Garment Worker's Union. Thirty-second Convention, Miami Beach, Florida. Yellow ribbon, blue and white medal., 1965 May.
- Item 1031: Medal on ribbon. IACUA {Italian-American...} Renaissance Medal. Silver medal on red, white and green ribbon., 1974.
- Item 1032: Medal. Interfaith Movement, Incorporated. Gold metal Medal, removed from plaque., Undated.
- Item 1033: Medal. United Jewish Appeal Twenty-fifth Anniversary. "Twenty-five years of rescue and rebuilding." Sterling silver., 1963.
- Item 1034: Medal. Pace College. Honorary degree, DCL, Honoris causa. Bronze., 1958 June 15.
Box 90
- Item 1035: Medal. First National City Bank, One Hundred and Fifty Years of Service, 1812- 1962. Bronze. Front: Deep relief of figures. Back: Deep relief of tree., 1962.
- Item 1036: Medal. Unione Mondiale Ort 1880-1965. Congresso Per L'85 mo Anniversario. silver metal., 1965.
- Item 1037: Medal. Columbia University's Bicentennial, 1754-1954. Square bronze., 1954.
- Item 1038: Key. Hollywood, Florida city key. Brass key in blue box., Undated.
- Item 1039: Key. Providence, Rhode Island city key. Vincent A. Cianci, Jr., Mayor of Providence. Pewter key in blue box with snap closure., Undated.
- Item 1040: Ribbon. Republican National Convention, Detroit, Michigan. Delegate., 1980.
- Item 1041: Medal on ribbon. Republican National Convention, Detroit, Michigan. Honored Guest., 1980.
- Item 1042: Medal on ribbon. Republican National Centennial Convention, San Francisco, California. Delegate. Gold medal. Front: Profiles of Abraham Lincoln and Dwight David Eisenhower., 1956.
- Item 1043: Medal on ribbon. Republican National Convention, Miami Beach, Florida. Honored Guest. Medal in blue box., 1972 August.
Box 91
- Item 1044: Plaque. Elmira Rotary Club, Elmira, New York. Grey ceramic plaque. Front: Profile of Mark Twain in high relief. In plain cardboard box., Undated.
- Item 1045: Key. El Paso, Texas. "Here is your key to the city of El Paso." Southwestern sunburst design, embossed with Spanish inscription. City key, in glossy blue box., Undated.
- Item 1046: Paperweight. Harvard Business School Club of New York. "An indication of the grateful appreciation of the Harvard Business School Club of New York." Medal encased in lucite., 1968 September 19.
- Item 1047: Medal on ribbon. Israeli State Medal. Front: Profile of V. Jubotinsky. Back: "Zion Is Ours". Blue and white ribbon with medal, in velvet-lined white box., Undated.
Box 92
- Item 1048: Plaque. Isabella Geriatric Center Hall of Fame, Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Achievement. Lucite block on blue velvet background, in wood frame., Undated.
- Item 1049: Plaque. Medal embossed with symbols of the Metropolitan Transit Authority, New York City Department of Transportation, General Electric, and the State of Connecticut. Mounted on wood., Undated.
- Item 1050: Trophy. Robert F. Kennedy Tennis Tournament, Forest Hills, New York. Bronze Medal mounted in lucite disc, on lucite stand. Front: Profile of Robert F. Kennedy., 1974.
- Item 1051: Medal on ribbon. National Father's Day Committee. Father of the Year Award. Front: Profile of George Washington. Silver medal on red, white and blue striped ribbon., 1966.
- Item 1052: Medal on ribbon. Service Employees International Union, American Federation of Labor- Congress of Industrial Organizations, CLC Seventeenth General Convention, New York, New York. Delegate. Blue ribbon., 1980 June 23-27.
Box 93
- Item 1053: Key. Miami Beach, Florida city key. "World's Playground." Gold metal key in green plastic box., Undated.
- Item 1054: Plaque. Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, 1967-1977. Jacob Javits, D/S Corporation. Medal mounted on wood., 1977.
- Item 1055: Plaque. From the Interns of 1967. "To Senator Jacob K. Javits, in appreciation for letting us learn and work." Medal missing., Undated.
- Item 1056: Medal on ribbon. Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois. Honored Guest. Delegate., 1960.
- Item 1057: Paperweight. Fordham University. "To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits, in grateful appreciation of your generosity to the Benjamin A. Javits Halls of Law." Metal plaque encased in black lucite., Undated.
- Item 1058: Paperweight. Sanford D. Garelik, 1966-1969, New York Police Department Chief Inspector and President of City Council. Miniature police badge and New York City Seal encased in lucite., 1970.
Box 94
- Item 1059: Key. City of Amsterdam, New York , Mayor's Key. Bronze metal in box lined in red and white., Undated.
- Item 1060: Medal. Common Seal of the City of St. Louis, Missouri. Brass plate with green felt backing., Undated.
- Item 1061: Medal. Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. Front: Building in high relief. Back: Inscription in Japanese. Bronze., Undated.
- Item 1062: Medal. Boy Scouts of America. Front: "Strengthening America's Heritage." To Senator Jacob K. Javits, in appreciation. Back: The Scout Oath. Bronze., 1964.
- Item 1063: Medal. Bronze medal inscribed in Polish. Thirty year anniversary of the liberation of Poland, 1944-1974, 1974.
- Item 1064: Medal. Silver Jubilee of the Inauguration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1978. Front: Profile of Eisenhower. Back: Eisenhower Silver Jubilee Dinners, April 6, 1978. Silver., 1978 April 6.
- Item 1065: Medal. Front: Two Hundred Years of Freedom, The Spirit of '76. Back: Two Hundred Years of Free Enterprise 1776-1976, Commemorating the Bicentennial of the United States. Image of the Liberty Bell. Bronze., 1976.
