Environmental Defense Collection Collection 232
Record Group 2: New York Office Sub-Group V LEGAL PAPERS Series 1: Litigation Files, A-C
Aldrin Dieldrin Note: Please see RG 3 Washington office for additional files relating to Aldrin Dieldrin.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1969-74
EDF v. Freeman 67 Civ 4737 (U.S.D.C., NY):
Pleadings, 1967 Petitioner’s brief, 1967 Transcript of testimony, 1967 Affidavits, n.d.
EDF et al. v. Ruckelshaus (U.S.C.A.): Pleadings, 1971
Box 2
Aldrin Dieldrin cancellation hearings Nos. 145 et al. before the EPA
Pleadings, 1971-73:
Clippings, 1974
Pesticide Committee of Lake Michigan Conference Report, 1968-69
Box 1
AFL-CIO, EDF v. Hodgson, 162 U.S. App. D.C. 331 (1974) U.S.D.C., DC
Memoranda, 1972 Pleadings, 1972-74 Clippings, 1972-74 Press releases, 1972-74
US v. Reserve Mining 423 F. Supp. 759 (1976):
Correspondence, 1972-74 Pleadings, 1972-74 Clippings, 1972-74
Atchafalaya River Basin—Louisiana
Box 1
Correspondence, 1974-79 Memoranda, 1974-78
Box 1a
So. Louisiana Environmental Council v. Rush Docket no. 74-698 (U.S.D.C. LA)
Pleadings: 1974-75 1977 April-June 1978 Jan-April
Box 2
Plaintiff’s conclusion of law; opinion; Notice of appeal, 1978 Decision, 1978 October Affidavits, 1974
Depositions: Dept of the Interior--Fish & Wildlife Services witnesses, 1974 Kazmann, Raphael (Hydrology witness), 1974 Intervening party witnesses, 1974 Army Corps of Engineer witness, 1977 June
Box 3
Depositions continued: Rush, Early J., 1977 June Army Corps of Engineers witnesses, 1977 June
Box 4
Depositions continued: Army Corps of Engineers witnesses, 1977 June Day, John (L.S.U. Marine Science), 1977 November
Box 5
Transcript of Proceedings (testimony): Army Corps of Engineers witnesses, 1978 January
South Louisiana Environmental Council v. Sand 629 F.2d 1005 (1980) Docket No. 3566 U.S.C.A., LA
Pleadings, 1978 Briefs for appellees & appellants, 1979
Box 6
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Section 404 Hearings before the EPA:
Exhibits, n.d. (source unknown)
Media: Clippings
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS): Atchafalaya River & Bayous Chene, Boeuf & Black (Final) Bayou Boeuf Yard Expansion (Final), 1980 Comments on the draft EIS
Box 7
EIS Continued: Comments
Reports: Atchafalaya Basin Management Study, n.d. Conservation (S.LA Environmental Council), 1974 FWPCA--Section 404 Guidelines (EPA), n.d. Flood Control (Army Corps), n.d. Land Use (Gov. & academic), 1971-72 Terrebone Parish--Environmental Study, 1974
Bridge Tolls—NYC
Box 1
Correspondence & memoranda, 1977
Hearing on Bayonne Bridge et al. crossing tolls before the Federal Highway Administration:
Complaint, 1976 Petition to intervene, 1976
Interrogatories: Answers of the Port Authority, 1976
Recommended decision of Adm. Law Judge Faulk, 1977 Decision of the Administrator Exceptions to the decision, 1977
Briefs, 1976: Automobile Club of America Citizens for Clean Air
EDF Federal Highway Administration NYC Port Authority
Box 2
Affidavits & Testimony, 1977: Citizens for Clean Air Automobile Club of America EDF Federal Highway Administration Port Authority Hearing exhibits Negative Declaration pertaining to revised toll schedules (Port Authority)
Box 3
Transcript of proceedings: 1976 November
News releases, 1976
Blue Plains Sewage Treatment Plant Hearings before the EPA Note: Please see RG 3 Washington office for additional files relating to Blue Plains.