- Item 1066: Medal. The Coalition of Northeastern Governors Conference. Gideon Putnam Hotel, Saratoga Springs, New York., 1976 November 13-14.
- Item 1067: Medal. Javits campaign medal? Front: JAVITS. Gold metal., Undated.
- Item 1068: Pin. Plastic pin. Russian. Front: Building and medals in relief. In plastic box., Undated.
- Item 1069: Medal. Haifa Municipality. Bronze. Removed from plaque?, Undated.
- Item 1070: Membership cards. New York University Club, 1957-1958, Manhattan Civic Club, 1957, American Jewish Congress, 1956-1957, Congressman and Mrs. Javits, The American Legion, Post 263, 1958, The American Legion, Post 263, 1958, Member for ten consecutive years, Naval Academy Athletic Association, May 31, 1958, Honorary, New York University Club, 1956, The American Legion, Post 258, 1958, Alumni Association of New York University, Life Membership, '26L on the Fiftieth Class Anniversary, Armed Forces Chemical Association, expires March 1, 1959, New York University Club, 1956-1957, Mrs. Jacob K. Javits, United States House of Representatives, Honorable Jacob K. Javits of New York City, Twenty-first District - Republican, Fourth Term, with photograph, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Gold Certificate Member, August 1959, B'nai B'rith, 1958, Gold Menorah Member, Theodore Roosevelt Association, 1960, Brooklyn-Manhattan Trial Council Association, 1957, Kiwanis Club, 1957, Boys Club, 1957, Association of the United States Army, 1956-1960.
Box 95
- Item 1071: Luggage tags. Luggage identification tags, coated cloth, 3" x 6 1/4". Both sides have blue border with "Special U.S.A." written in white letters. On front, in center, space for name and address in blue letters on white with "JAVITS" handwritten in black felt-tip pen. On reverse, in center, blue letters on white, "See reverse side for identification. Any information concerning this baggage may be addressed to: Office of Legislative Affairs, Department of the Navy, Washington, District of Columbia 20360." White string attached. Five pieces, Undated.
- Item 1072: Booklet. Codel [i.e., Congressional Delegation] Church-Javits. Printed itinerary of Senate delegation to Honolulu, Shanghai, Beijing and Tokyo. Blue cover with black border and printing. Eight pages, saddle stitched, listing members of delegation, staff, escorts and press; tentative itinerary; blank pages for notes. 3-1/2" x 6". Three copies, 1979 April 13. 1979 April 23.
- Item 1073: Program. Javits Republican Club. "A Salute to Senator Jacob K. Javits by his friends." The New York Hilton. Program with menu, guest list, summary of Javits' career. Contains manuscript notes., 1967 December 11. See also # 545.
- Item 1074: Campaign card. Citizens for Javits. Response card for fund raising party, places to check off for contributions, accepts or regrets for party. "Checks payable to Citizens for Javits, 45 East 45th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017.," Undated.
- Item 1075: Greenwald, Daniel. Membership cards. Window stickers.. Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, County of Nassau, New York. Metropolitan Police Conference Eastern New York, Inc. Honorary membership cards and window stickers. Eight pieces, 1979. See Series 9, subseries 1, Box 31, Correspondence 1979.
- Item 1076: Greeting card verses. Verses for holiday card. "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. Psalms 37:37. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalms 90:12." Typed on half sheet of white paper, small rip, Undated.
- Item 1077: Stationery. Javits, Jacob K. Blank stationery from the United States Senate, the Senator's New York Office, and various campaigns. Some stains and pin holes. Seven pieces, Undated.
- Item 1078: Address book. Senator's Directory. Photocopied pages stapled together, 14 pages, 5-1/2" x 2-3/4". Gives Washington area residence addresses, telephone numbers and names of spouses for all 100 Senators and Vice President Walter F. Mondale. Manuscript additions and changes. Worn, 1978?
- Item 1079: Advertising fliers. AMIGO Sales, Inc., Bridgeport, Michigan. Advertising material for AMIGO motorized wheelchairs and accessories. Three pieces--two one-page fliers on buff-colored paper, one four-page price sheet on white paper. Illustrated, Undated.
- Item 1080: Booklet. Shigeta, Ronald T. Memorial booklet on Jacob K. Javits produced by Ronald T. Shigeta of Honolulu, Hawaii. Contains reproductions of clippings and biographical material on Javits from The New York Times, Who's Who, the Congressional Directory and other sources. Sixteen pages with covers in plastic spiral binder., 1986 April 8.
- Item 1081: Mass card. Mass card. "A Spiritual Treasure. To hallow the memory and bless the soul and to implore God's tenderest blessings Jacob Javits is hereby enrolled in the Sacred Heart Spiritual Society and will share in the daily Mass and prayers offered for all members of the Society. At the request of: Mr. Tony Cestare." In purple paperboard folder with portrait of Jesus Christ and certificate inside., 1986 March 7.
- Item 1082: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K. "Jacob K. Javits, 110 East Forty-Fifth Street, New York, N.Y. 10017" Engraving plate (slug?). Steel, some rust, waxy coating. Wrapped in white paper with address printed in blue, Undated.
- Item 1083: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K. "Suite 511, 110 East Forty-fifth Street, New York, N.Y. 10017." Engraving plate (slug?). Steel, rust around edges. In small manila envelope, piece of white paper taped to front of envelope with address printed in blue, Undated.
- Item 1084: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K. Letterhead. "Jacob K. Javits, United States Senator, New York." Engraving plate. Steel, brown coating on face, rust spots. In small manila envelope with letterhead printed in black. "1620" handwritten in pencil on envelope, Undated.