Box 1
Correspondence, 1972-75, 1977-81 Memoranda, 1972-75, 1978-80
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit hearings No. DC-AH-0001 before the EPA
Pleadings: 1975-76
Regional Administrator's initial decision, 1978 June Petition to review initial decision, 1978 Exceptions to the initial decision, 1978
Briefs: Of the intervenor, 1976 August Center for Environmental Strategy & Montgomery Environmental Coalition, 1976 EDF, 1976
Box 2
Testimony: Scientific, 1976 Wastewater, 1976 Transcript pp. 359-72, 1976 April
NPDES Appeal No. 78-4
Pleadings, 1978-79 Administrator’s decision, 1979 Briefs:
District of Columbia, 1978 Montgomery Environmental Coalition, 1978
Box 3
NPDES permit hearing No. DC-AH-102 before the EPA
Pleadings, 1979 October Notice of issuance of permit, 1979 Pleadings, 1979-80
Box 4
Pleadings, 1980
Box 5
Pleadings, 1980-81 Initial decision, 1981 September
Briefs: Montgomery Environmental Coalition & EDF, 1980 District of Columbia, Fairfax Co. et al., 1980
Box 6
Briefs continued: Center for Environmental Strategy, 1981 EPA Region III, 1981 EDF, 1981
Testimony, 1980 August-September: EDF et al. witness Thomas Flaherty D.C. Witness Raymond Canale Leo J. Clark EPA Witness James R. Hagan EPA Witness Katherine Hodgkiss, D.C. Witness Raymond Canale EDF et al. witness Thomas Flaherty rebuttal testimony Joseph Shapiro rebuttal to Thomas Flaherty Edgar R. Jones rebuttal to EDF Affidavit of Louis P. Robbins Robert V. Thomann rebuttal to EDF EDF et al. witness David H. Elliot
Box 7
Testimony continued, 1981: CENS witness Ruth H. Allen WSSC witnesses John C. Salver affidavit EPA witness James Hagan Transcript of proceedings
Box 8
Transcript of proceedings continued, 1981 April EDF Exhibits, n.d.
Box 9
Montgomery Environmental Coalition et al. v. Costle 207 U.S. App. D.C. 260 (1981) Docket No. No. 79-1183/79-1576 (U.S.C.A.)
Pleadings Judgment Briefs
Box 10
Supporting documents—reports: Potomac Estuary management (Interstate Committee on Potomac River Basin), 1976 Wastewater treatment plants (EDF), 1980 Feasibility of Land Treatment of Wastewater in Montgomery Co. MD (WSSC), 1977 Water quality management (EDF), 1973, 1980 Water Quality Management Plan for Metro Washington (Water Resources Planning Board)
Box 11
Supporting documents—reports continued: Water Quality Management Plan for Metro Washington (Water Resources Planning Board) continued Water quality-Potomac River Basin (ICPRB), 1976 Water quality standards for Washington D.C., 1976
Cache River Channelization (Arkansas)
Box 1
Correspondence, 1971-77 Memoranda, 1971-77 Case description, n.d.
EDF v. Callaway Docket No. LR-71-C-199, (U.S.D.C., E.D., AR)
Pleadings, 1971-75
Box 2
Pleadings, 1975 Brief for amicus, 1972 Transcript of testimony, 1975 November
Box 3
Document Production: Corps of Engineers, 1972 Corps of Engineers, 1972
EDF v. Froehlke Docket no. 72-1427 (U.S.D.C., AR)
Pleadings, 1973-74
EDF v. Hoffmann Docket no. 76-1366/1431( U.S.C.A.)
Memorandum (EDF), 1977 Opinion, 1977 Briefs, 1977
Media: Clippings, 1972-74
Environmental Impact Statements: Environmental Impact Statement Vols. I and 2, 1974
Box 4
EIS continued: Appendices to EIS
Supporting documents: Army Corps of Engineers, flood control meeting [w/ photos], 1977 Cache River Task Force, 1977
Columbia River Dam, Duck River (TN)
Box 1
Correspondence, 1969-80 Memoranda, 1972-80
Box 1a
EDF v. Tennessee Valley Authority et al. Docket no. 7944 (U.S.D.C.)