- Item 1085: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K. Letterhead. "Jacob K. Javits, United States Senator, New York." Engraving plate. Copper. In small manila envelope with letterhead printed in black., Undated.
- Item 1086: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K., Senator and Mrs. Thank you card. "Our sincere thanks for your thoughtful New Year's greeting and our very best wishes for a New Year of joy and blessings for you and your loved ones. Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits." Engraving plate. Copper. In small manila envelope with message printed in black, Undated.
- Item 1087: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "For you shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace; The mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 1974 Isaiah 55:12. Marian and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card, signatures engraved in script., 1974.
- Item 1088.1: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "And the work of righteousness shall be peace, And the effect of righteousness quietness and confidence forever. 1975 Isaiah 23:17. Marian and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card, signatures engraved in script. This card has seal at top and signatures at bottom pasted on in separate strips. Note in pen at top "E989," 1975.
- Item 1088.2: Engraving plate. Javits, Marian and Jack. Engraving plate for greeting card. "And the work of righteousness shall be peace, And the effect of righteousness quietness and confidence forever. 1975 Isaiah 23:17. Marian and Jack Javits." Steel, 1975.
- Item 1089.1: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "We have a strong city whose walls and ramparts are our deliverance. Open the gates to let a righteous nation in, a nation that keeps faith. 1976 Isaiah 26:1-2. Marian and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card, signatures engraved in script. Two copies, 1976.
- Item 1089.2: Engraving plate. Javits, Marian and Jack. Engraving plate for greeting card. "We have a strong city whose walls and ramparts are our deliverance. Open the gates to let a righteous nation in, a nation that keeps faith. 1976 Isaiah 26:1-2. Marian and Jack Javits." Steel, coating on face of plate., 1976.
- Item 1090: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K. Engraving plate for greeting card. "In recognition of the dedication, vision and spirit of my staff in the past year, I have shared in all of your names a contribution to the 'New York Times 100 Neediest Fund.' With warm wishes for a New Year of Peace and Fulfillment." Steel, rusted. In manila envelope with message printed in red; pencil note on envelope, "Christmas 1976.," 1976.
- Item 1091.1: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "For Happiness and Peace in the New Year. 'Not by might nor by power, but by My spirit.' 1977 Zechariah 4:6. Marian and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card., 1977.
- Item 1091.2: Engraving plate. Javits, Marian and Jack. Engraving plate for greeting card. "For Happiness and Peace in the New Year. 'Not by might nor by power, but by My spirit.' 1977 Zechariah 4:6. Marian and Jack Javits." Steel, coating on face of plate, rust on back. In manila envelope with message printed in red., 1977.
- Item 1092.1: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1978. 'And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever.' Isaiah 32:17. Marian and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card. Two copies, 1978.
- Item 1092.2: Engraving plate. Javits, Marian and Jack. Engraving plate for greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1978. 'And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever.' Isaiah 32:17. Marian and Jack Javits." Steel, waxy coating on face, rust on back. In manila envelope with message printed in red on white card taped to front., 1978.
- Item 1093.1: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1979. 'And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.' Isaiah 2:4. Marian and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card. Four copies, 1979.
- Item 1093.2: Engraving plate. Javits, Marian and Jack. Engraving plate for greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1979. 'And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.' Isaiah 2:4. Marian and Jack Javits." Steel, coating on face, rust and tape on back, 1979.
- Item 1094.1: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1980. 'O may all, created in Thine image, recognize that they are brethren, So that, one in spirit, and one in fellowship they may be forever united before Thee,' Aleinu Prayer, Hebrew Union Prayerbook. Marian [sic] and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card. Three copies, 1980.
- Item 1094.2: Engraving plate. Javits, Marian and Jack. Engraving plate for greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1980. 'O may all, created in Thine image, recognize that they are brethren, So that, one in spirit, and one in fellowship they may be forever united before Thee,' Aleinu Prayer, Hebrew Union Prayerbook. Marian [sic] and Jack Javits." Steel, rust on front and back, scratched, 1980.
- Item 1095.1: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1981. 'Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: Feed them also, and lift them up forever.' Psalms 28:9. '...for my heart rejoiced in all my labour...' Ecclesiastes 2:10. Marian [sic] and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card. Five copies, two with manuscript notes, 1981.
- Item 1095.2: Engraving plate. Javits, Marian and Jack. Engraving plate for greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1981. 'Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: Feed them also, and lift them up forever.' Psalms 28:9. '...for my heart rejoiced in all my labour...' Ecclesiastes 2:10. Marian [sic] and Jack Javits." Steel, very rusty, front and back. In manila envelope with message printed in red on front, 1981.
- Item 1096: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1982. 'We are taught that all people are Your children, whatever their belief, whatever their shade of skin. You have ordained one law for rich and poor, one law for women [sic], child and man. And we today, like those who came before us, are summoned to right the ancient wrongs in obedience to Your holy word: Justice, Justice shall you pursue, that you may live, do good and not evil, that you may live.' Yom Kippur Prayer. Marian [sic] and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red border, 1982.
- Item 1097: Greeting card. Javits, Marian and Jack. Greeting card. "For Happiness in the New Year, 1983. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. Psalms 37:37. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalms 90:12. Marian and Jack Javits." White card with red printing, red border, 1983.
Box 96
- Item 1098: Invitation. Javits, Jacob K., Senator and Mrs. Engraved invitation. "Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits request the pleasure of your company for _______ on _______ at ______ o'clock ___. R.S.V.P. 911 Park Avenue." White card with bluish- black printing, pale blue and silver border. Two copies, Undated. See # 138, 138a.
- Item 1099.1: Invitation. Javits, Jacob K., Senator and Mrs. Engraved invitation. "Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits invite you to ____________. R.S.V.P. 322 East 57 Street, New York, New York." White card with black printing, red and gold border, seal of the United States in gold at top of card. Seven copies, Undated.
- Item 1099.2: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K., Senator and Mrs. Engraving plate for invitation. "Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits invite you to ____________. R.S.V.P. 322 East 57 Street, New York, New York." Copper. In manila envelope with impression of plate on front., Undated.
- Item 1100: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K., Senator and Mrs. Engraving plate for invitation. "Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits invite you to ___________. R.S.V.P. 2700 Virginia Avenue, N.W., Washington, District of Columbia" Copper. In manila envelope with impression of plate on front. Handwritten note on envelope in red ink, "#2365.," Undated.
- Item 1101: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K., Senator and Mrs. Engraving plate for invitation. "Senator and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits invite you to ___________. R.S.V.P. 2700 Virginia Avenue, N.W., Washington, District of Columbia" Copper. Coating on face. In manila envelope., Undated. See item # 1100.
- Item 1102: Engraving plate. Javits, Jacob K., Mr. and Mrs. Engraving plate for invitation. "Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits request the pleasure of the company of _______________ at ________ on _____________ at _________ o'clock ______. R.S.V.P. 225-6542. Watergate West, Apartment 1504." Copper. In manila envelope with impression of plate on front., Undated.
- Item 1103: Gift card. Card, white with blue printing, gold edge. "Edwardian Diamond and Sapphire Platinum and Gold Cufflinks. London circa 1904" In white envelope, Undated.
- Item 1104: Greeting card. Javits, Jacob K., Senator and Mrs. Holiday greeting card. "Happiness and peace in the New Year For our friends and our nation." White card, saddle fold. Front of card has seal of the United States embossed in gold, surrounded with sprays of holly and the date embossed white on white. Message engraved in black on inside of card, 1966.
- Item 1105: Greeting card. Ford, [Gerald], President and Mrs. Holiday greeting card. "With best wishes from our family for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The President and Mrs. Ford." White card, saddle fold. Front of card has color print of 19th century engraving "The President's House, Washington" in green and gold border. Message engraved inside, green ink on separate sheet of paper laid in. On back, description of front engraving. Hallmark card, 1974.
- Item 1106: Pen. Retractable ballpoint pen, metal top, blue plastic barrel printed with legend "JACOB K. JAVITS, United States Senator.," Undated.
- Item 1107: Pencils. Wooden pencils with eraser tips. Stamped "United States Senate" in gold letters. Tradename "Woodgript" pressed into wood. Four pieces, Undated.
- Item 1108: Shoehorn. Orange plastic shoehorn, words "Air Afrique" embossed on back of blade, Undated.
- Item 1109: Medallion. Medallion, depiction of buildings or machinery (?) on obverse, Chinese characters on reverse. Cast metal, painted black. Small hole in top edge with short orange ribbon attached, Undated.
- Item 1110: Plaque. Puerto Rico Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. "The Puerto Rico Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. Award to the Honorable Jacob K. Javits for his outstanding contributions to human and civil rights for all,and for his lifelong commitment to the betterment of the lives of the Puerto Rican and other Hispanic peoples of the United States. Small metal plaque, holes in four corners for attachment to a base, 1978 November.
- Item 1111: Lapel pins. Legion of Merit, lapel rosettes. Purplish-red moire fabric with narrow white stripe. Nine rosettes on white card with label, white lettering on blue, "N. S. Meyer, Inc., 42 East 20th Street, New York." In clear plastic envelope., Undated.
- Item 1112: Billfold. Black leather billfold, "Jacob K. Javits" printed on front, trademark "Cross" printed inside. Worn, Undated.
- Item 1113: Patch. Army insignia patch, three vertical stripes, red/white/red, blue sword with point upward in center stripe, blue olive branch diagonally across sword and all three stripes. Olive drab border, Undated.
- Item 1114: Badge. Javits, Jacob K. Attorney General, State of New York. Gilded badge, with seal of New York State in center, "State of New York" in gold on blue enamel around seal, surrounded by circular scroll with "Jacob K. Javits, New York" written in blue on gold. At top, partial scroll with "Att. Gen." in blue on gold, surmounted by eagle. Ornamental work at bottom. Pin clasp on back., 1955.
- Item 1115: License plate. New York (State). New York State license plate. "U.S. Senate 1, 12 New York 78" Metal with enamel paint, blue on orange, 1978.
- Item 1116: License plate. New York (State). New York State license plate, "U.S. Senate 1, 12 New York 79" Metal with enamel paint, blue on orange. Dent in top center, 1979.
- Item 1117: License plate. New York (State). New York State license plate. "U.S. Senate 1, 12 New York 79" Metal with enamel paint, blue on orange, 1979.
- Item 1118: License plate tag. United States Congress. License plate tag. "95th Congress, S-14" Metal with enamel paint, blue on white, 1977.
- Item 1119: License plate tag. United States Congress. License plate tag. "96th Congress, S-9" Metal with enamel paint, white on blue, 1979.
- Item 1120: Campaign button. Button. "Senator Javits" in white on blue. Round, medium size, metal and coated paper. Pin back, Undated.
- Item 1121: Resolution. S.Res.3.26.79. Mock-up of a Senate Resolution "Relative to the signing of a treaty of peace between Israel and Egypt" from the staff of Senator Jacob K. Javits. Layout sheet on mylar, 1979 March 26.
- Item 1122: Certificate. National Society of Literature and the Arts. Membership certificate for Jacob K. Javits. Black printing, blue monogram at top, gold embossed seal in lower right. Signed by James A. Michener for the Board of Governors, Undated.
- Item 1123: Citation. National Kidney Foundation. Citation to Jacob K. Javits "in recognition of outstanding service and dedicated efforts in the fight against kidney disease." Black printing on off-white paper with purple highlights. Signed by Oliver W. Porter and Ira Greifer, Undated.