Pleadings, 1972-74
Box 2
Duck River Preservation Association v. TVA et al. 410 F. Supp. 754 (1974) TN Docket no. 1130 (U.S.D.C., TN)
Pleadings, 1974 Depositions & exhibits
Duck River Preservation Assoc. v. TVA Docket no. 75-1639
Plaintiff's appendices, 1975 Briefs of the Tennesse Valley Authority, 1975
Box 3
Water Quality Certification Appeal hearings (Sec.401, Clean Water Act)
Pleadings, 1980 Pre-hearing briefs, 1980
Box 4
Water Quality Certification Appeal hearings (Sec.401, Clean Water Act) continued:
Deposition of Tennessee Valley Authority witnesses, 1980 October
Box 5
Water Quality Certification Appeal hearings (Sec.401, Clean Water Act) continued:
Deposition of Tennessee Valley Authority witnesses, 1980 November Statements of Tennessee State officials, 1980 Exhibits to depositions Photos of Duck River
Box 6
Water Quality Certification Appeal hearings (Sec.401, Clean Water Act) continued:
Deposition exhibits—TVA
Documents produced by Tennessee Valley Authority: Columbia Dam alternatives Duck River Planning Report Endangered Mollusks Water Quality of TVA reservoirs Water Quality Mgmt of the Duck River Basin
Box 7
Media: Duck River Preservation Association newsletters, 1972-74
Supporting documents: Comments on project Economic analysis (ms) Endangered Species Impact of the project Preservation of Duck River (ms) Impact statements
Connecticut River Salmon Passageways
Box 1
Correspondence, 1970-73 Attorney’s memoranda, 1976-77
Box 2
Holyoke Water Co. before Federal Power Commission Docket No. E-7561:
Pleadings, 1973
Environmental Impact Statement: CT River Basin Plan, 1971 Press releases, 1973
Supporting documents: Fish Passage facilities (report), n.d. Documents of organization opposed to dam licensing, n.d. CT River Basin reports & Comments, 1969-70 Meadow Dam on the Deerfield River—report, 1971, n.d. CT River Basin salmon program, 1973 Research notes, 1973
Maps: Salmon River Basin Deerfield River Basin
West River Basin Westfield River Basin
Coal Conversion--Arthur Kill and Ravenswood Units (NY)
Box 1
Correspondence, 1982 Memoranda, 1982-83 Case description, 1982
Box 2
Application of Con Ed for Conversion of Arthur Kill & Ravenswood
Briefs, 1983: Adirondack Park Agency Consolidated Edison CT Department of Environmental Protection Interstate Sanitation Commission Congressman Molinari Natural Resources Defense Council NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection City of New York NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation NYS Dept. of Public Service NYS Energy Office
Box 3
Application of Con Ed for Conversion of Arthur Kill & Ravenswood
Transcript of Testimony, 1982 July-August: Congressman Molinari Con Ed witnesses
Box 4
Testimony continued, 1982 August: Con Ed witnesses
Box 5
Testimony continued, 1982 August: Con Ed witnesses
Box 6
Testimony continued, 1982 August: Con Ed witnesses NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation witnesses
Box 7
Testimony continued, 1982 August-October: NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation witnesses NYS Public Service Commission witnesses
Box 8
Testimony continued, 1982 October: NYS Public Service Commission witnesses NYS Energy Office witnesses City of New York witnesses
Box 9
Testimony continued, 1982 November-December: Adirondack Park Agency witnesses NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection City of New York NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection Natural Resources Defense Council witnesses
Box 10
Testimony continued, 1982 November-December: New York City Council Interstate Sanitation Commission witnesses
Box 11
Testimony continued, 1982 December: Natural Resources Defense Council CT Dept. of Environmental Protection NYS DEC Con Ed witnesses
Box 12
Testimony continued 1983: Con Ed witnesses
Box 13
Testimony continued 1983: Con Ed witnesses Adirondack Park witnesses
Box 14
Testimony continued 1983: Con Ed witnesses
Box 15
Prepared testimony: EDF Interstate Sanitation Commission City council witnesses NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Box 16
NYS Dept of Public Service NYS Energy Office
Con Edison exhibits #43-160
Box 17
Con Edison exhibits #170-286
Box 18
Con Edison Exhibits #300-325
Box 19
Interrogatories to Con Edison by party: Adirondack Park Agency Dept. of Environmental Protection EDF Interstate Sanitation Commission Congressman Molinari Natural Resource Defense Council NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection City of NY
Box 20
Interrogatories to Con Edison continued:
NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation NYS Dept. of Public Service
Box 21
Petition of Con Ed before the NY Supreme Ct.
Joint Appendices
Coal Conversion--Lovett Units 4&5
Box 1
Correspondence & memoranda, 1981-82
Orange & Rockland Utilities application before NY DEC:
Answers to Information requests (Orange & Rockland Utilities) Briefs, 1981-82 Affidavits, 1981, June Prepared Testimony (Horn, Hoffnagle), 1981 July Prepared Testimony (Hendry), 1981 July Direct testimony for applicant, n.d. Transcript of proceedings p. 1036-1116
Box 2
Orange & Rockland Utilities application before NY DEC continued:
Transcript of Proceedings, 1981 September
Box 3
Orange & Rockland Utilities application before NY DEC continued:
Transcript of Proceedings, 1981 October
Box 4
Orange & Rockland Utilities application before NY DEC continued:
Transcript of Proceedings (Gutman testimony; incomplete), n.d. Exhibits #2-16
Box 5
Orange & Rockland Utilities application before NY DEC continued:
Exhibits #19-89 (incomplete)
Box 6
Orange & Rockland Utilities application before NY DEC continued:
Exhibits #92-162 (incomplete)
Box 7
Orange & Rockland Utilities application before NY DEC continued:
Decision, 1982 April Post hearing brief, 1982
Application of EDF for CPLR Article 78 Judgment, 1983:
Pleadings Declaratory ruling of the Dept. of Environmental Conservation Briefs Affidavits of EDF staff Orange and Rockland response to comments submitted to DEC