- Item 1124: Resolution. United States Senate. Resolution 363, on the death of Jacob K. Javits. Ivory paper. Black writing. Black line along outside. Signed by Jo-Anne L. Coe, Secretary, 1986 March 10.
- Item 1125: Proclamation. Carter, Jimmy. Proclamation, Organization for Rehabilitation through Training, ORT Centennial day. Black printing on buff paper. Seal of the President of the United States at top. Blue border. With photocopy of accompanying letter from Alfred H. Moses, Special Advisor to the President, 1980. See Series 9, subseries 1, Box 4.
- Item 1126: Resolution. Philadelphia Friends of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association. Certificate with calligraphic lettering, black on white with blue and silver highlights. "A Resolution. Whereas, among the victims of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis there are innumerable [sic] heartwarming stories of courage and strength ... and; Whereas Senator Javits has committed himself to join in the public effort to inform, educate and involve our citizenry ... and; Whereas ... Now therefore be it resolved that the Philadelphia Friends of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association hereby establish the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship for Research. [signed] Morton L. Charlestein, Chairman, Philadelphia Friends of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Rochelle Moss, Executive Director, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association.," Undated.
- Item 1127: Plaque. American Legion, McNally Post 263, New York, New York. Bronze plaque. Seal of American Legion at top. "Jacob K. Javits. McNally Post 263, New York, N.Y. Life Member." Plaque set into wood base, Undated.
Box 97
- Item 1128: Award. Citizens Committee for New York City. New Yorker for New York Award. Trophy award. Ornament of marbled gray plastic, "New York" spelled out in connected block letters. Black plastic base with inscribed metal plate. Ornament separated from base, broken in two pieces, 1985.
- Item 1129: Plaque. National Industries for the Severely Handicapped, National Conference. "National Industries for the Severely Handicapped commends the Honorable Jacob K. Javits for his outstanding service to the nation's severely handicapped citizens and in recognition thereof extends permanent and honorary membership on the Board of Directors, National Industries for the Severely Handicapped. Evelyne R. Villines, Chairman of the Board." Black lettering on metal plaque, on wood base, 1981 February 23.
- Item 1130: Photograph album. Green vinyl three-ring binder, title embossed in cover in gold lettering, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Floor. Jacob K. Javits." Contains seven pages in vinyl sheet covers, each with 8" x 10" B&W photograph of Javits and other public figures with humorous captions (e.g., "It must have been the knockwurst.") One photo missing, 1966?
- Item 1131: Plaque. W.B.B.G., New York, New York. "1978 W.B.B.G. Physical Fitness Hall of Fame Award presented to Hon. Senator Jacob K. Javits, Worlds best loved Senator, Physical Fitness and Tennis Nut for over 60 Years. Awarded by W.B.B.G., Dan Lurie, Pres., Sept. 9, 1978, New York City." Inscribed metal plaque set into brass plaque in shape of scroll surrounded by laurel wreath, set onto dark wood base., 1978 September 9.
Box 98
- Item 1132: Certificate. Alumni Association of the City College of New York. "In tribute to the Honorable Jacob K. Javits... Presented by the Alumni Association of the City College of New York. Henry J. Stern, President." Certificate in calligraphic lettering, black on white with gold highlights. In wood frame, 1985 November 21.
- Item 1133.1: Sign. " 'The Senior Senator from New York' The Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection. State University of New York at Stony Brook." Exhibit sign. Black letters on white paper attached to matte board., 1985?
- Item 1133.2: Sign. "The Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection." Exhibit sign. Black letters on white paper attached to blue matte board., 1985?
- Item 1133.3: Sign. "The Senator Jacob K. Javits Room and the Inaugural Exhibit." Exhibit sign. Black letters on white paper attached to blue matte board., 1985?
- Item 1133.4: Sign. "The Career of Senator Jacob K. Javits: Important Dates." Exhibit sign. Black letters on white paper attached to blue matte board., 1985?
- Item 1134: Newspaper. Daily News, New York. Page 51 from The New York Daily News, November 2, 1956, with campaign advertisement for Javits' first race for the Senate. Photograph of President Dwight D. Eisenhower talking with Javits. "Ike Wants Javits ... Elect Jacob K. Javits Senator." Framed., 1956.
- Item 1135: Newspaper. Daily News, New York. Page 2 from The New York Daily News, September 3, 1974. "Ford Signs Landmark Pension Bill. Historic Labor Day Hailed at Fete." With photo of President Gerald R. Ford passing out pens to members of Congress. Inscribed and autographed, "To Senator Jack Javits, a real statesman. Jerry Ford" in black ink. Framed, 1974.
Box 99
- Item 1136: Banner. "The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center of New York." Legend printed in black letters on white cloth banner, with red "apple" logo. Banner suspended from wooden rod, painted gold with white tassels at each end., 1986?
Box 100
- Item 1137: Baseball bat. Commemorative baseball bat, 33" long, wood, light tan color, blue stripe just above handle. Trademark, "Adirondack 302, Dolgeville, New York USA." Inscribed on barrel, "Big Stick, Jacob Javitts [sic; i.e. Javits], Flame Treated." Metal plate attached between trademark and inscription, "To Commemorate the 600th Home Run of Willie Mays. 391 Ft. Sept. 22, 1969. San Diego, Calif.," 1969.
Box 101
- Item 98: Plaque. Desk top, name. Javits, Jacob K. United States Senate. Desk-top name plate (plaque). Black plastic with inlaid pearl letters. "Jacob K. Javits, U.S.S." Sat on Senator's desk in his Senate office, Undated.
Box 102
- Item 101: Trophy. Presentation. Harlem Commonwealth Council. Presented "To the Hon. Jacob K. Javits for commitment to the realization of the Harlem Community's development goals, legislative efforts and encouragement of the Harlem Commonwealth Council." Black marble base, brass plaque. Bronze sculpture of human figure in primitive style, Undated.
Box 103
- Item 104: Trophy. Award. American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations New York State. Annual Union Label award of Merit. "Presented to Hon. Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senator, for his many contributions in behalf of progressive labor-management relations. Syracuse, New York ... 36th Annual Convention. Union Label and service trades Dept. Samuel J. Talarico, Pres.; Harry Avrutin, Sec-Treas. Solid dark wood base." Brass plaque with red, white and blue union label and 1963. Brass star and eagle. Brass plaque with legend. Bronze figure at top of worker holding faggot of sticks and towering above a city. Sculptor: J.H. Rochman, 1963 May 28.
Box 104
- Item 152: Plaque, Award. National Council of Salesmen's Organizations, Inc. Distinguished Public Service Award. "This plaque, symbolic of our first Dist. Pub. Ser. Award, is presented to U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits in recognition and appreciation..." Brass plaque in image of scroll with letters "JKJ" at top. Very heavy, 1961 December 4.
Box 105
- Item 153: Plaque, Award. Yeshiva University. Albert Einstein College of Medicine. New York. "Awarded to Jacob K. Javits, Founder, whose understanding vision..." Brass plaque on dark wood. Bust of Albert Einstein and relief of medical center sculpted on brass. Year 5725. Heavy, 1964.
Box 106
- Item 154: Plaque. Presentation. Home of Old Israel. Plaque depicting brass scroll on dark wood. Heavy. "Presented to Hon. Jacob K. Javits, Member of the U.S. Senate, in recognition of his unswerving and enlightened leadership..." Jack Singer, Pres. Mogan David at top of scroll, 1962 March 5.
Box 107
- Item 155: Plaque. Presentation. New York State Association of Renewal and Housing Officials, Inc. Plaque of stainless steel on dark wood. Heavy. Crack in wood base. "Presented to Hon. Jacob K. Javits, Senate of the U.S. of America. To express our deep appreciation for your outstanding and untiring efforts upon behalf of the members of this Association. It carries with it our heartfelt thanks for your loyalty and friendship." Photo picture of Sen. Javits engraved upon plaque, 1978 June 22.
Box 108
- Item 156: Plaque. Presentation. State of Israel Bond Organization. Brass plaque on black- colored wood. Crack in back of wood. Heavy. Map of Israel in brass on upper 2/3. Brass square plaque on lower 1/3. "In profound appreciation to Hon. Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Congressman from New York City, for his brilliant record of continued and forceful support of all just legislation..." "presented at a testimonial dinner in his honor in New York City..." Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Chairman, Board of Governors; Rudolf G. Sonneborn, President, 1952 November 13.
Box 109
- Item 157: Plaque, Award. Printing Industries of Metropolitan New York, Inc. Franklin Award for Distinguished Service. Printed sheet laminated onto dark wood base and lacquered. Black and brown print on cream. Gold border. Signed in pen by Anthony Perrusi, Chairman of Board. Printing week dinner, Waldorf Astoria, New York, New York. "Citation to Jacob K. Javits." "The success of the American democratic system ... on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary presentation of the Franklin Award..." Considerable text. Paper laminated on wood, 1976 January 20.
Box 110
- Item 158: Plaque, Award. Public School 20 Alumni Association {New York City}. Calligraphy on parchment laminated onto wood base and lacquered. Artist Viola Grossman. Multicolored. Decorative borders. "Presented to Hon. Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senator, to express our pride in our most distinguished alumnus ... tendered at a dinner ... Hotel New Yorker, New York." Signed in pen by: Nathaniel Phillips, Honorary Pres.: Stanley Goldstein, Pres.; Abraham Moscovitz, Sec.; and Simon Silver, Pres.-Elect. Paper laminated onto wood, 1967 May 17.
Box 111
- Item 189: Case, empty. New School for Social Research. New York, New York Navy blue with stamped gold letters: "New School for Social Research. Jacob Koppel Javits." Gold border. Once held honorary degree. Issued in navy slip case.) Leatherette?, 1977 June 7. See also #189a.
Box 112
- Item 212: Plaque, Award. American Political Science Association. "Congressional Distinguished Service Award ... Senator Jacob K. Javits. Uncompromising in his concern for both equal justice and equal opportunity ... a creative spokesman for urban American..." Calligraphy, black on white with blue, red and gold decorative letters. Paper laminated onto wood, 1965? On exhibit for dedication 10/17/83.
Box 113
- Item 213: Plaque. Day Care Council, New York. "To our friend, Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senator, from the Day Care Council on behalf of the day care children of New York City." Calligraphy, black on cream with gold decoration. Set in lower right corner of color photo of two boys (Black and White) at play. Paper laminated onto wood. Done by Malcolm & Hayes, New York, New York, 1967.
Box 114
- Item 219: Plaque. Queens Licensed Practical Nurses Association. "Testimonial to a leader in public Health and Welfare. Hon. Jacob K. Javits, U.S. Senator..." Signed Ethel Jenkins, Pres. and Dir.; Joseph Corelli, MD, Dir. of Post-Grad Med Ed. Viola Grossman, artist. Hand-lettered and painted calligraphy. Multi-colored decorative border, on cream. All bordered in dark brown. Paper laminated on wood, 1971 December 11.
Box 115
- Item 220: Plaque. Presentation. National Women's Organization of Hapoel Hamizrachi of America. "The NWO of HH of America presents this plaque of honor, the expression of its great esteem and high regard to the Hon. Jacob K. Javits ... Inspired by the irresistible destiny of Israel..." Paper laminated on wood. Brown border with gold strip. Black and red on grey on off-white. Gold and grey decorative touches. Calligraphic style, 1953 December 8.
Box 116
- Item 223: Presentation. Certificate. New York, State of. Executive Chamber. "Proclamation." "New York State and the Nation owe a debt of gratitude to a great leader who has exemplified the highest tradition of public service ... Senator Jacob K. Javits Day." Signed Mario M. Cuomo {Governor} and Michael J. Del Guidici, Secretary to the Governor. Black on cream with gold New York State Executive seal in lower left. Issued in blue paper folder, 1983 October 17.
Box 117
- Item 252: Flag mural. Johns, Jasper. Reproduction of artist's original work. American flag with 52 stars in collage with news print. Purchased by Mrs. Javits for the Senator Javits room. Mounted on styrofoam, 1983.
Box 118
- Item 411: Plaque. 21 Jewel Square Club. On left: statuette; man with wreath on head. Right arm raised, holding leaves. Left arm holding scroll. Left: Copper plate; "Man of the Year" Copper, wood, 1966 September 13.
Box 119
- Item 412: Plaque. Association for the Help of Retarded Children, New York City Chapter. Metal plate is raised-shaped like a scroll. Tribute in recognition of his help for the mentally retarded, 1975 May 17.
Box 120
- Item 571: Trophy. Washington Hilton Racket Club. Marble base. Metal plaque attached. Cup with tennis player on top. Racket broken off, 1970.
Box 121
- Item 297: Plaque. Jewish War Veterans, Department of New York. Oak leaves and acorns border metal plate. Metal plate is like scroll. Emblem at top. Wood, metal, 1968 May 15.
Box 122
- Item 299: Plaque. B'nai B'rith. Glass engraved with hand holding candelabra. Writing around edges. By H. Perlman. Stands in wood base. Metal plate on front, 1981 February 8.
Box 123
- Item 691: Plaque. Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. Reprint of front page of June 20, 1964 New York Times. Engraved metal plate at bottom. Black background. Edges painted gold, 1984 June 12.
Box 124
- Item 692: Plaque. Italian Executives of America, Inc. Profile of man at top. Certificate underneath. Wood, 1967 March 18.
Box 125
- Item 755: Plaque. American Digestive Disease Society. Sculpted cross section of the small intestines. Engraved gold metal plate at bottom. Mounted on brown velvet, 1972 December 5.
Box 126
- Item 756: Plaque. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Rectangular. Metal plate with raised lettering. Dark wood plaque, 1975 April 8.
Box 127, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.5
- Item 1138: Painting. Time Magazine cover art, original portrait of Jacob K. Javits by Robert Vickrey, used for cover of June 24, 1966. Matted and framed. Label on back from National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia indicating picture was hung in Time Cover Show at the Gallery, May 22-August 24, 1969. Mixed media on paper, 1966.
Box 128
- Item 758: Plaque. United Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Service. Rectangular. Lacquer covered paper. Gold leaf on left. Black writing. Blue, red and gold highlights. Wood, 1969 March 9.
Box 129
- Item 759: Plaque. Jewish National Fund; Fraternal and Folk Organizations' Department. Rectangular. Lacquered paper attached to light wood plaque. Brown and black ink, 1959 December 20.
Box 130
- Item 760: Plaque. Opportunities Industrialization Center. Brown metal plate engraved to show gold. On dark wood plaque. Wood, metal, 1977 October 18.
Box 131
- Item 761: Plaque. Israel Histadrut Campaign. Engraved gold metal plate. Mounted on maroon velvet. Wood, cloth, 1969 October 26.
Box 132
- Item 762: Plaque. Harlem Preparatory School. Orange metal plate engraved to show silver. Dark wood plaque, Undated.
Box 133
- Item 763: Plaque. Hassidic Corporation for Urban Concerns. Dark wood. Engraved metal plate on left. Menorah hangs in middle (Detachable). Wood, metal, 1974 September 11.
Box 134
- Item 768: Plaque. Manhattan Zionist. Certificate lacquered on light wood plaque. Paper is brown. Given for Joshua Javits Bar Mitzvah. Wood, Undated.
Box 135
- Item 770: Plaque. Temple Israel of the City of New York. Blue velvet background. Silver plate. In frame. Wood, metal, cloth, 1979 April 27.
Box 136
- Item 771: Name plate. "New York" in black paint. "Attorney General Jacob K. Javits" engraved on small gold metal plate, 1954.
Box 137
- Item 772: Plaque. Clipping from January 16, 1955 Sunday Mirror. Paper, Wood, 1955 January 6.
Box 138
- Item 781: Plaque. B'nai Zion. Large, raised metal scroll-like plate attached to wood plaque, 1956 February 5.
Box 139, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.9
- Item 1139: Poster, note. University Settlement House, New York, New York. Poster celebrating 100th anniversary of the settlement house with reproductions of clippings and photographs from New York City newspapers. Beneath the poster is a handwritten note, with a quote from Javits and a note "To the Javits family, we salute the man who would not see limits for himself in the centennial year of an institution that stands for the same ideal. [signed] The Board of Directors." Light brown matte board, black metal frame, glass in frame cracked in lower right corner, 1986 March 31.
Box 140
- Item 786: Presentation. France, Senate of the French Republic. Has photocopies of letter between George Washington and La Fayette and of Washington's Farewell address, a medallion, poster, post card, envelop and three books, 1975.
Box 141
- Item 788: Poster. Enlargement of photograph. 2 campaign bumper stickers attached to bottom, 1962.
Box 142
- Item 974: Construction helmet, white plastic. New York Convention Center. New York Convention Center insignia on front with name "Jacob K. Javits.," Undated.
Box 143
- Item 988: Plaque, wood, painted dark green. New York (New York). Parks and Recreation. Dedication of Washington Heights playground. "Jacob K. Javits Playground," engraved in large letters in front., 1985 June 2.
Box 144
- Item 989: Gavel, wood, encased in wood and glass. United States Association of Former Members of Congress. "Presented to Jacob K. Javits on the House of Representatives recognition of his long and distinguished service to the Republic.," 1984 May 7.
Box 145
- Item 991: Briefcase, brown leather. Javits, Jacob K., Undated.
Box 146, Core Processing, Mapcase 1.9
- Item 1140: Poster. Poster, reproduction of 19th-century woodcut of rider on horse, holding banner. Legend on banner "Political Rally. Senator Jacob Javits, Republican Candidate. All are welcome. Assembly Room. 1:20 pm. Today!" In frame, black wood and glass, Undated.
Box 147
- Item 956: Plaque. United States Senate. White painted glass. Black, blue and red painted writing. In wood frame. Glass, wood, 1957 January 9.
Box 148
- Item 1141: Award case. Republican Roundtable of the New York Republican County Committee. "1968 'The Excalibur Award' Presented to Senator Jacob K. Javits in recognition of his outstanding achievement in the art of government and significant contributions to the people of New York. 'The sword in the stone is for the man with the wisdom to govern.'---Arthurian Legend. Vincent F. Albano, Jr., County Chairman. Irving Kirschenbaum, Treasurer." Glass trophy case set in wood base. Blue velvet surface on base with irregularly shaped indentation for holding award. Award missing. Inscription on metal plaque attached to wood base., 1968.
Box 149
- Item 1142: Menorah, Award. Brass menorah in large presentation case, metal plaque attached to lower portion of case. "The Israel Menorah Award is gratefully presented to Hon. Jacob K. Javits in recognition of his exemplary courage and distinguished leadership in American Jewish life and for his dedicated and inspiring efforts to foster Israel's growth and progress through the Israel Bond Program. State of Israel Bonds. New York City. December 4, 1984." Case lined in blue velvet. Glass cover. Outside of box black with gold trim, 1984 December 4.
Box 150
- Item 1143: Weight. Large red weight, approximately the size of a bowling ball with the lower segment of the sphere cut off, hollow, with numerous holes drilled through it. Large screw bolt with round eye attached at top; green, red and yellow ribbons tied to bolt. Function unknown, Undated. See also # 1144.
Box 151
- Item 1144: Weight. Large red weight, approximately the size of a bowling ball with the lower segment of the sphere cut off, hollow, with numerous holes drilled through it. Large screw bolt with round eye attached at top; blue ribbon tied to bolt. Function unknown, Undated. See also # 1143.
Box 152
Item 1145: Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws. New York University. Dated June 7,
1961. Black Wooden Glass Frame. Inscribed and Signed. Carroll V. Newson, President.
Item 1146: Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. State University of New York. Given
on April 2, 1982. Glass Frame with Silver Border. Signed by Chancellor of the University
and Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
Box 153
Item 1147: Plaque. Wood Plaque Silver Plate. The Association For Equality and Excellence
in Education 1980. Senator Jacob Javits “In appreciation of your longstanding support
in the Senate,…”.
Item 1148: Award of Merit. Wood Plaque Bronze Plate. The National Association For
Public Continuing and Adult Education. Presented to Senator Jacob Javits.
Box 154
Item 1149: Plaque. Wood Plaque with Bronze Plate. New York Society for the City
of New York. Presented June 16, 1955. “Honorable Jacob K. Javits Attorney General
of the State of New York.”
Item 1150: Plaque. Wood Plaque with Certificate. “A Tribute to Jacob K. Javits.”
From the Antional Council on Alcoholism. Signed William S. Simpson, M.D., President.
Item 1151: Congressional Distinguished Service Award. Wood Plaque. From the American
Political Science Association.
Box 155
Item 1152: Honorary Degree. Columbia University. Black Wooden Glass Frame. Certificate
in Latin. Doctorate of Law. Signed by Praeses. Seal on lower left corner.
Item 1153: Honorary Degree. Syracuse University. Black Wooden Glass Frame. Certificate
in Latin. Doctorate of Law. Date in April 1966. Signed by Villian Tolley, Chancellor.
Item 1154: Honorary Degree. Collegii Dartmuthensis. Black Wooden Glass Frame. Certificate
in Latin. Doctorate of Law. Signatures of John W. Kuig and 15 other signatures of
the Curators. Seal in the lower center of certificate.
Box 156
Item 1155: Certificate. State of New York Department of State Albany. Black Wooden
Glass Frame. Jacob K. Javits Elected Attorney-General. Signed and Dated December
16, 1954.
Item 1156: Certificate. State of New York State Board of Elections Albany. Black
Wooden Glass Frame. Jacob K. Javits Elected United States Senator. Signed and Dated
December 12, 1974.
Box 157
Item 1157: Certificate. State of New York Department of State Albany. Black Wooden
Glass Frame. Jacob K. Javits elected United States Senator. Signed and Dated December
10, 1956.
Item 1158: The Wars Powers Revolution. Three Documents in Glass Frame. Ninety-third
Congress of the United States of America. Dated November 7, 1973.
Item 1159: Honorary Degree. New York Law School. Black and Gold Wooden Glass Frame.
Certificate in Latin with accompanying letter on the side. Doctorate of Law. Signed
by John V. Thorton. Seal in lower center of certificate.
Item 1160: Broadside titled "Manifesto of Freedom for Mankind" by Benjamin A. Javits. Dimensions: 12" x 18".
Item 1161: Portrait painting of United States Senator Jacob K. Javits by Boris Chaliapin,